A/N: This is really just a prologue, nothing vitally important happens in this chapter, but its good background information on Rogue's standing with certain X-Team members upon her departure. So read this and then go on to the next chapter and don't forget to review!

"I don't understand."

Rogue sighed and closed her eyes, trying to think of the best way to explain her position to the bewildered professor sitting in front of her.

"Ah just… Ah need ta clear mah head. Ah thought that after the whole Apocalypse thing that things would be different, but… Ah can't do it anymore Prof. Ah can't pretend lahke everything's okay when Ah know its not. Ah need ta figure out what Ah believe, who Ah really am. And that's something Ah have ta do alone."

The room filled with a heavy silence. Charles Xavier carefully pondered all that Rogue had told him. He knew that no matter what he said, Rogue would leave, nothing would change that, but her desire that he give her his blessing was quite evident.

Xavier's thoughts were racing a mile a minute. He should have seen it coming, should have sensed her distress. He understood why Rogue wanted to leave, but her decision could not have come at a worse time. With all of the anti-mutant uprisings and the recent defeat of Apocalypse, losing any team member, even if it were only temporary, would be… difficult to say the least. However, if Rogue's doubts were left unanswered, that too could be disastrous.

"Are you resigning your position on the team, then?"

"No," replied the goth, shaking her two-toned head. "Ah'd lahke ta think of it as an extended vacation."

"Very well then, where were you planning to head? Ireland can be quite nice this time of year and I have a friend who would be more than happy to…"

"No professor, Ah have ta do this on mah own." The defiant look in her emerald eyes did not leave the matter open for discussion.

"I see. Well, when do you plan to leave?"

Rogue shrugged. "Ah don't know. Ah guess tomorrow. The sooner the better, raght?"

"If that is what you wish."

"Thanks Prof, ya don't know what this means ta mah."

Rogue stood to leave. She was almost completely out of the room before Professor Xavier spoke again.

"And when do you think you will return?"

Rogue stopped, but didn't turn around. "When Ah have control."

With that, Rogue left the professor to his own thoughts.

"You're what?!"

"Ah'm leaving Kit."

"I like heard you Rogue. But why?"

Rogue began to gently rub her temples, feeling a headache coming on. "Because Ah have some things Ah gotta sort out, some issues Ah have ta solve."

"Are you like leaving for good?"

"No Kitty, Ah'll be back, eventually."

"Eventually?! You so can't leave us now, what will we like do without you?"

Rogue rolled her eyes and finished zipping up her last suitcase. "Ya'll manage Ah'm sure."

Sweeping her eyes over the now half-empty room one last time, Rogue made her way to the door, lugging all of her bags behind her.

"You're like really doing this, aren't you?"

Rogue turned around and offered Kitty an apologetic look. "Ah'm sorry Kit, really Ah am, but this is something Ah have ta do."

Kitty bit her bottom lip and began to play with the hem of her shirt, a nervous habit of hers. "Well, I guess if there's like nothing I can do to stop you… be safe, ok Rogue?"

"Ah promise."

"Kurt, please say something."

"Vhat's zere to say?"

Rogue winced at the look her blue brother was giving her. It wasn't so much the anger that was written across his face as it was the disappointment in his eyes. She hated having to let him down yet again.


"Just go Rogue. Vhy did you even bother coming to talk to me? Vhat do you vant me to say? Zat's its all fine? Vell, its not."

"Kurt, please, just listen ta me, will ya? Its not lahke Ah'm intentionally trying ta hurt ya, Ah just…"

"Save it ok? I don't need your excuses Rogue."

"Ah'm just trying ta make things raght, ta make things better. Ya gotta understand."

"Vell I don't. You're just being selfish, leaving ze X-Men at such a crucial time."

"What do ya want from mah Kurt? For Gawd's sake! Do ya want mah ta pretend lahke its all ok? Lahke nothing's wrong? Ah can't do that anymore Kurt. Ah'm tired of living an empty life."

