Kyoshitsu no Konoha

(pairings) Mainly SasuNaru and other Yaoi couples.
(disclaimer) Do you think I really own it? HA! You must be joking!
(warnings) YAOI! Don't like, don't read. AU, May be OOC
(writing codes)
...'blah blah'-thoughts
...-:blah POV:- -Change of POV
...(blah blah)-some sort of act
(genre) Romance/ (I'm not sure...any ideas?)
(rating) PG-13-MAY go up in later chapters.

WELL! I'm ALIVE and not eaten my tigers or something. So much has been going on in the past year and I forgot all about fanfiction! GOMEN! Well forget about me and on with the revived story!

(A.N. I've changed Naruto's 8th period from debate to art, same teacher different class. Sorry if you were looking forward to seeing Naruto debate.)

"I need to do something before I go to class," Gaara quickly said. Naruto nodded and watched the boy walk through the sea of students. It looked as if the crowd made a pathway for Gaara to get through. Were they afraid of him?

'Would they do the same for me?' Naruto thought. He bravely walked into the crowded hallway and found out that walking was harder than it looked.

So many people were pushing him around that he was flowing in the wrong direction! Someone actually had the guts to knock into his books causing them to splatter across the hall.

"Watch where you're going, new kid!" yelled some senior boy that really looked…weird…clown weird…

"HEY! Don't litter our school with your books! This place isn't some kind of trash dump like where you came from!" screamed another boy.

Why the hell were they so mean to him! He didn't even do anything! He didn't knock into anyone, and he wasn't littering! However, Naruto just smiled and picked up his books. If people were going to acknowledge him, he shouldn't make too many enemies.

"Gomen, haha… It's my fault," Naruto replied.

"Well DUH! It isn't my fault!" retorted the senior that knocked into him.

After many minutes of being pushed and yelled at, Naruto finally made it to his journalism class. To his surprise, Gaara was already in his seat. Naruto took the seat behind him. How was he able to get through all the pushing people so fast?

"It's a jungle out there!" laughed Naruto, showing Gaara his trampled new school supplies.

"What…how…who…" Gaara said before trailing off. "What happened?"

"You know, it's so crowded out there, so it isn't out of the ordinary that people knocked into me and stepped on my stuff and shoved me a little more and stuff…"

"Who...did…it…" Gaara said a bit dangerously.

"Well it's my fault so no on-"

"WHO did it?"

"Did what?"

"Make you drop your books and shove you once more."

"Oh. Well, I don't know his name."

"What did he look like!"

"I think he was a senior. He had this bright red afro… and was wearing all red… He had chains all over his clothes. I think he was wearing red Converse shoes…with white polka dots all over! His nose was red too! He looked really funny, LIKE A CLOWN!"


"Why you ask?"

"Just curious…" Gaara answered with a smile.

Before Naruto could answer, the bell rang. The teacher was no where to be found. The U.I. man was late! Something told Naruto that Mr. U. wouldn't be a good teacher. Naruto glanced around the room. Maybe there was another person who needed a friend, like Gaara!

The snoozing guy was here again, and there was this guy with sunglasses and a huge collar. There was also that Tenten girl from earlier in the corner of his eye there was…there was…

"What are you doing in my seat? Actually, I don't want to know. Just move."

There was that bastard Sasuke.

"It's not your seat. It doesn't have your name on it!" Naruto argued. Gaara finally looked up from his notebook. He seemed to be hard at work on something.

"Actually, it does," Sasuke replied coolly.

Naruto looked all around the seat for the words, Uchiha Sasuke, but they were no where to be found.

"It's not here you liar! Y-"

Sasuke slowly pointed at the neatly engraved "Uchiha Sasuke" in the back of the desk. A heart was drawn with Sharpie around it. WHY was his name on the desk? WHY! It didn't make any sense! Oh wait...fangirls...

"Let's move, Naruto," Gaara quickly said, dragging the boy.

"Don't think you've won, Sasuke! I didn't even want to sit there in the first place!"

They moved to the opposite side of the room. Naruto huffed and crossed his arms in frustration. Gaara couldn't help smiling. He had such pouty lips…golden hair that would look even better tainted with sweat. Those blue eyes! They were so deep… They could long for so much, long for more…more love. There were also those strange whiskers. They were so enchanting…so adorable… They looked so good on Naruto. Hell, everything looked good on Naruto. In other words, Naruto looked good. Devilishly good. So good. Gaara wanted to do things to his devilish body. Naughty things.

Gaara knew that he wasn't alone though. Gaara KNEW that there were other people who liked Naruto the same way. He knew most of the people were boys. He knew that these boys wanted to do the same naughty things to Naruto. Gaara knew Naruto was going to be hurt this year, but it's not going to ever happen. Gaara was going to protect him from the pain. The pain that would hurt him, break him so much. He wouldn't let anyone have him. If anyone else but him had the boy, Naruto would be hurt and broken.

