Author Notes: Holy crap I'm soo sorry this took as long as it did. Blame Hurricane Wilma who destroyed my power for 2 weeks. I appreciate all your reviews! Thank you guys so much! Please enjoy the last chapter!

Frozen Love Chapter 25 bizarre. I really never thought I'd have to be admitting something like this to my dad. But I can't keep it from him. Guess Kai really wouldn't understand this...he doesn't have a family to worry about his sexuality...but right now I think he wishes he did. Hopefully when this is all over, I can be his family.

Tyson walked down the streets of Hokkaido, towards the hotel where his father was staying. He was worried. For himself and for his father. How would he react? Not everyone in the world will be as understanding as his friends are, Tyson can accept that. But what if the one person he wants to accept this...doesn't. That was Tyson's greatest fear.

I have to do this...

Tyson reached the hotel. Staring at the entrance his stomach started churning with nerves. He took a deep breath and sighed.

Here goes nothing...

He walked through the automatic doors and headed towards the elevator.

"Hey Kai? You doing ok?" Max asked walking into Kai's hospital room. No answer.


"Yeah Max..." he said weakly. Concerned, Max approached Kai's bed, where he was laying with his back facing the blond boy.

"What's wrong? Is everything alright?"

"Yeah. Everything's fine."

"Where's Tyson?"

"He went to go talk to his dad...about us."

"Oh I see..." Max understood then.

"You're worried, aren't you?"

"Of course." he sat up and faced Max.

"Don't worry about it Kai! Tyson's dad may be pretty intimidating at times, but he's a really understanding guy."

"Hn." Kai replied. Max smiled.

"Well I haven't heard that in a while! Yep, you're still the same old Kai." Kai glared at the genki blond boy who just smiled sweetly back at him. Kai rolled his eyes.

"If you say so Max."

Then, there was a knock at the door.

"Mr. Hiwatari?" Kai's doctor asked, stepping into the room.

"Yes sir?"

"Well, I've come to inform you that you may leave today if you like. You're charts all check out and if you feel you have the energy, there is no reason for you to stay here any longer."

Max's eyes brightened.

"Did you hear that Kai? You're outta here!" the doctor smiled at Kai's shocked expression.

"Well then...would you like for me to call Mr. Dickinson to come check you out?" Kai could only nod.

"Alright then." The doctor exited. "I'll have the nurse bring your clothes."

"Kai that's awesome! No more dreary hospital!" Kai gave a light smile.

Yeah...I can finally get out of here...

"Daddy! Daddy!"

An elder man smiled.

"C'mere you little runt!" he laughed and lifted his little son up into the air by his waist. The boy giggled with delight and spread his arms out wide.

"Weee!" he squealed.

"Ben honey, don't make him dizzy." a woman's sweet voice emerged from the doorway.

"Don't worry dear" he turned around and saw his wife standing in the doorway, wearing a long light blue evening gown.

"Mommy's pretty!" the boy exclaimed from his father's arms.

"That she does. That she does... "

"Then I'll wear this for the party tonight." she smiled and walked back into the house, winking at her husband as she did.

"See how pretty she is son?" "Yeah. Hey dad? Do you think when I marry a mommy she'll be pretty like that too?"

The elder man laughed.

"Of course she will." he smiled, not wanting to correct his son, instead, laughing at how innocent he was.

"C'mon you. Let's go make daddy look good enough to show up at party with her."


Tyson sighed.

How...foolish I was. I guess...I won't be able to bring home the pretty girl I told dad I would. Instead, I'm bringing home a guy...and a beautiful one at that but dad might have a different opinion.

"Dad? You in there?" Tyson knocked on the door to his father's room.

"Sure, come in Tyson."

"Dad I need to tell you something..." he said stepping in.

"Really? Kai's out of the hospital?" Ray asked.

"Well he will be once Mr. Dickinson signs him out." Max replied.

"That's great! Mariah and I will be right there!" he hung up the phone.

"Kai's getting released today." Mariah smiled.

"That's great! Let's go see him!"

Ray nodded and they started walking.

"It's such a beautiful day. I'm glad Kai's going to be able to see it you know? He hasn't seen anything but the hospital and be for that..."

