A Reasonable Favor

By: Eternal1

Chapter 1 - The letter and The Misunderstanding (Revised)

Hi guys I'm Eternal and I'm back with a new story. Now I'm writing it from top of my head so work with me :) Its about how Mina decides to write a love letter to Andrew and she asks her best friend to give it to him. Instead, the letter ends up in the wrong hands or maybe even right? Read and find out. Anyways hope you all enjoy. Oh and btw I have NO claims on Sailormoon, its Naoko Takeuchi and Toei Animation Co. Unfornately I do NOT own it. I'm only borrowing the characters.

Two girls were walking down the street in Juban district and chatting happily. Both girls looked so alike they could pass as twins even. The girls are blond haired and blue eyed beauties. They look the same but their hair style and shades in hair and eye color is what makes them different. Both girls looked to be around 16.Both girls were wearing Juban High School uniforms. One of them had her hair picked up in a big red bow half picking her hair and the other half loose. The other blonde had her picked up completely in two buns in each side of her head and a long curled strip falling from the buns. Serena and Mina were on their way to the arcade to see their other friends, when suddenly Mina came up with an idea.

"Sere! I got an idea! But I really need you're help on this." Mina pleaded

"Oh no Mina, the last time you had an idea we have never been able to go back to that store without the manager looking at us funny."

"Oh pleeeease Sere! This is more reasonable."

"How so?" Serena asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Well, I decided to let Andrew know how I feel about him. So I am going to write a love letter to him. It's SO much easier than to tell him!"

"Okay, how do I help?"

"I need you to give him the letter for me."

"What! why?"

"Please Sere, There is no way anything can go wrong with this idea."

"I guess...It is reasonable for once." Serena commented.

"Hey I resent that comment!" Mina replied.

Mina kept giving Serena her best impression of a sad puppy face. She knew that Serena couldn't resist that face.

"Okay, fine I'll do it."

"Yay! Thanks so much Sere! You're the best!"

Serena just smiled and nodded and both girls kept walking to the arcade to meet their other best friends. The following day Serena saw a tired Mina running towards her.

"Mina! What's the hurry?"

"Serena, I did the letter last night and I want you to give it to Andrew today."

Serena nodded.

"Okay, so we'll talk more later about this later after school. So see you later!"

Mina nodded and walked quickly to her class. The day had been long for Mina and Serena. Mina was excited about what was about to take place and Serena was worried about anything going wrong. Finally the last bell rang and everyone was heading out. The girls decided they would all go together to the arcade to meet Raye.

"So Mina, what exactly should I tell Andrew?" Serena asked

"Hmm..." Mina thought.

"Huh? What are you two talking about?" Lita asked.

"Oh nothing much, just Mina wants to give Andrew a love letter but wants me to give the letter to him."

"What!" asked a surprised Lita.

"Well, I decided to take the matters into my own hands. I wrote him a letter letting him know how I feel."

"Thats great to see you're actually doing something about it." Ami commented.

"Yeah I agree. You go girl!" Lita cheered.

"I know" Mina winked.

"So?" Serena asked.

"So just tell him that there's a letter for him from a secret admirer."

"What! you didn't sign your name in the letter?"

"Now why would I want to take out the fun of him guessing? It makes it all the interesting."

"So your not technically telling him directly that you are the one that likes him. Just telling him you like him in secret?"

"Yep, sounds about right."

"Suddenly I'm not so sure about this Mina, I mean what if he thinks it's me that wrote him in that letter?" Serena asked unsurely.

"Nonsense, you're giving him the letter from the admirer, how is he going to think your his admirer?"

"Lets see, because admirers can lie and say the got it from someone else?"

"I don't think Andrew is going to really think the admirer has that much guts to give him a love letter and especially with no signs of nerves, do you?"

"Well…I don't know."

The four girls walked in the arcade and looked around to find their friend Raye in their usual red booth. Serena had decided she wanted to get this letter business over with already. Serena gently tells the girls she would meet them at the booth and starts walking towards the counter and sits on one of the stools and waits for Andrew. 'Okay, time to put the plan into action' she thought.

"Hey Meatball head, ready to stuff you're face again?" a deep voice from behind interrupted.

Serena's face turned into bright red of anger and turned around to go face to face with the gorgeous ocean blue eyed and raven haired young man who seems to be 20.

"What are you deaf? The name is Serena not meatball head and no I'm not going to stuff my face as you nicely put it. Besides it's none of your concern." Serena replied sticking her tounge out at him.

"Well someone has to teach you some manners."

"Oooh! You're one to talk! You need to learn how to be more mature because you pick on high school girls as if you were back in middle school!"

"Aww meatball, I don't pick on high school girls, just you."

"Your such a bully! Apparently you also need a memory to remember my name."

