Author's Note: Well, here's the end—thanks offered at the end to all those that reviewed and thanks to those who read but did not review—you all are just as appreciated.


"Kenshin, greet your son."

At those words Kaoru placed the infant in her husband's hands, the tiny boy mewling sofly as the former Imperialist cradled his son, marveling at the squirming life in his hands. His eyes were soft violet pools as they gazed upon the perfection of the small grasping hands, one catching a finger as he thrust it down near the baby and he felt overwhelmed as tears welled up. He slowly raised his eyes to the twin sapphire orbs radiating love from his wife's dear visage.

"I-I don't know what to say," Kenshin murmured as his throat was constricted with emotion, his heart filled to bursting with such love for his little family.

Kaoru managed a small titter as she reached her hand and squeezed his as it held their now sleeping son. She looked up and saw Shura watching from a distance, her expression one of quiet resignation as she smiled at the scene. Kaoru then raised a hand and called to the lady pirate.

"Shura-san, onegai come here. I want to thank you for everything."

Shaken from his awe-filled reverie, Kenshin tore his gaze from his child and looked up as Shura approached coming to the canvas where the Himura family was gathered. He handed the baby to Kaoru as Shura knelt beside the new mother. Turning toward Shura, Kenshin bowed deeply, his face down causing the leader of the Kairyu to become bemused.

He said in an emotion filled voice, "I am forever indebted to you, Shura-dono. For taking such good care of my wife and helping my son to be born, domo arigatou." He raised his head and his eyes were glowing with gratitude.

Shura, who was usually unfazed by effusive displays of emotion was transfixed by the violet gaze, her own heart pounding as she was dumbstruck, humbled by the declaration. She bit her lip as she made a shaky bow in return.

"I-I'm honored to have helped you. I was just paying back the debt that I owed you since you saved my life," she said softly as she continued to be pinned by his amazing eyes.

Kaoru watched the exchange and she too added her gratitude as she held her son. "Arigatou Shura-san, for everything."

Shura replied warmly, "You did well, Kaoru-san as I knew you would." Seeing the need to take her leave she rose slowly and said, "I'd better go see how my crew is faring." She then headed to the ladder to climb up to the top deck.

Kenshin moved beside his wife and wrapped her in his arms, cradling her head in his hand as he murmured, "I'm so proud of you, koishii. And so glad you are all right."

"Hai, anata, I am fine." His wife beamed as she could not take her eyes from the newborn, his tiny hands opening and closing as he yawned and squirmed.

Kenshin's eyes gazed at his progeny and he ran a reverent finger in the flame colored down on the baby's head, words at a loss for the moment.

Kaoru smiled at him and said, her awe apparent, "Isn't he beautiful, Kenshin? Isn't our son beautiful?"

The swordsman of legends added his own amazement to that of his wife as he agreed. "Hai, koishii that he is."

Above, the skies were finally calming as the rains tapered off and the waves eased signaling the end of the storm. And as the heavens were ceasing their violence, the battle on the Samekuroi vessel had drawn to a close as well. The leader Izumo was dead, his end met by the last bolt of the tempest that was justice in the truest sense. His right-hand minions, Souichi and Kagesu both had met their demise by the hands of Shura and Ganji as both were about to commit yet another heinous crime. And the rest of the band of cutthroats were either slain or injured and bound up, awaiting the final punishment that the approaching authorities would serve for their many, many atrocities.

Up on the deck, at the starboard stern the bow of the Imperial battleship Katsumoto drew abreast the Obake with a swarm of Imperial sailors getting ready to board led incredibly by an unusual foursome. The leading party was made up of two tall young men, one in decidedly Western garb and the other in a white haori and trousers with the kanji "Aku" on the back and two youngsters, a spike haired preteen boy with a shinai on his back and a petite kunoichi with a long ebony braid. They all were poised on the deck of the battleship at the ropes and ready to swing over.

The captain shook his head as he watched the four and issued forth the orders to his own men. "Get into position and get ready to board to take the prisoners! And make sure the corpses are disposed of!"

"Hai!" the men chorused as they followed his directive.

Misao turned to Aoshi as the ship glided to the Obake and she inquired, "Aoshi-sama, what if they don't have Kaoru-san or they---,"

"Shhh, do not even think that," he admonished as he lifted his head as if to search the deck of the Samekuroi vessel. "The Battousai is here now and I do not sense defeat in his ki rather joy, complete and utter joy."

