Thanx to every1 who has reviewed you have been the best, I'm afraid to say but this is the last chapter of A Day In The Life Of John Cena, but don't worry I'm writing a new one. SorryI haven't updated in ages, butI was banned from writing a story until today!

Lilpimpgonk2010 - I know how you want more and that's really sweet 'n' all, but this is the last chappie sorry, but don't forget to check out my other story that I'll be putting on soon!

Johncenagirl please could you send me a picture of John Cena kissing Torrie Wilson, because it don't seem to work on my computer? Yes the same thing did happen to me though, I can't believe they took off I Only Have Eyes For You; I was having fun writing that! I actually cried when I had lost it! You see the thing is when I write a chappie and it has been posted I delete the chappie and bin it, because it has swearing in and if my mum and dad saw that, I would be grounded for weeks, so I'm screwed!

Ana Michelle thank you for saying that my story is the reason you log on, I'm flattered. But you don't have to log on if you don't want to because I accept anonymous reviews!

Torrie stared into John Cena's eyes. "We have to tell Theodore that we are a couple off - screen. Now if he fires us, then fine, it'll be his loss!" Torrie exclaimed. John Cena grinned, "So what are you planning to do if he does fire us Mrs. Cena?" John asked. Torrie laughed, "Hey, let's not rush into anything here, marriage is a huge step and I'm not willing to take it just yet, maybe later on in life." John pouted, "But don't you want to be with me till death do us part?" he asked. Torrie put her hand on the side of John Cena's face, "Of course I do! Only being boyfriend and girlfriend is good enough for now and we do have each other!" Torrie explained. She really didn't want to rush into marriage right now, she was too young she wanted to live life to the full while she had the chance, not to become a housewife and suffer heartbreak from a divorce. If she ever did get a divorce, that is.

"Look, if Theodore fires us, I'm sure we can figure out something" Torrie smiled, changing the subject. John Cena frowned "stop trying to change the subject." "I'm not!" Torrie cried, "I'm just thinking of what to do if Theodore fires us," she continued. John Cena just shook his head, "Tor don't worry I understand if you don't want to marry me, it's a big step I except that, I'd just rather you told me then try and change the subject." Torrie looked guilty. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to!" Torrie cried. John laughed, "I know you didn't." He hugged her; she buried her head into his warm, smooth chest.

Theodore walked into his office and sat there was John Cena and Torrie Wilson, holding hands. Theodore frowned, but then quickly put a smile back on his face. He sat himself at his desk facing John and Torrie. "So what can I do you for players?" he asked in his happy voice. Torrie bit her lip nervously, nudging John in the ribs with her elbow. John snapped out of his trance, "Oh and Torrie...well we...erm...we are a couple off - screen and there might be hope of us getting married in the near future" John spat it all out in a hurry. Torrie gave a very strange look. Theodore just nodded and started to write down a few notes, "That's nice, I wish you two a happy life together, whether you get married or not." "NOT!" Torrie cried out. John looked gobsmacked he turned to face Torrie. She went bright red, "Well you know, I mean just NOT yet, heh heh" Torrie flustered trying to get her words out.

Theodore looked up from his notes, "I'm not sooo happy about it myself, but I can't possibly fire you, I mean John you are the U.S champ and one of the best wrestlers I have and Torrie well you are the best diva Smackdown has, so it would be a bad idea getting rid of you!" Theodore exclaimed.

Torrie and John walked happily out of Theodore Long's office. Now they were free to have a relationship and keep their job. It didn't matter whether they weren't a couple on - screen at least they would always have each other at the
end of the day. This was their fairytale happily ever after.

I know this was a real shit chap, but ah well It's the end of the story!