Well, I changed the story. It totally sucked and thanks to those who reviewed!

Chapter 1: In the club

"Kagome darling you're the best." The drunken man leaned his head on Kagome's shoulder.

Kagome pushed his head back and said, "Err... yeah, um... you want more drink?" she offered a glass of beer to him.

"Sure thing, babe" he said then took the glass and drained it down to through his throat. He slammed the glass on the table and a few minutes later, his head collapsed on the table.

Kagome smirked and reached for his pocket and took his wallet, she opened the wallet and found 300 dollars that made her smile plastered on her face got even wider. She took the money and placed his wallet back on to his packet. She signaled a waiter to come, "Yo, waiter! He's drunk, take him away." The waiter called for security and dumped him outside the club.

"How much did you get?" Sango asked.

"300 bucks." She replied.

"Whoa! That's big! I only got 150 bucks from my other customer!" Sango said. "So what are you planning to do on that money?" she asked.

"I'm saving half of it for my school supplies and the other half, I'm saving it for my mom's medicine." Kagome replied as she stuffed the money on the ample of her bosom.

"That's really nice of you. How's Souta?"

"He's doing really fine. It's sad that he has to stop school to take care of mom." Kagome sighed.

"Everything will be fine, Kagome, trust me. Oh, I better go now, a customer is waiting for." Sango said and gave Kagome a quick hug.

"Okay, I'll see you later then." She wave at Sango.

Inuyasha and Miroku

"Inuyasha, have you been dating other girls?" Miroku asked.

"Why would I do that?" Inuyasha said.

"Come on, you can't still be stuck with Kikyo are you? It's been 3 years, Inuyasha. Let it go." Miroku said as he patted Inuyasha's back.

"What are you talking about? Of course I'm not stuck with that horrible bitch, well a little, but since I broke up with her. My point of view of women was changed. They're all the same, they all cheat! Women are like kids with magnifying glass and we men are ants and they burn us up in hell!" Inuyasha said.

"Inuyasha, tell me the truth. Are you still a virgin?"

"What are you talking about? Of course not! Well, alright, yes, I am but so what?"

"Dude, we're seniors. We'll be graduating in 3 weeks. Do you know what kind of humiliation are you in when you step in to college?"

"No, what?" he frowned.

"Humiliation, painful humiliation."

"Who cares about that crap! I don't give a damn about being a virgin after my graduation, in fact, I don't even care if I remain a virgin for the rest of my life!" Inuyasha said.

"Suit yourself but remember what I said, HU-MI-LI-A-TION" Miroku said then walked towards the door but before he left the room, he said one more word, "HUMILIATION!"

"GET OUT YOU LECHER!" Inuyasha screamed as he threw his book towards Miroku, just in time when he closed the door.

3 days later...

"Kagome, you're the best entertainer ever..." another victim of Kagome's schemes collapsed back on his chair.

"Thank you." She said to herself then took his wallet and on his wallet was 500 dollars. She took the money and placed it on the place where it belongs, between the ample of her bosom.

"Kagome, is he asleep?" Sango whispered.

"Oh yeah, of course. He's sleeping like a dead oaf."

"How much did you got?" she asked anxiously.

"500 bucks this time. I like this business, you get quick bucks easily."

"Speaking of quick bucks..."

"HENTAI!!!" Sango slapped the man behind her.

"Sango, dearest, must you be so mean?" Miroku asked.

"Must you also place your hand where it doesn't belong? My patience is this thin, Miroku. If you put another toe out of line, you will beat you to death!" Sango warned.

"Alright but anyways as I was saying, do you want to earn quick bucks?" Miroku asked to Kagome.

"And you are?" Kagome raised her eyebrow.

"Miroku, Miroku Onose." He held out his hand.

"Kagome Higurashi" Kagome took his hand and shook his hand.

"As I was saying do you want to earn quick bucks?"

"It depends, what sort of stuffs do you want me to do?" she asked.

"I have a friend and I want you to take his virginity."

"What? Who do you think I am? A slut? I may look like one but I most certainly am not one!" Kagome protested.

"Kagome! This is an advantage!" Sango said.

"An advantage? How is that an advantage?" Kagome asked in confusion.

"It might help your mom and Souta!" Sango said.

"Your right, so how much are you paying me?" Kagome asked.

"10,000 dollars for down payment and another 20,000 if you do a really good job." Miroku.

"Okay, you have yourself deal, who is this Inuyasha your talking about?"

"I have a picture of him." Miroku reached out from his pocket and gave the picture to Kagome.

Kagome took the picture and stared at it. Look at those golden eyes! He has an amazing silver hair and those kawaii ears! She thought. "Okay, I'll start whenever you want me to start."

"How about tomorrow." Miroku suggested.

"Tomorrow then." She said.

Sorry if it's short but I'm definitely going to make the 2nd chapter longer. Thanks for reading, I'd really appreciate it if you guys would review!