Disclaimer: Inuyasha does not belong to me he belongs to Rumiko Takahashi-sensei…

Hey everyone! This is my first fanfic so please try to be kind… All reviews are welcome just don't be too harsh: Constructive Criticism is best. (Characters will be OOC later on)

Xxxxxxx Moonlit night xxxxxxX

Kagome walked out of the well house and into the light of the moon. The moonlight passed over every feature of her face illuminating the corners of her eyes, her lips, and her mouth currently caught in a grimace of pain.

"I have to change my clothes before anyone notices how hurt I am." She said as she glanced at the deep gash in her arm. "It was my fault this happened to me in the first place… Just because I'm too weak to defend myself… Everyone has to protect me and then help me if I get hurt… I don't want to be a burden…"

It was bleeding profusely and every step she took brought her closer to her shrine home and drew more blood. Kagome became dizzier and dizzier now realizing it would be a miracle if she made it to her room without fainting.

The demon that had done this to her had been searching for pieces of the Sacred Jewel.

Xxxxxxx Flashback xxxxxxX

In the darkness of the night a plant demon attacked Kaede's village. It had been lured there by the Sacred Jewel shards in Kagome's possession and was attacking the defenseless inhabitants. Inuyasha, Miroku, and Sango were trying their hardest to hold it off while Kagome and Shippo rushed the remaining villagers to safety.

"Give me the Sacred Jewel you human filth." The huge plant demon screeched. The demon had a sacred jewel shard embedded in its forehead and was possessed by its now evil aura.

"Over my dead body." She had screamed back not noticing that the rest of the group were too busy defending themselves against the many tentacles of the demon to help her. Kagome eyed her bow and arrow that she had dropped a few feet away when the demon had first turned on her. When Kagome made no move to escape or hand over the shards the demon attacked.

"I'll just have to pry them from your cold, dead hands." The plant demon yelled before redirecting one of its tentacles away from a severely frightened Shippo and towards Kagome.

Kagome was in close range of the attack and had no time to try to dodge or grab her nearby weapon. She could only watch helplessly as the tentacle came directly at her. At the exact moment when it was about to hit her in the stomach Inuyasha unleashed his wind scar (1) making the tentacle swerve to the side just enough to deeply pierce her left arm but not enough to make her immobile.

The stench of the dead demon was enough to keep Inuyasha's nose from smelling Kagome's blood. She tore the sleeve of her shirt and wrapped it around the gash.

She quickly located the shikon jewel shard in the remains of the plant demon and picked it up. In her hands the shard became a pure pink color indicating it was once again untainted. As Inuyasha returned the Tessaiga (2) to its sheath and it became a ratty old sword once again, Kagome snuck off.

She whispered to Sango that she was sneaking off because she had a very important exam to take the next day and didn't want Inuyasha to stop her. Sango seemed to buy it and kept Inuyasha busy until Kagome got to the well…

Xxxxxxx End Flashback xxxxxxX

'I was in such a rush that I forgot all of my schoolbooks in Kaede's hut... I hope Inuyasha doesn't get suspicious and bring them here… I know he already has a lot on his mind, he doesn't need to worry about me too…' Kagome thought sadly as she remembered Kikyo (3).

Pushing aside her thoughts she managed to tiptoe as quietly as her injured arm would let her into her home only to find a note on the kitchen table:

Dear Kagome,

We didn't know when you were coming back and your cousin has had another accident at his job. This time he's broken his leg and is having difficulty moving around his apartment. We're going over to see if we can do anything to help. We'll be back once his sister flies in from America to help him out. You can reach us at 623 – 4421.



'Well at least I don't have to worry about being questioned by mom, gramps or Souta…' Kagome thought wincing as her hand accidentally grazed her wound. The makeshift bandage made out of her school uniform was getting redder and redder with every passing moment. 'Mom is going to kill me if she finds this… My uniforms have been getting very dirty and torn ever since I started going to the feudal era…' (4)

'I have to clean and bandage this thing with real gauze and medicine before it gets any worse…' Kagome thought as she lifted up the bloodied bandage to examine the wound closer, gasping slightly.

For a fleeting second she could have sworn she had seen the slash glow silver. Shaking herself mentally Kagome slowly trudged upstairs to her bathroom where she gritted her teeth and cleaned the gaping wound.

She put on a clean bandage yelping quietly only when she accidentally applied pressure.

'There, I knew I could take care of this myself…' she thought admiring her work. 'I wonder how I managed to keep from fainting… Outside I was sure I wouldn't make it upstairs but now I feel much better…'

Deciding to ignore this fact and consider herself lucky Kagome slipped quietly into her room and walked over to her dresser. She took out her favorite pajamas; they were blue shorts and a matching white tang top. Although they were her favorite pair she hardly wore them anymore on account of how short they were and her fear of Inuyasha seeing her in them.