Misao's eyes grew into wide teal pools. "Do you think Kaoru-san had the baby?"

Aoshi said nothing in return but gave an imperceptible nod.

Near them Sanosuke and Yahiko were eagerly waiting as the battleship sided the other vessel, their heads craned and straining to see what had happened and if they could spot their friend's red head. However, what they did see was a deck strewn with felled Samekuroi as the swordsman squad and Kairyu pirates were tying them together for the trip back to Tokyo. The spike haired boy and rooster coifed man watched with keen interest.

Yahiko's impatience was apparent as he grumbled, "Man, when are we gonna be able to get on that ship, it's takin' forever."

Sano retorted, "Pipe down willya, punk? We'll get there. And when we do, I'm gonna pulverize one baka rurouni for leavin' me out of what looks like a helluva fight."

"Aa," Yahiko agreed. "Kuso, I wanted to help beat those bastards and Kenshin told me to stay in Tokyo. I'm disappointed."

Sano glanced over and ruffled the boy's head. "Aa, me too, kid. But you know our buddy Kenshin he's too protective and feels that everything is on his shoulders alone. And if he was told that they have Jou-chan, well you know--," he left trailing.

Yahiko nodded in assent. "Aa, anything with Kaoru and he's right in the middle. But I'm glad because she's about to have the baby." His eyes became like saucers as he asked, "Say, Sano d'ya think she might have had the baby?"

"How should I know?" the former fighter said as inside he prayed that she did not. Facts of feminine life were a mystery to him but he figured that the swaying deck of a pirate ship in the middle of a storm was the last place in which to give birth. From what he heard emitting from behind the rice paper shojis on Ruffians Row at times, he knew that it was not a pleasant experience and at those times he fervently thanked Kami above that he was born a man.

The port side of the Katsumoto then came flush against the starboard side of the Obake and the ships bumped as they made contact. The captain barked the order to board the enemy craft and the seamen complied, along with the four friends of Himura, swinging over the railing. . . .

On the port deck of the Obake Sarujiro the mute had joined Shura as she came up from below, a wide and relieved smile splitting his face as he saw that she was safe. She strode over to where the rest of her crew was trussing up their adversaries securing the bonds none too gently as vengeance for the loss of their families was still burning bright in their minds.

Shura cast a dispassionate eye on the grimaces on the faces of the captives and she said wryly to her men. "Easy minna, the Imperial Navy will be doing the sentencing so try to restrain yourselves."

"But Shura-sama," Ganji protested. "We owe these scurvy knaves for all they have done and we want to pay." He fingered the wakizashi and tanto tucked in his waistband as the other Kairyu crew who had gathered before their captain all grunted in agreement and did likewise.

"I feel the same as you all," Shura said, her coffee eyes soft with sympathy. "I know you have all lost wives, children, sisters, brothers, mothers, and fathers and you have a right to avenge your kin. But we must trust that Yamagata and the Imperial forces will mete out justice."

The men all grumbled but nodded albeit grudgingly as they resumed their tasks. Shura stood with arms akimbo as she oversaw their work until her eye caught the arrival of the Imperial battleship.

Suddenly, the deck of the Obake was swarming with Imperial seamen who began hoisting the incarcerated brigands to their feet so Shura called to her men, "Assist them in the transfer of the Samekuroi to the brig on the battleship."

"Hai, Shura-sama," they said obediently as Sano, Yahiko, Misao and Aoshi all approached her, all but Aoshi rattling off questions…

"What happened?"

"Where's Kenshin?

"Did Kaoru have the baby?" This from Misao.

Looking flustered by the barrage of inquiries, Shura said in an exasperated tone, "All right, all right! First, Izumo and the Samekuroi are defeated, thanks to Himura, Danjuro-san and the other swordsmen. Secondly, he's down below deck with Kaoru-san and both are fine." She then met Misao's query with a smile as she said, "And finally hai, she did, a healthy son."

The three all stopped and stared as the news sunk in and then Misao crowed, "Subarashii! Let's go and see them, c'mon!" She scampered to the ladder leading down with the men trailing behind. . . .

Down in the hold, Kenshin was still cradling his little family and in a state of grateful awe as he gazed upon his newborn son, encircled in the arms of his precious koishii who finally drifted off to an exhausted sleep, her head on his shoulder. He tried to stay still but found it difficult if not impossible as he continued to touch his son's face, committing it to memory and writing the image on the surface of his heart.

