The New Exiles

The Uncanny R-Man

Disclaimer: We don't own anything except any of our OCs, everything else is owned by either Marvel, or other companies.

Author's Note: This is a rewrite of the original fic we started with a few changes. We felt the story could have been done better and now we have a few changes some of you might like. Please R&R and tell us what you think, especially of the changes and if you're wondering the original story was taken off the site.

Chapter 1: A New Beginning

The place- nowhere. The time, no time at all. All that we see for an infinite distance in any direction is a vast desert. A portal appears in the air and several figures tumble out. They are the Exiles.

A woman wearing a green battle dress with pinkish skin and slightly different short hair and pointed elf like ears, with triangular marks on her face and solid green eyes was Blink, aka Clarice Ferguson. She was the team's teleporter and also their leader.

Mimic, aka Calvin Rankin, had the ability to mimic the powers of others he is also the token broody guy. He had short-cropped blonde hair and a little goatee.

Morph was the shapeshifting comic relief. He was pre white and didn't have many facial features apart from his eyes and mouth. His uniform was yellow and blue with a billowing cape.

Sasquatch, aka Dr Heather Hudson, was the token fuzzy powerhouse of the group as she had the ability to chance from her beautiful African-American human form to a giant white furred Sasquatch form.

Namora, an alternate version of one world's Sub-Mariner was the ruler of Atlantis with the attitude problem to match, as she never wanted to join up with the Exiles in the first place. She had blue skin and she wore a green bikini.

The last member was Beak a boy from Xavier's school with a bird like face, with the ruined helmet of a mutant that once believed was named Xorn over his head carrying a baseball bat. Uhhh... We're not so sure what he does.

Morph was the first to speak. "Oh great!" He groaned as he got up of his feet. "Another &$£ desert! Okay then Timebroker, show yourself."

"Uh, Morph." Heather said, switching to her regular form of an attractive black woman. "Are you sure that it's wise to piss him off?"

"Like I care whether I piss him off or not. "I'm fed up of losing my friends on these freaking missions!" He cried out in anguish. He had seen too many of his friends die on these things and he had had enough.

Mimic winced as he guessed one of the reasons for Morph's rants. Morph had been riding his back ever since their visit to the reality where they first met the Fantastic 4 and they lost Sunfire. She suffocated under a toppled building trying to rescue civilians when Mimic, under the control of the Brood embryo that was implanted in his body, went on a rampage. The embryo was destroyed but that doesn't take away the fact that they lost one of their own.

"I'm afraid he's not here." Came an unfamiliar voice. They turned to see someone coming over to them.

The figure that approached them wasn't that of the slightly balding, rotund Timebroker. This figure was quite tall, had light brown hair and was wearing a long black leather coat, even in the sweltering weather yet he didn't seem effected by the heat. He also had a rather large sword strapped to his back and inside the coat they saw a strange brown leather traveling bag, it was covered in strange runes and the strap was across his chest.

"Hey, you're not the Timebroker!" Beak said in admiration. "You look kinda cool."

"Greetings." The figure said in a pleasant voice and calm manner. "You may call me Guardian. I have summoned you here to tell you things you really need to know."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" A familiar voice said behind them. "Just one second! What are you doing with my team buddy?" The Exiles turned around and saw the Timebroker standing there looking rather pissed. The Timebroker was the one that created the Exiles by taking the first team from other realities mostly against their will and forced them to team up to repair damages in the mulitverse.

"Okay, I'm confused." Blink said. "What the hell is going on here?"

The Guardian was the first to talk. "The Timebroker has been lying to you from the start." He said matter-of-factly. "Instead of repairing the tears in reality, you have been making them worse!" He added, glaring at the Timebroker in disgust.

"I knew it!" Mimic said angrily and started to take a few steps towards the man. "You're screwing with us old man! You have been all along! I, for one, am sick of it! Is everybody with me?"

The other Exiles cheered their assent.

"Poppycock!" The Timebroker snorted. "This shallow imitation is the liar!"

"Enough of this!" Namora yelled, grabbing the Timebroker by the collar. "I do not care who is being truthful. The sooner we fix this stupid little difference opinion, the sooner we can go on another mission and the sooner I can get home to Blessed Atlanti..."

Namora was cut of as the Timebroker blasted her with an energy blast, knocking her to the ground.

"You monster!" Blink hissed, conjuring up a few teleportation lances. "You killed her!"

"Oh like you cared!" The Timebroker replied. "It's not like any of you had feelings for her!"

The Exiles turned around as they heard a weak groan. Namora wasn't dead, that much was evident as she shakily got up on her feet. "You shall pay for this transgression!" She hissed. She leapt at the Timebroker with a fierce yell but found herself stopped in mid air by Guardian, as was evident by his outstretched hand. He lowered her to the ground gently.

"No." He said in an even yet stern voice. "You must not get involved. I am already here to dispose of this impostor and I shall do it alone! Besides you're no match for him."

"That's what you think buddy!" The Timebroker snarled. The Guardian turned around to attack but he was too late, the Timebroker blasted him with a ball of energy. Smoke and sand filled the area he was standing in from the explosive force of the attack. "Well that was quicker than I expected." He sniffed. "Then again, he was a cheap imitation!"

"I wouldn't say that Shorty!" Morph replied with a grin on his face. "Look!"

The Timebroker spun around and saw the form of the Guardian standing there as the smoke and sand settle with a very pissed off expression on his face and also without a scratch on him. He blasted him again with an energy blast. This time it was juts as useless as before as Guardian just shrugged the blasts off.

