A/N: Here we are at the end of this segment of my "Prue and Andy" story. I am truly overwhelmed by the amount of reviews I have received for this story. I truly never expected anything close to 400! As with Dream Wedding, I didn't know what to expect when I started this little adventure. I had some plots, planned out ahead of time but in all honesty most were made up as I went along. Thanks again for the great reviews and to those of you who have become loyal readers. I truly appreciate every single word of praise/advice. The Sequel, Eternally Charmed will up soon! SEE SUMMARY SPOILER AT THE END!

PS: I would like to recommend a fabulous story entitled "Spirits of the Sisterhood", by RED5. It is beautifully written and has the potential of featuring all four sisters. My Good friend, CCMcKenna also has a marvelous series started with an original character that includes lots of great scenes with Prue and Andy. And last but not least, my friend, PrueTrudeau has a couple of wonderfully romantic Prue and Andy stories posted. Check them all out!

Charmed in the Afterlife: Conclusion

A short time later, Phoebe, Piper, Paige and Cole all returned to the manor, taking in the sight of the destruction, that the aquatic demon had caused.

Piper and Paige stepped carefully into the threshold, "Is it safe to go in?"

"I think so" Cole replied, keeping a hold on his transparent bride, Phoebe.

"Everything's ruined, " Piper commented stilling holding tightly to Paige's hand.

"Talk about flood damage?" Water squished beneath Paige's feet" Do we have insurance for this?" The manor smelled like a combination of mildew and a wet dog. Furniture was disheveled, and water stains were everywhere.

"Unfortunately no" Piper flicked a frown over her shoulder to Phoebe.

"Do you think Prue was able to vanquish the demon?"

"There's only one way to find out" Piper replied heading for the stairs. "Prue!"

Neither could believe their eyes as they entered the attic. "Everything's burned to a crisp!" Black charcoal colored soot covered the walls, and flooring. There was no sign of Prue nor Andy in sight.

"Where are they?" Paige dared to breath, just as Phoebe laid eyes upon the book.

"The Book of Shadows!" The book was lying on the floor buried beneath a pile of burned rubble. Together, Piper and Cole hefted it from the floor and placed it on the remains of an old but solid antique table.

The book was both water damaged and burned; it's pages were rippled and singed with it's written words smeared. "Oh no," Phoebe sniffed feeling as if she'd just lost a member of the family. "This can't be"

"Can't it?" The angel of Destiny appeared basking in his heavenly white glow. "This is Prue's destiny"

"Destiny? I don't understand. Where's our sister?" Orbs became visible before the angel could answer, much to Phoebe's relief, "Prue"

Prue and Andy were both dry and neatly dressed in angelic white. Prue's dark raven hair was shining radiant in her afterlife glow.

"Destiny is ready when you are" The angel smiled cordially. "All you need to do is to recite the spell"

"The spell to vanquish our powers?" Phoebe questioned as Prue stepped up to the table joining them all around the book in a complete circle.

"Once the spell is said, your sister's powers will be relinquished, and they will be cloaked from all evil. The Source may never harm them again."

"You ready?" Prue gave her sisters a small smile reaching for their hands.

"Just a sec, LEO!" Piper looked heavenward, " okay, you can continue"

Paige's brow furrowed, shaking her head, "wait a minute after everything we've been through your still going to go through with the vision of Utopia?"

"Paige that demon could have killed all of us today" Piper shushed, "she's only doing what she thinks is best"

Paige lowered her head, "I know, it's just I gonna kind of miss being a witch"

"We all are" Phoebe agree as Leo orbed into the room with Amanda, Melinda, Ally, Victor and Glenn.

"Did I miss it?"

"No we're just about to start" Piper told him. All five men, stood back with the girls as Prue began to chant, keeping her eyes focused on the book.

"From whence they came, return them now, vanish the words, vanish our powers." Prue paused a moment, squeezing Piper and Phoebe's hands for strength, From whence they came, return them now, vanish the words, vanish our powers."

After the second stanza, Prue looked over to Andy and her children feeling tears well in her eyes

"One more time" the angel coaxed gently, wanting to spare the priestess any anguish.

Prue bit down on her lip, returning her gaze to the book. Memories of the six years, she'd spent as a witch, began to flood her mind. Memories of both, joy, pain and anguish.

" From whence they came, return them now, vanish the words, vanish our powers." she said finally watching tears drizzle down her sisters faces, landing the book. Closing her eyes, Prue let her own tears fall directly onto the burned triquetra causing it to glow

"What's happening?" Phoebe sniffled. The book was seemingly beginning to heal itself.

"And why is Phoebe still transparent?" Paige added, "shouldn't she be back to normal by now?"