"Yeah I know...It'll be good for him to be able to stretch out for once. Maybe now that he's opened up he can finally enjoy himself."

"Oh I think with Tyson he'll be just fine. It's hard not to be happy when your around him."

"Your right."

Kai's arms stretched out as he slipped on his shirt. He smiled a bit as he walked around his room.

"Feels good to walk around again doesn't it?" Max asked.

"Yeah." he replied.

"Well Kai your all set. Why don't we get out of here?" Mr. Dickinson asked.

Kai nodded and they walked out

"You're what?" Tyson's gaze fell to the ground almost shamefully. "'s all true. I'm in love with Kai...we're together."


Tyson's body started to shake. His stomach felt like it was doing flips and he began to sweat. His vision began to blur with unshed tears. Tyson was scared. He didn't want to imagine what his life would be like if his father rejected him. He'd already lost his mother...he didn't want to lose his dad too. The silence was deafening. As it began to sink in Tyson had given up all hope. He'd always known silence was the worst punishment after dealing with Kai's silent ways for all those years. Just when he'd given up all hope of his father ever answering, he felt two strong arms wrap around him. His eyes widened in shock.

"Thank you Tyson...for not keeping this a secret from me."

"Dad I..."

He looked up and saw his father smiling.

"I and Kai probably had a lot of trouble keeping it to yourselves."


"Your grandfather thought something like this might happen. He spoke to me about it one day after he saw you and Kai together. He said you seemed right together...but then again he wasn't sure."

"What! You mean Grandpa..."

His father laughed. "Half accused you of being gay? Looks that way."

Tyson inwardly sighed. Am I really that obvious?

"C'mon kiddo...let's go meet your boyfriend."

"Daaaaad." Tyson whined, embarrassed.

Mr. Kinomiya smiled, grabbing his son by the shirt collar and playfully dragging him out of the hotel.

"Kai!" Mariah shouted, seeing Kai and the others walking down the sidewalk.

"Hey you guys!" Ray said happily.

"Ray!" Max exclaimed.

"Hey...where's Tyson?" Mariah asked.

"He's with his dad." Kai said quietly.

"Oh...well why don't we head over to the hotel and meet him?" Ray suggested. They all nodded, even Kai.

"No need to go that far." a voice said from behind them. They turned around and saw Mr. Kinomiya and Tyson walking towards them. Tyson's eyes lit up.

"Kai!" Kai couldn't help but smile.


Tyson ran ahead, past all the bladebreakers and straight into Kai's arms.

"Oh Kai..."

Kai smiled and held the smaller boy, enjoying the embrace. They hadn't been able to hug like this since Kai was taken to the hospital. Their friends smiled. Then, Kai looked up worriedly at Mr. Kinomiya, who smiled at him, his eyes filled with approval. Kai smiled. For the first time, he felt truly complete. He didn't need his grandfather, he had a family right here.

"Tyson..." he said.

"Yeah Kai?" he looked up into the crimson eyes of his boyfriend, who looked pleadingly down at him.

"Can we go home?"

Tyson smiled. "Yeah...let's go home. What do you say guys?"

"Sounds good to me!" Max cheered.

" time." Kenny said, exasperated. Every one laughed.

"Well then, what's say we head back to the hotel and pack our things."

"Of what little we have." Tyson joked.

Hours later, they were boarding the next plane back to Bay City. As the plane flew over the mountains, all the bladebreakers looked town at the terrain where they were once lost in. Memories of their experience came flooding back, Kai squeezed Tyson's hand as he remembered how close they came to loosing each other. Tyson nuzzled into Kai's neck, his mind on how close Kai came to death. How pale and weak he was.

"I never want to lose you again..." he whispered.

"You never will." was his reply.

"Awww man it feels goood to be back!" Tyson stretched as they exited the plane.

"Max!" a voice cried.

"Dad!" Max smiled and ran into the arms of his father.

"Kenny!" Kenny's parents tackled him with hugs.

"We were so worried about you!" they cried.

"Mooom!" Kenny cried trying to break free of his mother's embrace.

"Ray, Mariah."

"Lee! Kevin! And Gary too!" Mariah exclaimed.

