
En ce premier jour de l'année, je dois vous annoncer que All I Crave a été abandonné. Catrina vient de trouver un nouvel emploi et n'a plus le temps de continuer l'histoire. L'histoire est donc abandonnée.

Je suis très déçue, mais c'est sa décision.

Voici son message

Hi guys,

I just wanted to let everyone know that since I've started a new job I just
don't have the time to continue the fic anymore. Apologies for all the big fat
lies I told when I said that I had no intention of abandoning it. Well, I
suppose it wasn't that much of a fib. I don't really want to abandon it, but
I've more or less forgotten where I was going with it and I just don't have the
time to continue it.

I've had so much fun and I've met so many fun and interesting people on the
internet. Thanks so much for being so great to me. If anyone wants to pick the
story up and run with it, feel free, but I don't know that there's a heck of a
lot that anyone can do with it. I'd more or less run it into the ground as I
forgot where I was heading with it.

Cheers everyone.
I'd still love to hear from you though. I've made some really good friends
through the fanfic community so don't be a stranger.
Cheers! Catrina

Je vous souhaite quand même une très bonne année 2007-01-01


PS : je supprimerai ce message dans quelques jours.