He was shaken from his reverie with a strident "Himura!" as the ladder bore the pixie kunoichi Misao, followed by Yahiko, Sano and lastly Aoshi. The four hurried over to the canvas and surrounded the area where Kaoru, Kenshin and the baby were cuddled together, creating a very touching picture of the little family. Kenshin smiled at the group as he held a finger to his lips.

"Shhh, onegai Misao-dono. My Kaoru is sleeping, that she is and she needs her rest."

But it was too late, Misao's summons woke Kaoru as she yawned and then acting the part of the protective new mother admonished, "Quiet, Misao-chan. You'll wake up the baby." She nuzzled the infant as he squirmed and cooed, moving in his slumber and curling into his mother's bosom.

"Gomen nasai, Kaoru-san," Misao said, cowed as she knelt beside her friend. "He's just kirei, Kaoru-san." She stared at the tiny lad as he remained nestled against his mother.

"Wow," Sano said in amazement as he stared at the tiny creation of the couple's love. "He's something else, Kenshin." He slapped the rurouni on the back, startling him as he exclaimed, "I always knew ya had it in you, Kenshin. What a fine boy!"

Yahiko knelt down and held his finger out to the miniature hands and immediately the baby grabbed at a finger his grip firm for one so small.

The young samurai blushed and then stammered, "H-he's already got a swordsman's grip, Kenshin. " He then looked up and said, "Looks like I'll be able to teach him the Kamiya Kasshin Ryu before long."

Kenshin grinned and nodded as Aoshi finally spoke, "Omedeto Battousai, on the birth of your son."

Kenshin gazed up at the former okashira of the Oniwabanshuu and saw a man, once his enemy now a trusted friend with his soul restored. His smile faded as he then bowed deeply. "Arigatou, Aoshi," he said in deep respect.

Kaoru bowed her head as well but both her and Kenshin's heads popped up when Danjuro came down and announced, "Excuse me minna, but the captain of the battleship Katsumoto has requested that we all board his ship to head back to Tokyo. This vessel is being impounded and towed back and he wants it empty."

"Hai," everyone chorused as Kenshin gently assisted his wife to her feet and she securely carried their son, still asleep. He took firm hold of her elbow and guided her to the ladder where Danjuro stood waiting his eyes warm as he looked at the new family.

"Omedeto Ken-san, Kaoru-san on the birth of your precious son. Iesu has truly blessed you."

The couple smiled at him as Kenshin echoed, "Hai he has indeed."

Danjuro said to Kaoru, "Tamiko will be thrilled when we get home but disappointed that she was not able to be with you during your time. I know she wanted to help you during the birth."

Kaoru responded, "I'll make it up to her and let her help me with him when we return home." She gave him a wink and added, "Maybe you'll both be blessed as well."

Danjuro smiled and then it faded as he spotted the still form of the long deceased Kagesu sprawled in the corner bloody and partially covered with a grimy sack. He inquired, "Is that the man that Izumo had abduct you, Kaoru-san?"

Kaoru's piquant face clouded and paled as she nodded and stammered, "H-hai." Her fear returned as she remembered being beneath the bulk of the vile man, his putrid hot breath filling her nostrils all over again. "Shura-san killed him as he was trying to rape me by throwing her tanto into his heart."

Instantly noticing his wife's pallor, Kenshin's head whirled and stared at the corpse of the one who had nearly taken away his reason for living. His eyes became glazed in amber as the Battousai spoke in a low growl.

"He is indeed very fortunate that Shura-dono ended his miserable life so quickly. Because if it had been me that discovered him threatening my Kaoru I would have made him suffer dearly before I sent him to hell," he grimly promised.

Kaoru bit her lip and said, "I'm glad it did not happen like that, anata. I would have never forgiven myself if you had broken your vow of never killing again because of me. Like that time at the shrine with Jin-eh, I would have done what I could to stop you no matter what." She lowered her head, avoiding his piercing eyes as she asked, "Is Izumo dead?"

"Hai, he is," her husband replied as if he were relieved.

Kaoru asked hesitantly, "And did you kill him, Kenshin?"

The former hitokiri sighed as he shook his head, "Iie. He died, but not by my hand."

