Title: Dudley Dursley goes to camp.
Author: Beth Brownell
Feedback: Feedback is very much welcomed.
Archive: Ask me first.
Rating: PG.
Pairing(s): None.
Summary: Dudley goes tocamp but finds out that it is not the pleasure camp he thought it was going to be.
Notes: This story idea came from my friend Devona and Susan, who has diabetes who helped me with this story, to both of them I say thanks. The timeline of this story can be any time during the series before Book Five.
Disclaimer: I am only borrowing the characters that JKR created for a short time and I'm not receiving any money for this story. JKR is a Goddess for blessing us with them.
Now, some people may not believe that Dudley Dursley could be a diabetic purely by his weight; considering he does not do much exercise unless you call beating Harry up exercising is another factor into him possibly having diabetes. Dudley Dursley is a fat, lazy young kid who has no exercise program beyond chasing Harry around when he's at the Dursleys and sitting in front of the telly all day and probably most of the night and he eats whatever and in huge amounts of food.

Dudley Dursley goes to camp.
Chapter One.
Dudley found out all about the camp when he was talking to his friends in the boys' bathroom in Smelting. One of them happened to mention that his parents were sending him away to camp over the summer holiday. Dudley thought that this sounded like fun, so when they were alone, he asked for more information. His friend gave him a leaflet which had more information in it, times, dates, where it was and what the camp was for.
Struggling to read it, Dudley noticed that the deadline for enrolling was the next day. It was a bit expensive, but he knew that his dad would easily cough up the cash, anything for little Dudders, anything to keep him from having a most horrendous and childish temper tantrum.
Once school finished, Dudley said goodbye to all his friends, and almost ran to the gate, he wanted to ask his dad about camp the minute he got the chance, and there was no way that he was missing out on this. If his friend Jake could go then, so could he!
The minute he got to the car he saw that Harry was already sitting in the back, his owl – Hedwig – proudly cleaning her feathers in a cage next to him. Dudley didn't waste any time; he opened the back door and started to moan, "Daddy, why must that animal sit with me? Owls are so disgusting!"
"Get that ruddy Owl out of the backseat and into the boot with the rest of your rubbish, boy!" snapped Vernon.
"Yes, Uncle Vernon." Harry said, edging out of the car, holding Hedwig's cage in his hand, trying not to make it look obvious, he flicked open the lock on the cage door and watched as his owl flew off in the direction of home, albeit after a moments indecision. She was gone before Vernon could do anything to stop him. Harry shrugged, "Sorry but the lock came undone, and it was a little bit loose."
Vernon got out of the car and walked over to his son, "How was school?"
Dudley hugged his father tightly and gave him an innocent smile. Harry rolled his eyes and groaned; he knew that Dudley was going to ask for something and knowing him it was going to either be big or expensive or both. "Good, but I want to go to this camp." He dug into his back pocket of his even tighter school trousers, handing Vernon the information leaflet. "Here's all the information about it. Jake's parents are sending him. Can I go, daddy?"
Taking the thin, colorful booklet from Dudley, Vernon looked through it quickly and then put it on in his coat pocket. "We'll see." He dropped down into the driver's seat, the car bouncing slightly at the added weight. "What are you waiting for, boy?" he looked at Harry in the rearview mirror and demanded as Harry just stood in the open doorway and stared up at the sky. "I haven't got all day you know!"
Reluctantly, Harry got into the car and buckled his seatbelt, watching – desperately trying not to laugh out loud – as Dudley struggled to do up his own seatbelt over his extremely wide girth.
The journey home was full of Petunia chattering excitedly to Dudley and her husband, about how wonderful it would be for Dudley to go to camp – "Such an enriching experience!" – The new baby in the street – "It's dreadfully noisy, nothing like our lovely Dudders was as a baby." – and other inconsequential stuff that happened around the neighborhood.
Not once did they both to ask Harry about his school year, or anything that might have been in the least interesting.
When they got home, Dudley immediately headed for the house, not once getting his own bags from the car. Harry had gotten out of the car before Dudley and grabbed his trunk. Dudley decided to make Harry trip couple of times before he went to the door and opened it and closed it in front of Harry, making him open it himself. Dudley had placed his coat on the coat rack. He smiled innocently towards Vernon, who was already red in the face for he had yelled at Harry for something that he had done like closing the door behind him.
"I'm going to go take a bath and get ready for dinner, mum." Dudley said, looking at his mum before he shoved Harry hard into the wall as he passed.