Sasuke was no exception.

Sasuke had that look. Sasuke wanted Naruto too…

"Gaaaaraaaa! Are you there? You look a little spaced out buddy…" Naruto said, waving his hands in front of his friend's face.

"Oh. Sorry. I was just thinking…" Gaara replied.

The door then slammed open and a much disoriented teacher walked in. He looked as if he had been running around. The teacher straightened his clothes and quickly walked over to his desk.

"You're late, sensei-iii," Tenten said in a sing-sing voice.

"Gomen! Your school is very big I must say! I got lost!" laughed the teacher.

Naruto quickly turned to the front of the room where the teacher was. Class was finally starting! His jaw immediately dropped.

"Ah? IRUKA! What are you doing here!" hollered Naruto.

"I work here, Naruto."


"I'll explain after class. I've missed much class time already," Iruka instructed, "Well, class, many of you must know that that I'm new here, and I am. My name's Umino Iruka and I will be your Journalism teacher this year. I hope to have fun and read all of your creative stories. Questions?"

A random boy raised his hand.

"How do you know New Kid?"

"A good friend of mine and more. Any more questions?" asked the teacher. "Let's get started shall we? The principal told me that the journalism class also runs the school newspaper. Am I correct?"

"Yup! We all know our part in the newspaper so there's no stress for you, Iruka-sensei," Tenten stated.

"Well, with me as teacher this year…that's going to change!"

The class immediately burst into argument. They were outraged by the idea of the school newspaper changing in any way. Naruto just sat there staring blankly at Iruka. What was he doing here! Why is he here?

"Now, now class! Quiet down! I'm not going to change much. The only thing that's going to change is who writes what. I just don't think it's fair that only one person writes the same section in the newspaper all year. Wouldn't you like to take on other jobs…like star journalist?"

"We're all happy with our jobs, Iruka-sensei! The school likes Sasuke as the star journalist! Please don't make us change!" argued Tenten. The class clapped in agreement. "Though, I'm not sure about Naruto…he doesn't have a job in the newspaper."

"He can take the job left by the person that moved," silently commented the guy with the sunglasses.

"Oh yea, I forgot! Thanks for reminding me, Shino! Naruto can get advice columnist! So, Iruka-sensei, don't make us change jobs!" pushed Tenten once more.

"I'm sorry, but I still don't think it's fair. The job changes can be delayed to the next grading cycle. How about that?"

The class remained quiet. Arguing was useless. Naruto was still staring at Iruka until he slowly realized what job he was getting. He was getting advice columnist! People would turn to him if they had problems! That was one step toward being acknowledged!

"Well I'll just take roll and ask fo-"


"Class dismissed!" Iruka said sweetly.

Class had ended earlier than Naruto had expected. They were barely in class for…50 minutes! He really wanted to ask Iruka questions in class! The class rushed out of class still bitter about their newspaper jobs changing. The stream of students wasn't pushing anyone, why did they push him? Forgetting about Gaara, Naruto rushed toward Iruka to get his answers set straight. Gaara grabbed his hand before he got the chance.

"What's your next class, Naruto?" he eagerly asked.

"Eh? Umm, science…chemistry…with Asuma?"

"Oh…well bye then."

"BYE BYES!" Naruto said excitedly. He really has made good friends with Gaara and Gaara was so cool. He isn't so scary! Gaara walked into the sea of students mumbling some things about clowns and bloodshed. In the meantime, Naruto walked up to Iruka.

"So Iruka-sensei, what are you doing here?"

"Naruto…you must get to class…"

"Nah, it's closeby!"

"Go to class, Naruto."

"I won't leave until you answer my questions!"

"(sigh) I work here now because…I couldn't pay for both semesters. The head principal agreed to let one semester's pay slide…if I worked as a teacher here. I had to give up my old job, Naruto, and this one doesn't pay as well as the other. This job is also paying off the rest of the first semester. I don't have enough to live on my own… Luckily, teachers live on campus, so I don't have any bills to pay. You wouldn't believe how much I'm doing for you…" sighed Iruka. Naruto was looking up at him all teary-eyed. He threw away much of his life for him…


"I know you won't, Naruto."

"I'd do anything for you now! (sniff)"

"It isn't necessary, Naruto! You're my son and giving you the best education is what I'm supposed to do!"

"NO! Let me do something. ANYTHING!"



"Then get to class, Naruto…now!"

