A. Note: This story is reposted and revised due to my distaste in my own work. It had begun well enough, until I took the time to look at all the mistakes in spelling, grammar, (Tigeress419 made good notifications on those) and some misplaced scenes. So I decided to remake some of the scenes and writings, though most of it remains the same. The title, however, has changed, since it was named after a certain large part of the story, but it doesn't make sense to have it in the beginning. So, my apologies for that. Hopefully, I can be confidant enough to try and finish this story. This story is my warped sense of need to give the Titans more development, though many great stories, ended and ongoing, have pretty much done it already. But I'm going to give it a whirl, maybe some people will like it.

General information: This story is basically more of an AU, since there's going to be a lot of changes for Robin in the first portion. New characters are introduced, and it's starting after the episode 'Haunted', so it has a lot of intended creepiness and anguish. The genre will change as the story goes into another stage. The Titans' age will also be altered after the first saga, which is centered on Robin, duh.

Standard disclaimer of ownership and properties apply readily.

Titans Rhapsody


"Gaaaahhh!!!" Robin shot up sweating and panting, and quickly pressed a hand to his right eye, covering a portion of his face.

Visions of darkness and corruption lingered in his mind, and he couldn't banish them from his mind.

Pushing off the covers, the boy resumed panting and huffing as perspiration formed across his entire body.

Interesting enough, he had worn a muscle shirt and some sweat pants to sleep in, instead of just plopping on his bed with his uniform like usual.

With the one hand still pressed to his masked eye and face, he shifted his body so his legs dangled from his bed.

Heart beat. Pant. Heart beat. Pant. Heart beat. Pant. Heart beat. Pant. Heart beat. Pant.

He waited patiently for his heart rate and breath to slow, and felt a chill invade his senses as his adrenaline died.

"X'hal...." He muttered, while wiping some of the sweat off his chin and forehead.

Don't know when I picked that one up.

Finally calm enough to think, he trailed back to the haunting visions, and shivered. He thought about the dream prior to his apprenticeship under Slade, where he fought the madman in an earthen landscape of stone pillars.

He shuddered at the ending and implication of that nightmare. Destruction, evil, insanity, all these described that madman, a very resourceful and sadistic madman. By the end of the fight, he was told that everything he cared for he destroyed, and gaped in horror at the fallen stones shaped like his friends.

But the worst came when he peeled away the mask of Slade. He saw his own face behind that bastard's mask. The horrible laughter still echoes in his mind, mocking him, taunting him, tempting him. He was soon to realize though, that Slade's insufferable voice wasn't the only thing gauging him.

He half expected, no, wished, to see Cyborg charge into his room and yell 'trouble' and perhaps even the name 'Slade'. But unfortunately for him, he was only granted the silence of the night.

Feeling like absolute shit by now, the Boy Wonder made his way out of his sanctuary/work room.

Hearing the distinct 'swoooooosh' of the door, he made way to the main room, where the kitchen was connected to.

The entire tower was dark and quite, one definitely could not be able to see one's own fingers. But Robin's trained eyes and senses made it relatively easy to navigate his path.

He stopped briefly in front of each of his teammates' room, and each time he stopped, he would use his index finger to write out of the name of the person in the air.

C-Y-B-O-R-G. His very first android of a friend.

B-E-A-S-T (he mouthed the word 'space') B-O-Y. The changeling that represented a fun loving vegetarian.

R-A-V-E-N. The gothic girl with some dangerous and forbidden emotions.

S-T-A-R-F-I-R-E. The special Tamaranian girl who is his best friend.

He had stopped longer in front of Starfire's door, silently brooding.

Robin resumed walking in the darkness.



Rob had managed to find the refrigerator and searched through its contents.

"Nothing." He spoke softly and emotionlessly, and shut the door.

He walked tiredly towards the couch and sat down. He held his head in his hands and sighed, panting slightly from a mixture of emotions. Frustration, fear, despair, and whatever else his personal hell conjured up.

But he knew the number one emotion was fear.

The Boy Wonder rubbed his right arm, slowly and in rhythm, as if to comfort himself. Peering at the infinitesimal blackness that was the result of the lack of light, he noted how much the familiar room suddenly became foreign to him.

He decided he desperately needed to clear his thoughts, and treaded towards the entrance that brought him to the top of the tower.

Ever since he and Starfire had watched the sunrise on the roof after the Blackfire incident, it became a sort of a sanctuary, a place where he could find solace.

The roof became a special place, he thought grimly, but the romantic idea of it offered some comfort.

