So this is my first One tree hill fic (if you're an OC and seth/summer fan, check out my other stories), it's sort of based a couple of months in the future of series 2 (which I haven't seen, because I'm in England, I just know a bit of stuff about the new characters). This means that it's kind of in between Canon and AU, so just call it whichever you like. It will become a Brucas...

Brooke sat down at the picnic table where Haley was eating her lunch.

"Hey Tigger," Haley said, without looking up from the book she was reading.

"What're you reading?" Brooke was bored, and hated it when Haley was engrossed in a book.

"The Da Vinci Code."

"Oh my god! I've read that! Wow, shouldn't you be reading, like, Prust or something?"

Haley laughed, "No, this is a perfectly good book. Just because you've read it doesn't make it trash." She smiled at Brooke's mock-hurt expression. "Anyway, it's just getting really exciting so you have to shut up and let me read."

Brooke groaned, and continued to pick at her salad.

"Hey guys," Peyton and Jake had come over, and sat down at their table. Brooke eyed the chips on Jake's plate, but he caught her looking and moved the plate over to the opposite side of his tray, grinning.

"No way Brooke, I've got basketball practice later and I didn't have any breakfast, I need my food."

"Well I've got cheerleading, are you saying that's not as important? Hmmm? And it's your own fault if you didn't eat breakfast." Jake laughed, "Of course I'm not, cheerleading is...far more important, and it is critical that you guys eat a good lunch so you can do those...twirly things we all love," he grinned at Peyton, "but if you wanted chips you should've got your own." Brooke glowered at him, and he just smirked and took a bite of one of his coveted fries, looking very pleased with himself. Peyton just laughed and shook her head, Jake and Brooke argued all the time, although of course only in a friendly way. She was going to have to watch that actually, she thought, Brooke was very good at the fiery banter. She smiled at her paranoid thoughts.

"So where's Lucas?" Haley asked.

"Umm, crying over Anna somewhere?" Peyton suggested, to knowing smiles from them all.

"I think he was in the library," Jake said.

"That guy needs a new girlfriend, badly." Haley said. "Oh my god I so agree! That girl is seriously not worth it. She broke up with him what, a week ago? And they never even did it, get over it already."

Peyton almost laughed out loud at this, as it had taken Brooke weeks to get over Lucas, but she figured no one needed a reminder of that particular episode. She still hadn't forgiven herself for what she'd done. It was far easier to get over her feelings for Lucas than her feelings of betrayal over Brooke.

"Well I'm going to find him one," Haley said, "he's been moping long enough. Anyone want to help me?"

"I would love to," Jake said standing up, "but I've gotta go."

"Yeah me too," Peyton followed him, "but Good luck!"

"So how about it Tigger? You're going to help me? Or would that be too weird?" Haley knew too how torn up Brooke had been over Lucas.

"Yeah I'm gonna help! And it's fine, because I'm over him, we could never work again. I just want to see him with someone good. I kind of wish he and Peyton had worked out, I mean, Jake's great, but then at least they wouldn't have screwed me over for nothing!" She laughed, and Haley tried to decide whether she was telling the truth, or whether she was just a really good actress.

"Okay, great, maybe we can find you someone at the same time." Brooke's fling with Felix had no better results than Lucas's with Anna, although it had been Brooke who had dumped Felix.

"Ooh, yeah! I think we should take him out, to a party."

"We can do it tonight, we can go to club. I'll talk to Nathan, and I'm sure Peyton and Jake will come along."

"Cool, now we just need to find Lucas!"

They did, ten minutes later, at his locker, where he was getting his books out for fifth period.

"Hey loser, where've you been?" Haley greeted him.

Lucas turned around and was surprised to find Haley and Brooke facing him.

"I was in the library, what's up," Brooke laughed at his face, he looked very worried. Clearly he had guessed they were about to rope him into something.

"We've decided you need a girlfriend," said Haley, "and to get laid," added Brooke, "because by my calculations, you've got to be getting pretty frustrated."

Lucas looked very taken aback, and Brooke fought to keep a straight face.

"So we're taking you out tonight," said Haley.

"Both of you?"

"Yeah, in case you hadn't noticed Broody, we're actually friends now." They'd actually been friends for a while, Haley had been really nice to Brooke after the whole Peyton-Lucas fiasco, but they never had much time to hang out at school together.

"Okay..." Lucas was a little lost for words.

"And Nathan, Jake and Peyton will be coming by the way. And speaking of Nathan," Haley added, "I promised I'd meet him before Biology, so I will see you tonight. We'll meet you at mine at 8.00." She waved, and walked of down the hall.

Lucas turned to Brooke, "so who came up with this plan?"

"I know what you're thinking and it was Haley,so you can't pin anything on me," Brooke smiled, "See you later Luke," she headed of to her class, with Lucas smiling after her.

Lucas arrived at Haley's on time, wearing a dark blue shirt and jeans, and feeling slightly apprehensive. After his initial scepticism at the idea, he had decided that Brooke and Haley were right, he did need a girlfriend, he just wasn't so sure that partying at a club was the way to find him a successful relationship. But then again, he could just take Brooke's advice, and just get laid, although for some reason he didn't feel too great about that either. But whatever happened, it would be a fun night, and he definitely needed one of those. Haley opened the door when he knocked, dressed in jeans and a blue halter-neck.

"Finally, okay come on, we're leaving, you're driving." She brushed past him on her way to his car followed by Brooke, who grabbed his hand, dragging him after her. Yes, it was definitely going to be a fun night...

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