AN: Sorry, for the uber long wait. Gomen Gomen! I blame evil writer's block and final exams. But don't worry, here it is.

Chapter 9: A Bad Start

Duo's Diary: Sometimes it is dangerous to ones essence to sleep in.

The next 12 hours were filled with treacherous nightmares for our little Duo. He was now being under careful observation and that meant no sneaking out at night, at least for now. While this was bad, it did give him some time to think. Tomorrow was going to be the start of their camp activities and he needed some survival ideas. But the hard thing was they didn't get the schedule till the morning after chapel. So what to plan? He ended up falling asleep within the first five minutes of Lights Out, his brain too lazy to even to go into thought and his arms tightly wound around Foo-foo.

The morning came too suddenly for Duo. The sun shone brightly across his face and seemed to angle perfectly into his eyes. "Mmmmurugh", Duo groaned," Why the bloody hell does the sun have to be so bright?" He rolled over and pulled his sleeping bag higher over his head, creating a cocoon effect.

"Good Morning!" That voice, that horrible, horrible voice. And so early. He peeked an eye out of the corner of his haven and caught a glance of Ryan standing right next to his head, a big smile on his face.

"WhaaAhHHH…" Duo was caught by surprised and started flailing in order to get away from his oppressor, but alas our hero was unaware of the difficulties that a sleeping bag presents in these kinds of situations. Realizing the tight confinement, he only started to thrash harder. Remember, he is on the top bunk and being Duo, he had refused to put up the wooded plank between the mattress and the bed frame that was to act as a barrier. Smart smart Duchan. And now we grab the popcorn and watch as he ever so gracefully falls over the edge and lands flat on his face onto the centre of the cold floor.

Now Duo was mad. Not only was he laying face first on a very cold floor but everyone was laughing at him.

"Well that's one way top get out of bed." Ryan commented with a grin upon his face. He turned around and addressed everyone. "Now you guys have 15 min to get dressed and washed up. Then meet outside the cabin. And no dawdling." This last comment was directed at Duo, who had curled up once again, this time in the middle of the floor. "If you're late, that just means less time for you to eat breakfast before Chapel!"

"Well at least we get to eat with our friends today." Duo slowly picked himself up and headed towards his shelving space. Once there he grabbed a pair of black board shorts and a white t-shirt. It was suppose to be incredibly hot this summer and the white really accented the tan he had received from already spending every waking minute outside away from his family. He then proceeded to braid his long hair, which he had undone for the night.

Quickly rushing over to the bathroom, he brushed his teeth and washed his face, taking extra care to make sure every speck of oil and grease was vanquished. Freakishly, he spoke to said specks while destroying them.

"Die Oil Die! Quick Coronal Facecloth, before the zit troops arrive. ATTACK!"

"Well Duo, do you always talk to your face that way or are you just practicing a skit for later?" Holly was leaning on the door to one of the stalls. She walked over to the sink beside Duo and turned on the tap.

"What the hell are you doing here!" He reached down to cover his crotch area, even though he was fully dressed. "This is the guy's bathroom!"

"Yeah, I know. But the girls one is absolutely packed .And with your head being the only one in here, this one is completely empty. Besides, all the toilets have stalls. It's not like I could ever see anything."

Duo was still stunned from his encounter first glimpse of her. Holly just giggled and led the boy outside. She then turned and ran off, only to call back to him, "Hurry or you'll be late! And you don't want to know what happens with late comers." He could hear the smugness in her voice.

Duo rushed back to his cabin to find the others already gone. Crap, how could he have missed them. There was only one thing left to do. Run.

Panting, our hero reached the mess hall just as pastor Jason was standing up on the stage. He tried to silently slip in and find the others but was discovered instantly. By Holly.

"Oh No," She was so dramatic, "Looks like Duo is late! How rude of him to interrupt Pastor Jason just as he was about to start grace!"

Jason looked at him. "Well, looks like this is the prime opportunity to show late comers what happens if you're a few minutes late. Come on up here." Duo went over to him. "Congrats! You get to say grace."


"Go on, no one can eat until you do." As if to enforce this fact, Duo stomach growled. He looked over to the grinning Holly. At some point, he would have to get his revenge.

"Umm…okay, what on earth to say…" Duo had to think fast. He normally just blocked out his family the moment anything religious was brought up. However, he had seen one grace on a TV episode. "Rub a Dub dub, thanks for the grub."

Everyone stared at him for what seemed like an eternity. So, after what was really only a few seconds, he added "Amen" to the end and abruptly left the stage. Everyone was stunned for a second and then they quickly bowed their heads and repeated the last word.

Duo walked over to the two adjacent that housed a mix of the remaining G-boys and the girls. He sat on the end of one of the benches and turned away from the group to pout. Moments later Jason regained his composure and announced "Time to Eat!". As the group began to turn to get up and go to the buffet table, they saw that Duo was somehow already there, with a plate full of food and a big grin once again plastered on his face.

AN. Sorry for a semi-short chapter. This one and the soon to be next one were suppose to be one but it works out better to have them as two. Plus then you would have to wait another month for it as I leave for holidays tomorrow. Hope you enjoyed it! TOODLES!

PS: thanks to the readers who reminded me how long it's been since an update. I wrote this chapter now because of you Sqush.