Disclaimer: Dudes we own abesolutley nothing.

A/N Tinuviel Undomiel: Hehe most of you are probably thinking I'm nuts right about now, but I think this is actually a good story. I promise not to take too much away from the Originals, really all I'm doing is speeding certain events up, and having a whole lot of fun.

A/N Nerwen Aldarion: Yeah, my first Jan and Kyle fic, I am no where the genius my sister is at writing about them but I shall do my best.

Five for the Alliance

Chapter 1: Insulting a Dark Lord

How in the galaxy did I get stuck with this job? Was the one question Jan Ors kept going over and over in her mind. You would think that someone with her skills at piloting would not be used to baby-sit a princess. Yet that was exactly what she was doing, and she hated it. An amber colored planet glowed from the windows of the Tantive IV. Jan had little knowledge of Tatooine, save the fact it was desert planet. She wasn't exactly sure why they were floating over a waste of a planet. Their mission had been to get the plans for the Empire's new weapon, which had been accomplished.

Alarms blared hurting Jan's ears. Oh great, she thought, just what we need, Imperials. Lasers streaked the sky, as the small Alderaanian craft fired at its giant enemy. Everyone on bard knew it was hopeless; they could never out run a Star Destroyer.

The Tantive IV shook violently as it was struck by a laser bolt. Jan pulled out her blaster. The Imperials were sure to board soon, and she had to find the princess. As she ran down the corridors, she could see men assembling at the doors. She nearly knocked down a golden armored protocol droid who stood next to an R2 unit.

Jan could hear the sound of blasters coming further down the corridors; she knew she didn't have much time.

After much searching she found Princess Leia in dirty underbelly of the ship, close to the escape pods.

"Your Highness we must bring you to a safe location," Jan said, "The Imperials have entered the ship."

"Yes I know," The Princess said, "But these plans are more important than myself."

The little R2 droid Jan had run into earlier came rolling up to the Princess. Leia fed the plans into the droid and then pushed a few buttons on the droids torso. The droid began recording the Princess's message.

"General Kenobi, years ago you served my father in the Clone Wars," Yikes that was a long time ago, Jan thought, "Now he begs you to help him in his struggle against the Empire. I regret I am unable to present you with my father's request in person, but my ship has fallen under attack, and my mission to bring to Alderaan has failed." Oh so that's we were flying to the desert dump. "I have placed information vital to the survival of the Rebellion into this R2 unit. My father will know how to retrieve it. You must see this droid safely delivered to him on Alderaan. This is our most desperate hour. Help me Obi Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope."

Leia stopped the recording.

"R2-D2 where are you?" A mechanical voice scolded some where from the corridors.

"Princess, you must come with me," Jan pleaded.

"It doesn't matter if they find me now," Leia said.

"You are important to the Rebellion," Jan said, "If you were to be killed the results would be catastrophic. My orders were to keep you as safe as possible, now please allow me to follow them."

"This way," The Princess said, hiding deeper into the machinery.

When the Princess found a suitable hiding spot, Jan turned to her, "Here," She said handing her a blaster, "You do know how to use it right?"

"Of course I know how to use it," Leia snapped.

Jan shrugged, "Sorry, just figured since you're a princess..."

"And when you think princess you think weakling," Leia finished.

"Um, not exactly the word I was thinking," Jan replied.

"Shh!" Leia whispered as the sound of footsteps were heard.

Jan pushed back as far as she could to avoid being seen. Leia had another idea. She walked out slowly putting on a great show of shivering and looking afraid. Jan thought the girl was crazy.

"There's one," a trooper said, "Set for stun."

In an instant her assumed fear melted, and she fired at the trooper.

Nice shot, Jan thought as the Stormtrooper dropped dead.

Leia tried her best to run, but another trooper fired a circular stunning blast at her. The Princess sank to a floor in a heap of white robes.

"She'll be alright," the trooper assured, "Inform Lord Vader we have a prisoner."

Jan left the alcove, and fired at the trooper. The Strom trooper near the door fired his stunning blast, and Jan fell to ground unconscious next to the Princess.

Kyle Katarn looked at the two women lying on the ground. One of his fellow troopers went to inform Lord Vader of the prisoners. Kyle knelt before the woman he had stunned. She was dressed in desert brown, with a white shirt. Her brown hair was pulled back from her face, and her palm still clutched the blaster. First he kicked the blaster away; he didn't want to die when the stunning wore off.

He locked her hands behind her back with binders, at that moment the girl decided to wake up.

