To new and old readers! Welcome and Enjoy the NEW and (hopefully) IMPROVED Out of the Blue!

disclaimer: I own nothing! i'm just borrowing! :)

Out of the Blue

Chapter 1


Cassandra Frasier was bored!

Not for the first time, she was sitting on a bed feet dangling over the edge, in the SGC infirmary waiting for her bi-monthly check up results. 20 years and 10 months old she had had plenty of time to get used to the infirmary but over the last eleven years this place had seen to many bad memories. To her it always seemed so cold in here.

She watched the nurses busy themselves with making beds and restocking equipment. Other than herself there were surprisingly no other patients in for treatment today and she got the distinct impression, not for the first time, that the staff were doing their very best to avoid her. Ever since the death of her mother a few years ago other than SG 1 and a select few others most people at the SGC did their very best to avoid her at all costs.

She hadn't a clue why. Daniel had suggested that it wasn't that people didn't like her but that people had loved Janet so much that they were probably, even after all this time, still having trouble dealing with her death and that they were probably scared of upsetting her if they accidentally mentioned her mother. He was probably right. He usually was.

Thinking of Daniel brought a smile to her face. Her Earth family didn't just comprise of her mother but the members of SG 1. Jack, Daniel, Tealc and Sam had been her extended family since her first day on Earth. As she had grown up they had been there for every important event in her life from birthdays to the Prom. The latter, an experience she never wanted go through again after Jack and Tealc had proceeded to interrogate her date on the front porch for fifteen minutes before letting them leave. The guy in question had not spoken to her since.

All four of them had played an integral part in her life. Sam had become like an unofficial mum after Janet had died. She had stayed with Cassie until just recently, when Cassie had finally convinced her that she was quite capably of looking after herself and did so every time Sam had to go off world.

Tealc, never one to say very much, made a great movie buddy and would often accompany her to the movies and could actually be quite animated when discussing the finer aspects of the Star Wars galaxy.

Even though Jack had been promoted and spent most of the time knee deep in paperwork and saving the world he made a great uncle. He spoiled her to no end and Sam was always at him about it. He often had her up at the cabin for the weekend. She dent tell anyone but she loved spending time up there with him just fishing in a pond that Cassie knew didn't contain any fish. They would sit there for hours in silence. She found it very comforting and it reminded her of Hanka a lot.

Daniel was the advice giver. He used to sit and listen to her for hours whether it was her ranting on about how she had been treated in class that day or her sobbing over the latest cruel joke that had been played on her that day. He would just listen and then drop just enough hints to help her work out a solution to whatever problem she was having. Recently it was about what she was going to do with her life now that she had finished college. She had earned her degree in less than two years. Hankarians were apparently much faster learners than the Tauri. He waited until she had finished her latest rant and said that he needed some help in his lab.

"An assistant if you will." He had said.

She loved working with him. She did after all speak several different languages both from earth and off world and was quite good at translation.

But being in the lab was one thing being in the infirmary was another. Finally out of the corner of her eye she saw the doctor approach with her test results.

"Once again you have a clean bill of heath Cassie." He said

Inwardly she rolled her eyes. I could have told you that she thought.

"Don't worry" she replied "If light bulbs start exploding around me again you will be the first to know."

Not that I would tell if they did

Ever since the events of her sixteenth birthday she had continued to be able do little things like lifting things with her mind and the likes but it remained controlled. If anything it helped her to calm down during stressful situations. It was as if the concentration of the task made everything clearer, freed her to focus and gather her thoughts. As far as anyone else was concerned she had not retained any of the power that had been forced onto her by Nirrti. Not even Sam, Jack, Daniel or Tealc knew that she could still do it, only her mother. Janet had made sure that it was documented as having completely gone, to protect Cassie from being poked and prodded by scientists for the rest of her life. In turn Cassie only ever used it when no one else was around, and only ever in extreme cases of stress.

She smiled sweetly at the doctor "Are we done?" she asked.

"In a hurry? Got somewhere to be do we?" he asked.

Before she could answer back Daniel strolled in and headed over to where she was sitting. Oh my hero perfect timing. She thought.

"You done yet" he enquired

Cassie gave the doctor a questioning look and he just shrugged and walked away.

"Looks like it. What's up?" she asked

"Um nothing really, I was just getting worried. You were gone ages."

Again Cassie rolled her eyes and replied "You guys worry too much about me. You know I will not break if you leave me alone for more than a couple of hours."

Daniel just stared at her with the same look he gave to Jack when he didn't approve of something had said or done. "Well I was just going to meet the rest of the guys in the mess hall. Are you hungry?"

"Not really." she sighed "But if I don't come with you you'll just send Sam to get me and that will be painful. Lead the way." Daniel just gave that look again and ushered her out of the door.

They entered the mess hall and headed over to the food line, grabbed some food and found the table that Jack, Sam and Tealc were sitting at. Cassie sat down next to Tealc and eyed his overflowing plate of food.

"Big day huh Tealc?" She commented. She loved teasing him about the amount of food he seemed to put away on a daily basis.

"Not especially Cassandra Frasier. " He replied not even looking up from his plate. He was defiantly on a mission to finish it.

"Tealc, how many times do I have to tell you, it's just Cassie" she playfully berated him.

"So Cass how was your check up?" asked Sam.

"In perfect health as usual" she replied.

"See. I told ya, nothing to worry about" Jack said turning to Sam. "Fit as a fiddle."

Sam was about to ask another question when a page came over the PA for Jack to take a call. "That's me folks" he announced and got up from the table and strolled over to the phone. Sam, looking a little deflated at the interruption, also got up saying that she really needed to get back to the lab and check on the diagnostic she was running.

One by one they left until Cassie was alone. Though Daniel had put up a fight saying he would be back to make sure she had eaten everything. She felt like she was ten again. She truly loved them all dearly but sometimes she could have strangled the lot of them.

But even though they could be a little suffocating at times they were all she had. After her sixteenth birthday and the disaster that was the prom all the kids at school had started calling her 'the freak'. To be honest she didn't really blame them for being scared of her after all they had no idea what was going on in the universe around them. Once in collage she threw herself into her studies not leaving much time to make any friends, she had had a few boyfriends there but ultimately they never worked out. It didn't really bother her much as most people didn't understand her anyway. No, she was fine how she was and she had a great group of people that loved her right here at the SGC.

She quickly finished up and headed for the lab.