
Descent Into Rancor
Summer's Fall

Misty was further provoked to tears and torn to pieces by the fact that Brock's recently deceased lips still retained the vibrant warmth of life. She couldn't accept the loss, and she began to pick the shards of metal from his skin. She ripped the legs and arms off of her pajamas and wrapped them around his wounds. She realized that picking him up and holding him in her arms during her fervor probably wasn't a good idea, but she was careful thereafter not to move him.

His eyes were shut so tightly--Misty looked away as she felt for a pulse, unable to look at his face. He reminded her of a pokemon killed in the road, unmoving and forever frozen in a state of anguish.

No pulse, she whispered, then pried his mouth open gently with her fingers.

Don't just stand there! she shouted before begining CPR, get a god damned ambulance!

Ash lowered his eyes and looked out the door.

Misty just continued with CPR and encouraging words for so long that when her cell phone rang, everyone in the room jumped. Misty didn't take a break from the CPR to answer it, rather she grabbed it from her pocket while giving mouth to mouth and hurled it angrily at Ash. She was still dumbfounded as to why no one had called 911.

Gary still held one of Brock's hands, and he stared blankly at Misty as she refused to give up on her love.

Ash said weakly into the phone.

Where are you? the voice of Lilly snapped into the phone. May said you took off to TR Headquarters! Are you dead?

Ash winced and pulled the phone away from his ear momentarily, then replied.

No, I sort of borrowed guns from, he gulped, your stash.

I noticed, she growled angrily. What's going on?

We killed Giovanni, Ash swallowed hard, but not before he killed Brock.


Brock can't be dead.

I know, Ash sighed, it's awful. Misty is giving him CPR, but he's obviously gone.

Lily corrected, I mean, he can't be dead. If he was dead you wouldn't be able to talk to me now.

Ash blinked.

We're coming to get you all bring you back to the gym hospital, Lily announced, tell Misty to keep giving him CPR. I'll explain to you why I said that there.

Lily hung up sans goodbyes, and Ash looked toward Jessie and James with a bewildered look on his face.

She said Brock is alive and to keep giving him CPR, he whispered.

He's deader than-- Jessie began to argue, but decided not to when she remembered the girl she held in her arms. Why does she think that?

She said that if he were dead, Ash explained, I wouldn't be talking now.

Misty shouted, damn you all, I told you to get an ambulance!

Gary looked up at Ash, his swollen, red eyes widened at the thought.

He's not dead? he mumbled, not even bothering to insult Ash for his incompetence. He seemed dazed, and he spoke as if he were talking in his sleep.

Ash shrugged, I dunno.

Gary whispered, then looked at him and Misty with more interest than before. Save him, Misty, Gary pleaded.

I'll never give up, Misty replied, choking back a sob before going back to giving mouth to mouth.

Ash began to feel a tug on his sleeve, and looked down to find a very young girl holding on to him.

Is he going to be okay? Katie whispered, her eyes glossy in fear.

As long as I'm still standing, Ash replied, he's alive. Start to worry when I pass out.

How could he be alive? Jessie shouted, disbelieving. He's hardly even human anymore.

He never was, Ash frowned. Do you remember what he looked like when he came in?

Jessie blinked, we didn't see him.

Ash continued, he looked good. He should have been a mess. He was pretty scared, but not as disfigured as he should have been, from when he had an accident--I don't know what he was doing now, but they said then that it was in a machine.

Gary looked up at Ash, his eyes beyond red. He was so disoriented that he didn't even bother to call Ash loser. You mean you guys heal well too?

I guess so, Ash pondered. And I don't know how Brock is going to feel, but I really want to know why.

The room grew stale to Ash, and he would have done anything at that second to be safely on his way—to safety. To wherever Lily was going to take them. He would have asked Misty, but she was a little busy at the moment.

Ash suddenly bolted for the door, the wide eyes of Jessie, James and Gary following his movement until he was no longer visible down the hallway. He returned with a gaggle of Espiritu, two with a stretcher in their hands, all running down the hallway.