Darien just shrugged as if he didn't care and Serena kept getting angrier by the minute forgetting about the letter completely.

"My memory is fine."

"Are you sure about that? Because you can be in denial about that"

"Does my ear deceive me? You know what denial means. I'm shocked." Darien replied in fake gasp

"How DARE you to judge me and treat me that way. You don't even know me well enough to do so. Just because I don't make perfect grades like you, or am perky, and blonde doesn't mean I'm an airhead that's stupid!" Serena's eyes was beginning to water, but before Darien could reply she just stood up from her stool and walked to the booth and sat with her friends. Darien saw how the girls were trying to comfort her and glaring at him. He turned around to face the counter when he had just noticed a letter that was right where Serena sat a few minutes ago. Before he got a chance to see it a hand made a grab for the note. Darien turned to see a very curious Alan
reading the letter apparently Serena left on the counter. Darien never liked this guy personally.

"Don't you think that's invading a person's privacy?" he asked annoyed.

"Well it seems I already did it and besides it's not really invading when this love letter is for me."

"love letter?" Darien raised an eyebrow in doubt.

Alan looked at Darien with dislike, it couldn't hurt to fib. Besides, he needed to get rid of competition.

"Yes, Serena had just confessed her strong feelings for me in this letter."

"Are you sure about that? Because from what I could see it's not addressed to anyone in particular."

"Please, she left it for me to find and besides I plan on making her mine. Cause I know she belongs to me."

Now Darien really didn't like this guy. Darien frowned at this. 'Who did this arrogant man think he is?' he thought.

"Serena doesn't belong to anyone but to herself. She is not property!"

"I don't intend in making her to be property, just to be mine."

"What are your intentions?"

"That's none of your concern."

"Of course it is my concern! I don't trust you." Darien narrowed his eyes with fury and coldness towards this creep.

"What do you care? You're not any better, you actually hurt her with your cruel words."

"Perhaps, but their meant as a jest. It's not in any way a malicious intent as I assure yours are."

"So you think hurting an innocent girl feeling's is a jest? Even if it's not a malicious intent it still hurts. Anyway how do you know my intent is malicious? Perhaps

I plan on marrying her someday."

"For what for love or for something else?" He gritted his teeth in anger.

"I don't know what you mean by something else."

"I think you do."

"Well...perhaps for both."

"Don't you DARE lay a finger on her!"

"What are you going to do?"

"Many things if you don't back off."

"What for? So you can move in on her? I don't think so."

"What!" Darien's eyes widened in shock. Now that was something that threw him off.

"Don't tell me, you actually don't know your own feelings? is it possible you've denied it for so long. Although I don't see why you should with a beautiful young woman like that."

"I don't know what you're talking about." Darien replied turning his head to the side and crossed his arms across his chest.

"Ha! you can't even look at me and deny it! You know its true and besides I see how you look at her and it's more than just a friendly rivalry."

"At least I would actually love her which is more than I can say you'll ever do."

"So you do admit you have feelings for her?"

"That's none of your business!"

"Right, but I'm not going to back off."

Alan turned around and coolly walked away to the girls table, leaving a seething Darien behind.

"Hey buddy, what was that about?" Andrew asked in concern.


"What's this then?" He held up the letter in his hand.

"I think it's Serena's, I think she left it when she walked away from our usual bickerings."

"Oh no Darien, not again."

"That is why I said our usual"

Andrew just sweat dropped at his friend's response. He looked down to read the letter and his eyes widened in shock.

"Oh my gosh, it's a love letter!" he exclaimed.


"Did she write it to you?"

"Of course not! but I do wonder who it really is for?"

Somewhere in back of Darien's mind wished he could have answered a yes to Andrew's question. After hearing what his thoughts was saying, he shook his head.

"I do too."

"That Alan guy thinks she wrote to him, even though it wasn't addressed to anyone in specific."

Andrew noted the cold tone in his friend's voice and raised an eyebrow.

"What happened?"

So Darien began telling Andrew what happened with Alan. By the end of it Andrew was very angry and yet surprised. He was angry at this Alan guy. He better watch out because Serena meant a lot to him and was like his sister so he'll need to watch his back from him. In other words, Andrew was having the same thoughts on Alan as Darien, with the exception that Andrew's thoughts were more brotherly. Andrew was surprised at Darien though, who would have thought behind the bickerings he actually cared?

'Not that Darien was cold hearted or anything, it's just I never seen Darien react with such emotion. Dare I think of something else?' Andrew thought amuseingly.

Than he noticed Darien's cold stare and turned around to see Alan already by the girls table and looking down at only Serena with a very non appropriate stare. Andrew frowned as well.

"We can't allow this!" Andrew said angrily.

"No we can't and I won't" Darien stood up and headed toward the booth and Alan noticed.