His wife was curious. "Then how?"

Kenshin closed his eyes and raised his head upward. "Izumo was smote by the hand of Heaven, that he was."

"Hand of heaven?" she repeated incredulously.

Danjuro nodded as Kaoru stared at her husband torn between awe and disbelief as she again asked, "So how did he die?"

Kenshin sighed as he recounted, "I had used the kuzuryusen on him but his hunger for vengeance ran deep so he prepared for another attack while goading me with what was happening to you. I became enraged and was ready to end his worthless life and he was in a chodan no kamae to run me through when a bolt of lightning hit his blade and electrocuted him before I could attack." He shook his head in wonder as he added, "It is as if Kami above intervened before I could break my vow."

Danjuro smiled as he said, "Kami and Iesu be praised that you have continued to remain true to your vow. Although he truly deserved it you did not take Izumo's life."

Kaoru gazed in rapt adoration at her husband. "Because of Kami, your hands remain cleansed of blood, Kenshin." She gestured to the sleeping infant as she added, "We both are honored to have you in our lives."

Kenshin wrapped an arm about her shoulders and planted a kiss on her temple, words at a loss as Danjuro looked on fondly. The episode was interrupted by a seaman's call above.

"Onegai, minna onboard the Katsumoto, now. We will be leaving to return to Tokyo shortly."

Danjuro said, "We had better head up now."

"Aa," Kenshin agreed as he assisted his wife up the ladder and she carried the precious cargo of their sleeping son. Danjuro brought up the rear with a final backward glance at the cold corpse and dingy hold that had borne both the beginning and end of life simultaneously. . . .

The trip back to Tokyo on the Imperial battleship was in calm waters, beneath a star-studded velvet sky. In the aftermath of the storm, the night was illuminated by the crescent of the waning moon, hanging in the mid western clime like a lemon peel and lit the way as the vessel glided in the gentle waves.

The deck was deserted except for the swordsman of legends and his young wife, holding their son as they stood at the bowspirit as if guiding the ship back home, their eagerness to return to the dojo evident. And for that reason sleep was elusive so as the rest of the ship slumbered Kenshin and Kaoru stayed up on the deck locked in an embrace and stargazing as they discussed the future.

Kaoru said shyly as she held the baby, "So what do you think of 'Kenji' as a name for our son? I want him named after you."

Kenshin replied with a smile, "You know 'Kenshin' is not my true name, tenshi. It is Shinta, that is is."

"I know," she admitted. "But, like Hiko saw in you I see in him the spirit of the samurai. He hardly ever cries and his eyes have a quiet intensity in them." It was true, the baby was not fussy and when he opened his periwinkle eyes, there was a sense of strength in them, remarkable and yet still innocent.

Kenshin glanced down at his son who had awakened and was gazing about in rapt interest at his surroundings as if taking everything in his brief time in the world. He was especially enthralled by his father and often stared up into Kenshin's face, meeting him eye to eye causing the older man to smile even more.

"Hai, he certainly does," the former hitokiri said. He then nodded in agreement as he gave his approval. "All right, his name is Kenji."

Kaoru smiled as she turned and felt as she had the first night she saw him, drawn in and mesmerized by the placid amethyst orbs of the man who was the epitome of a paradox, so gentle and yet so fierce. She felt her heart pound the way it did back then and met his waiting mouth in a tender kiss as the eastern sky lightened with the dawn of a new day and beckoned them to a bright future.


And so it ends. I want to thank everybody who faithfully supported this story and my work by either reviewing, adding this story to their favorites or making me a favorite author so to all of you a warm and humble thanks—

Jen23 (my KSF), RedLion2, Sailor-Earth13, Luvs Lyric, Cuz I Can, InfernoHero, skenshingumi, winter acacia, infidelMaki, Mew Koshou, Gypsy-chan, Clement, Mollie Starr, azulrealms, ct, tintin-chan, erica60606, Namaida, wildfire-sky05, starrydreamz, Animegurl444, obake no shinjite, Shadow Killer, Amber Shadow, chakitattyla2h8, lio, Tanuki Girl 22, LadySword04, PraiseDivineMercy, Brittanie Love, Ari and Kat, Starr Bryte, ari-aly, sanzo-sama no onna, Myks, and Amberle-chan—you are all the very best.

And don't worry—there's more RurKen fanfiction from me to come….