"Aye, aye sensei!" replied Naruto as he ran out of the class. Iruka just laughed as his student. Naruto was so cute sometimes. The teacher then started to work on the whiteboards. They were plain and needed some colorful, inspirational quotes. As he copied sentences from his book, a tuff of silver hair poked through the doorway. It searched the room before walking in and closing the door. The tuff of silver hair turned out to be a man with a mask in his late 20s. He was wearing a headband with the school logo that covered one eye.

"I thought he'd never leave!" complained the silver-haired man. Iruka dropped the pen and book in surprise, "Yo! Is this your off period?"

"Kakashi-san! Yes, this is my off period. What are you doing here! You have a class to teach!"

"It's my off period, Iruka, and quit calling me Kakashi-san. Your formalities make me sound like an old man. I'm here to see you, like I promised…" Kakashi purred. Iruka tensed up and stopped writing.

"I didn't…I didn't mean during school. There are rules against things like that. I could lose my job! I can't afford to lose it…"

Iruka paused and turned away from the board. Kakashi wasn't there anymore. He was at the doorway a while ago. Where did he disappear to? Well, it was common for the mysterious man to disappear at times. Just as he was about to continue writing, a pair of arms encircled him.

"Aww, you worry too much! Have a little fun in life! This school has gone private and they only go by Tsunade's rules. Tsunade never ruled out any socializing during off periods."

"I told you to come back when I was back in the teacher dormitory."

"I couldn't wait that long…besides…I'm sure you can't wait either," Kakashi said. Without letting Iruka reply, he immediately nibbled at his ear.

"Ahh…quit it… I'm worki-ahh…"

Kakashi went lower toward the neck and finally got his way with the brunet.

Naruto ran around the nearly empty halls. The bell was about to ring! In the distance with his 20/20 vision he clearly saw the words "Sarutobi Asuma, Chemistry" at the end of the hallway. Naruto ran forward with increasing speed. He could feel it! The bell was only seconds away. He couldn't afford to be tardy on the first day. He ran even faster and slid into the chemistry room like it was home base. The bell immediately rang.

"Nice of you to give us a performance, Naruto. Please take your seat," Asuma said, ready to call role. He lit a cigarette and called out names.

A seat. There were no seats! Everyone had a partner! Wait. There was an empty seat. But…Naruto didn't want to sit there. No, no, no…he really didn't want to sit there. Sitting there would drive him insane! He couldn't sit there. He wouldn't sit there. No one would make him sit there.

"Naruto, must I remind you to take your seat?"

"There are no seats, Asuma-sensei," Naruto replied. The teacher merely pointed at the empty seat, puffing a cloud of smoke towards Naruto. He sheepishly took his seat…the seat next to the Sasuke bastard.

Asuma started to drone about the class rules and what they'd be learning and doing this semester in science. In the meantime, Naruto decided to set things straight.

"So...Sasuke...Why can't we be friends? I I think we could be the best of buddies! And-." Naruto stopped. Sasuke was looking at him, but it didn't seem like he was actually paying attention to a word that Naruto was saying. Sasuke was really looking at him. It was kind of...well...creepy.

"Sasuke...are you listening?"

No reply.

Naruto groaned as he seemed to not make any sort of connection to the dark haired stiff. It's was gonna be a long day...

History was a pain. Well, not really. It was creepy. Disgustingly creepy. The teacher made it even worse. It was always youth this and youth that! ITS HISTORY! It's about old here and old there! So yea, Naruto just went through an entire 50 minutes of nothing that was gonna be on a test or be somewhat useful in life. What a waste of time!

It was time to go back to homeroom, and Naruto still didn't know who it was. He jogged back down to the main office for the second time that day. Luckily, he ran into Shizune since he still didn't know the direction to the office.

"Ah! Shizune! I still haven't learned what my advisory class yet!" Naruto panted. He really needed to get in shape...

"Oh! Right! Uzumaki Naruto, right?"

"Yes, mam."

"U's...u's...u's...ah! Now I rememeber. Naruto, let me see your schedule."

"Oh, here!"

Shizune's finger glided down and down on the paper. Naruto's eye's nearly popped out.

'Not again...OH DEAR GOD! NOT AGAIN!' mentally wailed Naruto. "Are you sure Shizune-san? I mean...I could be in another teacher's class right?"

"I'm positive you're with him! Well, I have to run! Get to class, Naruto!"

(2 minutes later)

"I can't believe I'm back here again..." Naruto mumbled. What made things worse was that he was sitting next to Uchiha Sasuke...AGAIN! HE didn't bother to socialize with the stiff. Things can always wait for later...

"Ahh! The fresh faces of youth this semester! It brings a tear or two to my eye..." Everyone simple groaned. "Well to people who don't have me for name is MAITO GAI! Come on! Repeat after me! Ma-i-to Ga-i."

"Maito Gai," droned the class.

