AN: This is it the last chapter! I hope you've all enjoyed reading this story as much as I have enjoyed writting it. I can't believe it's finally done, well somewhat. I've decided to go ahead and do a sequel! I hope you all read it.

Thanks everyone or all ofyour great reviews and thanks bec7012, MariaEvans, and Jenn for reviewing the last chapter.

bec7012 - Yeah, this is the last chappie. I'm glad you liked the last chapter and hope you like this one as well.

MariaEvans - Don't be too sad over this story ending, because another is on the way!

Jenn - I'm glad you like my story and I hope you'll read the sequel as well.

Chapter 28 - The End and the Beginning of an Adventure


Michael and Maria stood outside her home debating whether they should enter or not. "We might as well get it over with." Michael said as he led the way inside.


Michael and Maria had come back to their time an hour after Zan and Beth had left it. They hoped that was enough time for Amy to calm down. Michael opened the door and they walked in. Everyone had already gone home, so the only person left in the house was Amy. She was sitting on the couch holding a picture if Maria and crying.

"Mom?" Maria said. At her voice Amy turned around and seeing her daughter, she jumped up and pulled Maria into a hug.

"I'm so sorry, Baby. I didn't mean what I said. They're not freaks; they are some of the best kids I've ever met. I was just shocked and after every thing that had happened, I lost it." Amy said trying to make her daughter understand.

"Mom, it's okay. I'm back now and I'm not going to leave again." Maria reassured her mother. "Michael and I aren't really stupid enough to run away together." At the mention of Michael, Amy looked up and noticed him for he first time.

"Thank you for bringing my daughter back." Amy said as civilly as possible. Be nice to him, for Maria's sake. It's for Maria, for Maria. She kept thinking to herself.

"Look, Mrs. Deluca. I know I'm a screw up and a disappointment. I know I'm not what you wanted for Maria and I know she deserves so much more than me. But I love your daughter and I would never do anything to hurt her. I would give my life to protect her. Maria knows this and I'll spend the rest of my life trying to prove it to you too if I have to. Because I know how close you two are and I don't want to be the thing that separates you. So if you don't want us together anymore I understand. I won't date her anymore, but I'm going to keep coming around, working hard and doing everything in my power to make you believe I'm worthy to be with her." Michael said. Then he turned and started to leave.

"Michael, wait." Amy said. "I may not approve of everything you do and I may not believe you're good enough for Maria, but I'm willing to be proven wrong. How about we start with you joining us for dinner tomorrow night. I might not be able to say that I like you yet, but after what you just said I can say I have respect for you." she said.

"Deal." he said as he held out his hand and she shook it. Maria was so happy at the small victory that she could almost cry. I'm not crying now, but if they hug I definitely will. She thought.

The next day after school the Pod Squad, minus Michael and Maria, were at the Crashdown talking over what had happened the last couple of days. The bell over the door rang and the group looked over to find Michael and Maria walking towards them.

"I was going to ask if you were Michael and Maria, but seeing as you're holding hands, I'm going to go out on a limb and say that you are." Isabel said. Maria smiled and nodded as Michael pulled up two chairs to the table.

"When did you get back?", "How was it?", and "What's it like there?" Where just a few of the many questions asked. They answered some and refused to answer others, simply stating what (F) Michael had told them, "No one should know too much about their future."

"Oh! I almost forgot!" Maria said, "I was told to give this to you." she said as she handed the envelope to Ava.

"Who told you to give it to me and what is it?" Ava asked.

"I don't know what it is, but you gave it to me. Well your future self did anyway." Ava opened the envelope and pulled out a letter. She silently read it to herself and then folded it up and stuffed it back into the envelope.

"What does it say?" Kyle asked his girlfriend.

"She told me something I have to do and how to do it." Ava said cryptically.

"What do you have to do?" Alex asked curious.

"You have to make us forget, don't you?" Michael asked.

"Not just you two, all of you and only if you want me to. She told me it was up to all of you." Ava replied.

"I say we all vote." Max said.

"As much as I'd love to remember what happened, I vote to forget." Maria said which made everyone look at her confused. After everything she'd seen they thought she'd have been the last of all of them to agree to forget.