I'm not going to ask about that, Ash grumbled as a medical helicopter stood ready to take flight out in the front of the building.

Shut up and get in, Violet ordered from the door, and Gary was the last to enter the helicopter.

Not having much land to cover, the helicopter arrived at the Cerulean Gym, the little-known Espiritu headquarters, and landed on the roof. A team of Espiritu's got Brock into an emergency room—another little known aspect of the gym which resided beneath the ground.

How did you keep all this from me? Ash asked, finally free to speak to Misty as Brock was hooked up to a great deal of emergency machinery.

We've kept it from the world, Ash, she sighed, taking her seat in a small waiting room. The place was obviously not designed for visitors—the chairs were very uncomfortable, and the room was small, as if it had been a closet in a former life.


Two days passed, and all that was known of Brock's condition was that he was

Jessie and James had taken Katie to their apartment, desiring to be on call for the moment any news was heard. Katie was okay with this because she had grown very used to staying with Jessie and James over the past several months, and they were going to be crucial to reformulating Team Rocket without its leader, although its final purpose was likely to differ.

Misty had seemed to drained to even associate with anyone. She had taken to being a recluse in her old room, and God knows if she had eaten anything. Ash often left a bowl of spaghetti-o's or something equally microwave-driven in front of her door and knocked, and it was always gone, but the empty bowls never seemed to return. Tension between Ash and Gary was almost deadly, and only conversations with May could keep Ash from going completely insane.

That is why, after two days, when Misty walked into the living room where everyone was watching some stupid movie and just sat there, that Ash jumped up from where he sat and wrapped his arms around her.

he shouted, did you get the food I made for you?

she chuckled lightly, but I never want to eat that many starches in a row again.

Ash blushed, all I can make is Top Ramen and spaghetti and spaghetti-o's, or I would have made you something else.

Don't worry about it, Misty sighed, her voice unusually soft. She suddenly looked at Ash quite sheepishly, I haven't been talking to my bosses. Did anyone say how Brock is doing?

He's improving, Ash answered quickly. That's really all I know.

It's all we've been told, Gary added, a very needy look presenting itself in his eyes.

Misty took a deep breath, a breath which seemed to last forever, both to inhale and exhale. Ash was burning with questions that he wanted to ask her, but she seemed too distant, too preoccupied to be conversed with.

So another day passed, but at least Misty wasn't bottled up in her room. Ash even went so far as to go in her room and clean it out of the plates and bowls she left from her time of solitude. Misty was only silently impressed.

Misty, Gary and Ash all sat outside in the grass. None were sure who initiated the action, in fact, Ash thought that the clouds formulating in the sky had pulled their blood and forced them to sit in the grass and to relax while listening to the trees rustle in the wind, those hundred year old trees that meant that the world wouldn't end. It was the one tangible thing that let Ash know that the world wouldn't explode at any moment, and that if patience was his ally, he would one day find out what was going to happen to Brock. At least he knew he wasn't dead.

Lily stepped out the door and walked up to Misty's feet, her long skirt moving in the end in the same sync with the leaves of the trees, I need to talk to you.

Misty was at her feet immediately, and she and Lily conversed quietly, a bit away from the boys. Blood began to fill Gary's ears and his temples began to throb as the pounding of his heart reached auctioneer's speeds. Ash seemed more hopeful than worried, but Gary had always been dubious of the Espiritu coma theory.

After a moment of pure agony, Misty trotted over to where she had been sitting, and the boys were at their feet immediately as well. She lifted her head to him, relief spreading across its entirety.

We can go visit his room, she announced quite exasperatedly. He's been improving really quickly. They think he'll wake up and talk to us.

Gary nearly fell over at this news, and had ants in his pants to get going.

I'll call Jessie and James, Ash announced, and Misty led the way to the emergency room where Brock was recovering.


By God, Gary blinked upon catching a glimpse of Brock. He does look good.

