Her bath time. One of the few times during the day Integra Hellsing could relax and just be herself, not the head of the Hellsing Organization. Integra sighed and sunk lower in the steaming water, only her toes and arms visible. Emitting a soft sigh, she missed the swirling red mist that collected in the corner, two red eyes peering from the mass of dark crimson. It was the damning coldness that crept through her bones that alerted her to her vampire's presence.

"ALUCARD!!" she shrieked, bolting upright in the water, sending frothy bubbles flying in all directions. "I'M IN THE BATHTUB!!! GET OUT OF HERE!!!" Scrabbling for her glasses, she shoved them on her nose, glaring at the tall black-clad vampire that had materialized into his tall human form, holding a small something in his gloved hand.

He opened his mouth, but she cut him off, jerking a towel from the sink and covering up with it quickly. "You know damned well better than to intrude when I'm in here, you mutt!" she seethed, cutting him an icy look. "This is MY time, the time when I don't have to worry about vampires, ghouls, Nazi's, or any other paranormal thing that toddles down the driveway. NOR do I have to deal with you, either!" Icy blue eyes spouted righteous indignation at the Midian. "You know better!" she fumed again. "It's bad enough you romp gleefully through my mind when you're bored, and illicit the most naughty things of what you'd like to do to me, you damned vampire, and at the most inopportune times as well!" Pausing in a huff, she knew her cheeks were flaming but Alucard merely shrugged.

He tossed the small thing at her, Integra catching it reflexively with one hand, as to not lose her towel. It was the phone. What the hell? Alucard smirked and informed her in that damnably smooth voice, "Walter couldn't get you to come out of the bathroom, Master. So he asked me to bring you the phone. Seems Her Majesty is on the line and would like to speak with you."