Disclaimer: I will never- in my pitiful existence own Evangelion

Title: Red Head

Chapter Eight: Eight Month


Commander Ikari stared out of his spacious office as he contemplated the scenario that unfolded before all of them, more and more the development of his grandson goes unhampered while the Angels seemed to be cooperating in the past few months and have not launched any offensive even though they were already scheduled to come for almost a week now according to the Dead Sea Scrolls. Yet none have come for now, still it was beneficial for all parties concerned, but the only thing that does not fit for the scenario is SEELE. Their ultimate plan was for Human Instrumentality to proceed, that much is certain and obvious, but he must do what it takes now to derail these plans.


He was the Commander of NERV and he's going to be a grandfather for God's sake!


He can do everything-


-with careful planning of course.


"Agent 47," he lounged on his seat and half-whispered into the darkness.


Out of a corner, a blood red tie came into the light followed by a black silk suit and leather gloves, his face remained in the shadows, but his revealed uniform itself says a thousand words.


"Where is the report regarding Agent Ryouji Kaji, and the 2nd Child."


"Yes sir," pulling out a piece of paper he began to read it out aloud, "Agent Ryouji have been going to the entrance of Terminal Dogma, yet he is still unable to go to Lilith. The 2nd Child is considering to go to an OB-Gynaecologist at Tokyo-03 before lunch time, and their home decorator should arrive at approximately 1500 hours."


"Home decorator? The one that you assaulted?"


Agent 47 cleared his throat and ploughed forward, "Section-02 have accorded the necessary 'compensations' for the aggravated assault-"


"Aggravated!?" Vice-Commander Fuyutsuki walked towards them from the door, "You practically tore him open a new one, with what you did, using .45 AP rounds on your 1911 Silverballer, then unloaded a full clip of 9mm from your primary weapon!"


"What I did was necessary for the security of the EVA Children, also I find that he was unscathed sir."


Kozo huffed and shook his head, "Thank god for the fact that he was unscathed, we were able to persuade him to work with us regarding the arrangements on the 2nd and 3rd Child apartments."


"Indeed, but since that is behind us we can now concentrate our efforts on the counter-intelligence work regarding Agent Ryouji."


Agent 47 produced an IA tablet and pressed a button, a video feed showed their resident double-agent entering Terminal Dogma. After a few minutes he casually walked outside, lit up a cigarette and shook his head. Disbelief etched on his face as he probably laid his eyes on Lilith, or even the Guff Room, even so, he had clearly breached security and is now under surveillance.


"Does he know that we are watching?"

"Probably," Kozo's tone was more serious now than a while ago, "But more importantly, we now know the identity of his handler. We can trace if it's the JASDF, CIA, the PLA, MI6, or even Seele."


"47," the albino stooped a bit as his eyes were hid in the darkness, "Give our 'mole' a warning, handle the rest."


Agent 47 nodded a bit and walked towards a dark corner of the room, from the shadows his voice resonated with a heavy under tone, "Shall I make it another accident?"


Commander Ikari straightened his suit as he stood up and headed for the door, "Make it so."


The two Commanders walked through the dark corridors as they headed for the bridge, technicians, mechanics, even fellow scientist and guards bowed their respect for two of the most powerful men in Tokyo-03. But even with their professional and icy exterior evident and showing most of the time, they sometimes enjoy a lighter conversation most of the time.



"Yes," he almost sighed as he walked ahead, during their inspections they fell into long stretches of silence. Assuming this is in regards to his advanced age, he always opted to keep talking most of the time.


"Don't you think our wall paints are a bit gloomy? I mean look at this… I can't imagine your grandson running around in here, all gray and stuff."


He cleared his throat and breathed, "Rest assured, if you want to colour it pink by the time he or she arrives, by all means prepare it, I'm sure we can insert it together with making Unit-02 paint scheme as colourful as neon yellow- or again pink in your preference and also consider mauve of course."


"Why have you suggested pink twice? Do I detect a preference to that colour?"


"Merely adding colour to your 'bland' perspective on a scenario."


"Oh! So now we're having a lighter conversation huh? But wouldn't your 'daughter' complain about Unit-02 being coloured orange, or your personal favourite mauve?"


"She did not complain 'much' about being pregnant?" he turned his body sideways and leered at the old man, "Nor did she protest when I gave Shinji his inheritance."


"I feel sorry for her after watching that 'commercial' we made, who would have thought we are capable of such- gut wrenching interludes, it makes me giddy," Kozo shivered and shook his head sighing, "I almost forgot, remember the 'love coffee' batch that I caught you making? Whatever happened to it?"


"It was already administered months ago, the effects were unexpected," Gendo drew a breath and sighed, "Did you know he had a sudden outbursts when he wanted his inheritance?"


"I see Yui's genes are finally seeping through huh?"


Gendo pretended not to hear and stiffened his back, they came into the Eva cages and their icy exterior was once again needed. Fuyutsuki gave a small laugh and sighed at their 'light' conversation.





Misato's Apartment


The 3rd Child hovered in front of a cookbook as he decided for what to cook for their breakfast, it was a crisp Sunday morning and the air-conditioning was in full blast. Pen-pen actually sleeps on the couch most of the time now since the cold of his fridge, and of the living room are almost at par with each other. Flipping to a page of a fluffy looking kind of food, he turned to the page for the instructions and placed his hands on his waist, "This looks fairly easy."