After his presence disappeared completely from the room, a figure showed up from the halls, whose identity was given away by a dim, green glow.

The person watched silently as the Boy Wonder made his way to the roof, careful not to be detected. Once the coast was clear, the person sighed.

The person, now evidently Starfire, slowly began to walk towards the rooftop entrance.

She halted halfway, peering at the emptiness of the darkness. She took an additional step forward, stopped. She sighed, in defeat, levitated in the air, and floated back into her room.

Curling up in the sheets of her bed, the Tamaranian princess hugged the soft pillow to her chest, and buried her face in its gentle surface.

"Kerlop......in'luri......Robin..." The girl mumbled, holding the pillow slightly away from her face so she could see her surroundings, though she didn't actually look at anything.

Starfire laid on the bed, hoping for sleep that never came.



The night sky was breath taking, with constellations brimming brilliantly. Normally, Robin would at least comment on the beauty of such a clear sky, and perhaps even go back into the tower and invite Starfire to join him and observe the universe in art form.

But right now, he only cared about the night.

Jump city looked suspiciously similar to Gotham to the Boy Wonder presently. It currently possessed an atmosphere of dust and haze that surrounded the buildings. The ocean waves gently caressed the shoreline of the sandy beach as the night winds blew.

He subconsciously reached for a utility belt he didn't have on, and spat as his hand touched only his waist.

"Aaaaarrrrghhh!!!!" He suddenly threw a punch at nothing, just shadow boxing as it seems.

"Kyah!!!" A kick.

"Errggh!!" A jumping spin kick, followed by several lightning quick jabs.

He leapt into the air, "Raaghh!!" and performed a powerful heel drop, though still at nothing.

The teen suddenly stopped and his masked eyes thinned. He sat down, cross legged, and punched the ground.

"Arrgh!!!" THUNK!!! Pieces of debris flew from the impact, and the fist began to bleed, but the Boy Wonder didn't care.

He knew he wanted to go back inside and pummel some punching bags in the gymnasium, to tire himself out enough so he'd cease thinking irrationally. He didn't even know where the anger came from in the first place.

No, he knew, he just didn't want to think about it.

But he didn't want to disturb the slumber of his teammates, especially in the night if he was the one with a problem. He resigned to just sitting on the rooftop and bask within the limitless embrace of the night.

He had been weak, with the images of Slade in his dreams haunting him, and the memories of his apprenticeship under that lunatic taunting him. Even afterwards, a reagent in Slade's mask had caused him to become delusional and almost died because of it.

"Slade......" Robin muttered, weakly, but full of ferocious anger.

He had PLEADED with Slade, though the man wasn't real, when the effects of the reagent had neared its lethal end. He can still feel the infernal anger burn within him, his utter most hatred for the man called Slade. The need to be strong was always a center focus for Robin, he was the fearless leader of the Titans, he was the one who came up with strategies, he was the one who his friends could rely on the most. Yet in the end he reprimanded and threatened them.

Robin couldn't make sense of anything anymore. Why he couldn't rid Slade from his mind? Why just after the haunting, he was immediately bid back by the darkness? He was supposed to be cured, purified, rid of the dark taint that compelled him to create Red X. The zinothium powered suit was a mistake he promised himself to correct, and in the end, it probably made things worse. Even now, the belt laid beguilingly inside one of his safe locks.

The leader went into the gym a couple hours later.



The night had passed, and the early morning sun graced the land.

Cyborg, the titanium, sonic cannon enforced android walked into the main room, hoping to be able to make some breakfast before Beast Boy woke up, he didn't have the patience this morning to argue with the meat hater.

He was mildly surprised to find Raven awake and already meditating near the couch. The gothic girl usually showed up to breakfast much later than the rest of the team, though he never really knew the reason.

"Morning, Rae. You're up early." Cyborg called to the floating girl, silently debating about the intelligence, or lack of, in his action.

Fortunately, she didn't seem to mind. She whirled around in her levitated position to face the Titan.

"You're up just as early."

Cyborg smiled. "Yeah, but I'm battery powered, just need to recharge to look this good, you girl, need sleep."

"I'm fine." Raven shot back.

Cyborg shook his head. "Unless it's the latest fashion sense, then you've got the worst kind of bags under anyone's eyes."

Surely enough, Raven had very developed bags under her eyes, indicating an extreme lack of sleep; this prospect was further enforced as she yawned.

"I said I'm-auuuuuuuuuuu...."

Cyborg smirked.

She glared. "Shut up."

Shaking his head, the male teen relented.

"As long as you get some beauty sleep later, you desperately need it right-"A plant behind him disintegrated into nothing.

