My Beloved Yami

Ryou started walking home from school. He couldn't be late...not this time. Bakura had come so close to almost murdering him in cold blood.

His thoughts were interrupted when a single drop on rain dropped square on his nose.

'Oh no! I still have to go get Bakura's cigarettes! If they're soaking wet, he'll kill me for sure!'

Ryou bolted up and dashed down the street like the devil was at his heels.

'Hn. It was past 3:30, where was that boy?!'

Bakura stood up from the couch and marched to the living room window. It was raining?! Ra, how he abhored the rain! And that hikari of his

must be caught up in it!

'He'll get a good beating when he gets home!'

Then the thought hit him full force. He had been hitting his hikari too much. Or...was it abuse? Bakura didn't really want to hurt his precious

angel, he just wanted to let him know that he was in charge. Every bruise that he placed on the smaller boy's body made him want to cry.

But he was strong, he would never cry...not in front of Ryou. Then another thought hit him, Ryou could've ran away! Bakura didn't blame him.

He would've ran away too, if someone gave him beatings everyday of his life. But he wondered, why didn't Ryou run away sooner? If he truely

did... ... didn't matter. Bakura was going out to find his hikari!

The cigarette shops were closed. Ryou let out the hysterics, ran to a nearby park and sobbed. He was terrified of going home. He couldn't

face Bakura empty-handed! That was suicide!

'That's it then.' Ryou told himself mentally. 'I'm not going back.'

Ryou curled up on the bench he occupied and fell asleep, regardless of the rain pouding down on his face.

- - - - - - - - - -

/Ryou! Ryou, answer me!/ 'No good. He closed off the mindlink.'

"Millenium Ring! Take me to Ryou's location!" Bakura diappeared from the livingroom and materalizied right next to his hikari. ...he was sleeping.

Bakura's eyes softened at his hikari's form. He looked so precious. He didn't want to wake him up. He quietly and gently slipped his arms underneath Ryou and picked him up. He was incredibly light! The rain began to let up a little and Bkura carried his angel home.

"Hmmm...mmm...whaa??..." Ryou began stirring in his sleep. His vision blurred, he noticed he wasn't in the park anymore.

"Did you sleep well, my angel?" A deep voice murmured in the doorway.

Ryou gasped. "N-no!"

/A.N. I will complete later, let me know how you like so far...and remember, feel free to say whatever you want./