He stood up and set to work at once, taking out flour, some eggs, a tub of butter, and a pack of chocolate chips. Mixing the first two ingredients into a bowl with water he made a thick batter while heating a steel plate on a stove, brushing a film of butter on the cooking plates he then began mixing the chocolate chips with the batter, as the steel plate heated and greased up, he poured a saucer sized batter on top of it making a perfect circle. Sprinkling some more chocolate chips on top of the uncooked part, he flipped it and cooked the underside of it, effectively making only half of the pancake with chocolate in it.


After almost making a meal for five, he then took a pan and began frying some sausages and some bacon strips. Cooking was one of the things that made his life bearable, but with the arrival of Asuka and of course, their unexpected child, it brought another wave of maturity in him aside from being an Eva Pilot. It drove him to be the best, to always be responsible, to push him to be brave and never run away. For if he fails, if he bailed out and didn't face the challenges ahead, he was not just letting himself down, he was letting Asuka and his child down too.


'And I'll probably never hear the end of it when my kid grows up,' he chuckled a bit as he finished the cooking.


Just in time as the door of their bedroom slid open and a yawning voice called out.


"I'm hungry 3rd Child."


He smiled as the red-haired German girl walked right up to him and gave a sleepy smile, she then kissed his nose and puts her arms around him.

"What have you prepared this morning-" she smiled mischievously and looked at Shinji, "-darling?"


The 3rd Child's cheeks blushed profusely at the affectionate title and he nervously scratched his head, "Eh... ?"


"It's so easy to tease you!" she playfully winked at him, earning another blush, while staring down at the food prepared for her, "Bacon? I thought I was supposed to eat something or at least for the benefit of our babies... gesundheit-"


He smiled and laid the plate before her, "I might get used to it."


Asuka blushed a little bit as she took his hand and puts it in her belly, "You haven't said good morning yet."

"Good morning..." and promptly gave her a kiss.


"So, today is what Shinji?"


"September or October... I think-"


"So, I'm due in November or December right?"


"Have you been to the doctor?"


"Not really," she sighed and forked another piece of pancake, "Ritsuko's been taking care of me these past months, but she's a scientist not an OB-Gyne."

"I see, well then-" the 3rd Child shrugged and smiled warmly at her, "Would you like me to take care of it?"


Asuka blushed at his gesture and smiled in reply, "Shinji, what's happening to you? You gotten sweeter or-"


"Just say yes my dear."


She shook her head and sighed contentedly, "Ok."


"Umm... I wanted you to say 'Yes'-"

"I already said yes-"

"No, you said ok-"

"That's not a yes?"


"Argh! Shut up! Unbelievable!"




.=== Tokyo-03 Mall ====.


Charlotte looked out of his window and sighed, he had been in business since 1995 and 15 years later he was the best. 2nd Impact happened and he managed to survive, kept the business going even if it started hard at first, but with the vast infrastructure developments to encourage investors his own small shop became so large that he was one of the most sophisticated and sought after when it comes to decoration. Many corporations tried to persuade him to sell the rights of his small company and his name, but to hell, he managed to establish himself through hard work and excellent customer service.


-but this is too much.


He shook his head as the third Section-02 agent hovered near his shop, designing the Evangelion pilots home was something, but being shot, interrogated, paid an innumerable sum that he can probably live off for the rest of his life in comfort, and now given an escort was something else.

Designing a small apartment for a small family was nothing to him, he had designed for the most famous to the most wealthy, yet he had not designed something for them, and since they're going to have a baby soon, well, he should make it work right? Something fancy would not suit them, they are a small family (albeit a small family with the finances of the Vatican), still a small family nevertheless, and it would do them no good to have a large house. Also they are technically soldiers, trained to fight whoever the hell threatened the Earth so their home should be functional. Yet, conducive and comfortable to live in, their own nest that they could retreat to after a gruelling day, their oasis of relief after risking life and death piloting, and of course their own area of privacy.

"Light yellow walls? Hmm, that could work-" the designer stood up and made a pirouette and stopped in front of a stack of binders, "Wooden colour scheme might not work for the children, but light yellow would, black and silver appliances- that's good too."

Murmuring to himself he smiled as he took up his pen and sketchpad and began the plans for the Eva Children's own apartment.



===Unknown mountain ferry ride===


A man with a roguish smile stepped out of the cable car as his handler, a woman in her mid 40's continued up to the upper observation deck. He had given her enough pertinent information, enough to encourage more funding, including a way out if it is needed. An Angel delivered in a suitcase is one thing, but another dormant Angel under Terminal Dogma was too much, the graveyard unnerved him to no end, and the other sealed room. After he penetrated Terminal Dogma, he had that gut feeling again that he was being watched, and a shrouded danger kept him always on his toes.

Kaji walked over to the elevator door and waited for it to come. Silently a man dressed in a black suit stood beside him and pressed the elevator button again, a commotion near the railings caught his attention as the cable car swayed in the air and collapsed as the cable connecting the upper and middle deck of the mountain mysteriously snapped in two.




The elevator door opened and the man with a black suit, completely strange for going into mountains, stepped inside ahead of Kaji as he saw in horror the cable car where his handler was riding on plummet more than 50 feet into the ground and crumpled like a tin can under a rampaging lorry. As he stared in disbelief rooted at the same spot in front of the elevator the man whispered words that forever etched into his mind.


"You have been warned Ryouji Kaji."


Before he could see the man's face, the doors closed without pause concealing the assassin's face. A bit shaken at the encounter, he flared up a cigarette and shook his head.


