Title: World Turned Over

Disclaimer: I do not own any CSI related even though I wish to.

Summary: Greg gets to join Nick on a Crime Scene Investigation but something goes wrong when all the evidence points to Greg. Will the Crime Lab be able to figure out what went wrong or will Greg be charged with murder?

Greg was a traitor. Greg was a wannabe. It was all because he wanted to become a Crime Scene Investigator. All Greg Sanders wanted to do was for himself. Of course he received compliments when he managed to finish everyone's evidence and still have time to listen to music and keep up with his regular life but he wanted to try something new. Wanted to be out in the field. Actually feel like he was making a difference. Inside the crime lab, he felt like a prisoner. Outside, he felt free.

"Hey Greggo you ready?" Nick Stokes, another CSI, asked Greg in the locker room.

Greg had just thrown his jacket around his shoulders and stood up. "Ready as I'll ever be."

Nick smiled. "That's the spirit. Come on. We're meeting up with Brass at the scene."

Nick and Greg both climbed out of their vehicle, grabbed their kits, and walked over to Brass, who was talking to some stressed out looking man.

Jim Brass noticed Nick and Greg and directed the man over towards them.

"Hey Brass," Nick said as Greg just stared at them. "What do you have?"

"Excuse me," Brass said to the man as he led Nick and Greg over towards the High School football field. "Are you ready for this?"

Nick nodded as Brass pushed open the football field gate and a girl, around the age of sixteen, lay on the ground. She had multiple gun wounds on her front side and bruising across her face.

"The girl's name is Ria Anderton. She plays French Horn in the High School Marching Band. Anyway, some kid named Marissa Melson found her body after band practice and quickly ran and told the band director, Carl Marks," Brass pointed to the man he was speaking to before. "And then they called us."

"Alright, we'll take it from here." Nick told Brass as the detective left Nick and Greg to process.

"She's young." Greg said as he opened his kit.

"Where's David?" Nick asked as the coroner quickly ran over, out of breath.

"Right here," David yelled as he ran over next to Nick and looked down at the body. "Six gun shot wounds to the chest," he turned her over, "exit wounds," turned her back over. "The bruising on her face looks pretty bad. There's also some bruising on her chest and on her legs. No defense wounds though."

"That means she knows her attacker." Greg said.

David nodded. "Anyway, I'm done for now. It's your turn."

(Alright, I know it's short and not really a cliff hanger but I needed to introduce everything here. The whole thing about Greg will build up in the next chapter and so forth. Review if you want! Gives me hope. )