"As a reminder, the principal asked us teachers to remind everyone about the school's system. Periods 1-4 are on green days like today; periods 5-8 are on red days like tomorrow! Understand? Homeroom is after your last period of the day. And what else...oh right! I'll be handing out dorm room assignments now. Now, children, this was completely randomized by gender so no complaints to teachers now."

"By gender? Why?" asked a random student.

"So no funny stuff will happen! We don't want your innocent youthful minds to see the vile, ugly truth...of... It's a pity to see such young kids mature so fast. The essen-"

"You meant sex right?" asked another random student.

"..." Gai just stood there in silence before finally passing out mini envelopes filled with dorm room numbers and key cards to the specific room.

" haven't been laid...have you?" the same student asked again.

Naruto laughed before noticing that the envelope was already laid on his desk. Inside laid something that looked like a credit card, which was probably the key card, and the number "#2073." He glanced at Sasuke's number, "#1720" He sighed in relief. If he were paired with him...who knows what would happen.

The rest of homeroom/advisory was about youth and how sex wasn't important. More unimportant stuff to be told, how boring.

The bell finally rang and Naruto rushed off. He was so excited to know who his roommate would be. Maybe he'd be someone understanding or pleasant. Maybe they'd like the same things! Thing is...where the hell were the dorms! Naruto decided to be "smart" and stalk someone, like Sasuke, to the dormitory. From there he would be able to find his room...hopefully...

Sasuke walked, and walked, and walked, and walked, and walked, AND WALKED! WHERE THE HELL WAS HE GOING! My god, how much time has passed? Naruto was pretty sure the dorms weren't as far as they walked. He continued to stay quiet and continue to follow. Eventually...he'd have to go to the dorms...right? Sasuke walked...and walked...MY GOD! HE was STILL WALKING. Finally, the raven haired boy reached a dead end.

'Was he lost, too?' though Naruto.

Sasuke turned around and caught Naruto right there, hiding behind a bush.

"Why are you following me?"

" get to the dormitory? You know how BIG this campus is! I mean...I could get lost and never be able to find shelter," the blonde flailed out his arms as he continued talking, "And it would rain! And I'd catch a cold! And I might get pneumo-"

Out of the blue, meanie Sasuke made a sound, interrupting Naruto. The sound grew and grew into a loud sinister-like laugh. It definitely suited him... The blonde was kind of scared and stood there quietly...maybe he could escape as Sasuke was laughing... The laughter finally died down into a soft chuckle that suited him as well. It brought out a softer side of him...

"What's so funny...?" Naruto, about to blush, quietly said.

"Nothing really..." he started to chuckle again and bit his finger to stop.

"Quit laughing...that' nice you know!"

"Oh, it is?"

Sasuke advanced toward the embarrassed blonde, backing him up against the wall.


Naruto was lost. Very lost. He was a bit close to the guy...this isn't RIGHT! They're guys! Guys don't do they? His stomach was feeling funny as he stared up into Sasuke's face.

" you know how much much you fascinate me," Sasuke whispered seductively against the blonde's ear.


The taller boy licked Naruto's little ear and received a squeak of surprise and...pleasure? He then tentatively brushed his lips against Naruto's. He turned and walked away. The moment was over...

'His lips are so soft...' thought both boys.

Naruto found out that he was following Sasuke around the dorm in circles the entire time. It was pathetic...really. It took another what felt like another hour to find his room. The moment was finally here. Inside lies his roommate. Naruto slid the key card into the reader and opened the door. No one was inside...

Did he even have a roommate? Suddenly, he noticed that there was someone on the balcony looking into the sky. (HE HAS A ROOM WITH A BALCONY!) He decided that it was time to greet himself.

"HI THERE! I'm your new roommate, Uzumaki Naruto!"

(turn around) "Hn? (sigh) Just when I thought I would have the room to myself... Whatever. I'm Nara Shikamaru. Yadda yadda, let's skip the formalities it's quite troublesome..."

"Um, can we get to know each other? Maybe we can do something together! Well-" Naruto ceased talking as Shikamaru held a hand out to make the blonde stop jabbering.

"None of that now. I'm going to bed."

"What about my stuff?"

"Over there (points)"

"Um, good night then!"

"Whatever, and I get the bottom bunk."

Naruto stared at Shikamaru as he practically collapsed and auto wrapped himself onto the bed. With all the money the school had...they didn't bother to buy normal beds? He then unpacked his luggage and went to bed early. There wasn't much to do.

'What a day...' Naruto thought as he drifted off to sleep.

So YEA! What's gonna happen next? Even I don't know! Bwahaha! Just kidding. Next chapter, smex god Itachi finally makes his appearance! What about Neji? GAH! Too much "stuff" going on next chapter. Sweet reviews help...(cough)