Me: Ahehe… Hello, everyone! Nice day huh? Hehe, lovely weather in June…

Readers: Yeah it is, especially since you haven't updated in about FIVE months!

Me: Omg! Don't hurt me! First it was midterms, then it was finals, and then it was the hugest writers block ever! I swear! I couldn't write anything-


Me: eeps…

Readers: You've given us so much time to plot our revenge upon you! So we've decided, caffeine for the Inuyasha gang!


Whole gang: ((Drinks caffeine))

Me: This is my worst nightmare ever! Well… Besides the one with the pony and the lamp and the poison sumac and the OMFGMIROKUISGHETTO!

Miroku: Yo, make me some breakfast homie!

Me: J.J

Sango: I make bacon!


Sango: ((Gets chased by vacuum – again))

Inuyasha: No! The bacon!



Captain Planet: With your powers combined… I am… CAPTAIN PLANET!

Sango: Captain Planet! He's a hero! Gonna take pollution down to a zero! He's our powers magnified! And he's fighting on the PLANETS SIDE!

Me: ………………………………

Miroku: Yo' don't be hatin' dawg, he be all up in ma face! Yo' know what I'm sayin'?

Inuyasha: Fo' Sho', Fo' Sho'

Me: O.O

Miroku: ((Flies around)) I'm gonna go global on yo' (XD I say this often)

Inuyasha: ((points to me)) Yo' you! In the pajamas! Drop dem Nikes of yo' ass, before I blast you mother f-----

Me: x.x

Vana Alqua: O.o, y'all be trippin'

Naraku: I'm baking cookies :)

Disclaimer: I don't own anything! With the exception of Sakura, and the receptionist, the news lady, and the Belgian Lady. O.O Miroku: She be tellin' the truth to yo', she ain't got no bling, bling! (Err, my brother actually said this… and he's nine, x.x)

Recap: Lord Ryuji (which is a dragon lord that I made up) is controlling Sesshomaru somehow. He wants Kagome, for some reason as well. Inuyasha marked Kagome, which made her feel very confused. She asked him why he did it and just as he was about to tell her those three words, Kagome became human b/c once a month all half demons have a period of weakness. Since she had missed school for the past two weeks and was looking like a normal person she decided to go home and go to school. However, at lunch she felt someone place a curse on her shards of the Sacred Jewel, soon after she passed out. Will Inuyasha rescue her before she changes back into a hanyou in front of everyone? And could Lord Ryuji have anything to do with the curse?

Xxxxxxx Rescue, part one xxxxxxX

"What the hell?" Inuyasha cursed, lifting himself off the soggy ground. He rubbed the back of his head tenderly, "Where did this bump come from?"

Inuyasha scratched his chin thoughtfully, trying to remember his last conscious thought. Oh right… The evil Barbie doll… The half demon shivered as he remembered the beauty products. Who knew hairspray could be used as such a deadly arsenal…

'Wait! Where's Kagome?' Inuyasha thought in sudden realization, 'I saw her… She flew off on Kilala… She said she was going… Going where?'

A sudden rustle in the surrounding bushes startled him out of his thoughts and back to alertness. Inuyasha cautiously sniffed the air and was alarmed to find that the breeze was blowing in the opposite direction that the sound had come from. With no clue as to who was approaching he visibly stiffened, his hand straying to his sword.

'Just where is everyone?'

Inuyasha's amber eyes darted around the clearing before resting on two particularly mischievous ones.

"So, you've finally come to." Miroku stated trying to squeeze through the dense undergrowth that surrounded the clearing. He winced as part of his purple kimono snagged on one of the many thorn bushes and tore with a resounding ripping noise.

The monk glanced up at Inuyasha, "Err, pretend that never happened…"

Miroku continued through the thick foliage, whacking his head on a protruding tree branch in the process. He crumpled to the ground in pain before quickly up righting himself once again, "That never happened either…"

He let out a sigh of relief when he finally made it out of the bushes and snapped his fingers. On cue a pure white fog rolled out and Star Wars music began to play.

Inuyasha let himself relax when he saw that it was only Miroku but continued to gawk at the monk feeling very confused and slightly pissed off.

The monk lightly stepped over every twig and stone that littered his path, now over his clumsy period, which most likely came from spending too much time with Sakura.

"Dun, dun, dun, da, da, da, da, da, da, dun."

Inuyasha quirked his eyebrows at his friend in a questioning stare.

"Dun, dun, dun, da, da, da, da."

A loud screeching sound emanated from the surrounding trees followed by a certain female wolf demons curses.

Miroku paid no attention to the obvious pain that was being inflicted upon Sakura at the moment and continued to stride extravagantly towards Inuyasha even when an ominous rumbling sound filled the air.

"Ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, bum."

"Miroku! Now is not the time for this! Whatever this is…" Inuyasha said warningly.

Miroku grinned apparently thinking his tactic to intimidate Inuyasha was working.

'Man I am so cool. Take that Kaede! Who's your daddy now? Huh? Huh!'

