Chapter 20

Bootstrap and Will raced to the gallows. When they arrived they saw Daniel standing up there next to Gwen talking to the crowded that had gathered to watch her hang.

"Today will be the dawning of a new era!" he yelled out to them. "The country will not longer be ran by a pirate who wants nothing more than women and a strong drink!"

"At least he isn't trying to take a title that is not his and that he doesn't deserve!" Will shouted walking up the steps off the gallows.

"What's going on?" Gwen asked her husband.

"What are you doing here, blacksmith? Come to see your wife hang?" Daniel smirked.

"He has revoked his order to have his sister hung." Will told him. "I'm here by orders of the king to remove you."

Daniel laughed. "You and what army?" he asked smirking before Bootstrap hit him over the head with the hilt of his sword.

"This army." Bootstrap said tying Daniel's hands behind his back with the ropes that Gwen had been bound in. "Come on. We got t' get back an' check on Ana." he told the two has he lifted Daniel over his shoulder.

"Ana's back? What's going on?" Gwen asked as they started walking back towards the mansion.

"Jack?" Ana called clutching his hand.

Jack used his other hand to brush a stray lock of hair from her forehead. "Don' worry luv. The doc's on 'is way." he said soothingly.

"Come back wit' us." she asked him looking him in the eye before another contraction hit.

"O'course I will darlin'. Can' stand t' be away from ye any longer." he said brushing a kiss on her cheek as the doctor came in.

The doctor looked her over before turning to Jack. "I'm sorry Your Majesty but I can't allow you to be in here while she's in labor."

Jack was going to argue but Anamaria did it for him. "I wan' 'im in here." she snarled. Jack sat next to her and smirked at the doctor.

The doctor sighed. "Just as stubborn as your father." he muttered and left them alone.

When they got to the mansion Will and Gwen went to put Daniel in the basement as Jack came down from his room.

"How's Ana doin'?" Bootstrap asked him.

"She's doin' good. Did ye stop Daniel?" Jack asked.

"Will and Gwen jus' took 'im downstairs." he replied. "Ye did good, Jack." Bootstrap said quietly.

"Thank ye." Jack grinned and headed towards the basement.

"You think your going to get away with this aren't you?" Daniel, who recently woken up, said to Will and Gwen who were watching him. "As soon as I get out of here and get crowned all of you will hang including that boy of yours. Only one that'll live will the that wife of Sparrow's. I'd love to..." he stopped speaking when the bullet hit his heart.

Will and Gwen looked up to see Jack holding his smoking pistol. "Pirate or no' no one treats Ana like a 'hore." he said coldly as they went back upstairs.

A few hours later Will and Gwen were laying on the sofa watching Aaron play with his toys when an excited Jack came bounding down the stairs.

"Get up." he told them. "Come on." They stretched before following him up to his and Ana's room. They walked into to see Ana holding small bundle wrapped in a blanket.

"Wha' is it?" Aaron asked climbing up on the bed.

"I's a baby, kid." Jack told him smiling. "I's me daughter."

Two days later they were all standing down at the docks. Jack and Ana decided that it would be best to leave as soon as possible and they would be joined by Bootstrap Bill. So here they were, everything was settled now and Jack turned over the crown.

"Are you sure about this?" Gwen asked handing her niece back over to Anamaria.

"This is wha' I wan'." Jack told her watching as his wife went to put their daughter down in the captain's cabin. "'sides I'd rather have Catharine grow up 'ere. Don' worry though we'll come back e'erynow and then." Jack said smiling.

"You better or I'll hunt you down again." They laughed before get serious again. "Goodbye Jack." she said hugging her brother.

Jack let go and shook Will's hand. "Take care o' them." Will nodded and Jack ruffled Aaron's hair. "Bye King Aaron." he whispered to the sleeping boy before walking up the plank.

He walked to the helm and ran his hand over it, taking in the feel of the wood. "On deck, you scabrous dogs! Man the braces! Let down and haul to run free." he yelled to the crew. "Now...bring me that horizon"

The End

A/N: Yay! Cap'n Jack is back! Sadly that is the end of this story. Maybe one day there'll be a sequel but just not yet. Thanks to all who have read this and all who have reviewed. You brought this story off the shelf and gave me the inspiration to finish it.