"But you look absolutely gorgeous anyways." He took a look at the plant. "Robin's gonna be mad at you for that, I think he waters it everyday."

Raven kept her glare, but whirled back around so her back faced him. He scratched his head.

"Anyone less cranky up? Beast Boy's probably still drooling like a mutt and muttering something about 'tofu', kind of still sick since......you know."

"Robin's in the gym."

Cyborg raised his human eyebrow. "What's he doing in the gym this early? Don't tell me..."

"He's beating the living hell out of at least a dozen punching bags by now."

"What!? You're serious!?" He walked towards her when she didn't reply.

"Raven, what's going on? Why's the fearless leader so worked up, and why are you all drowsy like you just watched an all night marathon of 'Karate Foosball'?"

Raven stifled a yawn and opened an eye to look at him.

"I hate those movies."

"Stop avoiding the question, Rae. Something's seriously not right with Boy Wonder. He's acting like he's under the influence of that reagent again, maybe there's some after effects of that dust, let me go make a quick sc-."

"Nothing's wrong with him, Cyborg." Raven exclaimed, "And there's no malignant substance affecting him. He's just frustrated with some pent up emotions, very strong emotions." She spoke with a tone that Cyborg couldn't understand.

Cyborg blinked then looked towards the gym. "My scanners are picking up a LOT of heat. Not to mention some very angry teenage grunts."

Silence dominated the room.

"Maybe I should go talk to the dude, if he's going insane, someone needs to help him."

"Then go, cannon fodder, we'll clean up your ashes." Raven spoke, emotionless.


She sighed and shook her head.

"You do remember how he acted when we tried to console him in his affected state. He threatened us, though he was under influence. It's useless to talk to him when his state of mind isn't exactly rational."

Cyborg grimaced at the memory when their leader was seriously considering attacking them.

He clenched his fists. "Why is everything going wrong!? Robin needs anger management, Beast Boy's sick like an overdosed Chihuahua, and Starfire's not even seen around the tower!" He glanced at the direction of the gym.

Raven resumed her position. "Calm down." She commanded. "Robin is suffering from very painful physical and emotional strain. Whatever conflicts he's having in his mind, anger is a byproduct. Which is why telling him to calm down won't help, because that's not the core issue."

"Then what is!? Aren't you concerned? Isn't that why you've stayed up all night?"

Raven opened her eyes. "I don't get concerned. Worrying won't do anyone any good."

Cyborg snorted. "Yeah, just like how you handled your 'I don't do fear' syndrome, and turned the entire tower in a freaky haunted house."

"I'm not the moron who wanted to quit just because he got into an argument."

"Hey! Robin blew up at me just because of ONE failed attempt at-"

"Exactly what might happen again if you go in there to talk to him." Cyborg stopped.

Raven continued. "Whether we admit it or not, Robin's mood affects us all. All of us are frustrated by his recent incident, but it is different this time, there is no reagent, and there is no Slade. He's the only one who can help himself."

"A lot of good that'll do. He's been doing this workaholic shenanigan since Slade showed his ugly face! You remember Red X!" He sighed. "It's frustrating, seeing things falling into pieces."

Raven stopped her levitation and let her feet touch the ground. "Well then, let us go and talk to him."

Cyborg frowned. "Wait, I thought you just said we should leave Robin's issues alone!? Why the sudden one-eighty?"

"Because you're bitching too much, and even I have limits to complaining."

".....didn't know you cursed, Rae."

"You bring out the worst in me, metaphorically speaking, of course."

"You're welcome." He smirked.

Raven walked towards the kitchen and spoke. "If you want talk to him, it's best if you develop a constructive, premeditated plan. If you fail the first time, you'll only make things worse."

"But I don't even know what he's upset about." Cyborg said confused.

Raven groaned. "This is why I didn't attempt to go to him myself. I only know he's pissed, but I don't know exactly why, and I doubt he'd ever listen to me."

Cyborg caught on to her words. "Not 'exactly'? Do you have an idea?"

Raven hesitated for a moment. "I have an inkling."

Cyborg huffed. "Well, let's hear it. And why are you withholding info, girl? You know this is important. Or it's just that you want to keep up this ice queen psychiatrist bit?"

"About just as much as you have to keep up the macho, I'm-so-tough charade. Mr. Teletubbies." She smirked, a very sadistic one.

Cyborg sweated bullets. "I turned on the T.V. via the simple 'on' button! And then I couldn't find the control, it was stuck on that channel!"