"Try using your powers" Prue suggested to Piper.

Piper looked to Leo who picked up an antique goblet and tossed it in the air. Piper waved her wrists freezing the glass.

"Why didn't the spell work? It should have taken our powers" Phoebe asked the angel.

The angel simply smiled in returned. "You'll need to ask your oldest sister that, after all this is her destiny. The demon you faced was just a test"

Piper's eyes became as wide as saucers, "A test? You mean Prue conjured a demon to reveal her true emotion?" This all had a familiar ring to it, Piper thought reminiscing of her own wedding day. "Prue! I don't believe you! How could you do that to Phoebe?"

"Is that true, Prue?" Phoebe asked in disbelief. "You conjured a demon to ruin my wedding?"

Tears fled from Prue's eyes, in combination with emotion that made her voice inaudible prompting the angel to answer.

"Her undecided emotions did. Although, she said the words of the spell, her heart chose a different destiny," The angel smiled fading away.

Prue mopped a couple of fingers under the rim of her eyes. "Magic is our destiny, with it we've done good things and the three of you have great things yet to do. We need to embrace it, no matter what the future brings".

"Is that our sister, trying to sound apologetically official?" Phoebe quipped winking at Piper.

"I think so" the traditional middle witch nodded, "but she kind of left out something"

Prue cocked her head, "what was that?"

"That you're not Mom" Piper answered simply, "unlike Mom you can have a future with your children Prue. We all want you to be happy Prue, and we'll accept any type of destiny that will provide that. You're our sister, we love you"

Prue sniffled a little as her three sisters stepped away from the book, leaving her with a clear path to Andy and her daughters. Andy gave her a little smile as he and girls padded over to the table. Prue smiled back winding her hand around the back of his neck so that they could share a tender kiss.

"Look! Prue's is becoming a mortal again!" Phoebe exclaimed softly, watching Prue and Andy's white angelic attire turn into their normal everyday street attire.

"Not exactly" Natalie appeared, holding a suitcase in one hand and her book of rules in the other. "Prue is now partially immortal, which means she can only be destroyed by the Dark Priestess. We'll also be needing to work out a schedule for her to abide her time between mortal earth and the afterlife"

"What's with the suitcase?" Paige quipped, "Is she planning on staying?"

"God, I hope not" Piper pressed a hand to her forehead. "Leo?"

"It's Natalie's job, to advise the High Priestess. It's required by law that she is at Prue's disposal, at all times. If Prue's going to be remaining here at the manor, then Natalie will need to be here with her."

"Oh Good Lord!" Piper howled, "we traded our vision of Utopia for a lifetime with Natalie! I don't believe this!"

"Well at least there is one good thing about all of this you aren't an apparition anymore" Paige laughed looking down at Phoebe's hands to see that they returning to her corporeal state.

"I'm back!" Phoebe squealed elated flicking her gaze to Cole.

Cole looked to Leo smirking, "Thank God, I was think that I Phoebe and I were doomed to non-physical contact for the rest of her life"

Leo grinned at his new brother in-law, "I guess this guarantees you a normal honeymoon"

Cole continued to grin slapping Leo on the back before making his way to Phoebe." If you'll all excuse us, Phoebe and I have a honeymoon in Greece to attend too" Cole's arms wrapped around Phoebe's waist kissing her passionately as they shimmered out.

Paige maneuvered her way over to Glenn "So what about Prue being dead is she going to have a masking power like Andy's?"

The two white lighters looked at one another, with Leo subsiding to Natalie, " We're still trying to work out the exact details but the Elder's believe that the High Priestess will have the ability to move about mortal earth as if she never died."

"But let me guess the rest of us will still be held accountable for personal gain and exposure"

"Most definitely" Natalie sniffed. "While the high priestess is here on earth, she will need to exercise a great deal of caution when using her powers"

"Oh life as normal then" Paige shrugged, smiling up at Glenn. Glenn's arm wrapped comfortably about her shoulder.

"Paige your life is any but normal"

"By your standards" Paige quipped adding a hint of mischief to her voice, "now about catching up, what do say, we blow this sopping wet, charcoal pit and get something to eat?"

"Sounds good to me" Arm and arm the couple strolled out of the attic.

Gazing down at her appointment schedule Natalie cleared her throat, pulling Prue and Andy away from their family moment, "Excuse me, Priestess but you have tribunal hearing to attend in exactly forty-three minutes to hear arguments in personal gain case and then at midnight your presence is requested at the specters ball"

"The Specters Ball?"

"It's a dinner gathering with a variety of magical dignitaries"

"What do I wear?" Prue smiled intrigued.