"Dun, dun, da, da, da, da, da, da, da."

"No seriously! I think Saku-"


"Inuyasha, May the force be with- Arghhh!" Miroku began before the aforementioned wolf demon ran out of the surrounding bushes at top speed. Seeing as Miroku was closest to the bushes at the moment she promptly tripped over him and went flying through the air, landing several feet away.

The monk, of course, fell over as well.

Sakura immediately sprung to her feet and looked at the bushes in fear.

"So Sakura, what did you manage to conjure up this time?" Inuyasha asked nonchalantly crossing his arms.

"A-a m-my little p-pony…" She stuttered, still shaking.

"Oh." Both Inuyasha and Miroku chorused.



"What's a my little pony?"

Before Sakura had a chance to reply to this very scary question another rustling sound was heard in the bushes. A thin rainbow horn protruded through the bush Sakura had destroyed in her rampage of fear.

"Oh my god… Its bloodlust is unquenchable!" Sakura screamed, "I DON'T WANNA DIE!"

With that the female wolf demon ran in the opposite direction, tearing down everything that blocked her path. Just moments later the pretty pony ran through the clearing in hot pursuit.

"That's a my little pony? That little thing there? Why that thing couldn't-" Miroku began before getting trampled by the pony.

"EAT GUACAMOLE YOU HUNK OF JUNK!" Was all that was heard of Sakura before a loud hee-hawing sound screeched through the forest.

"Serves you right." Inuyasha said, "You know what happens when Sakura uses her magic."

"So many… sparkling hoofs…" Miroku uttered before slowly (and painfully) lifting himself off the ground.

"Where's Kagome?" Inuyasha plowed on, deciding to ignore the previous events.

"Why is she back to normal?" Miroku asked shaking off all the dirt that was now thickly layered on his kimono, "she didn't look like a half demon…"

Inuyasha sighed impatiently, "Kagome is a half demon like me and all half demons have a period of weakness…"

"Oh. I forgot about that." Miroku said before looking slightly nervous.

"So where is she?"

"Erm… She's not here at the moment… Please leave a message after the beep… Beeeeep…" Miroku said.

"Forget it." Inuyasha said deciding to track Kagome's scent. "I can't smell her any where near…"

'Something's wrong.' He thought.

"Well, that's because she went back home to go to school…" Miroku said now very nervous.


"Inuyasha… Put me down… Or I'll have to humanly sedate you again…" Miroku said between breaths, all the while trying to reach his staff, which had fallen to the ground in the struggle. "Besides, I had no idea as to what was going on."

"So now I guess I have to punish you for two things," Inuyasha continued (obviously not listening) cracking the knuckles in his free hand, "For attacking me with your staff and letting Kagome leave!"

Miroku gulped and darted his eyes around in search of someone to rescue him. No such luck. Sango was bathing, Kilala was with Shippo gathering firewood, Kagome was at school, and a killer pony was attacking Sakura. Great. He was screwed.

"Attack is such an… ugly word… I prefer to use… 'help'… I had to get you out of that catatonic state after the Barbie doll incident somehow!"

Inuyasha, who was currently not listening to Miroku, tightened his grip.

The monk crinkled his eyes, 'Not the face, anything but the face!'

After several seconds passed and Miroku continued to be in full health the monk gathered enough courage to sneak a look at Inuyasha.

The half demon was frozen, still holding Miroku in mid-air. His eyes were blank and unresponsive.

Inuyasha felt a pulsing sensation and dropped the surprised monk onto the wet mud and grass.

Miroku spit the mud out of his mouth and glanced up at Inuyasha with a questioning look on his face. "Inuyasha?" He asked when he saw that his friend had a strange look on his face.

Inuyasha's breath was coming out in short ragged gasps and his eyes seemed to have lost their normal color.

Inuyasha couldn't see anything around him, only darkness. He couldn't even feel the ground beneath his feet. The half demon could hear Kagome speaking, however, her words were faint and he had to strain to hear her.

Somehow Inuyasha knew the pulse had come from the Sacred Jewel Shards.

"Wha-" Kagome asked. Inuyasha could slightly feel her breathlessness and fear.

'I've felt this before… But where?' she thought. 'I know when I felt this! It was when Tsubaki placed a curse on me!'

'The Sacred Jewels!' She thought. 'They're going into my skin.' Inuyasha cringed as a new wave of fear and pain was unrolled onto him.

'The Jewels are black again…'

'Help me… Inuyasha…' Miroku continued to stare at Inuyasha while briefly considering if he should throw something at him. Just as he attempted to pick up a medium sized boulder the color came back to Inuyasha's face and he took a deep breath before collapsing onto his knees.

"Inuyasha! What-"

"Kagome is in trouble! I have to help her!"

"How do you know?" Miroku asked before being trampled again but this time by an extremely anxious Inuyasha. "Ok… You can get back to me on that…" He said before fainting back into his body–shaped hole.