"I will only ask you one more time Timebroker." He said with a grim and serious face. "Come peacefully or I will have to take drastic measures, and believe me you won't like it." He added coldly.

The Timebroker answered the request by plunging his hand into his pocket and taking out a gun. He shot the Guardian in the head. The Guardian head turned from the impact and then he just looks back at the Timebroker with an unimpressed expression on his face as the small wound which was really more then a scratch healed itself.

"Do you now how much something like that stings? Besides do you really think that a simple weapon like that could hurt me for long if at all?" He asked.

The Timebroker rummaged around again and took out a knife. He tried to stab the Guardian but the blade snapped against his skin.

"I suppose that there is no other option." He sighed. "I am truly sorry."

The Guardian put his hand under the folds of his coat and removed something from a pouch at his side. It was a magical rune stone. He threw it at the feet of the Timebroker and there was a burst of blinding light. When the Exiles had regained their sight, they saw that the Timebroker had gone.

"W-what did you do?" Blink asked slightly weary of this man after seeing his power.

"The guy just disappeared!" Heather added. "Weird."

The Guardian knelt down and picks up the rune stone.

"I have taken him to a place where he will no longer cause trouble." He told them. To prove his words, he showed them the rune stone. Whereas the rune stone was once blank, it now had the features of the Timebroker etched onto it.

"Is that it?" Beak asked. "What're we gonna do now?"

"I am going to give you something the Timebroker never gave you." The Guardian told them. "I am offering you a choice. You may continue saving realities or you may return home. The choice is yours."

A murmur fell across the gathered Exiles as they debated the decision.

"Well I for one wish to leave." Namora said. "I have an empire to rule."

"I wanna go too." Beak replied. "I've got a girl and kids to look after."

"Me too." Mimic added. Blink stared at her boyfriend in amazement.

"Cal, how can you say such a thing?" She asked, him not believing his words.

"I'm sorry Clarice." Mimic sighed as he held her close. "I'm fed up of being somebody's pawn." He had already just learned like the others they had been used and during the Brood disaster when he had been taken over he had done things he would regret for the rest of his life. "I just want to go home. Why don't you come with me? We can live on my world, I know the world you come from is gone but we can have a life on mine together."

Blink sighed deeply and broke away from the embrace. She thought about how wonderful it would be, but then she thought on what she learned. They had been used to do more harm then good, all their friends had died in vain for nothing. She couldn't let that go; she couldn't let their sacrifices be for nothing. "I'm sorry Cal...I can't, I just can't go with you. There is much more to do now, I want to try and make up for everything that we did. There's no telling the kind of damage we've done."

"I mean what did everyone die for? If all we did was evil then they died for that. I won't just let that be the legacy of the Exiles or for those that fell in battle with us. They deserved more then that...and I need to do this too. I fought my whole life against evil the fact that I, even though unaware, was working for it sickens me...I can't let this go." She said sadly to him and she could see the sadness in his face and she knew that even she wouldn't be able to convince him to stay on with them.

She sighed. "I hope you'll be happy when you get back home." She turned away from everyone, not wanting to let them see the tears threatening to overwhelm her.

The Guardian sighed slightly, disappointed that some of them were leaving but didn't voice it. He knew it was their choice and would accept it so he turned to address Heather and Morph.

"What about you two, do you want to go home or do you wish to continue saving realities?"

"I want to continue." Heather replied, Blink's words echoing in her thoughts at all the things she had seen, done and the friends lost. "Fight the good fight!"

"Yeah!" Morph added. "For truth, justice and... stuff..."

"Very well." The Guardian said, smirking slightly at Morph's attitude. "First we will take the ones that wish to leave, home, then we will recruit new members."

Without another word, the Exiles were teleported away onto a new adventure...


In a dark chamber, a semi-circle of individuals sat in the dark, the shadows obscured their forms and hid their identities from any of those that served them that wouldn't mind selling out the secrets of the Dark Circle.

A large figure with horns spoke up. "Where is Timebroker?" He bellowed in a deep voice. "He should have been here by now to give a report."

"I do not know." Said a voice of someone or something in heavy robes. The voice was like a harsh whisper. "I have already sent one of my Acolytes to find him."

The door to the chamber on the far end opened and a man in a business suit, all black and with dark slicked back hair walked in. He carried himself tall and with great posture and the dark shades covering his eyes were just as dark as his appearance. He stopped before the assembled beings and bowed.

"My apologies my Lords." He said. "But I have bad news. It seems Timebroker is out of the picture." There were a few angered voices raised at that.

"This council created Timebroker to reek havoc and to do our bidding across the multiverse." A snarling member said to him. "Who is responsible for this?" He demanded.

"And what of his Exiles?" A feminine voice called out.

"A Guardian was responsible." The man in the suit said, and there were worried murmurs amongst them. "I believe it was one of the wondering ones, the one named Adam, and I think he has taken the Exiles as his own."

"I told you I should have killed that Guardian! I should have done it centuries ago!" Came an impulsive voice.

"Please." Said one of the females in an amused tone. "You wouldn't stand a chance, why a weakling like you is on this council I will never know."

"Enough!" Came the central figure. "This Guardian is becoming an annoyance. At least when he was working with the Confederation his hands were tied, but now that he broke away from them and is in exile, he's more dangerous to us now more then ever."

"So what do we do now?"

"We wait for him to make the first move then plan things out from there." Red glowing eyes showed themselves in the darkness. "Then...him and his Exiles will die."

Next Chapter 2: Going Home