Author's note: ok, so, first of all, I already posted this story months ago but it got removed because of something I don't understand, but I changed it anyway. Hey guys, this is my first fanfiction... so I need your support!! Please read and review... this is gonna be a romantic comedy... with a Naley/Laley pair-up and probably a Brucas thing going-on later on.. please tell me if its any good... need your reviews!! I actually wrote some of the chapters already, but my pc got busted so I had to do it all over again... all im asking is for you guys to give it a chance.. I really love writing and reading, so don't be so harsh with the reviews! LOL!! Just kidding!! Be as honest and as brutal as you like!! Tell me if it sucks!!! Thanks in advance!! Love you guys!!! :)

Disclaimer: I don't own anything.. maybe just a few of the new characters I invent.. and I don't really know the names of the teachers/parents/principal/some of the places in Tree Hill, etc... so please bear with me.. :)

Summary: Luke and Haley have been best friends forever right.. but lately they've been acting real weird around each other.. to complicate things further, Luke's half-brother Nathan has his sights set on Haley, for entirely different reasons.. sensible Haley James suddenly finds herself in a dilemma, and her quiet little world will soon be turned upside-down by the Scott brothers! This story is sort of an extension to the original plot.. there are lots of exciting new twists and scenes that I hope you guys would like... so here goes!!!!


Haley and Lucas met each other one afternoon at the park when they were 7. Some kids were picking on Luke and calling him 4-eyes coz he had on these big pair of eyeglasses. They were about to trash his new bike when Haley came into the picture and kicked the crap out of them! It was three against one but she still emerged the victor!

Haley: You ok?

Lucas: Yeah, thanks by the way.

Lucas answered as he got up from the ground and was brushing dirt off his jumper. She was pleased to find out that he wasn't like the other boys that were too egoistic to acknowledge that a girl just took on 3 guys and saved him.

H: No problem. Im Haley. I just moved in from New York.

Lucas looked up at the kid who just saved his butt and for the first time noticed that she as a girl. She had on a pair of jeans, a blue shirt that had a Ghostbuster's logo on it, sneakers, and a blue baseball cap.

L: Uh, my name's Lucas.

H: Hey Lucas.

She said eyeing him from behind her baseball cap. Lucas' hair was all messed up and he was looking at her through his huge glasses. He was kind of skinny but was taller than her by at least six inches.

H: So, Im kind of lost here. I was supposed to meet my mom back at the icecream parlor but, well, I kinda wandered too far.

Lucas was staring at her with an awed expression on his face.

H: Um, hello! Earth to Lucas!

Lucas snapped out of it.

L: Oh, I can show you where the icecream shop is.

He picked up his bike and started to walk towards the swings.

L: Uh, Haley, how'd you do that?

H: Do what?

L: You just took on 3 guys 2 times your size and you act as if it was nothing. What are you, some kind of freak?

H: Hey! Just because I can punch and you can't doesn't make me a freak!

Lucas blushed at that.

L: Ok, so I take that back. Where'd you learn to punch like that?

H: Having five big brothers can be handy sometimes.

L: Wow.. Five huh.

H: Yeah, but most of the time they just bug me. But now that its only me and my parents at the house, it kinda gets lonely sometimes. They come home only on holidays. They're off to college this year. I miss them, you know.

L: No actually, I don't.

H: What do you mean?

L: I don't have any brothers.

H: Oh. Sisters then?

L: Nope. Just me.

H: Sometimes I want to be an only kid. I think its kinda cool.

L: Yeah, sometimes.

"Haley! There you are! I've been looking all over for you! Where've you been? I told you not to go too far! We're in a new neighborhood! You can't just go off without telling me!" her mom burst out. "Sorry mom. I got lost. Um, this is Lucas. He showed me how to get here." Haley replied sheepishly. "Thank you Lucas. I thought I was never going to see my baby again!" Haley rolled her eyes and kind of blushed. "My mom can get overly dramatic sometimes." She whispered to Lucas. "Im Mrs. James. Thank you again Lucas. What did you say your last name was?" "Its Scott." Said Lucas. "No problem Mrs. James. Just returning the favor." Haley's mom had a puzzled expression on her face. Haley and Lucas shared a knowing smile.

"Well, we've got to go. Nice meeting you Lucas." Said Mrs. James as she turned to leave. "Nice meeting you too Ma'm." "Hurry up Haley. We still have to buy you a new pair of shoes for school next week, remember? Be a good girl and say goodbye to your new friend. Hurry up now!" "Yeah mom, alright already..." Haley whined. "So, I guess I'll see you around" said Lucas. "Yeah, see you around." She said as she followed her mom to their car. She glanced back and saw Lucas wave at her. She waved back and smiled as she got into the car. Lucas Scott- has a nice ring to it. Although he looks kinda dorky. Hmm.. My first friend in Tree Hill, she thought. Meanwhile Lucas watched as the car pulled out of the parking space. Haley James- scary! I've got to ask her sometime to teach me how to punch. That was pretty awesome, for a girl! he said to himself as he got on his bike and headed for his mom's café.