Disclaimer - These characters don't belong to me.

First Fic. Hope you enjoy it.

Spike couldn't believe it, his Sire had tried to fool him. All those years together killing all those people, fucking in there blood till they were both exhausted, was it all for nothing, he knew him inside and out, the bloody git.

'You were my Sire man. My Yoda' And look what his Sire was trying to give him, a gangly . . Ok not gangly, maybe more a swimmers build teenage boy, yeah he could see himself lying between those hard thighs, a mop of brunette hair, which he could definitely hold on to and the brownest set of eyes almost chocolaty, you could get lost in those eyes and what a look he would get from those eyes once they shagged for the first time.

'You know what, I accept, give him 'ere.' And Spike realised he really had lost it, he always lost it for a set of eyes. Keeping a cool exterior he put on a smirk, which with anyone else would still look just as evil.

'He'd make a good pet he would. I wonder how long it would take to break him, seeing as I did learn from the best, ay Angel.'

Xander had been listening to the conversation avidly, it was his life on the line here. He was still in shock, just how did this happen. Giles had asked him to fetch Angel, check. He had found Angel, check. Angel had royally fucked him over by offering his neck to Spike an evil vampire, check. He knew he had a reason for always hating Angel and this was a very big one, the gelled freak.

' No, No, No. I am not being given to the evil bleached blonde freak vampire. Angel you stop this right now. . .Or. . . Or . . Buffy will be really pissed and you won't get any smooches from her as she cries about my dead body, which she will still be unable to find, unless Spike leaves my disembowelled corpse on her front doorstep or he turns me.' Xander's eyes filled with shock as he realised what could happen to him.' Oh God. I could get turned and Buffy would have to stack me and. . .and. . She'll never forgive you.' he glared hard at Angel, there was nothing else he could do.

Xander was waayyy beyond terrified, in fact he had passed it 4 signs back and was now into shitting himself, which he was wondering why he hadn't done yet, probably not to look like too much of a baby in front of the vampires, even though they could most likely smell the terror, eewww, why did this always happen to him. And Angel still wasn't helping.

'TELL HIM ANGEL!' he couldn't help but scream it, no one was listening, especially Angel. Damn him for getting him into this.

'I'm not going to let him get you Xander.' Angel had an annoyed tone to his voice, Xander could tell he was starting to get on his nerves. ' Now leave him alone Spike, we are going to leave and you'll see me again, don't you worry about it.'

'Please, like you're gonna just walk out of 'ere. Now 'and him over and I'll even let you go free.'

Spike had another one of those smirks on his face, he knew his new pet and Angel were surrounded by his minions and they had very little chance of getting out . . And . . (An even deadlier smirk crossed his face) . . .he always got what he wanted.

Focusing back on his two captives Spike started to walk menacingly towards them, stalking them like the predator he was.

'You really think y . . .' before Spike could finish his sentence, he was surprised to have had Angel shove him into his surrounding minions, which left them all in a tangled heap on the floor. He couldn't believe it 'Get 'em' he called to his remaining minions. He continued to try and detangle himself as he saw the fleeting backs of his Sire and new pet, because as far as he was concerned this was not over, by a long shot.

Xander cast another quick back glance at the tangled mass of vampires as he tried to push himself a little harder to get at least some distance between him and the bad guys, he really wanted to thank whatever Divine Entity that was out there that he had actually got away from that undead asshole.