"Warning huh?"



=== OB-Gynaecologist clinic ===


The usual 'Praetorian Guards' waited outside as Asuka and Shinji practically shuts down a whole street due to their arrival at a well-known clinic. Dialling '5' on his cellular phone, the 3rd Child arranged for the escorts to be less conspicuous than what they brought on the mall, he was fervently hoping that they would not station agents inside the clinic dressed in fake body suits of maternal origin.


'How I hate to remember that pregnancy experiment... and that hellish plugsuit'


As such, they were only given the usual three SUVs and a horde of unknown and unseen Section-02 agents. Included in the package of course is Agent 74, upon which to accentuate the clinic, took it upon herself that instead of wearing her usual black suit and blood red tie, she opted for a white suit and a sky blue tie and a black shirt inside. All in all, she looked both professional and proper, she could even pass off for a medical representative, plus, hiding the fact that she has a 1911 custom on her shoulder holster, everything seemed in order for her.


The 2nd Child however, have noticeably inflated.


"Wow, never knew your legs could be so big-"




The 3rd Child rubbed his sore cheek and gave a small laugh, "Hehe, you have absolutely no sense of humour don't you?"


"Why don't you try lugging around additional pounds every day," she crossed her arms and sighed, "It's a good thing I have exceptional genes, I was born sexy."

"How could I be so thoughtless about that?" he smiled sincerely and interlaced their fingers, "Thank you Asuka."


She blushed as she felt a tingle at the bottom of her spine from his smile, "What the hell for Baka-Shinji?"

"Nothing, it just got me thinking you know, that for the past months if we would discuss something like this, like going to the doctor, buying baby things, putting you under an ultrawave-"

"-it's called ultrasound stupid," Asuka said irritably, "We can always do the 4D echo, pretty much the same procedure though."


"My bad," he said sheepishly, "An ultrasound, and basically, the two of us having a baby that it's so unreal, you might even hang me on a noose just by mentioning you being pregnant by me."

"I know," she whispered and looked away focusing her eyes on a wall painting, "Thinking about it all, every craziness we did, every tears that we shed, damn- every close calls we have had inside the Eva. I also can't believe it, but here we are, you squeezing my hand, this kid kicking around in my belly at 6am in the morning-"

"- not to mention your night binges-"

"Sorry what?"

"Nothing," he smiled sheepishly again at her, hoping his comment would just pass.


"I guess that's what it means to be an Eva pilot, we just tend to accept and be strong and suck up all of the things that we are faced with, we don't have the luxury to be afraid, to be weak, at any given time because if we did," she snuggled her head on his shoulder and sighed contentedly, "We would certainly fail."

"I won't fail you, or our baby," he whispered and held her shoulder tighter, "We wouldn't like to have another one like me would we?"

"A wimp like you? He'll be eaten alive," she giggled at his arms and returned the squeeze on her hands, "But, we won't fail our baby right?"


They remained there for a few minutes as the intercom called out another name from its list. Parents jostled up their children playfully around them as they observed their surroundings. It was nice to be like this and the feeling that both Eva Children feel right now was synched for both of them.


Safe and content.



"I'm hungry 3rd Child..."

"What? Again?"

"I think I want some melons! Ohh, ohh! Or some ice cream wasabi!"

"eh?" ,'What the hell is that flavor?'


Before she could puppy-dog her eyes a nurse approached them, she had long braided hair and was well-endowed in the chest department. "The doctor will see you now, Mr. and Mrs. Ikari."


They were led into a splendidly decorated clinic and both Children stared in amazement, the doctor that Ritsuko recommended was well-known and very famous in the circle of ob-gynecologist both in Japan and the remaining 5 continents. Of course, for the Eva Children, he could always fix his schedule.

"His schedule?" Asuka asked doubt etched on her voice.

"Oh yes ma'am, the doctor's name is Uryuu Ishida."

"A guy?"


A tall young man with long black hair and holding a porcelain doll walked inside the office and looked at some papers. He looked at both the 2nd and 3rd Child first and pushed his glasses up his nose, "Since it's before lunch time, good morning Mr. and Mrs. Ikari," both Children blushed at those words, though they are true, they're not quite used being addressed as such.

"Doctor Ritsuko Akagi is an acquaintance of mine while my father-" he pointed at a portrait of a stately old man with white hair and spectacles quite similar to his son, "- and Dr. Naoko Akagi are actual colleagues during her college days and early works.

"Now then," he said as he puts on a pair of elastic surgical gloves and pointing to a maternity bed, "Shall we begin?"


A few minutes later


"I'll see you again next week Mrs. Ikari," Uryuu Ishida smiled at them and turned to his nurse, "Who's next Nemu?"


"See you my ass," she growled as they walked together to the elevator, "Why does it have to be a guy?"

He gave a small laugh and sighed, "Why? He's a professional Asuka, maybe he doesn't think any perverted thoughts just by looking at your naughty bits-"




"-ok maybe just a little, but think, maybe he's just gay or something in between, even so, my argument stands that he's a professional," the 3rd Child shrugged his shoulders and looked at the 2nd Child with utmost concern, "You know, I could always ask Dr. Akagi to change doctors if you want."

"Nah!" surprisingly the 2nd Child shook her head and walked inside the elevator with Agent 74 and Shinji, "I think there are a lot more male Ob-gynaecologist right now, and since his reputation precedes him, I guess I can't argue with that."