Sango walked back into the clearing just in time to see Inuyasha speed off in a blur of red. Her hair flared wildly at the speed at which the half demon was going. She coughed and waited for the dust to settle.

The demon slayer confusedly looked around before seeing the monk lying in a giant hole.

"Did I miss something?"

Sango did a double take on her surroundings before smirking evilly. Sango, all alone with Miroku, with Kagome's make-up kit was not a good combination.

Xxxxxxx Back with Inuyasha xxxxxxX

Inuyasha raced in the direction he had seen Sakura last go when she was being followed by the killer pony. It wasn't very hard to track her, seeing as everything that had gotten in her way had been blasted to pieces. He jumped quickly and soundlessly over broken tree branches and stumps. He even passed a humongous oak tree that Sakura had somehow managed to tear down.

Inuyasha was hardly paying attention to what he was doing; all movement seemed secondary and mechanical. He was really focusing in on his thoughts.

'How was I able to hear Kagome?' Inuyasha asked himself, 'I have to find her, and as much as I dislike it I'll have to take Sakura along to help.'

Help, Inuyasha cringed at that word. No matter how dangerous the situation was he never asked for help. Even if the cost was his own life, but this was different… This was Kagome's life he could be risking; she was the only one who could dissolve his stubborn pride (most of the time).

Unknowingly to Inuyasha, the destroyed forest path led him straight past Kaede's village and past a very bewildered Kaede who was just trying to gather herbs.

"Inuyasha? Ye be trampling my herbs! Ruffian…"

To the half demon, who also wasn't paying attention (which doesn't help much), she appeared nothing more than a blur. So in his rush he continued to trample Kaede's precious herbs (And several other innocent people).

At last, Sakura's terrible rampage led Inuyasha to a clearing relatively far away from Bone Eaters Well. He decided to ignore the pony that was currently attacking Sakura in the middle of the said clearing and proceed to Kagome's time.

"BACK YOU FIEND! YIELD TO PEDESTRIANS!" Sakura yelled, brandishing a traffic cone.

"Oh man, why do I always have to get stuck attacking the mentally unstable people?" The pony sighed to itself.

"Huh?" Sakura asked, "You can talk?"

"Uh, no, um, YES, um… FEEL MY HORN!"

"We don't have time for this, come on Sakura!" Inuyasha yelled as he scooped her from the sharp hooves of evil.

"DAMN PONY EAT TOOTHPA- Whuu?" Sakura yelled as she felt herself being carried away. "Oh hi Inuyasha!"

"Kagome needs help," Inuyasha said, "I just need to know something…"


"Well, erm…" He trailed off. Another thing Inuyasha hated to do was ask questions. They also went against his stubborn pride.

"Spit it out."

"How did I hear Kagome's thoughts? I heard her say that someone must have placed a curse on her Sacred Jewel Shards- Which I don't have time to explain right now." Inuyasha added when he saw Sakura's confusion.

"You don't have to explain," Sakura said, "I heard legends of the Shikon No Tama… I just never knew it existed… or that there are only shards of it now…"

"Long story," Inuyasha said quickly, "Now answer my question."

"Oh, right!" Sakura said before frowning slightly, "You really have no clue do you?"

"As Inuyasha ran he growled, "No I don't… No one ever really taught me about dog demon rituals…"

Sakura decided not to press and continued, "Did you know what marking meant?"

Inuyasha flinched and blushed a deep red color, "You just had to see that didn't you?"

It was Sakura's turn to blush, "Hehe… Well it wasn't really my idea, Sango… and then Miroku and well- Argh, that's besides the point! Don't avoid the question."

"Why do I have to tell you?" Inuyasha pouted.

"Because Kagome's feelings and future are on the line here! In case you haven't noticed she's really confused!"

Inuyasha turned away so Sakura couldn't see his face, which was currently turning about 50 shades of red. "Iknewwhatmarkingmeant"

"Again. Slower. Please & thank you."

"I… Knew… What… Marking… Meant…"

Sakura squealed than composed herself, "So tell me then, what was your reason for marking her?"

Inuyasha's head felt numb, most likely from the fact that it felt like it would explode into a fiery mass at any point in time.

"Let's get back to my original question," Inuyasha said trying to avoid the topic, "How did I hear Kagome's thoughts?"

Sakura quirked her eyebrows at Inuyasha, "Fine, be that way… But eventually you'll have to tell her."

'I tried…' Inuyasha thought, thinking back to early that morning, 'Why did she have to turn human right that moment?'

"Anyway," Sakura began, "Now that Kagome has been marked you two have a special connection. You were able to hear her thoughts because she was in trouble, for now you will only be able to hear and partially see her when she is far away and only when she is feeling any emotion strongly. The same goes for her."

'… So I didn't know all that.' He thought, nodding in response to Sakura's explanation.

"Also, over time the bond will grow stronger and you'll be able to communicate with her when she is far away even if she's not feeling a strong emotion. It helps you feel her emotions and share her pain."

