Lexi: ok this is an idea that I got from watching punk'd on MTV
Beast Boy: Yes! I'm the host!
Raven: Co host with me
Beast Boy: No way
Lexi: Shut up you two! I'm trying to type here!
Disclaimer: I do not own teen titans or punk'd. Also OOC Raven and OOC Robin and OOC Starfire. OOC means Out Of Character for confused ones out there.
Beast Boy and Raven sit in their personalized director chairs and look at the camera.

"Welcome to Punk'd: Beast Boy and Raven Style! I'm the clever and charming Beast Boy and this is my co host Raven." Beast Boy said striking poses. Raven rolled her eyes.

"Let's just get this over with." She said calmly. Beast Boy sweatdropped. "You know Raven you need to loosen up some." He stated. "Whatever." Raven replied.

"Ok today on the show we prank Robin." Raven said showing a picture of Robin which gets torn up by crazed bashers.

"We placed a camera in Robin's room and stole his favorite teddy weddy bear, Mr. Stuffums!" Beast Boy said as he held a teddy bear wearing a mini robin outfit and mask. (it's sounds soo kawaii no?) "Ok let's watch." Raven said turning towards the tv screen.

Robin walks into his room and plops down on his bed. "Wow I just got my butt whooped at Halo by a 4 year old! I was the laughing stock of the video game store! At least you don't think it's funny Mr...hey! Mr. Stuffums! Your gone! Oh no! I want Stuffums back! Mr. Stuffums stop playing hide and seek right now! Wait a minute...Slade! He stole my teddy bear and is holding him ransom for my baseball cards! Curse you Slade! I shall get even!"

Robin ran outside with papers and markers. Beast Boy who thought ahead and placed cameras all over the city, switched to street camera and we see Robin putting up posters with his teddy bear striking a pose and some info below the pic. Beast Boy fell out of his chair laughing and Raven merely chuckled.

"So much work for a small bear." She said shaking her head.

Robin then ran up the street yelling Mr. Stuffums in front of people. Beast Boy thought he was going to bust a gut from watching this funny scene. Raven felt sorry for the guy since, hey he lost his teddy bear and was upset.

"It's time." Raven said grabbing the bear and flew to Robin. Beast Boy followed her and they found Robin kneeling on the ground mumbling the bear's name over and over again. "Robin?" Beast Boy said concerned.

"Stuffums went away from naughty Robin, since Robin snuck into the bathroom when Starfire took her shower and he watched. Robin bad, Robin very bad. Robbin want his Stuffums back! Stuffums come back to Robin!" Robin said his eyes big and he started rocking back and forth hugging his legs.

"Here's your bear! We punk'd you!" Beast Boy said laughing and pointing at Robin. Robin hugged his bear and regain his sanity. He turned towards Beast Boy and lunged at him, while beating the crap out of him.

"Ok well this show of Punk'd is over, I need to help my co host, remember, you could be the next one punk'd." Raven said rolling up her sleeves and punching the palm of her hand, she walked into the fight cloud.
Lexi: Review!

Beast Boy: Oww...my body..