Disclaimer: I don't own Roswell or any of the characters from the show.

Summary: Michael and Maria accidentally go to the future and someone from the future takes their places in the past.

Author's note: This is my first fanfic, so please be easy on me. I had this story in my head and kept feeling like I should write it down. I would really like to know what you think, but again this is my first time doing this. I hope you like my story and since I don't have anything else to say here it is.

Switching Places

Chapter 1 - The Crystal

A girl with long blond hair is driving down the highway in a car with a boy who has spiky hair. "Do you think we're being followed?" the girl asks, worried that they might be.

"No. I don't think anyone saw us" he said. He hoped anyway. He was probably as scared as she was that they had been seen, but he wasn't about to let her know that. She would just freak out and that was the last thing he wanted.

"Maria, just calm down everything is fine. No one saw us. No one is following us. We're both ok, so just relax. Alright?"

"Alright, Michael. It's just I keep thinking it was way to easy. I mean how is it we were able to go into the place, get the crystal, and leave without any trouble from anyone?"

"We're just that good I guess."

"Good! That was down right lucky!"

"I can't believe you're upset because it was easy to steal the thing!"

"I'm not upset, just nervous."

"Well, don't be, everything is fine, nothing happened, we got what we came for, now just be happy."

"Okay, okay. I'm happy."

"Good." he said knowing he had won the small argument.

"Oh, shut up, Spaceboy." Maria said cause she knew why he was smiling. Michael just rolled his eyes at the nickname his girlfriend had given him three years ago. At this Maria started laughing. She knew he didn't like the name, but that just made it all the more funny.

After a little while Michael finally asked the question that had been on his mind sense they stole the crystal. "So Maria, do you want to see what the crystal does?"

"I don't know, Michael, shouldn't we wait and talk to the others about it first?"

"What, why? You know what they will say, 'Lets wait until we know more about it.'"

"Well that makes perfect sense, Michael. We should wait until we know more."

"Come on Ria, you know you're just as curious as I am to find out what it does. You can't deny it."

"I'm not denying it. I'm just saying that w..." she was cut off by Michael suddenly pulling the car over and turning to look directly at her.

"We were the ones who found out about it, we were the ones who figured out where it was, and we were the ones who snuck into that building in the middle of the night and stole it. It's been our secret project for the passed three months now. Don't you think it's only fair that we are the ones who get the first look at what it does?"

"Well, when you put it that way it does kind of seem fair. I mean everyone else thought we were crazy when we told them about the vision we had about it."

"Exactly,' Michael said, excited that she seemed to be agreeing with him, 'They didn't want to have anything to do with it. So, what do you say?"

"I say.....okay, why not, lets do it." Maria said, finally convinced. Michael just smiled knowing he had won yet another argument.

Two hours later they were making their way up to the Pod Chamber entrance. Once inside they went to the granolith. "Okay so where do you suppose it goes?" he said.

"How should I know I'm not an alien?"

"Well could you at least help me try and figure it out instead of just standing around."

"Well all you had to do was ask. You didn't have to be all rude about it."

"Sorry, I just really want to figure out what this does I have a feeling it is really important."

"How about over here?" Maria said pointing to a spot on the granolith. Michael walked over to Maria to see what she was pointing at.

"You know it does look like it might fit in there."

"Well, there is only one way to find out."

"Maria you better hold on to something since we don't know what could happen." Maria nodded and quickly grabbed hold of Michael, who was holding onto the granolith.

When he placed the crystal in the hole a bright light filled the room. Maria's death grip on Michael's arm tightened. A strong wind came rushing throughout the chamber. Michael pulled Maria closer to try and shield her from the wind and from blowing away. Then just as suddenly as it had started it stopped.

Maria's face was buried in Michael's chest. He had one arm protectively around her, while the other still held tight to the granolith. Michael opened his eyes to see what had happened, but everything was exactly the same as it was before he put the crystal in. The only difference was that they were now sitting on the floor instead of standing.

"It's okay. It's all over now." he said to calm her down. Maria looked up and noticed the same thing as Michael. Nothing had changed.

Michael helped her up and they both started walking around the room. "So let me see if I have this right. There was that bright light and all that wind for nothing. Do all aliens make stupid things like this?"

"I resent that."

"Sorry, this just doesn't make any sense to me. All that for nothing. Zilch, nada."

"I get the point."

"Are you sure 'cause I can go on?" Michael just gave her a look and said, "Come on, let's go. There's no reason why we should stay here if nothing happened."


As they left the chamber neither of them noticed a bag in the corner of the room.