She crossed her arms and just stared, an eyebrow quirked. "The purple one's the best, right?"

"What!? No way, Po is the b-"He stopped. "Oh, you sadistic little wench."

Raven waved her hand, signaling a halt. "As much as I want to torment you, this isn't the time."

She placed her hand down, and brooded for a few moments. "When I dove into Robin's mind.......I saw some of his memories, his past."

"His past....." Cyborg muttered. "You know, we don't have any idea about that either."

".......it was painful, Cyborg."


"I only took small glimpses of Robin's memories, as I only had little time."

She closed her eyes, and heaved a breath. "My empathic abilities picked up bits and pieces of his subconscious, and it was dark, and suffocating."

Cyborg finally sat down.

Raven touched her forehead. "There are some traumatic experiences in Robin's past that we're not supposed to understand easily."

Cyborg grimaced. "But wouldn't it be better if we help him deal with it?"

"It's not that easy, Cyborg. His past is the reason he wears a mask, the reason even we don't know his true identity."

The android nodded. "He could be anyone in the world."

"But he's also Robin, our Robin. The omnipotent leadership figure."

"I suppose we should find solace in that."

"I know I do."

"........well, what can we do to help?"

Raven peered at the halls. "This is out of our hands at the moment. The best thing we can do right now, is to keep our distance for awhile, and let him come back to us."

Cyborg's seemed like he wanted to protest more, but relented.

A sigh escapes. "You're probably right, Raven, as usual...... you think he'll come back around soon?" Raven nodded.

"I have confidence in the omnipotent leadership figure."

"Heh, you make things sound easier, Rae."

"Don't go sentimental on me, Mr. Teletubbies."

Cyborg groaned. "Go get some sleep, bags for eyes."



The day was getting dark, and the clouds appeared murky and wet. Wind blew harshly over the top of the tower, most likely due to the high elevation. The usual lively city was now bland and void of spirit. The people were gone and disappeared, having escaped into the sanctuary of their homes.

The sparkle of life within the Teen Titans, Starfire, brooded on the rooftop, watching over the depressing day.

She sat in the same area every time she came to the roof, most of the time watching a sunrise with whichever friend that was awake at the time.

The girl shivered slightly, both from the frigid temperature and from the musings of her best friend.

Robin's frightful and dangerous attitude during his delusional state had frightened and hurt Starfire like never before. He had yelled at her, scolded her. He was angry with her, and Robin had NEVER been angry at her, ever.

She sighed, and took her armlets off, not caring if she got colder.

The weather clearly reflected her mood: depressed, sad, afraid.

Starfire frowned even more at the last word. She couldn't believe she was indeed afraid, scared at her own best friend, scared enough that she couldn't will herself to console Robin on his unhealthy nocturnal behaviors.

The two of them had always been able to aid each other in their time of distress. Robin comforted her when Blackfire disrupted her life, and she offered support when Slade infiltrated his life. Robin always managed somehow to catch her, and saved him from falling.

But right now, she didn't know what to do, this wasn't a physical battle.

Raven and Cyborg had evidently decided to allow matters to run its course by waiting, but Starfire could never leave matters with Robin alone easily, their friendship was that strong.

Starfire prided herself in being Robin's best friend, and yet now fear has begun to sap away that bond.

The girl didn't know what was going to happen, but her intuition predicts trouble, and not the kind of trouble involving villains, it was to become a tremor of the world and life of the Titans.

Far off in the distance, thunders and lightings boomed amongst the stormy clouds.

Inside the tower, Cyborg, Raven, and Beast Boy watched the horrid whether as the dreadful feeling of doom crept towards them. Slade was most likely still alive, and plotting, but that was the least of their worries now.

Amongst the devastated punching bags and spilled beans, the Boy Wonder panted and grunted. He was forcing himself to continue stressing his body and mind, as if to inflict himself with a spell that will drive the haunting voices and disturbing images away.

Robin glared at his own image in the mirror, and with a hellish cry, broke it into thousands of pieces with a raged punch.

Back out on the roof, Starfire floated higher into the air, observing the formations of clouds and occurrences of thunder storms. A storm was apparently on its way, both on the city and on Titans Tower.

Starfire held her hands to her chest, in a form of prayer.

"X'hal, yu'ril, I pray to you. Do not let the storm of devastation descend upon us."

Minutes later, the thunder and rain poured like a hailstorm.

Special Thanks: I really want to thank Rose Eclipse, as she helped encourage me a lot of the times. And I know she writes good stories that many enjoy, so ......... yeah, I'm not good at the sentimental stuff myself, must put it into writing.