Disclaimer: Don't own Inu Yasha or Yu Yu Hakusho

AN:Hope you enjoy, and I know I shouldn't be making another story yet. This story has demons and humans living in one world okay? An AU. Hehe . . .

My Only Tenshi

Kawari 1: Meeting

"What!" The young angel stood up abruptly. Her dark ebony hair falling from her shoulders tumbling down pass her waist. Blue sapphire eyes looking furiously at the elderly angel. She wore a white robe with a pink sash. "But Keade, this is too soon." Her eyes furrowed angrily, "I just graduated the angel academy and their expecting me to do a B class mission?" She asked a bit exasperated.

Keade, the elder angel sat there and sighed. A black eye patch on her right eye with gray hair in a low ponytail. "Please understand that this is not my decision young one, the council has decided for you to take this mission as to receive your first wrist band." The young angel blinked a few times, finally registering what Keade had meant.

"Y-you mean their giving me a chance to become a goddess?" She asked clasping her hand together. A smile formed on her lips as her eyes brighten up, "Why didn't you tell me that sooner Keade, you made me worry there for a second." She seated herself down back in front of Keade and waited for her instruction.

"You know of what you must do in the B class mission am I correct?" Kagome nodded. "Well, this person can be harder than expected considering he's a demon." Kagome's eyes became sharp when she heard of what her job is, "But why a demon?" She mumbled more to herself than to Keade.

The elder angel smiled sadly at Kagome. "I know of the issues you have with demons, but it can't be help. It is something you must take care of and try not to get angered by this demon. He can be very arrogant you could say. Your job goes by the name of . . ." Kagome looked up and waited for Keade to continue, "Hiei."

'Hiei . . .' Kagome nodded as she listens to what she has to do.

As she descendant down to Earth, her wings slowly receded in her back. Her clothing changed into what human's wear. For her, a long-sleeved white shirt under a short-sleeved solid black T-shirt, long baggy black cargo pants, her hair became more short and wavy reaching her mid-back, eyes became chocolate brown, black motorcycle gloves, and black Nike shoes. Two black bags appeared besides her.

'Thanks Keade.'

'Remember child, do not tell anyone you are an angel. If you do-'

'My wrist band will be taken away from me . . .Yeah, you reminded me that five time already.'

'Just extra precaution young one.'

Kagome nodded as she turned back around to look at the house she were to stay, "Hm . . .old fashion eh?" she seems to be judging the place, 'Remind me of my old home before I died and gone to heaven.' She laughed lightly, 'That sounds so sarcastic.' Shaking her head slightly, she lifted up the bags and walked inside. Reaching there, she was surprised it to be so empty. Walking around the house, she notices a forest behind it.

Opening the shoji door, she dropped her bag and looked at the place. It contained of a couch, another shoji door leading to another room, and a small black low table. 'This place is pretty big.' She finally noticed. Stretching bit, she plopped herself down on the couch. With a snap of her finger, her bag slid towards her. Unzipping the first one, she dug around for who she is in this world.

"Kagome Higurashi. A sophomore eligible to live alone." She read over. She looked over

She dug into her bag again until she found a profile folder, which entitled in golden cursive writing, Hiei Jaganshi. "Let's see what you are."


Name: Hiei...

'That's all their giving me, his name? Where's is the other stuff?' Sighing, she places the profile next to her and closed her eyes, 'Haven't slept in a long time . . .' She said to herself as smile came to her lips.

He jumped from his seat abruptly as the teacher smacked the long ruler on his desk. He looked up coldly at the teacher and was only received a pink slip, "Try not to make sleeping a habit Mr. Jaganshi." Hiei grumbled angrily at his luck. He couldn't actually help that what their learning is about dead people. Hiei just don't get why learning about this crap is so important to life. Nothing is important in this life was his opinion.

"I tried to wake you up." His friend Kurama who sat net to him whispered. They were juniors now and probably this was a bad first impression for Hiei.

"Hn." Was Hiei's reply as he went back to his slumber. Suddenly, the door slid open and a girl's head peaked from it.

The teacher looked from the history book at the chocolate eyes girl, "Um . . .And who might you be?" The girl smiled and him, "Well, I'm sorry to be late, but is this History AP?" She asked scratching the back of her head, "And are you Mr. Kijumo?"

"Why yes I am, and you are?" He asked.

"Oh, I'm Kagome Higurashi, I apologize that I'm late, but I sort of over slept." She laughed nervously when the teacher raised an eyebrow at her. "Since it is the first day of your sophomore year, I don't quite mind, please take a seat Miss Higurashi."

The girl scanned the room as she walked inside. Hiei stared at the window where he was seated next to. He didn't quite care what was happening. 'This world is meaningless. There is no purpose at all to why I'm alive.' He thought to himself. His ruby red eyes traveled to the noise behind him. A girl seated herself behind him. He caught her eyes and was surprised she was looking straight at him with a smile. He just scowled and turns his head to the front.

He almost growled when he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned to give Kurama a menacing glare, "Hey, the girl's cute, I never saw her in this school before."

"Like as if I care." Answered Hiei dropping his forehead down on his smooth cold desk. He could feel eyes on him and now was certain that the girl was staring at him. He started to get irritated, but didn't do anything about as he waited for the rest of the period to end.

As the bell rang, Hiei was the first one out since he was the nearest to the door. Kurama came gracefully walking out later and that girl was staring at him with a smile plastered on her face when she saw him. He gave her a glare and her smile turned into a frown. Kurama and Hiei left as the girl, Kagome he presume stood there with an irritated look.

"Hey Hiei, I think that girl likes you."

He turned angrily to Kurama, "Do. You. Think. I. Care." Hiei grounded out. Kurama shrugged his shoulder as he turned his head around to only find his fan club trying to take pictures of him. He inwardly sighed as he kept on walking. "Why don't you go out with one of them?" Hiei broke the silence.

"Well, it isn't my interest to. They seem to be bothersome you could say."

"Hn, whatever lets go to our next period."

When they did reached their next period, his lips twitched when he saw that same girl named Kagome there. She stood in the back with everyone else as the teacher assigned seats. 'What is it with that smile?' He thought as she smiled up at him.

"Kagome Higurashi." The girl walked to the window and sat where the teacher assigned her. This was science period. "Hiei Jaganshi." Hiei would've smacked his forehead if he didn't have a reputation at this school. The teacher was seating him right net to the girl as a lab partner for the rest of the year. 'Just as I thought life couldn't get any worst, and it got worst!' He kept a cool façade as he slid his chair from the table and sat next to her.

"Hi!" His eyes traveled to her as she waved her hand to him, "I'm Kagome, what's your name?" She asked.

He gave her a glare. "None of your business woman." She looked at him and he could tell she was irritated with the twitch of her lips, "Well, I'm only trying to make friends here." She mumbled to herself.

"Well, it's irritating so stop." He told her as he dropped his backpack to the ground. That seems to get because her saw her hands clenched into a fist.

Instead of yelling, she turned to him with a smile, "Well, you arrogant bastard," He looked at her incredulously when she said that, "If trying to make friends a crime, then it's alright for me to go to jail." She said sarcastically, "Hiei." She added.

'This girl is amusing.' He smirked as he saw her follow the teacher's instruction and took out a folder from her backpack, 'And very irritating.'

to be continued . . .

This is a Hiei/Kag story and the prologue was so short, sorry about that. Just review and tell me if I should continue or not. And tell me if I should put the whole story in a more Hiei's perspective than of Kagomes'.