By this time Inuyasha was deep in thought, 'I really have ruined her life… What if she doesn't want to be with me and thinks this marking business is a bit much? Damn it.'

"So you think a curse was placed on Kagome?" Sakura interrupted, very concerned.

"Yes… It's happened once before but now I'm worri-"

Worried, yet another word Inuyasha hated…

"I'm worried about what's going to happen now that she's not a full miko. She was able to withstand it last time (sorry to all those who haven't watched that episode), but now she's half miko and half dog demon."

Sakura thought this over, "How do we stop this curse?"

"First we have to bring Kagome back here and then we have to kill the person that's doing it… They somehow must have acquired a large part of the Shikon No Tama to be able to do this…"

'But who?' He wondered, 'Naraku? Someone else? Most likely Naraku.'

"So I take it we're going to have to go through the well to get Kagome, huh?" Sakura asked.

"Yes, which I am severely dreading." Inuyasha muttered to himself as he ran, while holding onto Sakura.

"Don't worry. This time I've got it covered." Sakura said smiling in an all to 'but I might blow your head off in the process' look.


Inuyasha decided to ignore the wolf demon, which was pretty hard to do when she kept talking.

"So what emotion was Kagome feeling when you heard her?"

"Fear… and pain."

"Arghhh!" Sakura yelled as Inuyasha increased the speed at which he was going. Unfortunately his worry and hastiness combined had a bad effect on Sakura.


R-rip… "Never mind."

Xxxxxxx At Bone Eater's Well xxxxxxX

Inuyasha dropped a severely scarred Sakura off as he skidded to a halt at Bone Eaters Well, "Hurry up and do that spell to bind us together!"

As much as he didn't want to be bound to Sakura again, (very bad experience), the half demon held out his hand.

"Did we make it here alive?" Sakura asked, standing up, quite drowsily.

Her long hair was now a mass of knots and her clothing was completely ruined, covered in dirt and many, many prickly thorns. Why Inuyasha had decided to race through that damn bush was beyond her at this moment.

Her appearance created the effect of a wolf that had unexpectedly been run over by a herd of elephants, over, and over again. If Inuyasha hadn't been so weighed down with worry, he might have laughed at her expense.

"You would really go through with that experience for her?"


"You so love her…"

"Grr! I'm doing it for-"

For Kagome.

"Just never mind." Inuyasha said, "Let's get this over with."

Shaking her head Sakura lifted the sleeve of her shirt, "This time you're spared Inuyasha."

Startled at what he saw Inuyasha stared at her wrist until she slapped her hands together to wake him out of his stupor.

Around her wrist lay a bracelet of prayer beads, similar in shape and number of beads between fangs to Inuyasha's. The only thing different about it was that instead of being a dark purple color it was a sapphire blue.

"W-where did you get that?"

"Kagome." Sakura said, "Back when we were 'glued' together at Kaede's village."

"So what word is she going to torture you with?" He asked.


"Shake? That's it? Shake?" He asked incredulously, "I get the painful one and you get the energizer bunny one?"

"How do you know of the power of batteries?"


"Never mind, let's focus on saving Kagome!" Sakura said, "Kagome said that this bracelet should let me go through the well now that I am connected with her."

"Lets try this!" She said, flinging herself into the well, hitting the side as she fell into the darkness, "Ow…"

Inuyasha stood rooted to the spot for a moment or so. He swore he felt a dull pounding in his head and it hurt like hell. Inuyasha composed himself and then wasted no more time. He launched himself into the well and the familiar light blue light enclosed him. As he traveled from past to present he began to feel drowsy and the pulsing sensation returned.

He slowly faded into unconsciousness as the blue light became dimmer and dimmer.

Inuyasha cracked open his eyes a bit and cringed at the flashing lights above his head. Too bright. He closed his eyes for a few minutes and opened them again only to see the blurry outlines of three faces. They appeared to be girls with brownish hair from what he could see.

"Don't worry Kagome, they said you'll be okay."

Kagome? I'm not Kagome…

"Kagome, we'll meet you there k'?"

Where? What are they talking about?

The three girls' faces disappeared from his sight. He tried to move but every limb of his body felt as though it were on fire.

"What is happening?" He yelled using all his strength to speak.

"Don't worry young lady, we'll arrive shortly." An older man said kindly, "Just rest, you're gonna be fine."

I'M NOT A GIRL! Damn it… Arrive… where?

Inuyasha jolted upright only to smack Sakura who had been leaning over him. He was surprised to find himself on the cold ground in the well.

"Inuyasha! I was so worried!"

"Ughh…" Was all that Inuyasha could manage as he lifted himself off the dirty floor.

"Well, aren't you going to tell me what happened?" Sakura asked standing up as well.

Inuyasha rubbed the back of his head trying to make the pounding sensation leave, "I saw flashing lights and three girls who said something about meeting Kagome somewhere."

