Disclaimer: I do not own BtVS or Harry Potter. Oh the whole master thing happened in the 2nd season in this reality.

Chapter 1- I'm adopted?

Buffy Anne Summers looked at her watcher with tears in her eyes. "What am I going to do Giles? Do I just go on without her? Do I just act like everything is normal? I need my Mom, I ... I can't function with out her. Do you understand?"

Joyce Summers had died 3 nights ago in a plane crash on her way to New York for an art exhibit.

Rupert Giles AKA Ripper was staring at his young charge. She was just a 16-year-old girl (although she was no average girl, she had defeated the Master a week ago). "Buffy, there is no way any of us could possibly know exactly what you are going through but we will be here for you. You have Willow and Xander, who both love you very much, Cordy, who although for her thorns, I do believe has a good side, and me. Buffy, I will always be there; you're the daughter I never had. It's needless to say that Angel will be there for you. I imagine that you've told him already?"

Buffy nodded. "Yeah, I talked to him last night. Does the gang know?" Giles nodded. " Yes, when you called me last night, I called them and told them, so they would know where you were today. How did today go by the way?"

Buffy nodded. " Pretty good. You know, picking out a casket for your mom can be pretty excruciating." Giles nodded as he took off his glasses and wiped them on his handkerchief. Buffy smiled at the familiar gesture. It was good to know that no matter how crazy her life became her watcher was still the same old Giles.

Buffy sighed sadly. " I'm going to go home and go through some of mom's stuff, see what I can get rid of, what I need to keep. I think I might stay with Angel for a while. Sell the house and get that money to rent my own apartment in his building. He offered me one for free but I couldn't take it. Anyways I'm going to head home. Bye Giles."

On the way home Buffy felt a presence behind her and immediately knew who it was. "You can stop lurking, I won't bite you." She smirked as her boyfriend, Angel, was looking at her with a grim expression on his face. "Sorry didn't know you wanted to talk."

Angel was a tall man of 6'1with spiky dark brown hair, kind brown eyes, a strong aquiline nose and a strong mouth and jaw. He was older than her. Okay, that was an understatement; he was 224 years older than her. That was the source of their main problems. Angel was the Vampire with a Soul also known as Angelus, while Buffy was his exact opposite.

Buffy Summers was a petite and short girl of 5'3 with shoulder length blonde hair, hazel eyes and a small nose. She was also the slayer.

"I don't really want to be alone tonight, will you help me go through her stuff. I don't think I can do it by myself." She hated being this weak, her voice was meek, and nowhere near her usual upbeat self and her whole body ached. She knew that if she were to be attacked by a vampire that it would end that night and what really scared her was that she wasn't sure that she cared.

Angel must have sensed her need to be comforted and he nodded. "Anything you want, Buffy. If you need to talk, I'm here." Buffy nodded. "I just want to get this going through her things over with.

About 3 hours later at 1:30, Buffy was sifting through her mom's legal bills and gasped. Angel looked up from where he was stationed at the closet folding one of her mom's favorite dresses.

"What is it Buffy?" Buffy looked up with wide, fearful eyes and said in shocked voice. " I'm adopted."

This is my first time posting so tell me if you think it's good ,bad or whatever. Helpful Criticism would be nice. Natalie