They walked through the lobby of the clinic and were immediately welcomed by their three SUVs, Agent 74 briskly opened the door and they stepped inside quickly and were whisked away by their small army in less than a minute. Traffic was light and they reached their apartments in under an hour where their interior designer was waiting for them.


"My dear Asuka!" Cullhorne twirled and pirouetted and landed in front of Asuka in a very 'dignified' manner, "You are so beautiful as always, but I have to insist the let down on the guards-" he shot Agent 74 with a steel melting glare, "-because they keep bothering me in my work."

"Can't be helped," she smiled and sat down on the couch, "So, how are the plans on the new apartment?"

The designer produced a sketchpad and presented it in front of her and smiled, "That's why I'm here my dear, I would like to show you my latest designs, although you could have come to my shop, I could always make an exception for you seeing your pregnant and all that."





"Ikari, the committee have expressed its concern regarding your recent actions?"

A man with a pointed nose and a pair of horn-rimmed glasses perched on top of it interjected, "Correct, the recent transfer of your assets to your son's account- is simply staggering for all of us."


"The Internal Revenue Service practically had a field day as the money jumped more than five times so that it won't be untraceable," another one said with a strong broad jaw, "That raises our concern Ikari, that we decided to ask you regarding this matter upfront."

Keele's visor appeared in view as he noticeably leaned forward, "What are your plans Ikari?"


"There are no grand plans that I have planned or am doing, nor will there will ever be, rest assured," Gendo didn't even flinch with the words that the committee let loose upon him, "the 'Human Instrumentality' would proceed as planned. I am simply fulfilling a plan that Dr. Yui Ikari had entrusted me with before her 'usefulness' have been fulfilled."


"Very well," Chairman Keele finally spoke, "But remember Ikari that we are always watching."


His words seemed to calm the committee members as one by one they vanished into the darkness. With the Commander of NERV the only remaining in the conference room he moved subtly and, if one would look closely, he was bitterly gnashing his teeth.


'Oh how I would love to put millipedes inside that visor of his!' he stood up and noticeably frowned, he had an icy exterior yet his insides were in great distress, 'I even had to say the words 'usefulness' to describe my wife?! Bullshit! Yui's importance can never be terminated!'


Walking outside of the conference room he unclenched his gloved fist and regained composure. He took another deep breath and felt shallow, deftly he took two white earplugs out of his chest pocket and stuffed them in his ears. With a circling motion he deftly rubbed the front panel of his IPOD inside his pocket and clenched and unclenched his fist.


When you're in love with a beautiful woman, it's hard,

When you're in love with a beautiful woman, you know it's hard,

Everybody wants her, everybody loves her,

Everybody wants to take your baby home oh!


As the music of Dr. Hook reached his ears he managed to calm himself finally and was about to return the earplugs when he turned his head and checked if the coast was clear. Seeing that not a soul was seen he gave a dark smile and rubbed his face with his palm, continuing as he pushed his hair upwards. With nobody seeing him, he twirled and swayed his hips.


The usual stoic and cold-hardened Commander of NERV, was reduced to a disco freak.


Twirling his arms and swaying and spinning his body, he mouthed the lyrics of the song they used to dance when they were still single.


When you're in love with a beautiful woman, you watch your friends,

When you're in love with a beautiful woman, it never ends,

You know that it's crazy, you want to trust her,

And then somebody hangs up when you answer the phone,

When you're in love with a beautiful woman you go it alone,


Gendo smiled another dark smile and imagined Yui, he removed his coat and twirled it in the air. Yep, he was definitely getting in the groove, when a lone technician saw the gyrating Commander Ikari. Luckily, he managed to sway over to a dark part of the corridor and vanished in the darkness, the technician was still clutching his chest from the shock of the century when a big leathered hand covered his mouth and an overwhelming scent made his head spin and everything went black.

The Commander was still gyrating and twisting a few meters away as Agent 47 refitted his black gloves and left the sleeping technician on the cold floor. He took another glance at his employer and shook his head, sighing deeply he quickly followed in his wake, "Absolutely necessary."



Tokyo-03 Apartment


After the measurements done by Cullhorne to the house next door, he left to arrange the workers to begin the renovations as quickly as possible. So, the two 'newly-weds' were left alone with Pen-pen munching on some fish and chips.


"Hey Shinji..."

The 3rd Child turned to her as she took a mouthful of chips. "Hmm?"

"Should we get a car?"


She looked at him and shrugged her shoulders, "Well, since we can't always ask for Section-02 to drive for us, maybe you could learn to drive or something."


Shinji's brow furrowed and contemplated the thought. True, they can get a car, but he was only 16, and according to the law he had to be 18 first. Second, since they were getting another room from their apartment complex they are technically entitled for another parking slot, not that it's a problem of course. Third, it would serve them well since they could leave whenever they need to, and any emergency regarding Asuka would be immediately attended to. The only real obstacle in all of this is that he must learn to drive.


"I think I should learn to drive first?"

"Maybe we can ask Misato to teach you."

"I don't think that is a very good idea-"

"-don't you trust Misato to teach you?"

The 3rd Child smiled and sighed, "I don't think Misato is a good teacher when it comes to driving."


"Remember the time we fought the Angel Bomb, she said she would treat us to dinner and we led her to a hawker stand?"

The 2nd Child nodded her brow still furrowed.

"Well, when we went home didn't you remember the way she drove? And remember that one time with the Spring Feast at the Geofront? God, that was so bad..."