Sakura frowned, 'Flashing lights? Could it be that Kagome was in an ambulance? N-no… That would mean she's being taken to a hospital…'

The wolf demon cringed at the thought of taking Inuyasha to a hospital. Two words came to her mind: Total Destruction. She bit her lip as something more important hit her, if Kagome was being taken to a hospital than the curse would have to have severely hurt her! Not only that but eventually Inuyasha would soon begin to feel full force how much pain she was in…

"Hurry Sakura! We have to find Kagome!"

"Inuyasha! We have to be logical! This is a big city, we have to think carefully and quickly."

"You're telling me to be logical? The person who was stuck to me, trips over everything, and sends evil conniving cross-dressing clowns to terrorize everyone?"

Sakura sweat-dropped, "Well, when you put it like that…"

"Stop wasting time!"

With this said the half demon grabbed an extremely startled Sakura and leapt out of the well.

This wasn't very good; if Inuyasha had been using his brain at this moment he would have realized that running around with a potentially dangerous wolf demon wasn't the best decision.



Inuyasha stopped his rampage to find Kagome just steps away from the door to get out of the well house. Yes, there was an octopus on his head. Why there was one at this particular moment he couldn't say but had a sneaking suspicion that a certain wolf demon had something to do with it.

"Hehe," Sakura mumbled, "I told you to put me down."




"I think it's eating your hair."




"Hm, I think it's a good look…"




"Do I want to know what that noise was?"


"Ah, no. Definitely no."




"It's an octopus."



Unfortunately for Sakura Inuyasha was not someone to give up easily. As soon as he ripped the sea animal off of his head where it was beginning to make suction cup marks, he ran, not releasing his grip on Sakura's damaged clothes.


In his anxious rage Inuyasha crashed through the door to the well house and continued to go.


Sakura's warning came to late and Inuyasha crashed through the wall of the Higurashi shrine revealing Souta, gramps, and Mrs. Higurashi just trying to have a peaceful meal.

"I'm so sorry!" Sakura yelled as Inuyasha kept running and knocked down the door to get back outside.

"Mom, what just happe-"

"Souta, nothing happened… Nothing ever happened… Now go upstairs to your room."

As Souta walked upstairs gramps and Kagome's mom were left to wonder what was going on, a wolf demon and a dog demon crashing through their wall didn't happen everyday.

"Inuyasha do you even know where you're going?"


"Arghhh, don't you ever plan ahead? Just go where I tell you." Sakura said as she began pointing him in seemingly random directions.

At one point Inuyasha paused from his intense running and looked around, "Hey Sakura, is this near where we found you?"

"Yeah, now put me down! I have to get something."

Inuyasha complied and let go of Sakura who immediately ran in back of some nearby bushes. She came out with a triumphant smile on her face, carrying a cloth bag.

"This just happens to be the place where I was going to spend the night before that gang attacked me… I didn't have a chance to go back for it before…"

"What's in there anyway?"

"Mostly things for healing and the most important things, scrolls from my grandpa, they're what I've been studying from. They should tell me how to mask appearances; I already forgot how to do that… I really should practice more."

"Uh, yeah, kind of obvious."

"What was that?"


"Thought so."

Inuyasha sighed in relief, an angry Sakura was something he did not want to experience, it would most likely involve pain. And jam, a lot of sticky jam.

The wolf demon gave Inuyasha the Sakura glare as though she could hear his frightened thoughts before digging into her cloth bag. She paused every once in a while to open up a scroll and each time she shook her head mumbling, "No, no… Not the right one…"

Inuyasha watched as she pulled out what seemed to be the hundredth scroll and finally let out a triumphant yell, "Finally! I found it!"

"Found what?"

"The scroll I was looking for!"

"Which was… What?" Inuyasha asked, very puzzled.

"Are you questioning my authority on how to use magic by asking me what potentially dangerous spell I am about to perform on you is on this scroll?"

"Umm…" Inuyasha said, edging away slowly. There were just too many experiences he couldn't forget at the hands of Sakura's magic.

"Stand still now. I can't have you moving while I'm trying to cast a spell."

"Actually… I think I'm going to go… Find Kagome now…"

"And that's why I have to perform this spell." Sakura said becoming impatient. Bad things could happen when she was impatient, very, very bad things… Like radiation or chemical explosion bad…

"No… I don't need you to cast anything on me… Really…"



Against his better judgment, with an angry Sakura on his hands, Inuyasha began to run.

Sakura gently put the tattered scroll away and shouted, "Ji setsu neput!"

Purple fog rolled in as always surrounding him until he was no longer visible and his yells were no longer heard.

"I really should cut down on the special effects…" Sakura spluttered, coughing on the fog she had created.

Sakura fanned her arms about wildly, trying to remove the annoying smoke from her face. As she did this she promptly tripped backwards, the contents of her bag spilling onto the ground.


As the smoke finally lifted the wolf demon propped herself on her knees to get a better look at Inuyasha, or rather, what had become of him.

Yes, Sakura had somehow managed to transmute the hanyou into a banana. Not even a remarkable banana at that.