"You guys what are you doing here?"

"We figured we'd meet you...since we all couldn't come out there." Ray smiled.

"Thanks Lee."

"Sure thing buddy."

They clasped hands.

"Oh...and you better take care of my sister." Ray's face beamed red.

" um..." Lee laughed.

"Chill out dude. It's about time for you two anyway." Ray sighed in relief.

"Little Dude!"


Tyson and his Grandfather embraced.

"You scared the bee gees outta me!"

"Sorry Gramps, won't happen again."

"Better not!"

Tyson grinned as his Grandpa gave a noogie to his head.

Kai sighed, feeling slightly depressed seeing everyone being greeted by their family, while Kai knew no one would come for him.

I guess...the thought of having Tyson around all the time seemed like being part of a big family and because I was so closed up I never noticed how much I wanted a real family like the rest of these dorks have...I envy them.

Tyson looked back at Kai and smiled. Kai could only smile back.

Maybe all I really wanted was a family.

They had only been together a short while but Tyson was already able to tell how Kai was feeling, and right now he knew there was something on his mind. He saw the distant look in his eyes when everyone reunited with their families. Tyson couldn't help but feel sad for Kai, watching him stand there alone with no one to welcome him home. That must have hurt. Tyson had learned that it was always the emotional pain that hurt worst. Because scars fade...but you never forget someone's words.

Everyone had gone home for some well deserved family time and rest. Even though it had only been two weeks, it had felt like months to them. Tyson sighed as he stretched out on his bed, but he smiled, it felt good to be in his own bed again. The familiar walls, the smell. He'd missed it. He yawned. The dojo was fairly quiet with the exception of the birds chirping out side and his grandfather practicing in the main hall. Kai had fallen fast asleep on the couch, even though Tyson insisted he take his bed. Ever since the airport Kai had been pretty quiet and as much as Tyson wanted to pry his feelings out of him, he knew it best not to disturb him. It was funny. Even though they were a couple now, Tyson still wanted to give Kai as much privacy as he needed. Despite the fact Tyson felt like he should know more about what his boyfriend was feeling, he knew it would take some time to completely open Kai up. True, Kai's heart had been released of it's darkness but there was still the looming pain that Kai experienced as a child. There was still so much of Kai, so many memories he's yet to let go. So much of him Tyson wanted to know. Tyson was willing to give him all the time he needed. As long as he could help Kai, as long as he could be with him, nothing could make the Dragoon happier. He rolled over on his side and snuggled deep into his pillow and drifted of into a long slumber.

Hours later, Kai awoke and rolled of the couch. It was night now. His body felt more refreshed than it had in a long time. He stretched his arms and stood, admiring his surroundings.

Now's not like I can go back to my grandfather.

"Oh, you're awake Kai." Tyson's father said, entering the room.

"Mr. Kinomiya..."

"You look much better. Seems like you're pretty much recovered."

"Yeah. I guess so."

"What will you do now?"

Kai inwardly sighed. He really wasn't sure. He didn't want to go back to his grandfather and his old life. He wanted to start over again with Tyson, try to make a better life for himself.

Mr. Kinomiya saw the uncertain look on Kai's face and smiled.

"You know...Tyson mentioned that he'd like you to stay with us."


Kai's eyes widened.

"I think it's a good idea...after don't want to go back to him do you?"

Wait how doe he...

"Mr. Dickinson told me about your grandfather. Kai, if you'd like to stay here with us you can. We have a spare room. It used to be Tyson's brother's room but he's always traveling and doesn't need it."

Kai was speechless. He didn't know what to say. This was the offer of a lifetime. He'd been given a chance to start over, live with the person he loved and have something of a family. But a part of Kai wondered if he could ever be fully accepted into such a warm and loving home. Then he remembered the bladebreakers and how they fought so hard together to rescue him, how they all showed that they cared for him. Most of all, he remembered how Tyson's love filled him with such a warmth he knew he could survive those mountains.

We survived that adventure because we were together...I know what love is now and I want to know more. I want to know every inch that love has to offer. And I want to learn it here.

Kai nodded. "'ll have me here..." he half mumbled. Mr. Kinomiya smiled and pulled Kai into a light hug.