"Get your filthy Imperial hands off of me!" She shouted.

"You are under arrest for treason," Kyle said.

"Oh, gee what else is new," She rolled her eyes.

The Princess was already on her feet, with her hands bound behind her. Kyle envied the trooper escorting the Princess, least she didn't put up a ruckus.

Kyle and his fellow trooper led the two women before Darth Vader. The Princess seemed unimpressed with the black clad giant.

"Darth Vader only you could be so bold," Princess Leia said, "The Imperial Senate will not sit for this. When they hear you attacked a diplomatic..."

"Don't play games with me Your Highness; you aren't on some mercy mission this time," Vader boomed, "You passed directly through a restricted system. Several transmissions were beamed to this ship by Rebel spies, I want to know what happened to the plans they sent you."

"I don't know what you are talking about," The Princess replied angrily, "I am a member of the Imperial Senate on a diplomatic mission to Alderaan."

"You are part of the Rebel Alliance and a traitor," Vader yelled, "Take her away!"

The Dark Lord's eyes caught the next prisoner, "Who is this?"

"She was found with the Princess, Lord Vader," Kyle explained, "She may know the location of the plans."

The girl looked up at the Dark Lord from helmet to toe, "Your soul not black enough, so you need that armor?"

Vader turned his head curiously at the girl, "That may be the first time a Rebel has insulted me."

She grinned, "Oh it won't be that last, I have more coming."

Kyle struggled to withstand a laugh. Either this girl was very brave, or very stupid.

"A fiery tongue for such a delicate flower," Vader hissed.

The girl raised an eyebrow, "I'm no flower, and I am certainly not delicate."

Darth Vader chuckled lightly, "You are brave, foolish, but brave." He turned to Kyle, "She may be of some use, put her with the Princess for now."

"Yes, Lord Vader," Kyle responded, and then led the girl away.

    Jan was led next to Princess, with the Stormtrooper behind her. Leia looked at her with shock, "You just insulted Darth Vader."

"Yeah, so?"

"Darth Vader," Leia repeated, "The most vicious and evil man in the galaxy."

"I don't need a definition," Jan whispered back to her.

"Weren't you afraid?"

"Heck, I was terrified," Jan truthfully admitted, "But that was just my way of not showing fear, sorta like you and your diplomatic airs. That guy wants nothing more than for people to fear him, I just denied him that."

"Interesting tactic," The trooper behind her said.

"I wasn't talking to you," Jan hissed.

"It's kinda hard not to listen," He responded.

Jan rolled her yes, "Like I care."

Princess Leia and Jan were shoved ungraciously into a cell on the Star Destroyer. Jan sat down in a corner of the tiny room, while Leia chose the small bench cut out of the wall.

"The Rebellion sent you to protect me," Leia said, "but I never was given the pleasure of your name."

Jan smiled, "Jan Ors."

"Where are you from?"

"I'm a native of Alderaan, like yourself," She responded.

"And how is it you got involved in the Rebellion," Leia asked.

"My mother was a dancer; my father was an aero space designer, and a brilliant pilot. I followed in his footsteps, much to my mother's displeasure, and when I was sixteen I left Alderaan, and jumped ship to join the Rebellion."

Leia frowned, "How is it that a pilot was assigned as my body guard?"

"When you can answer that, tell me," was Jan's response.

"I'm sorry I've gotten you mixed up in all of this," Leia said, "They must think you are important if they have kept you alive."

"Really, the Empire thinks I'm important? Wow, I'm feeling special now," Jan joked.

Leia laughed at her comment, "At least I have someone to talk to," The Princess said, "You don't know how tiring it can get when everyone around you is always so proper. I find your wit and sarcasm to be quite refreshing."

"For a princess you weren't quite what I expected," Jan said, "I thought you would be spoiled, and only doing this because your father wants you too."

"No," Leia said, "I am here because of what I believe in."

"Yeah, I see that now."

"I hope R2 managed to get the plans to General Kenobi," Leia said.

"Everything depends on it," Jan agreed, "How bad is that new weapon they are building?"

"From what I know," Leia said, "If it isn't destroyed the Rebellion could be completely annihilated."

"That doesn't sound too good," Jan said.

Both women desperately clung to the hope that the little droid would safely reach General Kenobi, and that The Rebellion would destroy the Imperial weapon.

A/N: Stay tuned, next up our ladies meet the Death Star and our favorite Imperial learns some important information from one smart mouthed Jan