Realization dawned on her and she also sighed, "oh yeah... well, just call the local driving instructor."

Shinji finally smiled and gave her a peck on the lips, "Good idea."


He stood up and walked over to the telephone directory, browsing through the automotive section he found one that offered driving lessons for 1 week for a not so expensive amount. And there's even a guarantee that if you did not learn everything you need for 1 week, there's a money back promise in it. Smiling to himself he picked up the phone and dialled the number.



===A few days later===


The 3rd Child stepped in front of the 'TRANSPORTER Driving school' and opened the door. A young woman on her late-20's sat behind a desk and smiled at him, she had numerous freckles on her face, bright red hair like Asuka and one of the most mischievous smile he had ever seen. He approached her and said, "Good morning, I would like to apply for a package on your driving lessons... what can you offer me?"


"Aren't you that kid that was piloting those giant things that fight those Angels?"

'That kid?' kicking himself he remembered that technically he was still one, "Yeah, you can say that."

The woman smiled again stood up and offered a hand, she has a noticeable baby bump on her as well, "My name is Valentina Vasileva Martin, what seems to be the reason you're going to take driving lessons?"


He cleared his throat and said, "Well, this may sound weird, but I have a wife and she's pregnant, and I need to learn as much skill as I can to ease her pain somewhat- you know it could be handy in an emergency or something-"

All the while he explained she was smiling at him, "You really love your wife don't you?"

"Of course!" the 3rd Child said without hesitation, "They're the reason I fight those monstrosities anyway."

"But aren't you a bit young to be piloting and driving?"


Rummaging through his bag he produced a piece of paper and handed it to her, "This is a written exemption by the government for me, since I am already in their employ, they approved of my application."

Taking the piece of paper and reading it, it was signed by the heads of the Prefectural Government, the Public Safety Commission and the National Police Agency, with the recommendation letter from the Japanese Self-Defence Force.

She deemed it satisfactory as he was given an application form and instructed to fill it up. She explained that he must pay in the course of learning his lessons with the amount of $10,000, an amount which would guarantee that he would be the envy of all the stunt drivers in Japan.


"You are in luck, our Head Transporter is here in Japan for the seminar of our Instructors and he would be honoured to meet you."


She pressed a buzzer and moments later a man with a semi-shaved head walked in wearing a black suit and matching tie and walked pretty much like how Agent 47 would carry himself. The man walked over to Valentina and gave her a peck in the cheek, both eyes turned to the 3rd Child and she said, "This is Frank Martin, our Head Transporter and would be your instructor for the week."


"Didn't we have to go back to Ukraine-2?" Frank immediately turned to his wife, "Your father is expecting you right? Plus, the other regional branches of our Transporters all need to be instructed."


"Don't mind him Frank," she waved him off and took his arm, "I don't want to travel that much, I'm pregnant right and we can stay here for a week or two. Don't concentrate too much on work, have fun and live a little."

Frank Martin huffed, "The last time you had fun you almost lit up like a Christmas Tree," he sighed and shook his head, "But fine, we'll stay here for a while..."

He looked again into the 3rd Child and gave a small grin, "What's his package?"

"The Transporter package."


The 3rd Child cleared his throat and extended a hand, "My name is-"

"No names," Frank cuts him off as he took his hand and shook it, "Rule no.1 No names- higK!"


Valentina elbowed him sharply and he also stopped talking, "-no names on the first DAY of lessons."

"Rule no.2 You cannot under any circumstances change the deal, the Deal is the Deal. Understood?"

Shinji nodded once more as Valentina shook her head exasperatedly.


"Rule no.3 You can't open the package- higK!"


Frank rolled on the floor gasping in pain as Valentina pronouncedly elbowed him hard in the ribs, "Don't mind him Shinji, he's just blabbering stuff from his 'old job' and can't get over it."

She encodes his information into a computer and promptly gave him the receipt, "Please return tomorrow on the mentioned date and time to proceed with your lessons. Full payment is expected at the end of the week."


===The next day===


Shinji returned to the Transporter Driving School and found himself standing in front of a BMW E38. It was quite luxurious and frankly intimidating to drive and learn to drive altogether. He finally understood why he was made to pay $10,000 to compensate if he ever managed to run this car through a wall. Frank stood beside the car and greeted him with a nod, "Good thing you're on time."


"Yes, your wife told me to be on time."


"Excellent, now get in the car, you have much to learn kid."

Quickly getting into the car he watched as Frank pressed a lock code into the car's computer and the engine roared into life. Smoothly he pulled out of the driveway and entered into main traffic, "Your lessons starts now, remember when you drive you must focus on your surroundings. It's pretty similar I suppose to piloting those giant robots of yours so I guess you at least get the gist of it."

"Now, as you can see this is a stick shift..." he gestured towards the stick and moved it into 2nd gear, "Usually, most people tend to drive an automatic since it is easier, but to attain the pinnacle of driving skills one must learn to drive manual transmission."

Frank Martin stopped the car and walked outside, Shinji noticed that they were in a large parking space with enclosed concrete walls, he opened the door of the passenger side and beckoned the 3rd Child to get out. Exchanging positions with Shinji he patiently buckled his seatbelt and gestured for Shinji to start driving.

"But I don't know what to do?" he said puzzled as he sat in front of the steering wheel.


