IG: Okay so I was playing Ocarina of time for I don't know the millionth time and this little thing came to me

Ry: With a little help from me we give you the secret diary of Link while on the quest in The Ocarina of Time

Link: IG shoves him and motions with her hand This is the one and only disclaimer IG owns nothing that is anyone else's and there is a language warning and we are rating it pg-13 just in case.

Ry: Good let the insanity continue


Nasty dream about ugly dude on horse woke up very disturbed and attempted to go back to sleep but dumbass Fairy came in bugging me right when dream was getting good cannot believe need to save a tree soooooo important…


Had to crawl through insanely small tunnel to get sword…well more like knife but whatever floats your boat. Tried once again to get in to save tree but ended up having to find money for a shield…if they want me to be a hero and save crap they should supply me with all tools as am getting very sick of finding them for myself


Finally inside tree and it's covered in spider webs GROSS cannot stand spiders or plants as both seem to be attacking me am seriously reconsidering whole Hero shtick


Still in big tree still dealing with killer spiders and plants…but got to play with fire which is a big plus


Found out what was wrong with tree a Giant one eyed spider dealie made its nest inside it. Killed giant Spider because it got web crap on my new tunic….Stupid spiders…


Came out from killing giant spider and the thanks I GET…Tree dies and I get blamed by the little people…its official life sucks


Leaving annoying forest people because have no strong urge to be a dwarf all my life…met by green haired girl on way out she must have been smoking some of that weird fungus cause she thought she knew me and gave me some kind of flutey dealie that makes me look gay when I rock back and forth playing it…oh well


Ran and rolled to castle place meeting red haired bossy girl…once again am to play the hero WHY ME? Also obtained strange egg from girl…wonder if it is edible????


Egg hatched early this morning scaring the hell out of me and annoying me to all hell…apparently egg not edible damn…


Snuck into castle guards must be deaf blind and dumb especially with this damn chicken crowing every two seconds…wait do chickens crow I thought that was Roosters??? Anyways yes guards must be mentally challenged as was so easy to sneak past them


Camped in castle right in front of guards and was not thrown out…made way further in and found weird ugly girl looking through window…She spotted me and went on about a lot of crap I paid no attention to and apparently in randomly nodding I agreed to go on another quest DAMN MY LUCK…After this I am so out of the hero business…