"You'll be happy here, I know it." Despite Kai's surprise at the sudden embrace, he smiled.

"Thank you."

The next morning Kai woke up early and walked down to the river bank. The sun was shining bright and a cool breeze was blowing. Kai felt very peaceful. Soon, he'd reached the bridge.

This is where Tyson and I first what I jerk I was back then.

He sighed and sat down, watching the light as it his the water causing a bright reflection that lightly touched his face.

From a distance, Tyson watched his love as he slowly walked the river bank to their meeting place. As silently as he could, he walked down the small hill towards Kai. He smiled to himself, he loved the feeling of being able to walk up to Kai like this. Before he seemed so unapproachable but now Tyson could always turn to him. As intimidated as he used to be around the older boy, those feelings have long faded.

"Hey you." Tyson said sitting down next to him. Kai looked startled, Tyson laughed at this.

"Didn't hear me coming? And you're always so alert."

"Yeah...I was just thinking..."

"About what?"

"Nothing too important." he replied, almost as stoical as he used too.

"Aww now don't start this again Kai. You know you can talk to me about anything." Tyson said dramatically as he stretched out his arms.

"I know..." Tyson took his silence as an opportunity to read his expression.

"Dose this have anything to do with what happened at the airport?"

"What happened at the airport?" Kai asked.

"Don't try and fool me! I saw your face when everyone except you was being greeted by their families" Kai's eyes widened a bit, then his gaze went back to the ground. Tyson had hit the nail right on the mark. He felt like he'd let his guard down too much seeing as how Tyson could read him so easily.

"Felt lonely...didn't it?"

"Yeah...I guess...the love you get from a family is different than the love you receive from someone else."

"Sure is!"

"I never knew the difference...but I saw it when you and your grandfather reunited."

"It did feel great when I saw gramps again ya know? Since he'd been worrying about me and all...but the best feeling I've felt was when the doctors told me you'd be ok."

Kai look surprised. His heart leapt to his throat. Tyson smiled.

"Because your family is always going to be there. I know it's different for you but...I'm so used to my family always being there so it was normal for me to see them worry. But Kai, having you love me means so much more."

"Same here..."

"I don't want you to be sad anymore Kai...I want you to have family just like I do. So...are you really going to live with us?"

"Yeah...I am."

Tyson smiled and tossed his arms around Kai's shoulders, the two of them fell back on to the cold grass. Kai smiled and let his own arms encircle Tyson's waist.

"I'll be your family Kai..." he whispered into his lovers ear. Kai felt his body tingle at the feeling of Tyson's breath in his ear.

"Don't ever leave me Tyson..." Tyson sat up, holding himself up over Kai's chest. Kai's eyes were pleading.

"I want a family...but most of all I want you." Tyson smiled. He leaned down and kissed Kai passionately.

"So long as you never leave me."


"Good. Now that we got that settled can we please go get something to eat!" Kai laughed and sat up, causing Tyson to fall in his lap.

"Sure." They sat up and stared at the river, admiring it's beauty. A cold breeze began to blow. Tyson shivered and cuddled up next to Kai.

"You know the news said it was going to snow soon."

"Are you kidding! I don't think I could handle anymore snow! At least not now." Kai laughed.

"Least we won't be lost this time."


"So where do you want to eat."

"How about that new restaurant near the park?"

"Sure sounds good."

As they walked up the hill, Tyson took Kai's hand and held it tight. Together, they walked down the street allowing the warmth of their hands, and their love, block out the cold days to come.

"I love you." Tyson said.

"Love you too."

Days would pass, but to them they were just days well spent with each other. Although at first it seemed their love was frozen in the mountains of Hokkaido, love melted away the ice leading to a love that would rescue them both from frozen days and frozen hearts.

Author's Notes: Omg it's finished cries TT Frozen Love is now over. BUT WAIT! There is a sequel. And I've got more fics in the works so don't kill me off yet! Thank you sooooo much to all my reviewers who've supported me throughout all 25 chapters of's been more than a year since this story started and I thank all of you who've stuck with me! Well, this is Mikin Ishida signing out for now! See you guys soon! Oh and REVIEW!