"Start the car, step on the clutch gently, put it on 1st gear and then release the clutch while stepping on the gas pedal at the same time," Frank motioned with his hand regarding the sequence in driving a car, "You must remember these few things first, 1. When you change gears or apply on the brakes always step on the clutch lest you will stall the car, 2. When you are on 1st gear do not jump gears because there is always a sequence to shifting gears as you go faster... now you know the basics try at least moving the car."


The 3rd Child turned the ignition and eased the car into 1st gear, he lets go of the clutch while stepping on the gas pedal and promptly stalled the car.


"This is going to be a long day," Frank Martin sighed and shook his head


After a few hours of sighing, shaking of heads, stalled vehicles and exhaustive efforts to encourage his student, Frank Martin finally took the wheel and drove back to the Transporter Driving School. It was not a total loss, on the contrary, due to the training with the Evangelion, Shinji was able to grasp the fine instincts of learning to drive, basics of manoeuvring, and of course, trying not to stall the vehicle every time he would put it in 1st gear. All in all, it was a fruitful day as most aspirants and students don't get to drive the original car of the Head Transporter, so he was sent home quite happy and his morale lifted. As soon as he made it past the first block, a Section-02 agent pressed a communicator on his ear and reported immediately to his superiors.





Commander Gendo Ikari sat behind his desk and assumed his trademark pose, he has an open folder in front of him and he seemed to be contemplating the matters that are currently in front of him. As such in this state did Kozo Fuyutsuki walked into him, carrying another folder marked with 'For Eyes Only', roughly translated as TOP SECRET. He walked over to him noting the silence of his former student on the matters in front of him.


"It seems that the 3rd Child had taken it upon himself to learn to drive," Kozo sat down in one of the limited chairs adorning the office of the Commander of NERV, "He seems to have chosen an excellent teacher."


Gendo grunted and Fuyutsuki shrugged his shoulders.


"I see you have no comment, but since he's going to learn to drive it is safe to assume he is going to buy a car in the near future," the Vice-Commander sighed, "And to think I have to ride the monorail once in a while, I'm obviously not being paid enough for this job am I Ikari?"

"Touché my friend, for once you don't seem to have any comeback to any of my tirades, are you so engrossed on the budget for the coming quarter that you don't mind talking with me."

Still these litanies proved ineffective to elicit any response from the Commander of NERV, Kozo shook his head and tried a different tactic. "Anyway, since the 3rd Child would probably buy a car in the near future-"


"Z-z-Z-z-Z," Gendo snored.


"What the hell- he's been sleeping the whole time!?" Kozo exclaimed and banged the table, "OH SHIT! ISN'T THAT YUI IN A PLUGSUIT!?"


Gendo suddenly stood up and slammed his hands on the table and shouted, "HUH! WHERE IS SHE!?


Scanning the room, he realized he was in his office and he was asleep, what infuriated him was the reason that Kozo managed to irk him and lead him on.

"What was that for Vice-Commander Kozo Fuyutsuki?" his anger barely contained.

The old man straightened up and decided to stand up to the Commander, "I was talking and you were sleeping the whole time- this is- huff! Alright, this requires your attention."


A large folder was flopped down in front of him and he picked it up, the first paragraphs of the document sent boiling blood to the head of the Commander of NERV. It pertained to the probes issued by members of Seele regarding the secrecy of the Evangelion, GEHRIN, and the death of his wife.

"Who leads the probe on this?"

"His file is already on the file that I gave you," Kozo pointed on a stapled paper that was in the middle of the file, "Quite a thick file on someone who preaches righteousness."

"Are there any political implications?"

"Not if it's not an accident."

"Accident?" Gendo cleared his throat and assumed his pose, "47…"


From the shadows a blood red tie materialized followed by a black suit and a completely bald man.


"Commander Ikari?"

"Were you listening?"

"Always," Agent 47 took the information from the desk and scanned it, "Will it be another accident?"


"Make it so…" and the bald assassin vanished into the shadows


"Is that action necessary?"

Gendo stood up and Kozo followed, "Yes, we cannot afford any distractions now, and our situation with the Council is delicate as it is, we don't more attention to ourselves."

"Still, this problem is always given to him," the two Commanders walked out of the office and it sealed automatically, "However, did you managed to get his services?"

The Commander smirked, "His legacy remains because of me."



Misato's Apartment


The 3rd Child sat in front of the TV clutching a can of soda as Asuka plopped down beside him with some fries and a hefty sandwich courtesy of course of their resident cook. It had been almost a week since he started his sessions with the Transporter Driving School and today was a rest day since his instructor insisted that to fully learn something, one must take time to rest and contemplate on just what exactly he/she learned or did. They had an apartment all for themselves that day because Misato was demanded to show herself at the Geofront to finish some paper works and have her output (bitching) on some proposed equipment.


She even had the gall to tease both of them saying, "I should probably say that don't do naughty stuff while I'm gone, but seeing your pregnant and all pretty much voids all that crap- anyways, if you will do some 'horizontal hustle' make sure you 'do spoon' her Shin-"

The phone was destroyed after that.


Most guys do things on the spur of the moment, but Shinji was different. He changed, and whatever changed him, she firmly believes it was for the better. Maybe it was their child, maybe it was her, maybe it was something else, but what the hell-


She chuckled at the thought of him being reliable and all that, considering he was so easy to bully to the extent he was coerced to wear her own configured plug suit. Still, it was nice to know that little by little he was doing what would essentially make her feel safe.


"Hey Shinji, shouldn't we get married?"