Of course, it wasn't true. Brock was a mess—he looked like a little heap of hell, and if he were any normal person, any visitor would have assumed he had no chance of surviving.

But compared to how he had looked, he could have won a beauty contest.

Misty couldn't breathe for a moment, she just stood, looking at him. Her sentiments were quite differing from Gary's as she almost had expected him to look exactly like his old self. She resisted an urge to throw up as she was suddenly overcome with the notion that her love was not going to survive.

Oh Brock, she stammered in a whisper, trying to get her feet moving to go over and be with him, but they were cemented to the floor, two slabs of concrete amidst a forest of carpeting.

She was beaten to the punch by Gary, who was at Brock's bedside before anything could be said.

She said— Misty gulped, trying to relay Lily's instructions, she said he might come around if we sat around and socialized like normal. I don't know if that's true, but he's not going to wake up now.

I'm so glad you're okay Shale, Gary beamed, ignoring Misty entirely. You've gotta quit doing this to me! Just sit around and be normal for once. It'll be sweet—no more assassinations, no more mistakes, no more getting hurt.

What are the Mistakes? Ash asked from behind Misty, taking her completely by surprise.

I suppose I owe you an explanation for a lot of things, she sighed.

Now would be the time, Ash blinked, seeing as we're supposed to socialize normally' to see if he'll wake up. I have no idea how that will work.

I think they're just trying to make sure we don't maul him, Misty confessed, looking over to Gary who was inches from squeezing the life out of Brock.

So be it, Gary snorted, sitting down away from the hospital bed. You start explaining and I'll leave him alone. For now.

Misty shrugged, what do you want to know?

What are the Mistakes, first of all. Ash demanded.

After Mewtwo escaped, Misty began, Giovanni wanted his machine, his damn mew clone. So he started getting his geneticists to doctor up the genes of more clones. He was always trying to get them to obey. He actually was able to get one to do what he wanted, but it was the weakest. It's dead now.

And they all turned on him? Ash raised an eyebrow.

Misty shrugged, sort of like Mewtwo, except they all have this burning desire to kill Giovanni, not to save all pokemon. I hardly think they consider themselves pokemon. God knows what they'll do now that Giovanni is dead. I don't know the details. I don't know how they escaped or how they turned on him, all I know is that they did. So, that's really all I know.

Do you know why Brock and I are— Ash stumbled for the words, how we are?

Giovanni was scared after he created the Mistakes, Misty sighed, and instead of learning from his mistakes, excuse the pun, he decided to mess with human genes instead of pokemon genes to try and make a defense system. Flint was a member of Team Rocket, as was his wife. They let Giovanni experiment on the embryo of his firstborn. He was the obvious choice since she was already pregnant. But come crunch time, Flint and his wife wouldn't hand their child over to Team Rocket when he was ready for training, so first she was killed, and when Flint still wouldn't comply, he was killed too. Brock was taken away from his family, and there it was discovered that his additional genes didn't give him extra strength or anything. So he was sent back to look after his brothers and sisters.

But Flint was alive! Ash argued. He just left! I saw him come back with my own two eyes!

Misty smirked unhappily, was a clone. Giovanni had already started another experiment with you, you were just a random stolen embryo, but you were kidnapped by the Espiritu's as an infant and given to one of our best agents to raise.

My mom isn't really my mom, Ash said dryly, as if it hadn't fully occurred to him.

She's still your mom, Misty snapped, she's the only mom you've ever had.

I know, Ash closed his eyes. She is my mom.

She loves you very much, Misty pursed her lips.

So I guess my dad didn't really die while she was pregnant either?

No, she was never married.


Misty began to continue, interrupting Ash's morbid contemplations. But anyway, the Flint clone was sent in to trap Brock. They killed them and invented the Cage for the sole purpose of getting Brock back after one of his scientists developed a serum to bring out his inherent abilities. Apparently they would have surfaced in time anyway, but Giovanni was impatient.

That's why he went so crazy those times, Gary frowned. I should have known—I DID know that normal nerve calming medicine didn't do that—but I just thought he was having a bad reaction. I am such a fuck!

