Title: Broken

Rating: PG-13

Disclaimer: All hail the makers of Cold Case.

Summary: Lily gets shot while on pursuit of a killer. How does Scotty react? Told from Scotty's POV.



The sound ripped through me like a pair of sharpened scissors. I looked to Lily to find her staring down at the large entry wound on her abdomen as crimson read blood started pooling around the hole. She looked up at me and my brown eyes locked with her seductive blue ones before her knees started to give out and she collapsed to the floor.

I ran over to her. Kneeling by her side. "Lily! Lily! Lily! Can you hear me? Lily! Lily!" I don't know why I put so much emphasize on her name. Maybe I just hoped that the sound of such an elegant word would keep her conscious for a few more brief moments. Her eyelids where threatening to close but for the moment he could see a small portion of her green pupil through a field of light brown lashes. "Lily! Can you hear me?" I screamed.

She moaned. But there was pain in her voice. I wished that I could take the pain away from her but I couldn't. I was helpless. I didn't know what to do.

PRESSURE. The word came to me an epiphany. I had to put pressure on her wound. Again, I looked down at Lily. She was so frail and looked like she was in so much pain. I pushed her bangs out of her face before I located the bullet wound and pressed down with one of my hands.

She moaned again. I was causing her more pain. I could tell by the way her lower lip was twitching. "Stay with me Lily," I coaxed. Tears sprung to my eyes and I felt like crying, but I wouldn't allow myself to. I needed to stay strong for her.

"Scotty?" she moaned. Her voice was thin and raspy and I bent down from fear that she would strain her beautiful voice.

"I'm here," I said taking her hand in my free one. "What is it Lily?"

"I'm scared," Lily whispered.

Tears threatened to fall again. "Everything will be okay Lily. Everything will be fine."

"I love you," she whispered as her eyes began to close.

"I love you too," I said as I watched her eyes close and the sound of the ambulance rip through the quiet atmosphere. I kept pressure on her wound and prayed that the paramedics weren't too late and that she still had a chance.


That's all for now guys. I hope to have the next chapter up by the end of the week. I wanted to know. Should I kill Lily off? Please read and review and tell me what you think. Thank you.