"Ginny!" Draco called as he entered the house. "Ginny, come here!"

She appeared in the doorway and he waved a piece of paper he'd just received from an owl in their garden. "Well, what is it?"

"Here, you read it." He said, pushing it at her. Ginny took the paper and read aloud.

"Dear Mr. Malfoy,

We received a copy of a demo tape in our office recently of your work. With the demo tape was a note with your name and instruction on how to contact you. While we found the instructions odd to say the least, we are very interested in speaking to you about your work.

We understand that you are part of an orchestra and extremely talented but we find your original music and songs outstanding and are very excited to offer you a recording contract. If you are interested please contact me as soon as possible.


David Jenkins

Executive Producer, P&R Records."

Ginny looked up, dumbfounded. "Who would send in a tape of your work to a muggle recording studio?"

"I don't know, but do you realize what this could mean?" Draco said. "Millions of people listening to my music!"

Just then, a wail rang out from the back of the house. Ginny smiled. "Well, your daughter seems to be all for it."

Draco smirked. "My daughter is letting you know she wants her dinner."

"Yes, she's pretty demanding. Reminds me of another Malfoy I know." Ginny said, heading for the nursery, bottle in hand.

"Let me." Draco said, taking the bottle and gathering up the baby from the cradle.

He looked down at the mass of blond ringlets and smiled. Two steely gray eyes stared back at him as Carina greedily drank.

"Draco." Ginny said quietly as she came up behind him and laid her head on his shoulder as he fed the baby. "I have some news as well."

"Remember last month? When we were in such a rush and I didn't take my potion? Well, how do you feel about another one of these?" she asked, nodding to Carina.

Draco looked up sharply. "Ginny. Are you sure?"

She grinned ruefully. "Quite."

"Oh Ginny. Remember what happened with Carina? We can't stand to lose you." He said, looking worried.

"Draco, Poppy told you that would almost surely never happen again. It was just a fluke. This time will be different. This time will be easy."

Draco still didn't look convinced and Ginny moved around in front of him and encompassed both he and the baby in her arms. "This time we'll be together."