Don't beat yourself over the head, Gary, Misty ordered, her voice devoid of emotion. Her discourse was a pure command.

But I— Gary frowned, then lowered his head and waited for Misty to keep talking.

After Ash wanted to leave Delia to become a pokemon master, Misty continued, I was assigned to find him and follow him around. The whole bike thing was lame, but it helped me not have to come up with a better excuse.

And so why did Brock go with us then? Ash blinked.

I have no idea, Misty shrugged. That was pure coincidence. It actually made my bosses worry more than anything, because they thought Giovanni would find you out, but they also thought it was a good thing in the long run to have you both on tabs. They didn't tell me this, for some reason, so I didn't figure out what the hell Team Rocket wanted Brock for until my bosses explained it to me just the other day. They're such bitches sometimes.

What about when he left with Ivy? Ash frowned.

His choice, he has that freedom, you know.

Ash nodded.

Tracey is an Espiritu also, Misty looked away. I didn't want him with us because I felt like my bosses thought I needed help, but they really just didn't want me to get close to you. It would impede my judgment if something actually did happen.

So Tracey was just there to keep you from falling in love with me? Ash almost laughed.

Pretty much, Misty shrugged.

Were you? Ash blinked.

Misty looked away, they would have sent Tracey a long time ago if that was the reason. It was even worse that I was was falling for Brock because Giovanni already knew about him.

If only he told us, Jessie frowned in the doorway, as they had finally arrived with Katie.

You guys! Ash blinked. Now I'm wondering if there was some other reason you guys were always following us around.

We were on assignment to find the other experiment, James laughed. We thought it was you the whole time. Giovanni didn't believe us at all because he thought the other experiment would be super intelligent and be in the spotlight constantly. That's why he thought it was Gary at first.

Should I feel special? Gary bit his lip.

Ash spat, super intelligent? Well he's so cocky Giovanni probably thought he had a reason for it—

It's because I'm not a loser! Gary pulled down his eyelid with his index finger.

But he was wrong, Jessie began to speak, and that's why he was desperate to get Brock back. Ash was the other—

I already explained that, Misty looked away.

Jessie nodded.'

And last but not least, Misty shrugged, Lily said she knew Brock was alive because she thinks that you have bonds of premonition with all your close friends, and that if he died, your sense would have overwhelmed you and put you out for at least a week.

Ash looked away, is very weird.

Katie had gone over to Brock's side to see how he was doing and was horrified by the sight of him. Meowth rubbed against her legs to console her, and she picked him up to pet him.

This is Meowth, Brock, Katie introduced the talking cat to her unconscious brother. He's my best friend. Don't you want to pet Meowth?

James sighed as he looked at Katie try and interact with a nearly dead person, but his breath was stopped short as Brock actually reached out and patted Meowth's head.

Misty shouted, suddenly letting all of her emotions escape in that small movement. She nearly tripped over her own feet while running over to his side, and she gently grabbed his cheeks between her palms. His eyes were slightly open, and the pupils within turned to look at her, she could tell. He couldn't give any more acknowledgement than that, but it was okay with her. She leaned over, her whole body aching to know that he was okay and to feel him next to her, to feel him touch her in some way while awake and aware.

Oh Brock, she released quickly in a whisper, I'll never let you out of my sight!

Her pounding heart then rested upon his chest as she leaned over, her hair draping gently over the corners of his face as she closed her eyes and gently caressed his lips with her own, taking each lip and kissing gently, as if her touch could heal him. Her arms were shaking, and the shaking worsened as he returned her kiss, his lips feebly trying to return the affection. She gently slid her arms behind him, and Katie smiled shyly and backed away as Brock moved his hands as well as he could to her sides. They still rested on the bed, but he touched her with the tops of his arms, and it was more than she could even stand.

There was a change, Ash shook his head. She's been practically comatose for the past three days.

Love is a strange thing, Jessie nodded.