"Uncle Vernon, a word with you if you don't mind?" asked Harry, hoping to get the chance to go to the same camp as Dudley.
"Speak quick boy!" snapped Vernon, spit flew out from his mouth.
"I was wondering if I could go…" asked Harry.
"Go to camp with our Dudley, definitely not!" Vernon snarled.
"No, I wanted to know if I could go visit my friends in 'that world'. I'll be gone for only a week or two at the longest depending on how long Dudley stays at the camp," replied Harry easily, realizing he didn't want to be with Dudley more than was necessary.
Vernon turned towards Petunia and walked away from Harry. "We'll talk about it, boy. Go to your room."
Only a few minutes later, did Harry hear the familiar angry yell coming from Vernon. He headed down to the kitchen to see Vernon standing there with Petunia and Dudley behind him glaring down at him as always. "I have decided to let you go to your friends' place. But be warned, no 'M' stuff there."
"Thanks, I'll notify my friends that I'm coming over." Harry said, as he walked back up the stairs.
About an hour later, the doorbell rang. Dudley answered the door. He quickly backed away from the two figures in the door as they walked in. Dudley pointed up the stairs. "He's in the first bedroom to your right."
"Thanks, Dudley!" said Ron, as he rushed up the stairs. "Hey Harry, come on!"
Soon, Harry came down with Ron. Harry and Ron were hauling down his trunk and the cage for Hedwig.
Instead of Arthur Weasley standing there, it was Molly Weasley. She and Petunia were talking very civilly.
"Mum, Harry's here." Ron said, from the hallway.
"Good, I'll send the recipe by owl when I get it written down, if that is alright with you Petunia?" asked Molly.
"Sure, that will be alright," Petunia said.
"Okay, Ron, Harry, come on, the Ministry's car is waiting for us." Molly said, as they headed out of the house.
Vernon did not know that there was a Ministry for the Wizard folk, so he rushed to the door to see them get into a black car with flags on the bumper that had a weird emblem on it. 'That must be their emblem for their world?' Vernon thought to himself. Then, a thought came to him, 'What if I managed to get them to buy some of my drills? But what kind of money do they use in their world?'
"Daddy, I need to go to school tomorrow morning and you need to pay for my time at camp!" wailed Dudley.
"Alright, Dudley, you can go to camp, let me see the brochure. I'll just call the camp and see what the full price is for you to be there all summer long, from how the brochure looks you should have a blast there," Vernon stated. He picked up the phone and called the number on the brochure and after twenty minutes of haggling down the price to a good price, hung up the phone. He turned to Dudley, with a big grin on his fat face. "Dudley, my boy, you have two months at The Path of the Peak."
"Yes!" Dudley jumped up and down with joy. The vase on the mantle rocked back and forth as Dudley's heavy set body made the house rock. Dudley rushed off to tell his friends that he wouldn't be around for he would be going to camp tomorrow morning.
Vernon turned to Petunia as he placed the leaflet down on the dining room table. "I need to tell you something very serious, Pet. It's about Dudley,"
Petunia placed her dish towel down on the counter and turned to Vernon. "What's wrong with my Dudley?"
"You might want to sit down for this," Vernon stated, looking at his wife who looked at him with a worried face. " Dudley is aware of his condition but he is refusing to take his shots to keep it under control."
"What condition?" asked Petunia.
"The school sent me a notice while back that informed me that Dudley is a diabetic, they have been giving him shots which keeps his blood sugar in check, but now with the summer holiday here, they are not able to do that. We are not that good with making him do what we want him to do. So the leaflet that Dudley gave me, is in fact a camp for diabetics," Vernon stated.
"My son is a diabetic?" asked Petunia. A look of shock came over her face as she looked at Vernon. "My dear Dudley,"
Vernon hurried as fast as his heavy set body could to the window and turned to look at Petunia. " Dudley doesn't know that we know he is a diabetic. Please act like normal when he's around."
"He doesn't have diabetes, he is in full health!" snapped Petunia.
"Pet, he does have diabetes," Vernon stated, firmly. "Dudley and you are in denial of what his medical condition is. He is a diabetic."
Petunia shook her head. Vernon knew she was in denial about his condition. He knew he would have to shock her into realizing that Dudley was a diabetic. He would have to make the call to the camp and see about talking to the nurse when Dudley is there.

TBC . . .