"Hey girls! Meatball head!" Darien greeted with a charming smile towards Serena. This went noticed by Alan. After the greeting Darien went from charming smile to serious.

"Meatball head, can we talk? it's important."

The girls and Serena looked at each other and blinked.

"I'll let that meatball head slip for this time, if this is important."

Darien nodded. Serena was about to get out of the booth when Alan decided to sit down and block her way.

"Alan! please move, I need to go and talk to the jerk."

"Precisely because he's a jerk, I won't allow it."

Darien narrowed his eyes towards Alan. He was already losing his patience with this arrogant man.

"What do you mean you won't allow it?"

"I mean, that I won't allow him to hurt you."

Serena just rolled her eyes.

"Alan, just get up please."


"Alan, I'm a big girl and he's not going to do anything. I trust him! so move NOW!"

Darien was really losing his patience. Than his expression changed to a surprised one when he heard Serena sincerely say she trusted him. He couldn't describe how he felt but he can say he was touched by her sincerity and trust in him.

"The lady is asking for a request, I think you should obey it." Darien came into defense with a cold tone towards Alan.

Alan had no choice but to comply to her wishes.

"Fine, but I'll be here for anything." he replied bitterly.

Serena nodded and Darien rolled his eyes.

"Really Alan, it's nice that you're looking out for me, but you don't have to over do it either."

Alan nodded.

Darien looked at her and led her to the backroom.

"So what's this about?" Serena asked curiously.

"Listen, I know we don't have the best history, I know I've hurt your feelings and such so I know you will have many reasons to not believe me but I just hope you know that I would never intentionally hurt you, right?"

Serena looked lost, confused, and than surprised.

"I know" She nodded.

"So what I'm about to say is not a joke, I'm really serious. I don't trust Alan and I'm not telling you what to do and I won't. I just think you shouldn't either."


"Meatball head, I doubt his intentions towards you are good."

"What do you mean?"

Darien gulped. Now how was he going to explain this to her.

"I'm just saying he's not really interested in you. He's interested in your body instead."

All of the sudden Darien felt as if a bucket of ice was thrown to him. He was shocked. He placed his hand towards where the feeling of burn that was held in his left cheek.

"How DARE you? This is a really big low and even for you…you JERK!"

Darien frowned and was losing his patience and at this point began to get angry.

"Well excuse me for trying to warn you of a potential danger. But if you don't want to take a warning well than I guess you're going to have to see it for yourself! Don't come crying and saying no one warned you about it. For all I care you can do whatever you want!"

At this point Serena's eyes began to water and her expression clearly showed she was really hurt.

"I don't have to take this from you anymore. One thing is to pick on me for my habits and another thing is to go and say something like this as if I'm not likable enough to be wanted for me and make me feel worthless! I thought you were better than this!"

"Well if you weren't stupid enough to leave the letter at the counter I wouldn't be here involved in this mess!"

"What are you talking about?"

"That Alan guy found the letter you left at the counter and assumes you wrote it to him"


Darien just crossed his arms and looked to the side uncaringly.

"He thinks you belong to him."

"Excuse me?"

"He told me himself, when I confronted him about reading a private letter."

"Oh no! That letter wasn't written by me and it's for Andrew."

"What!" now it was Darien's turn to be in shock.

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing jerk, forget I ever said anything! It's none of you're business!"


"Frankly, I can't believe what you just said about Alan either"

"Can't say I'm surprised" Darien replied rolling his eyes.

"What's THAT suppose to mean?"

"That you're a foolish girl to believe in anything"

"And you're a fool to NOT believe in anyone or anything. You selfish, arrogant, and cold pig! Now if you excuse me I have friends waiting for me."

Serena turned around and walked away but not before hearing Darien saying something behind her back.

"Do whatever you want. I don't care."

Darien also walked away and went back to the counter. He threw money in the counter, picked up his jacket and left out of the arcade. Andrew just blinked at his friend's sudden urge to leave.

"Hey girls! I believe it's time to go for our study sessions" Serena announced.

The girls looked at each other in confusion and than nodded.

"Sorry Alan, I just got to go and study."

"I understand Serena." He stood up from the booth and picked up her right hand and placed a kiss behind it.

"We'll see each other tomorrow at school. See you than" Alan walked away and out of the arcade.

"Serena, what's going on! Since WHEN did you want to leave the arcade so soon?" Raye screeched.

"Let's just go okay!" Serena looked at the girls pleadingly.

The girls looked at each other worriedly and nodded. Each girl stood up from the booth and walked out of the arcade with a sad Serena. Which left a worried Andrew wondering what went wrong.

Okay guys that's just about it! That's all I have for this first chapter! I am totally revising this story. More will come out depending on your responses and to my new ideas. I hope you enjoyed it! Let me know.