"Empty?" Kurt repeated, his eyes narrowing. "If you're life here is so empty, leave Rogue. Zere is nobody stopping you."

And with a puff of smoke he was gone. Rogue tightly clenched her jaw and continued out of the mansion, hoping that she wouldn't encounter any more of its inhabitants. She knew it was cruel, but she hated goodbyes and the last thing she wanted to hear at that moment was one more person trying to talk her out of it. She was nearly halfway up the gravel driveway when she heard a noise behind her.


Turning around, Rogue faced the last person she wanted to see, Logan. "Yeah?"

He didn't say anything, just looked at her for a while. She gently set her bags down and crossed her arms over her chest. The silence dragged on for what seemed like hours, though it was only a few minutes, and it wasn't long before Rogue felt forced to break the unpleasant quiet, lest it suffocate her.

"Ah'm not running, Logan."

"I know."

"Ah just have ta get away for a while, Ah have ta figure some things out."

"I know."

"But Ah'll be back."

"I know."

"Are ya gonna say anything aside from 'Ah know'?"

"Where you heading?"

"Ah don't know, wherever the wind takes mah Ah guess."

"How you gonna get there?"

Rogue shrugged. "No clue. Ah'll figure something out eventually."

Logan sighed and shook his head. Moving forward, he grabbed Rogue's bags in his hands and began walking back down the driveway and towards the mansion. Without saying a word, Rogue followed him, curious as to what he was up to.

As they made their way into the garage, Logan set her bags down and threw up the garage door. Rogue's brow furrowed as she caught sight of the unfamiliar car parked in front of her. It wasn't nearly as nice as the other cars parked beside it, but it wasn't too shabby either.

"Here," Logan said, tossing Rogue the keys to the black 1999 Jeep Cherokee SE. "Its yours."

Rogue's eyes bulged out as she glanced toward the Wolverine, trying to tell whether or not he was serious.

"Ya're giving mah a car? After Ah just told ya Ah'm leaving? Why?"

Logan shrugged. "I bought it a while back and I've been working on it off and on ever since. I thought you'd need it eventually and I was right."

"Ya mean, ya knew that Ah…" Logan nodded. "But how?"

"We're a lot a like, you and me, kid. I would have done the same thing in your position. Besides, I'd rather have you driving alone than hitchhiking with some psycho mutant-hater."

"Logan, Ah don't know what ta say."

"Then don't say anything," he replied as he loaded her bags into the jeep.


The burly man turned towards the gothic Southerner. He caught the question in her eyes and sighed deeply, knowing that he couldn't give her the answer she was looking for.

"I just want you to be happy Stripes, no matter what that means."

Rogue nodded and closed her eyes tightly, trying to keep her emotions in check for just a bit longer. Salty tears threatened to flow from her eyes, but she couldn't let that happen. One slip and she knew her resolve would crumble.

Logan reached his hand out and cupped her face, causing her eyes to snap open in surprise. He smiled lightly at her and wiped away a renegade tear that trickled down her cheek. The two stayed like that for a minute, Logan's gloved hand lightly cupping Rogue's pale cheek, offering her what little comfort he could. Finally releasing her, Logan took a step back and stared at her confidently, giving her the one thing she need the most, reassurance.

"Everything's gonna be all right, Stripes."

"Ah know," she replied. And before she could change her mind, Rogue reached out and quickly embraced the man standing in front of her.

"Thanks for everything Logan."

Climbing into her jeep, Rogue started up the car and rolled down the window, glancing one last time at Logan.

"You'll be fine darlin', just follow your instincts. They'll take you where you need to go."

"Ah don't know when, but Ah will see ya again Logan, Ah promise."

"Ah know Stripes, Ah know."

Logan backed up, allowing Rogue to drive the Jeep out of the garage, up the driveway, and out of sight. Both were fully aware of just how much this quest would change the southern goth, though be it for better or worse was yet to be foreseen.

A/N: Hope you like it so far. Please read and review because it does help and, anyone who's a writer, knows how good it feels to know you are appreciated.