"Sean..No.." Ellie whispered as she slowly broke away from the kiss, pressing her hands on his chest, pushing him away lightly.

"" He whispered as he backed away from her. Letting out a slight breath as he stared into her eyes.

"It's just..I-I missed you.." he said, smiling slightly.

"This doesn't mean..I-I mean we're not.." Ellie sighed as she tried to get te rest of her sentence out.

"What are you talking about? You can't tell me that kiss meant nothing." Sean said.

"No. Of course it did. It meant everything but it doesn't change anything. One simple kiss doesn't erase the past and it doesnt change the fact that you still left." Ellie said.

"But I came back."

"You still left."

"I'm back now and I'm not leaving you again. Ellie I promise you..I will never leave you again." He said as he reached over, taking her hands in his.

Tears filled her eyes as Ellie fought herself from breaking down again.

"You made that promise before.." She whimpered slightly, as she pulled her hands out of his. "..and you didn't keep it." She finished.

"But I'll keep it this time." Sean said.

"I...I don't believe you.." Ellie whispered.

"Ellie.." Sean said as he stepped closer to her, placing his hand on her cheek and looked her deep in the eyes. "I love you." He said.

"I love you too..which is why you have to go. Now." Ellie said, once again backing away from his touch.

"What? No. I'm not going anywhere. Elli-"

"Sean. Go. Before I wake Marco and Ashley and have them kick you out." Ellie insisted.

Sean looked at her, a look of shock on his face as he slowly backed away.

"Fine. I'll go..for now. But I'm not giving up on you. Not now..not ever." He insisted as he turned around and silently climbed out the window he fell through.

Ellie slowly walked over to the window that Sean had just crawled through. She stuck her head outside only to realize he did exactly what she had asked. He left.


Sean quietly crept around the house, being sure to remain in the shadow so that Ashley, Marco or any of the neighbors wouldn't see him. Thank god it was so easy to sneak into her window but climbing out was another story. Especially since Ashley and Marco appeared to be awake and walking around, with the light on. Which only made it that much harder since the light coming from the window, was now taking away from his hiding space in the shadows.


Sean closed his eyes tightly, silently cursing at the sound of his name. He opened his eyes and let out a sigh of relief when he saw Craig standing halfway across the yard.

"What are you doing sneaking around, man?" Craig asked as he walked over to him.

"Keep it down." Sean hissed at his friend.

Craig looked at him, surprised at his behavior.

"You ok?" He asked him.

"I don't want Ashley to see me. She'll give me some stupid speech again." Sean said with a slight roll of his eyes.

"Well..alright uh..then go. I won't tell her I saw you." Craig said.

"Thanks." Sean said with a slight nod as he quietly walked past his friend, and down the street.


Ellie walked to the bed, as she collapsed on it, bringing her legs up to her chest. She wrapped her arms around her legs, continuing to fight back the tears that were filling her eyes. I can't cry. She thought to herself as she chocked back a sob.

Sean was here. He was back..that kiss..her lips were still warm, she could still feel his on hers. She could still feel his breath on her face, feel his hand in hers, his hand on her face..the memory was just too fresh. As her head began to fill with haunting thoughts.

Why did I push him away? She raised her hand as she brushed away the single tear that was rolling down her cheek. Of course she knew why she pushed him away. He walked away from her and now the only reason he came back is because Marco called him and told him about her incident. If he didnt know what happened, if he didn't find out..he would still be in Wasaga. And Ellie would be able to continue to mourn the death of the best relationship she's ever peace. Without the constant reminders that he is not the same guy he used to be.

The Sean Cameron she knew was too strong to ever run away. It's not like she didn't understand his need to escape the constant media attention. He did an amazing thing, though. He prevented Rick from killing anyone, but in the process he killed a man himself. It is understandable how he would need a place to escape too..but Ellie could never quiet understand why he never asked her to stay with him. She would have done it, in a heartbeat. She loves him she would give up anything just to be with him. If it meant giving up her life in Toronto, her friends, even leaving her mom then she would do it. Nothing would have stopped her.

But he didn't.

He just took her down to Wasaga with Jay and Emma, he allowed for her to believe that it was just a day trip for him to get the closure he wanted and needed from his parents..and then he crushed her by informing her of the real reason why he decided to go there. When he told Ellie that he was staying..she stood there in silence for those few seconds and waited patiently for him to come out and ask her to stay with him.

"No.." Ellie whispered softly to herself as she slid off the bed, and bent down grabbing the duffel bag out. She threw the bag on the bed and turned on the bedside lamp, walking over to the dresser she began to throw a large amount of clothes onto the bed. Digging through every drawer as she pulled out enough clothes to get her few a few days. One thought repeating in her head..I have to be the one to leave this time.

Ellie walked to the bed, throwing the remainder of the clothes in the bag as she grabbed her wallet from the dresser. Opening it she noticed that she still had the five-hundred dollars she got from her mother for this months rent. She placed the wallet in her bag as she approched the window. Taking a glance outside she made sure Sean was really gone, as she threw the bag out the window, and silently climbed out.