"I have a selection of gowns already prepared" Natalie waved her hand producing two exquisite ball gowns, one in white, the other in gold.

"I'll wear the gold one" Prue replied, "I'm a little tired of angelic white"

"And what about my wardrobe, Nat?" Andy's hands fell to Prue's shoulders causing her smile.

"I do get to take an escort right? I mean the High Priestess to the Realm can't exactly go traipsing about the afterlife by herself, now can I?"

"Black Tie Tux" Natalie growled, trying to control her disdain over having to serve the Charmed Witch Priestess.

Prue smiled seductively, turning in Andy's arms, "Not that I want to leave the girls right now, but it looks like we have a lot of work to do" she tilted her head heavenward, "Orb me up?"

"Your wish, is my command" Andy whispered into her lips, orbing her away, leaving Victor, Piper and Leo to care for the girls.

"Uh, I gotta go too, one of my other charges is calling" Leo handed Melinda to Victor and vanished into a set of orbs.

"Great Just Great!" Piper placed both hands on her hips gazing about the destruction in the attic, "everybody goes off and leaves me to clean up this freaking mess! What am I going to do?"

"I'm sure, you'll think of something sweetheart, but I've got an to attend to an international conference call" Sheepishly, Victor handed both Ally and Melinda to Piper leaving the witch to frown in anger.

"So much for a Charmed Afterlife! I'm going to kill Prue for this when she gets back!"

It was shortly after dawn when Prue and Andy orbed into the nursery, wearing their formal attire. "Oh they look like little angels" Prue cooed, making her way over to her two sleeping children. Tenderly, she leaned over Amanda's bed, and swept the bangs away from her face.

"I love you, Angel Girl" Prue whispered using Paige's pet name. Gently she kissed Amanda's forehead causing the child to wriggle.

"Mommy? Is you and Daddy back from heaven?"

"Yes" Prue whispered pulling up the covers, "and we're here to stay, at least for a little while".

Prue kissed Amanda and then made her way over to the crib andwrapped her hands around his waist as he reached down to gently stroked Ally's nearly baldhead with two fingers.

Andy's turned, pulling Prue in close. Suggestively, Prue pulled on his bow tie pulling it loose, "you know just because I didn't choose Utopia doesn't mean we still can't try for that angelic child"

Andy lifted both eyebrows looking down into her wanting eyes, "you really want another one, even though you know what the future is going to bring?"

Prue nodded, pressing up on her tip-toes for a kiss. "Yup, I want an entire manor filled with screaming magical kids, no white picket fence though…"

"Are you sure you'll have time for that? I mean it sounds like Natalie's going to keep you on a pretty tight schedule" Andy questioned, punctuating his words with kisses as Prue began to work the buttons on his shirt.

"Not so tight, that you and I can't create our own little version of Utopia right underneath her nose"

"Yeah, you'd like that wouldn't you?" Andy smiled covering her lips, with his.

"Nothing would give me greater pleasure, that to see her as a full time, baby-sitter" Prepared to take the moment to the next level, Prue took a hold of his hand, and together they walked into the hall.

"Morning" Paige yawned passing the couple on way to the bathroom.

"Morning" Prue and Andy replied in unison looking back over their shoulders to see Paige fall into Glenn's arms. The bathroom door shut and Prue and Andy both began to giggle.

"Do you think that even though you didn't choose, Utopia they'll end up together?"

"I think they're well on their way" Prue smiled, taking a moment to peek in on Piper. The bedroom door was ajar slightly allowing Prue to see Piper sitting in the rocking chair, feeding a hungry Melinda. Everything was perfect she thought, Piper had the daughter she'd always wanted, Phoebe was married to Cole, Paige was well on her way to true love and Prue now had an eternity to spend with Andy and their two children.

"Prue you coming?" Prue tore her eyes away from the door to see Andy standing in the threshold of their bedroom. Slowly she made her way to him seeking comfort in the safety of his arms.

Andy's lips swept a kiss across her temple "Close the door" he murmured pulling her inside.

Stepping inside, Prue paused waving a finger at the bedroom door "Welcome to my Charmed Afterlife" she said, watching the door close.

The End.

Sneak Peek to Eternally Charmed: Takes place3 years after Charmed in the Afterlife. Plot: Shortly after the birth of Prue and Andy's third and final child, the dark priestess, Dantalian, pulls Prue into an alternative universe where her children and sisters do not seem to exist so that she can follow through with her plan to do away with the new "Angelic Child". Paige helps Andy solve a murder case. And Prue and Andy quibble over what to name their new, angelic daughter. Romance may bloom for Paige. Once again this story is Prue and Andy centered but features all four sisters.