He-it was boring. All it did was sit there, it didn't even want to take over the world with its twelve essential nutrients and vitamins… What a waste…

Sakura really had outdone herself this time. The banana was so boring she almost wanted to start talking to it.

"Really, I can fix it…"

"Ji setsu neput!"

The once hanyou- now banana –became once again enclosed in a blue fog…

Sakura crossed her fingers for good luck and watched as the smoke disappeared. This time her spell had brought an unwelcome guest; at least Inuyasha was back to normal.

"Sakura! A banana? What the hell is wrong with you?"

"Umm…" Sakura began, cringing at what she saw.

She watched with a fascinated horror as the evil squirrel she had conjured decided that Inuyasha was good prey. The killer squirrel launched itself at Inuyasha's head and proceeded to deliver several bites in various places on the hanyous head.


The wolf demon knew she should help her friend but she found that she couldn't tear her eyes away from the painful scene.

"MY EYES! THIS IS WORSE THAN THE TIME WITH THE WINDEX!" Inuyasha yelled, running around in circles.



"Hehe, third times the charm… They say. Then again, this is me we're talking about and I find the 64th time to be the charm…" Sakura said, as she got ready to cast the spell again.

"Just do it!" Inuyasha yelled from his place on the ground as the squirrel began to tear up his fire rat haori. That thing was rabid… and slightly homicidal… both worked…

"Ji setsu neput!"

The fog closed in and slowly faded out leaving a bedraggled Inuyasha standing next to a pig.



Then a duck.


An automatic chainsaw…


An automatic chainsaw being held by a rabid duck…


A cow.


A cow with a flamethrower.




Inuyasha cringed, no person, half-demon or not should be subjected to so many farm animals in such a short period of time.

The potentially dangerous weapons they carried made it even worse.

"Let's try again!" Sakura said, oblivious to the lethal farm animals she had conjured.



"Finally! It worked! Woot, woot!" Sakura said when she saw that Inuyasha had his eyes shut tight and had no intention of opening them anytime soon.

At this Inuyasha slowly squeezed open his eyes and gazed around cautiously. When he saw that no more "visitors" had appeared he let out a sigh of relief.

"What exactly did you do to me?" Inuyasha asked, scratching the back of his head questioningly. As his fingers brushed over the back of his head, Inuyasha let out a gasp of surprise.


"Calm down, I just-"


"It was just a-"

Paying no attention to Sakura, the half demon continued to try to locate his missing dog ears. In his frantic search Inuyasha looked all over the ground and even attempted to find them in his red haori.

"Try the sides of your head smart one."

Inuyasha felt the sides of his head and was surprised to feel human ears. He let his tongue run over his front teeth and found regular teeth in place of his fangs. He gazed down at his hands and sighed in relief when he saw that his claws were still intact.

"What the hell did you do to me?"

"Like I was trying to say before, I cast a masking spell. I always used to use it when I lived here."

Inuyasha stared at Sakura questioningly, "Why?"

"Isn't it obvious? Kagome would kill me if I let you run around the city looking like you normally do."

"Hey! What's wrong with the way I look?"

"Nothing… It's just… Grr, never mind. Just be thankful I let you keep your claws, your silver hair, and your golden eyes."

Inuyasha Keh'd and crossed his arms in a pouting gesture, "This better not be permanent."

"Don't worry," Sakura began.

"Worry? Who said I was worrying? I'm not worried."

"Right… anyway, it was just a transfiguration spell. Quite simple really. It's effects will wear off in a couple of hours. Now stand back while I perform it on myself." Sakura said, motioning to her long brown tail and pointy ears.

"Simple? Simple? You call that spell simple when you-"


Inuyasha glared defensively into the overpowering fog as if daring another creature to appear and attack.

"Huh?" He inquired as the fog began to thin and all that was heard was a loud coughing noise.

When the thick smog was thin enough to see through, he looked in Sakura's direction expecting to see some horrendous being. Most likely trying to eat the wolf demon.

Inuyasha crashed to the ground and began to twitch when all he saw was a very human looking Sakura coughing on the remaining smoke.

After several seconds she straightened herself and beamed at Inuyasha, "See? A piece of cake!"

"Why don't bad things ever happen to you?"

"Just lucky I guess." Sakura replied, nonchalantly walking over to her bag, trying to collect the many items that were strewn upon the ground.

Inuyasha sighed and got up off the ground. He was just about to utter some complaint or sarcastic comment when a glittering object caught his eye. He bent down and scooped it up, only to stare in surprise.

In his hand was an exquisite sapphire on a silver chain. Running his fingers over its highly polished surface, Inuyasha realized that it was extremely old. He turned the gem over to get a better look at the back of the jewel. In the direct center of the back of the gem was one Japanese symbol.

Before Inuyasha could question Sakura, the necklace was snatched out of his hands and stuffed roughly into the bag that was now slouched over the wolf demons shoulder.

"What was that?"

"What was what?" Sakura asked, just a bit too innocently.

"That sapphire." Inuyasha said, lunging for the bag.

