Sweet Heart

Part Eleven

"W-What?" Ukyo asked, blushing.

"I love you! I have ever sence I sat with you in the hospital. Ever sence then I've been hiding my unrequitted love for you and havent had the curage tosayIloveyouUkyo!" He said all in one breath.

Ukyo was silent. Ryoga looked at himself. "I didnt change back..."

"Sugar.." Ukyo whisperd. Ryoga was already bawling.

"I thought It would work! I thought telling you how I felt would work! But It didnt!!" He shouted.

He got off the table and ran into his room in tears. Ukyo didnt go after him. She just sat there thinking of what he had just said.

He loves me..She thought happlie. I love him too! It was after that thought that she ran after him. He had changed into his pajamas.

"Ryochan." She said walking to him. "I love you too."

"Well. Thats good to know. Now though. I'll never be able to kiss you. Like I want to." He said Lying on his bed.

"Dont worry Sugar. We'll find a cure, and then You can kiss me." She said kissing his forehead. "Good night."

"Night." He said.

Long after the house was silent. Ryoga didnt sleep. He went back into Ukyo's room and lied down beside her. He instantly fell asleep, as soon as his head hit the pillow.

Morning came and Ryoga woke to the sound of Ukyo screeming.

"What?!" He exclaimed as he woke up.

"Y-Your....Naked!" She shouted cupping her hands over her eyes.

"I-I-Iam?!" He asked her.

"YES YOU ARE! GO PUT SOME CLOTHES ON!" She shouted as he walked out of the room, then back in.

"im 16 again!" He shouted happlie. He ran to Ukyo and gave her one long kiss on her lips. After relecing her, He smiled a big happy smile, then kissed her again and again and again.Wraping his arms around her, carressing her oh so gently. "Ukyo I love you!"

Ukyo blushed at all the kisses and the 'Ukyo I love you' Statment. "I love you too Sugar,"

Ryoga releced her from his embrace. "I mean it Ucchan. I love you."

"I mean it too sugar," She said, kissing him. He grinned. He gave her another hug.

"Ucchan. Thank you." He said smiling, his fangs visable.

"For what?" She asked.

"For, Being so nice to me." He said hugging her.

"Sugar, I would never ever, be mean to you when your devistated." She said lieing her head on him. "I Love You."

Im so glad i got that off my chest..and got ukyo. Finally. Its her head on me! not the other way around! He thought as he held Ukyo. He wrapped his arms tightly around her, Like if he was to let go, she was going to leave. He felt Ukyo playing with his hair.

"You were really cute when you were a kid. Ya know." She laughed. He laughed and kissed her.

"I know" He said kissing her once more. "I love you sweet heart."