The Sandy Hole

Disclaimer: I own nobody!! People mentioned are the property of the WWE. Jane Kenyon owns the poem this is based off of. No copyright infringement intended.

This is loosely based off of the Kane/Lita pregnancy angle!

The cemetery was quiet. Quieter than expected. For Amy and Glenn Jacobs, the cemetery was TOO quiet.

Never had Glenn imagined burying his son. This was too much for his fragile mind. He felt guilty. He blamed himself. After all, she never would have been in the ring, if he hadn't told her he thought it was okay to work during pregnancy.

"It's not your fault," Amy murmured softly. Her eyes were red and tear-stained. Glenn felt even guiltier. He was adding SO much stress to a woman who had been through so much. "I would have probably done it anyway,"

"No, it IS my fault. I fell on you," he said, gazing deep into her eyes. This was so wrong. He hated the hurt he saw. IT JUST WASN"T RIGHT.

"Amy, I just want to know how sorry I am," Matt, her best friend said, slowly approaching her. She hugged him before breaking down once more with heaving sobs.

Glenn turned his attention towards his son's tiny casket. Slowly, he made his way through the small crowd of people. He wanted to see his son's burial. After all, something had to make this seem real.

The casket was slowly lowered into the sandy hole. Glenn clasped a hand over his mouth. It was a slap in the face. It was then he realized he would never see his son again.

How much he would miss! Since Amy had told him she was pregnant, he had counted on seeing his child off to Kindergarten, college and even marriage. Now, he would see nothing.

Throughout the trying ordeal, he had almost NEVER cried. In his eyes, crying showed weakness. GLENN JACOBS DID NOT SHOW WEAKNESS.

Nobody dared to approach him. They all knew he needed time to be alone in his grief. Even, his beloved Amy avoided him. He had to realize his son was gone... PERMANENTLY.

Slowly, he walked away from the grave. The first scoops of dirt were being laid on top of the casket. Now, it was real. His son was never coming home. His Dominic would never know a mother's touch or a father's hug.

How he longed to see his child! It was impossible but he wanted it with all his heart. Dominic Michael, the name had been chosen from the start. There would be only one Nicky.

He was sure he would have other children. Seasons would change and people would come and go. Yet, the memory of Dominic Michael would live on.

He sat behind a large gravestone. Then, making sure no one could see him, Glenn Jacobs cried like a baby.

People never seem to deal with the father's grief. So, I addressed that. It's loosely based on a poem by Jane Kenyon. It's an awesome poem! Well?? My return to fanfic has been long and hard. Mainly, NO INTERNET!! This is posted from the public library. Hope you enjoyed it Read and review!!