Pen-pen who was sitting in front of Shinji was doused by mixed soda and spit.


"-the hell? Where did that come from?"

"What?" Asuka said nonchalantly, "Don't you want to get married?"

"Sure!" he said suddenly but recovered instantly, "I mean right now? Maybe we should wait after the kids come out right?"

"How did you know it was kids? Anyway, you're right- let's not discuss that for now, we can always ask our 'designer' to help us right?"

The 3rd Child shrugged his shoulders and smiled, "So what did you want to discuss with me aside from that? God, I was caught off-guard with that wedding."


"Well, since you're taking driving lessons have you considered what car to have?"

"How does a mini-van sound to you?"

Asuka snorted, "A soccer mom car? That's too advanced in the future, we need something small and sturdy."


"Maybe I can ask Frank to help me choose the right car-"

"Who is Frank?"

It was the 3rd Child's turn to laugh, "He's my instructor, and I must admit… he's good."


The redhead leaned her head on his chest and sighed contentedly, "I think luck is on our side 3rd Child."

"Why do you say that?"

"I mean everything seemed to just fit into place-"

"Well, Charles almost gave up on us-"

"Argh!" she scratched her hair irritably, "That 47 guy demolished Misato's living room!"


He smiled and nuzzled at her hair, "Come on, don't be like that… he was merely doing his mandate."

"I know, and I really hate to admit that it is partially our fault."

It was the 3rd Child's turn to cringe, "OUR? It's our fault-"

"OK! It's mine then!"




The TV show finally took a break and showed a news flash that happened in a suburbs of Tokyo-02 that is quite a popular area for establishing the homes of the members of the Japanese Diet (that's political party for you guys). It showed the mangled remains of a two story wooden house, a myriad of collapsed wooden telephone pole, an overturned lorry (a large truck with cargo), and a large amount of debris from boulders and rocks.

"TERRIBLE TRAGEDY LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! The Head of the Japanese Parliament, Ishiko Tonara died today just before he got inside his house, as a lorry that was carrying raw granite lost its brake and plunged from the top of a small clearing towards the house of the Secretary Tonara."

It is still a mystery as to why the truck was in the clearing in the first place, but the contractors, supervisors and even friends of the driver could have been doing some illegal activities."

A police detective appeared in the interview segment as numerous microphones were thrust up in front of him, "We are still investigating this incident, you don't just put your truck up on a hill, or take a shit or have a smoke- hmm? That's a good angle!"


As you can see, police are still baffled at this mystery, as for the bereaved family no issue of a statement as of the moment are received from them."

There are also unconfirmed reports of methamphetamine powder found inside the truck's cab and as most experts agree a 'crash' from using this drug can cause extreme fatigue, carelessness, and in a general sense pretty-fucked-up-sensory-system."

"In other news..."




"That was pretty bad," Shinji nodded gravely as Asuka just shrugged her shoulders and took a sip from the soda.

"Hey Shinji..."


"Get me a mango please?" she smiled up, immediately smiting his resolve away, "...pretty please..."

"The physical appearance of the please is not needed..." he whispered at her ear and shimmied out of the couch, "Give me a kiss?"
She puckered up and met his in a soft peck.





Commander Ikari picks up his cellular phone as the incessant ringing kept him awake for almost 10 minutes now. The first five calls were from Vice-Commander Fuyutsuki, no doubt asking for details about the 'incident' of Secretary Tonara. The others were from top media reporters no doubt about to ask him if he can provide some comments on one of his most prominent critics and probers, especially now that his apparent means of loss is by means of a brutal and freak accident.

"These old men tend to die... so loudly."

However, even if he wanted to, he could not ignore this one that is calling.


It was Chairman Keele."



"Ikari, what is happening down there?!" the voice of the Cyclops was furious, "Did you have a hand in this?"

"I assure you, I am quite shocked myself... the loss of one of my 'guardians' seem to evoke a wasteful mood for me."

The Chairman growled, "Do not provoke me Ikari! We know that you have knowledge that he was the leash that is supposed to be watching you closely in Japan, do not think we would sit tightly with this... the Council will be watching more closely now!"


"Chairman Keele," his voice held no emotion as he stared out of his window, "I assure you once more, that I have no hand in this... whoever did this if ever this is not an accident is definitely skilled to the utmost degree, and as such, we will also investigate the matter."

"What does the MAGI tell you?"

Commander Ikari cleared his throat, "The MAGI says that there is an 95% chance this is an accident ranging from loss of brake to poor public works design and even faulty mechanical failure, a 4.99% chance that this is fate itself, and a thousand other scenarios regarding that .01% that is left."


"So in other words the MAGI is unanimous of their decision, though there are some slight deviation... I want the report to be sent to me immediately tomorrow Ikari-"


"Touché..." Gendo Ikari smiled evilly and throws down his phone, he lied down on his bed and cuddled his teddy bear closer, he spoke to it as if it was ADAM himself, "Yes, Mr. Fluffers... the sound of Chairman Keele's voice in anger is very soothing for me, it was worth all of the troubles."



The Transporter Driving School

A few days later


Shinji purposely strode towards the Audi A8 parked near the entrance as he waved at Valentina from the glass window. Frank Martin, her husband leaned on the front bumper and ushered him inside, as they got inside the instructor cleared his throat and looked at Shinji with a stare full of meaning.


"I know the rules," Shinji sighed as he sat properly in the front passenger seat, "Respect a man's car, the man will respect you, which I almost forgot- good afternoon Frank."


