Title: Sophia or Sara?

Author: Msgrits

Disclaimer: I don't own CSI but I have a very cute godson.

Pairings: G/S bit

Ratings: R

Spoilers: I watch all reruns on Spike TV and have viewed the DVDs at least once. What do you think?

Thanks to my beta Ruth is funny, forthright and I don't have another "F" word.

Chapter 1

Catherine eyed the blonde woman talking to Gil, Sofia from the day shift. Catherine knew trouble when she saw it, and this woman was trouble. Nick's voice came from behind her.

"What's going on with Grissom and the dayshift fox?"

Catherine's gaze didn't waver. "That's what I'm wondering. She always seems to find a reason to stay late and talk to him and he likes it."

The dark haired man came and stood beside her. "More than he likes talking to Sara?"

Catherine moved her head from side to side. "Let's hope not."

"When is she coming back?"

Sara turned into trace where Sofia was leaning over a report that Grissom was showing her. She appeared not to be wearing a bra and her breast had found a home on Grissom's back.

Sara surprised herself. She had not let her mouth open and her voice did not squeak. Across the lab Catherine was channeling her own self confidence and pose into Sara's body.

"Hi Grissom, I just wanted to let you know I'm back"

The stool that Grissom was sitting on fell as he stood. He wiped his sweaty hands on his lab coat.

"Sa... Sara. I thought you weren't coming back until next week."

"I emailed you that I had enough continuing ed credits and that I was coming back today. Catherine needs my help on a case."

Sara extended her long fingers to meet Sofia's, "Hi, I'm Sara Sidle. I don't think we've officially met. You work the day shift right?"

Warrick had joined Nick and Catherine. "Damn! I would not want to be Grissom right now."

"I thought Sara wasn't coming back til Wednesday."

Catherine turned back to her experiment. "I 911ed her. Told her I needed her for a case."

Nick laughed. "You didn't."

"I did."

Sara picked up the report from ballistics and went to the audio visual lab.

Catherine was looking through surveillance tape from a take over robbery at the Mirage.

Sara sat next to Catherine. They didn't look at one another.


Sara smiled. "Thanks for the call."

"No problem. I am sure you would do the same if a certain golden eyed CSI was about to be led astray by a day shift hussy."


"I really do need your help though."

"You've got it."

Grissom leaned back and regarded Sofia. He took a deep breath. "So I'll pick you up at 7?"

Sofia smiled. He was a cute. "Ah Ms. Sidle just made it abundantly clear that you sir, are taken."


"How much does that little bitty thing dead lift? She almost broke my hand."

She extended her hand to show Grissom the red impressions that Sara had made.

Sara stuck her head in Grissom's door. "Hey I'm going. Archie has all my reports."

Grissom took off his glasses.

"Sara, can you come in for a second?"

She stepped across the threshold and stood in front of his desk. God she was beautiful. He faltered as he began to speak.

"Sofia said..."

Sara looked down at him impishly. That mouth. Her mouth was full and luscious.

"Sofia seems to think that you told her, for lack of a better word, that I was taken"

Sara continued to stare. Her coral colored lips twitched a bit.

"Grissom I think I may be confused. Is there a question?"

"Did you indicate that I was taken?"

Her mouth had become a hard line. "Are you?"

"Sara I still don't know what to do about this."

Sara sat on the edge of his desk. Her bottom was perilously close to his hand. He looked to make sure his door was closed. He wondered if it was locked.

Sara watched as Grissom began to chew at his bottom lip.

"Are you going to answer me?"

"So what exactly is going on with you and....what's her name?"

"That's really none of your business Sara."

The words came out to quick and they both knew it.

"Then how did my, 'indication' of your availability come up?"

Sweat covered his upper lip and drenched the mustache of his beard. She wondered what it tasted like.

"Well...we are going out to dinner."

Sara stared into his eyes. That man had the most incredible eyes.

"So you won't go out to dinner with me, but you will go out to dinner with her. She does work here you know, and while you aren't her supervisor you do outrank her."

"It's not the same Sara, she doesn't report to me."

"And she's only a year or two older than I am."

"Sara you are taking this out of context."

"Am I? I leave for four days and I come back and you're asking another woman out to dinner."

"Another woman, Sara what are you talking about? Sara we are not...You know what I mean. We don't. That was a long time ago."

Sara moved her bottom closer to his hand. She stared.

He blinked. Was it getting hot in here?


"So I guess I can ask out Rob from day shift and it would be okay with you."

"Rob the body builder with the hair. He's an air head. Sara he is so beneath you."

"Oh, okay, how about Bobby?"

"Bobby is a nice guy, but he is a little naïve don't you think?"

Sara snapped her fingers. "Nick! I could ask out Nick. He's smart and good looking."

Grissom began to sweat in earnest. "You can't ask out Nick."

Sara held his gaze. "Well who can I ask out, at CSI that is? I mean if you aren't taken then that means I'm not taken and we are free to date anyone we want. Tell you what. I will even make things right with Sofia."


He looked up to find her gone.