"If we didn't get Ava to make us forget in the first place none of this would have happened. We would have known about the whole thing and been there waiting, or have figured it out very quickly." Maria explained.

"She's right. I'd love to keep these memories, but then it might not happen at all. And I really don't want that to happen." Michael said.

"Well I guess that settles it. It wouldn't be fair if we remembered and Michael and Maria didn't, so the only logical solution is for all of us to forget." Liz said matter-of-factly. Everyone nodded in agreement with Liz and Ava smiled.

"She said this is what would happen." Ava said. "I'm sorry you all have to forget and I get to remember, but it's the only way." Ava then closed her eyes and drew on the power she only just found out that she had.

Immediately their memories were clouded and forgotten. Then new "memories" replaced them. When it was all finished everyone "remembered" that Amy had been kidnapped by the Following and they rescued her (but with Michael and Maria not Zan and Beth), that Amy was finally told the truth, and Michael and Maria's dramatic scene with Amy the night before. Then everyone started talking unaware of what had just happened. As everyone continued talking, Ava began to think about the last lines of her letter.

It's a hard burden to bare, knowing that your lying and keeping a secret from the people you care about the most. Just stay strong and don't loose heart, because everything will work out in the end.

Ava smiled as hope grew in her heart. I won't let them down. I can do this, for however long it takes and no matter how hard it may be. She thought to herself.


"I can't believe they would be all over each other like that with you right there." Emma said to Beth as they walked into the Pod Chamber. The whole group was there now that the two girlshad joined them. It had become a weekly tradition for the eight friends to hangout in the chamber after school.

"Who?"Anna asked curious.

"Mindy Andrews and Andon the jerk!" Emma said mad.

"Can we please not talk about him." Beth said obviously mad as well.

"You know he still runs whenever he sees me." Zan said laughing.

"Well I would too, after that beating you gave him when you found out he cheated on Beth." Mike said, glad he had been there to witness Zan beat him to a pulp.

"I can't believe it's been two months since Mom and Dad came to the future." Beth said suddenly changing the subject.

"And since we went to the past." Zan said to his sister from his place by Ava Marie's side.

"It's not fair. You two got to go to the past. What about the rest of us." Travis said just before he tripped over Anna's book bag and knocked Jason face first into the wall. The others started laughing and didn't notice that they were both starring at something.

"Guys you've got to see this." Travis said not taking his eyes off what he was looking at. They all huddled around and saw a compartment had opened in the wall and a black almost marble looking box was inside.

"When I fell my hand hit the wall and a handprint started glowing under my palm. Then this compartment opened up." Jason explained.

"What do you think it is?" Emma asked.

"There's only one way to find out." Jason said as he opened the box. A collective gasp followed.

The inside of the box was covered in a blue material, which could only be described as satin. And in the center was a necklace with a large pendant shaped like a diamond. The pendant itself was made up of four other diamond shapes. The topone was blue, the one on the left side was yellow, the one on the right side was green, and the one on the bottom was red. Travis reached in the box and was abut to grab it when, Beth grabbed his arm. "Travis, stop! You don't know what it does."

"I'm just going to get a better look at it. Holding it isn't going to do anything." he said as he shook out of her grasp. He reached in and picked up the necklace, then held it up so the others could see.

"Like I said, nothing happened." Travis gloated. Just then the necklace broke and the pendant landed in pieces on the floor.

"Nothing happened, huh." Beth said glaring at Travis as she reached down with the others and picked up the pieces, eight in all. The pendant had broken into the four different colored pieces and they in turn had broken in half making eight triangles, each about an inch in size.

As they all stood back up each only having one piece, Anna spoke, "Oh my gosh! Guys I know what this is!" she said as she grabbed Zans' arm, seeing he had the other half of her yellow one. "It's theā€¦." but she didn't get to finish her sentence, because a bright blue light surrounded them all. As suddenly as the light had come it left and Travis was alone in the Pod Chamber.

AN: What is the pendant? What does it do? What is it for? Where did everyone go? Why is Travis alone? These questions and more will be answered in my next story.