Shrugging slightly she got into them using one hand deciding that Inuyasha probably wouldn't disturb her in her sleep and see her in the pajamas.

Kagome felt a slight wave of dizziness pass over her and decided that she should sleep to recuperate her strength. 'Now I feel weak again… Maybe in the morning I'll feel a bit better…' She thought.

She walked over to her very inviting bed and gently slid under the pink covers. She laid her head down on the fluffy pillow and sighed. Kagome quickly fell into an uneasy sleep… Something just didn't feel right…

Xxxxxxx Feudal Era xxxxxxX

Inuyasha crouched on the side of the well carrying Kagome's huge backpack with one hand as he sniffed the air. The putrid smell of the dead plant demon was beginning to dissipate and Inuyasha was able to smell other things once again.

'This place smells like Kagome's blood… but why?' Suddenly he remembered the plant demon he had fought a few hours before and mentally cursed his stupidity.

"How could I have let her leave without realizing she was hurt?" He asked himself. Without a second thought he jumped into the well allowing himself to travel to Kagome. After reaching the other side of the well he leapt out and began to frown.

'Kagome's blood is much stronger here.'

Hoping she wasn't hurt too badly he sprinted out of the well house and leapt onto the roof near Kagome's window in one flowing motion dragging along her backpack all the while. He quickly opened the sliding glass window and hopped into her room dropping her bag on the floor.

Kagome immediately opened her eyes when she heard the quiet thud of someone landing on her padded light green floor. Instinctively she flipped out of her bed and landed in a crouching position causing the pink sheets on her bed to scatter around the room.

'What's happening to me? My head hurts and I feel like I'm going to faint, to top it all off I can't see straight.'

Glancing up she saw a figure standing next to her desk its shadow silhouetted by the moonlight seeping in through the open window.

She gasped, 'It's an intruder and I'm too weak to fend him off, I've got to escape.'

Kagome quickly opened the door that led out of her room and despite her dizziness she leapt down the flight of stairs and ran into the living room.

"KAGOME… WAIT!" Inuyasha bellowed.

'Something is not right, first she flips out of bed and then she runs away…. Why would she be scared of me?'

Inuyasha sprinted out of the room and leapt down the stairs in the same fashion. Smelling her scent coming from the living room he walked in only to find her swaying dangerously as she stood. "Kagome… what's wrong?" Inuyasha asked as he strode to her side only to be stopped by a low growling sound.

"Did you just growl?" Inuyasha asked now severely confused. Kagome looked up, glaring at him, obviously delirious. She began to back away from him but her dizziness soon overcame her and she stumbled forward in a dead faint.

Inuyasha quickly caught her in his arms. "Kagome? Kagome? What's wrong?"

Xxxxxxx The following morning xxxxxxX

"Huh…. Where am I?" Kagome asked as she woke up on her living room couch.

Her head was pounding and her arm felt like it was splitting in two. Besides this everything else was okay. Next to her she could make out Inuyasha bending over checking the wound. Suddenly the events of the previous night flooded her mind.

"Inuyasha I'm sorry I ran away, I was dizzy and I don't know what I was thinking." She said.

"Feh, whatever, what I want to know is why you left when you were so hurt …"

Kagome gulped nervously, "Well… uh, I didn't want anyone to worry."

"You wench, making me run over here" Inuyasha yelled and began to mutter incoherently about stupid inconsiderate women as he finished looking at the slash.

Well at least he cares Kagome thought giggling quietly. "What are you laughing at bi-" Inuyasha grumbled looking up and stopping mid sentence.

"What's wrong?" Kagome asked, interested. Gaping in shock Inuyasha could only point to the mirror on the other side of the room.

Kagome quickly strode over to see what all the fuss was about. Looking in the mirror she could see nothing wrong except –


Xxxxxxx Author's notes xxxxxxX

Terms: Japanese & related to the show

1 Wind scar – A powerful attack that is unleashed when Inuyasha slices the wound of the wind with the Tessaiga.

2 Tessaiga – Inuyasha's sword may look old and ratty when in its sheath but once he takes it out it triples in size; this sword has some powerful attacks:

Wind scar

Breaking the barrier

Backlash wave Ultimate technique

3 Kikyo – Dead priestess who continues to walk on earth by the grace of borrowed souls; Kagome is reincarnated from her.

4 Feudal Era – 500 years before the year 2000; in this time war has engulfed Japan; demons supposedly roamed the earth freely.

My friend Vana Alqua who is new to the series requested these terms, but I'm glad if they helped you too.

A/N: Sorry to make this chapter a cliffhanger but I have to see if anyone likes my story before I begin to write longer chapters.

Send me reviews please!

I'll post another chapter if I get enough reviews…

See ya,