Sakura skillfully whipped her bag out of the way and watched with a grimace as Inuyasha fell to the ground.

"Just forget about it," She said. "I think we have more important matters to attend to."

The half demon cast a final withering stare at the bag and nodded. He got off the ground, wondering in which direction he should begin to run.

Sakura glared at him, "No more of this rampaging nonsense. Tell me, when did she first reach out to you with her mind?"

"Around mid-day."

"It's around three right now, let's go to her school and see what we can find out."

Inuyasha nodded, "I've been there a few times, let's go."

Both Sakura and Inuyasha took off, seeming no more than a red and white blur to those around them.

Sakura, being the more knowledgeable of the two about the present stuck to running on the sidewalk. Even if she had to "accidentally" push a few people out of the way.

Inuyasha, however, was not very knowledgeable about the time Kagome lived in and therefore ran in the street, dodging cars and people on bikes.

The young hanyou also took to jumping high into the air and landing roughly back onto the road. After a bit of this, almost every car swerved to the side, their drivers fearing that Inuyasha would land on them and either dent or crush them.

This action caused any fender benders and accidents in a matter of moments. Sakura sighed and joined Inuyasha in the now empty street. At least they were getting somewhere.

After several bends and twists in the road, not to mention many scared people, Kagome's high school could be seen.

Unfortunately as the school came into view so did several large groups of congregating students. Many were getting into cars to leave for home and others were walking home together. The wolf demon and the hanyou quietly sidled closer to a bunch of students who were walking on a sidewalk near the school to gain information about Kagome's whereabouts.

"Yeah, it was so sudden," A redheaded teenager said, "She just fainted during lunch."

"I know for a fact that she's almost always sick since I'm in her homeroom," A tall girl stated, "I wonder why she came into school if she was feeling poorly. I heard she had cholera all last week."

"She's going to the Azuki Taya Hospital," A sandy haired boy said, "We should send her get well cards."

Sakura pulled Inuyasha away from the backs of the retreating teenagers, "I know where that hospital is. Let's go."

Inuyasha stopped abruptly as the wolf demon tried to tug him in a westward direction.

"What's a hospital?"

Sakura froze, "Well, you see, it's kind of hard to explain…"

"What is it?" Inuyasha asked again.

"It's a place…" Sakura began, "A place where they bring humans when they are injured."

This was all Inuyasha needed to hear before taking off in the direction Sakura had tried to pull him in. The wolf demon followed in suit of the hanyou and after about ten minutes a huge building embossed with the name 'Azuki Taya' came into sight.

Sakura had to grab onto Inuyasha's haori and dig her heels into the road in order to stop him from bursting into the hospital and causing a scene.

"Let go! I can smell Kagome's scent! We have to help her!"

"We can't cause a scene!" Sakura hissed, "Or else they won't let us in."

Inuyasha huffed but slowed down to a fast walk. Both companions entered the building and found themselves in a small waiting room. The room was filled with many worried children and parents either standing or sitting in the uncomfortable plastic chairs that the hospital had provided. The majority of the people were standing, tapping their fingers nervously or making frantic calls to family members and friends.

Sakura pulled Inuyasha past them and brought him over to the reception desk at the opposite end of the room. They stood behind a large Belgian woman who was trying to tell the receptionist who she wanted to visit.

"I need tooh vizit my granmuzzer, it is a matter of great importanze."

"I'm sorry you want to visit who? I can't understand you." The frustrated receptionist replied, twirling a lock of her golden hair.

"My granmuzzer! Do yooh not hear?"

Inuyasha growled impatiently and pushed the woman out of the way.

"Zee nerve!"

The receptionist looked between the Belgian woman on the floor and at Inuyasha.

"Hello. How may I help you?" She continued as though nothing ever happened.

"We want to visit Kagome Higurashi, err," Sakura trailed off, "Miss Saeko." She said looking at the nameplate on the desk.

Saeko nodded and turned to a computer on her desk. She typed something in and pressed enter. She frowned and turned back to Inuyasha and Sakura.

"I'm sorry but no one is allowed to visit Miss Higurashi right now."

"We need to see her!" Inuyasha yelled, making all the people in the room turn towards him, "It's a matter of life or-"

Sakura put her hand over his mouth to stop him from saying anything else.

"Listen honey," Saeko began, "I know you want to see your girlfriend but-"

Inuyasha let out a muffled yell that sounded strangely like, "She is not my girlfriend!"

Saeko continued, "Guests will be admitted in a few hours."

"Hours?" Inuyasha yelled, breaking free of Sakura, "Who knows when she'll turn back into-"

Sakura dragged Inuyasha away from the reception desk and the angry Belgian woman, "Hehe, nothing to see here." She said when she noticed how many people were staring at them. When this failed to waver everyone's attention Sakura did the most intelligent thing possible.

"LOOK! FLYING WINDEX OF DOOM!" she screamed, pointing towards the receptionist.

