Sam leapt from her seat so quick she blurred.

"Sam, stop." I grab her arm and hold on. Tears are streaming down her cheeks like rivers and it's breaking my heart. "Come on Jak, we're going to the hospital." Jak looks so pale I'm not sure there's much blood left in his face. I know he feels guilty, even though this whole thing has nothing to do with him-he stood up for Alex.

Sam wrenches free and runs towards the car. I throw a quick thank you over my shoulder and rush after her, dragging Jak behind me.

We drive like the wind to the hospital, Sam silently crying, Jak sitting like a stone block and me trying desperately to stay focused and not think the very worst. The minute I slow down Sam jumps out of the car and disappears into the building.

"Look, Jak- No one blames you."

"I blame myself. And Alex blames me."

"No, he was upset at what those kids said. He just took it out on you. If he knew what you said after, he'd be proud. I sure am." He seems to come out of his reverie slightly as he swings himself out of the car. "Come on; let's go find your brother." He almost smiles at that.

"Abby." I swipe at the tears that are pouring down my face. She immediately comes round the desk and takes my arm, guiding me into the locker room.

"Right, I'll give it to you straight…" Luka charges in and rushes to my side. Jak loiters by the door but with a deep look on his face. "…he came in the rig, someone found by the park in hypoglycaemia. He was drifting in and out of consciousness on the journey and went completely just before they got here. We injected glucagon and he's just come round. Do you want to go to see him?" I nod and wipe my eyes. Abby smiles weakly and rubs my arm. "Hey, stop that. He's going to be fine."

"I know, I feel so silly but…I got so worried." Luka takes my hand then kisses my temple.

"Lead the way." He says quietly and Abby takes us to exam 3. Jak loiters behind us until I grab his hand and pull him into a one armed hug. He looked so frightened.

Alex is propped up on the bed, looking as white as the pillow behind his head, but with a smile on his face.

"I get to have jam on toast mom. I haven't had that for ages!" He says weakly. I smile and kiss his forehead.

"You gave me…us, all of us a shock."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. I was just so mad at Joey and Stacey…"

"And me." Jak says sadly.

"No, I was mad at them and you were just…there. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell. I don't want to blame it on the hypo, but it can cause mood swings."

"Well I wouldn't blame you if you were mad at me."

"Shut up you, I couldn't be mad at you if I tried. Those big puppy eyes get me every time." They both laugh softly.

"Mr Taggart? Here is your toast and jam and some fruit juice." Jake sets the tray down. "Be grateful, I had to beg for that."

"Thanks…Dr Scanlon." Jake bows and Abby rolls her eyes at me.

"We'll leave you alone." She says and drags Jake out, probably to go 'gather supplies' together.

"I really am sorry." Alex says through a mouth of jam. I raise an eyebrow and he swallows then speaks. "I guess I've been…a little…"

"Jealous?" Jak supplies, and Alex blushes.

"You get the girls. I've never got the girls."

"What about Mackie?" I smile as Alex blushes deeper.

"Thanks dude. And anyway…she doesn't count."

"Well rumour is-she thinks you're cute."

"Luka, lets go and get some coffee. I think the guys need to chat." Alex shoots me a grateful look as we exit. Through the blinds I see them both laugh, Jak with his shaggy mop of black hair and Alex with jam around his mouth. My two boys.

"Night Alex."

"Mom? Will it happen again? Like, tonight?"

"I shouldn't think so; you've had your insulin and a good starchy meal. Call me if you feel funny." I nod and she kisses my head. Jak sighs and turns to look at me.

"I'm sorry for letting them say those things."

"Don't worry. I know I'm weird." I laugh.

"I don't think you're so weird." He says honestly.


"That s'ok…bro." We both grin like loons on loon pills ie. A lot.