"Good afternoon Shinji," Frank enters the code for the car to start as the 3rd Child simultaneously buckled his seatbelt, the Transporter smiled and whispered, "Rule no.3... check."

"Have you heard of the news lately?"

Frank sighed, "Yes, regarding a member of the Japanese Diet? I'm telling you, that's not exactly an accident?"

"What do you mean?"

"The way the lorry slammed into the house and managed to dive into the house its just outlandish... it would take a skill of a stunt driver to reach the top of that clearing with a sustained of at least 15mph on rough road and still do a 180 degree turn to have the vehicle facing with its backend at the living room-"


Shinji's brow furrowed, "How do you know that?"

"Ah! That is the reason why I will teach you how to do a 360 degree turn- it basically works the same way as the 180, its not the same results, but the technique is the same all in all."


Again they made their way into the empty parking lot and Shinji transferred to the driver's seat, "You know, I always wonder where you find these empty parking lots, but then again- Angel attacks do tend to drive away business ventures..."

"Enough," Frank suddenly grew serious and looked at his student, "Now here's how you do a 360degree turn, first you build up your speed at low gear-"

Shinji obeyed and revved the car up to 2nd car, "-then turn the wheel sharply where you want to go."


The A8 threatened to spin out of control as the 3rd Child held on, "Pull the handbrake right after and release it once the rear goes sideways, which means NOW!"


Tires squealed as the car protested, but it held onto the pavement, "-do not let go of the hand break button, just keep your hand on it and your right foot on the gas to keep it going-"


As the car turned 180 degrees, Frank held onto the dashboard as he finally said, "Pull the handbreak again, then release it when our turn is complete- hit the gas once the rear stops-"


The Audi A8 miraculously did all that was asked of it and Shinji drove forward unabated. He was unaware of it, but he was unconsciously holding his breath as he did the stunt, beads of sweat formed on his head as Frank also noticeably sweated himself.

"That was-"

"-nice, well done-" Frank sighed and gulped some water on a bottle.

"Don't tell my wife," Shinji gasped.

"-nor Valentina..."

Both young men shared a moment of laughter until Frank said, "Again."


After an hour of lesson it was time to call it quits, as they made their way back to the driving school Shinji mentioned about his decision to buy a car.

"That's a good investment."

The 3rd Child smirked, "You think so? My guardian uses a Renault Alpine though, it's quite old."

"-and a classic one, you should do some research before buying a car, because you don't want to get stuck on a car that in the end you would want to get rid of."

"Can you recommend some cars that would fit me?"



Misato's Apartment


Shinji purposely walked towards the apartment complex elevator as he made his way to the flat he shares with his soon to be wife Asuka, and guardian Misato Katsuragi. Swiping his card he greeted and beckoned Asuka for a kiss, which she willingly obliged, after a day of driving lessons his body ached, but he can't keep the excitement bubbling from within so in one sweep.


"I bought us a car."

This brought a blank stare from Asuka, "Now? Where?"

"In the communal parking lot?"

"I know it's there idiot!," she scolded, "You obviously can't bring it here- but you bought a car, as in now?"


"Yeah!" Shinji shrugged and smiled, "I guess it was a pretty good pick, it was really perfect and I got it real cheap, it's quite memorable for me too when I picked that car."

They made their way downstairs and the 2nd Child looked at the mysterious car herself. Her mouth immediately fell open.

"You bought a gangster car?"


"What?! No!" Shinji lightly tapped the hood and shook his head in defiance, "It's a BMW 735i E38, and in very good condition."

"It's old..."

"-so is Misato's Renault Alpine."


The 3rd Child shrugged his shoulders again, "What can I say? It's the one that caught my eye... and it looks good and very professional."


"I guess it's ok," Asuka finally smiled, "Now, we can go and badger our designer to get to work on the wedding too!"

"What?" the young man's face echoed shock and exhaustion, "But I just got back from driving school..."

"That's perfect, we have to go to the mall, then to the city hall for the necessary paper works on the house and the wedding, and we have to go the Geofront for a sync test!" the red haired girl smiled and clapped excitedly, "We can also order some take-out right now since I'm quite hungry 3rd Child."


He was speechless, "Can I take a rest first?"

"Aww... poor baby," she pinched his cheeks and smiled at him, "This is our chance to finish all that we need to do for the day, and I don't want to be stuck in that house so let's go around the city-"

"-but..." he was already defeated as he reeled back from her round doe eyes.

"...pretty please..."


'...oh shit...'


To be Continued...


Author's note:

One more 'corny' chapter (there are some really corny scenes)... and it's done.

I basically want to show some 'experiences', and how they are able to cope with those challenges, including things that new couples face especially with living together.

The names that I took from BLEACH, and OTHER SOURCES were all deliberate, but not to worry, this won't turn into a cross-over, I just want to borrow their personalities. I hope I can finish this more gracefully, I don't want to rush things, and I wish to really end it nicely so it may take some time. Maybe an epilogue in the future, but not so sure yet regarding that.


To all flamers that stuck with me since the beginning. Well, can't blame you, I tried to write a decent tribute. You can't make 'em love you my mentor once said.


To all those who liked it and still liked it, I thank you so much, you make flamers bearable.


To all the ones that are undecided yet if they liked it or they don't, I really wish you could have reached a decision by now I suppose.


Give me your thoughts dear readers.


Thank you,