"NOT AGAIN!" Everyone chorused turning in the direction Sakura had pointed.





As all of the people in the waiting room ran around shrieking, the wolf demon discreetly walked to the entrance of the hospital, pulling Inuyasha with her. She then looked around and pushed the hanyou into a side room and closed the door, Inuyasha's yelp gone unnoticed by the rampaging people as he hit something with a loud thud.

Xxxxxxx At the Higurashi Shrine xxxxxxX

Kagome's mom stared at the gaping wall in the kitchen, "Oh, my."

Gramps, all the while, continued to shriek about evil demons tearing down houses and was giving Souta (who had come back downstairs out of curiosity) "magic charms" that looked surprisingly like mummified rabbits. Souta, of course, handed them to Bouyo who in turn ran off with them.

"Those are family heirlooms! Come back here cat!"

Miss Higurashi carefully stepped over the many pieces of plaster and debris that littered the now destroyed room and went to check the Shrine entrance. Sure enough the sliding door had been ran down.

Kagome's mom placed her hands on her face and sighed, "What on earth in happening around here?"

She walked to the living room and turned on the TV hoping Inuyasha and that girl hadn't done anything that would attract attention.

She changed the channel from cartoons to the news station. A young lady in a business suit appeared on the screen and was standing in the middle of a road full of crashed cars.

"This is Kameko Yujiri reporting to you live from downtown Tokyo, as my entire career goes down the tube I am currently standing in Tokyo's busiest street where just moments ago over a hundred fender benders and crashes have taken place. None were badly injured but most were severely shaken, too bad. In the midst of all this confusion a person was seen running through the street at top speed, police are now questioning people as to who could have possibly done this."

Miss Higurashi gaped at the television screen as a taping from a video camera was shown, "This image was managed to be captured from the roof of a nearby apartment building, my life stinks."

"Inuyasha?" She let out as she saw the said hanyou running past the crashed cars at a breakneck pace, although he was nothing more than a blur his red haori was easily distinguishable.

"We'll return after a commercial break, this is Kameko Yujiri and I'm looking for a new job."

Xxxxxxx At the Azuki Taya Hospital xxxxxxX

"Ow! Sakura, you didn't have to throw me into this room. I am perfectly capable of-"

"Shh!" Sakura commanded, "You don't want anyone to hear us. If they won't let us visit Kagome then we'll just have to find another way."

"Oh yeah? And just how are we gonna sneak into Kagome's room, which let me remind you, we have no idea where it is, without letting anyone see us and then sneak out with her?"

Sakura grinned almost evilly, "I was hoping you'd ask."

She pulled out two uniforms – one for a nurse and another for a doctor, from behind her back.

Inuyasha's eyes widened, "No way in hell will I-"

"How about we go… Undercover…"

Dun, dun, na, na, na, na, na

Dun, dun, na, na, na, na, na



"Can you stop playing the Mission Impossible Theme song?"

Xxxxxxx Author's Notes xxxxxxX

A/N: Omg, I'm such a looser, XD. I'm not really sure if I like this chapter… So I'm sorry if I made you wait so long for a mediocre chapter, x.x… I'll update soon! This time I shall uphold my promise because I'm a good girl. And Vana Alqua shall smite me. Please review!

Shout outs (because I made you all wait for months T.T)

TheeBycth – Hey! E-mail me sometime! We gotta finish our battle sequence, XD, Vana Alqua – My editor, who reviewed just about every chapter just in order to get me to update… I feel stalked . , j/k… Lauren you better post a story soon, or else Check her out on fictionpress,beybladegal24 – Thanks for encouraging me!, purpleleemer – Thanks for e-mailing and the msn group thing, xWhiteXStaRx, OOCmuch, Aliryn, SenceLess, darkened soul, Bun-chan529, Ontario, dragon keeper1 – The vacuum always attacks Sango… It does my bidding, O.o, Sweeteen, Nicola Silvera – hehe, XD here be the chappie! Everyone, go read her stories or I shall smite thee, kagome lover, kitsune Akero, Inu and kag fan till death, Sailorman, Inu'sHardcoreBitch3 – longest review ever, O.O, Zeldagurli, Elizzi shawnainoakhurst, leggy freak003, Dark Inu Fan, Lone-puppy and anyone else I might have missed.

Me: Cookies? T.T

Sango: ((Flies out window)) I saw the sign… It said… yield to cross walkers…



Miroku: G-dawg! ((Gets in hop car))


Me: O.o

Naraku: They say rat pellet in my cookie, I say no, big chocolate sprinkle!

Inuyasha: WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! ((Crashes into clock))

Miroku: Theme song!

I'll take yo' to the candy shop! OOOO

I'll let yo' eat all the lamb chops! OOOO

Keep going now, don't you stop!

Keep going until yo' eat that chop, Wooo!

Me: Did you rewrite the Candy Shop lyrics?

Miroku: ……… y'all don't know who you be messin' with!

Inuyasha: I smell smoke! Readin' be fer dumb people.

Me: U.u