The remains of the day unfurled with the glowing light of the following morning resembling flower petals growing in patches in various places outside the tower. Birds rose to chirp their songs to one another and Beast Boy took the form of a rooster to help rouse the remaining Titans. All was bright and cheery but if one were to venture into the room of a certain half demon they would find just the opposite.

Raven was looking paler than usual, with black rings below her eyes but she had a little smile on her face. It seemed forced somehow and her mind was a jumble of thoughts. Malchior's presence in her life was influencing her current state. He was residing inside her, with the appearance of Rorek only his armor had taken on a black hue with a scaly appearance like his dragon form. She was terrified that she didn't know what was causing this.

What she couldn't recall was exactly how their connection remained. She partially felt she should've done away with the book when she had the chance; it was a mistake to have ever kept it. It had to have some taint to it that had broken free and now she was feeling the effects. If it was love that would save her, why was she feeling this way.

Raven knew that she in a trance of some kind. She remembered reading something that said a mental connection would be formed if you gave a part of yourself over to another. But what had she given, other than her…

Shadowy arms encircled her head. "Such lovely hair, my sweet Raven. I believe it would look even better if it were longer. And such an unusual color too along with those eyes the color of amethysts. Yes, you are truly fit to be mine."

His words invaded her senses, making her feel sick, though that could also be because she hadn't eaten for almost a day now.

If Raven could have she would have hit him where she knew men were sensitive. However, her arms wouldn't move. They were glued to the book, but like before there were no words in it or even pictures. It was as if she was enraptured by a story of Malchior's creation that she couldn't see. Only Malchior could alter the story as he had done before with his impersonation of Rorek the wizard. If she were to be in her right mind she would've noticed the words that had steadily formed over night, words of stories of their future together already mapped out, a story of their life together at Malchior's behest, and an explanation of how they got there. They were invisible to Raven, only to be seen by Malchior as part of his new plan.

Following the routine awakening of the Titans, Beast Boy headed towards Raven's room, intent on reminding her that breakfast was ready. Despite his feelings for Terra, he still held a soft spot for Raven, as evidenced on his need to make her laugh, get her interacting with the Titans, and get her to ingest something that wasn't herbal tea related.

He felt that Raven had been especially withdrawn ever since they stopped her father from turning the earth into a desolate wasteland. While it had caused them to look at her differently they (especially Beat Boy) still regarded her as a close friend, and for the life of them, couldn't understand why she still isolating herself especially since they believed they had done away with what caused her behavior in the first place. Apparently, Raven still had her demons, and he was going to find out why.