Epilogue/Author's Note:

I just wanted to write this to thank everybody a little more personally who reviewed this story. I have never gotten this many reviews for any one fanfiction before, so thank you guys SO much for all your help and comments throughout.

For those of you who have asked: yes, there will be a sequel. Actually the sequel was the idea I came up with first. This was just supposed to be a short story leading up to the sequel…heh heh…..so very often this is how my stories turn out… "it was SUPPOSED to be short ;)"

The sequel will indeed be set after the end of season 7 of Buffy and some of you (I won't say who) have already guessed some of the coming plot points, so you'll hopefully enjoy it. I won't unfortunately get a chance to write any of it until possibly June as I am going on vacation and won't have access to a computer. I will get a head start on it though so hopefully by the time I get back I will have a good chunk of it written. I've already plotted out some of the finer details and it looks like it might even be a trilogy so I guess we'll see what happens.

And now to get a little more specific, I wanted to spend out special thanks to:

MAndrews-You have been reading this and helping me throughout the whole story. Not to mention upping my review count just cause ya love me ;) he he! Seriously though thanks for reading my stuff and being patient with me when the updates are late. I look forward to the next chapter of your HP fic young lady :)

Chris Q: Thank SO much for all your edits and comments. Now that I am finished I shall be putting all your hard work to good use. You're help has been invaluable, so thank you so much from the bottom of my heart :)

Arkaidy-I know you'll finish reading this one someday dear….I look forward to your review

Duchess67: Thanks for the critical thoughts on the story and the insightful reviews. I enjoyed your help and your ideas.

Jade2099, Razzbaby, Wirretine, and Phalon22: Thanks SO much for your continuous reviews for the chapters. It was so incredibly gratifying to know that someone was following my story and that you felt it was good enough to comment on it so often.

Lucky Shamrock: I know you said that you started reading this, stopped and then got into it again. I hope that I managed to keep you interested all the way up till the end. Thanks for giving it a shot.

Legolas Nymph: Sorry for keeping you up so late…thanks for the great review!

And thanks to everyone else who has reviewed this story so far:

Village-Mystic, TimeTwist, annp, Lionel-Skyre, Maxennce, Annikaya, sophiedb, L Moonshade, katfairy, Nancy6, Alys, Ueshiba, Carol J, zayra, rothos1, Cattibrie393, Jen, Highlanderfanatic, stcobb, jnp, goddessa39, stephbro, Eileen Harris, Night-Owl123, Claddagh, veganmom, jo1976s, judge mimi, and t

And to anyone else who reviews this in the future!

That's all for now….