Is she going to be my auntie? Katie asked, puzzledly.

If they last, James laughed, she'll be your sister-in-law.

Katie suddenly seemed forlorn again, but lost it as she sat down and cuddled the Meowth in her arms.

I guess it was the mention of sister, Jessie thought sullenly.


It wasn't my name anyway, Brock shrugged, pulling the drink from his lips and handing it back to Gary.

But I always call you Shale!

Brock Shale is dead, Brock replied, his hands fidgeting as he was beginning to feel tired once again. I'll never be able to go out in public if I don't change my identity.

You could be a housewife, Gary shrugged.

Hardy har har, Brock shook his head.

I'm kind of glad you woke up so early, Gary whispered, his eyes fixed on the pink haze which was steadily rising into the sky.

Brock laughed, I'm not crazy anymore?

Gary laughed, you're still a crazy fuck, but it's nice to spend some time with you again, without them.

Brock closed his eyes and tried to keep them from filling with moisture, hanging out with you was the only good thing about that whole—mess—

Gary sensed Brock's weakening and slid over closer to him, offering his friend an arm.

I know it hurts, Gary rested his head on Brock's shoulder, and I know it'll be a while before you're over it. But I'm here for you.

You're all here for me, Brock closed his eyes even more tightly, even though I've put you through so much shit—

I'd go through it three times, Gary smiled, because I got to meet you, after all.

Brock was beginning to feel slightly uncomfortable, but he let it pass. Ash was his best friend. Misty was his best friend. And now Gary was his best friend. It was nice to have so many friends, even if he felt permanently indebted to them.

So what should my last name be? Brock tried to cheer up. He wiped his eyes clear and turned to Gary, a cheerful look masquerading his face once again.

Gary whispered.

Brock's eyes widened, I'm a little old to be adopted!

So you are, Gary laughed. I thought you wouldn't mind being a kid again. It would be fun—we could lay around my Grandpa's house, trash his stuff and get away with it.Take his car on joy rides.

But I feel so incredibly old, Brock looked to his fidgeting hands, wondering if his life would ever be anything like the way it was ever again.

Gary sighed, the sun is almost all the way up. Come on inside, I'll make breakfast for everyone.

I should, Brock smiled, I haven't done that in so long.

No way! Gary laughed, running inside the door. You've got a while before you're running around doing things like that. I'm lucky you could just peel your eyes open to look at the sunset!

Misty will be ecstatic, Brock thought. Or pissed that I'm up walking around.

Gary chose to ignore his comment and began noisily removing everything he would need to make breakfast from the cupboards.

Brock sat on the sofa, his hands fidgeting once again.

a voice softly entered his ear, and a hand rested softly on his shoulder.

Brock looked up at Misty as she sat down next to him.

I'm feeling a lot better, Brock smiled weakly, don't be mad, I'm tired of lying in bed.

Misty's eyes widened suddenly, then she blinked in surprise. I'm not mad, Brock. Not at all.

The breathing of both members of the couple on the couch suddenly slowed as their heart rates quickened, and they leaned into a soft kiss, their arms gently encircling each other, as if the other was broken easily.

I'm still sore, Brock muttered, pulling away and leaning back into the cushions of the couch. God, I wish all of this would just get over with.

It is over with, Misty put a finger to his lips.

Ash stood at the bottom of the stairs, watching them sadly.

It's over with, he thought. Unless the Mistakes have other plans for us.

The rest of the house began to wake as well, and all sat around for a bit of Gary's slightly-burned breakfast. The spirits were high, however, and it didn't seem that they would ever reach summer's fall.

Well, in case you thought that the Mistakes subplot ended to suddenly, I did that for a reason. I'm going to make a sequel to this that is VERY different from this story, and it'll be about what happens next regarding the Mistakes, and how our beloved heroes deal with it. Unless I get a lot of negative sentiments towards this, anyway. I hope you liked this story—I don't care if you don't like gymshippiness, because trust me, if I make a sequel, it'll be worse since they'll already be together. Ta ta.