Chapter 8:

Sirius found himself sitting in a chair beside James's bed. James was sitting at the end of the bed and they were both looking at each other without saying a word. They lived in the same dormitory for seven years, and never once was it awkward for the two friends to talk to one another. Unfortunately, this was not the case for this particular situation. Each man had so many questions, but they were both unsure where to start. They were both apprehensive of what the other had to say. Finally, Sirius broke the silence. "I never imagined it would end up this way. When we were young, we had the entire world at our finger tips. All we had to worry about was making up new pranks to pull on the Slytherins, and accompanying Moony on full moons. Those were definitely the good times. It saddens me to know, that within three to four years of our graduation from Hogwarts, all of our lives were changed. If I could only go back in time…."

James had been listening while Sirius spoke. It was true. Life was simpler back then. They were "cool" and "popular" and were the brightest in their class. There was nothing he, Sirius, Remus, and Peter wouldn't do or try. His mind stopped at the name Peter….the reason why everything went so wrong. He never was very smart or talented. In fact, he was useless in many respects. Who would have thought that the useless one, would be the reason why Lily died, James was gone for over decade, and why Harry was left parentless? James could feel his blood start to boil, when he thought of Peter…the traitor…the rat. It would have been better if they just kept Sirius as their secret-keeper, none of this would have happened, but like everything else in life, hind-sight is 20/20. They could not turn back time; no matter how hard they wished.

"Unfortunately, Sirius, you can't go back in time, and either can I. There isn't anything I wouldn't give, to have my wife back and to have seen my son grow up." James could feel tears welling up in his eyes, but he continued on. "But that's not a possibility. The only things I have to hold onto are my memories. The memories of our childhood days, the days Lily and I spent together, and the very small while I was able to hold my baby in my arms," James was unable to continue. Tears were trailing down his cheeks, and he had no power to stop them.

Sirius looked at his oldest friend, and moved from his chair. In one instance, he was sitting next to James, hugging him. He let James cry, but he didn't shed a single tear. He couldn't. He could only think of what Harry and James's reaction to one another would be and how they both would handle the situation. The road ahead was unclear, and one person had to stay strong. Sirius knew that person had to be him.

Sirius's Point of View:

It took a few minutes for James's tears to stop. Sirius returned to his chair to start the conversation he knew was coming, the conversation that would inform James of events that occurred since his death. More importantly it would inform James about Harry. Of all the things, how was he supposed tell James that Harry's life had been far from normal. Harry had seen and done things that grown wizards had never even dreamt of facing. How would he tell James that Harry had confronted Voldemort on a few occasions? He could just imagine saying to James, "Oh by the way, besides getting on the quidditch team in his first year he has also went up against Voldemort three times." Sirius was certain that would not go over well.

What about Harry? He would have to be informed that his father was back from the dead. He decided that after this conversation with James, he would floo back home. James could come there later….after he spoke to Harry, and Remus. The last thing he wanted to do would be to shock Harry and Remus. This was all so confusing, but wasn't this a blessing? Of course it was, but that didn't make the situation any less complicated. Well, he couldn't stall all day. He had to say something.

"James, I know this must be difficult on you but there are some things you must know," Sirius stated.

James finally looked composed. "I know there is Sirius, like how my son is doing? Is he healthy and safe?"

Sirius looked at him and bit his lip. How to approach the question….well he could be honest without giving the whole truth away. Harry deserved to tell James the truth.

"Harry is healthy James. He is safe…safe for now." There he said it. He waited for the explosion to occur.

James's Point of View

Did he just hear Sirius correctly? His son was healthy, and he thanked God for that. But he was not safe! What the hell did that mean? Were there death eaters after him? Was Voldemort still trying to kill him?

James could feel rage start build in his body. His son was not safe, but he didn't know who was threatening his safety?

"What the hell is that supposed to mean Sirius? Who is threatening Harry? Why isn't he safe?" James yelled.

It took Sirius a few moments to answer the question. He looked like he was debating with himself. "Well," he finally stated, "He..umm…Harry really should answer this question, but since you're his father I will tell you. I can answer your question in one word, Voldemort.

James felt his eyes close. He needed a moment to compose himself. His son, his precious baby, was in danger. Voldemort was still after his son. He hoped that maybe Voldemort had just gone away somehow, and nobody would ever have to worry about him again. Of course, that was a foolish wish. Not only was Voldemort still here, he was still trying to kill Harry. If he could get his hands around Voldemort's neck, he would strangle the life out of him. But was that a foolish wish also?

James opened his eyes. He had to find out details. "Sirius, what happened? What happened to my son?"

Sirius looked to be struggling with words again. "James, I wish I could tell you. I do, but Harry should tell you the details. It would be unfair of me to do so," Sirius stated.

James felt the rage overwhelm him again. He needed to know, dammit! "Sirius, I need to know. I need to know what Voldemort did!" Don't you dare withhold any information about my son from me! Do you hear me Sirius? You will tell me everything about Harry!"

Sirius just looked at James sadly. He didn't seem surprised by James's outburst. "James, I would tell you if it was my place to do so but it is Harry's story. I know how Harry is, he would rather tell you himself," Sirius stated calmly.

James couldn't believe this. Sirius was withholding information from him. At this point he knew he could yell and scream but it would do no good. Once Sirius made up his mind, he would not budge. "Great, just wonderful," James thought to himself.

"Well is there anything you can tell me about my son," he said angrily?

Sirius looked at him and started laughing. "Of course there are things I can tell you about Harry," he said between laughs.

"Ya, well like what?" James asked.

"Well, James your son is a Gryffindor. He got onto the Quidditch team as a seeker in his first year!" Sirius stated proudly.

"Really?" James asked.

"Oh ya, James he is a natural! When he is out of Hogwarts, I'm sure he will be asked to be on a professional team!" Sirius stated with a gleam in his eye.

"Wow…I can't believe that Sirius….what else?" James asked excitedly.

"Umm…let's see…he and his friend Ron drove a magical car that could fly to Hogwarts the beginning of his second year! I couldn't be mad at him for that though, that's something we both would have done growing up if we had the chance!" Sirius said.

James looked liked his birthday came early. "My son sounds like he is a junior marauder!"

Sirius did not answer for a moment. He had to get his bearings. "Well James not quite. He is not like you were or me for that matter. In fact if we were to compare him to anybody, it would be Remus. He is very smart but has a tendency to be very quiet at times. He does not like to be the center of attention, plus he has a lot on his plate right now.

James did not like the sound of this. It sounded like Harry's life was very difficult, and why would he be like Remus? Remus was a wonderful person, but he wanted Harry to be more outgoing that Remus was back at that age. He didn't want his son to feel like he had the weight of the world on his shoulders like Remus did growing up. That was it. He had to see his son as soon as possible. He had to know what was happening.

"Sirius," James stated solemnly, "I have to see my son. Make it happen!"

Sirius seemed to be thinking on the same line. He had to go home and tell Harry and Remus that James alive. What a discussion that would be!

"Of course, James. In fact I am going to leave now and tell Harry and Remus. Be ready to leave in a couple hours. I'll floo here and get you, and we will both floo back to my house where you can see your son and your other best friend.

James looked satisfied with the plan. "Come back quickly, I want to my son!" With that, Sirius left to go and tell Harry and Remus the news. Sirius now knew that all of their lives were changed forever.

To all my reviewers: Thank you so much for all your wonderful reviews. I hope you keep reading!

PS Since the summer is coming, I should be able to update on a regular basis.