It's almost Christmas time, and all I feel is depression. I sit in front of the fire, letting its warmth wash over me, and holding back my pain, keeping it in check, like I've been trying to do my whole life.

I don't remember when it started. It was probably when I was about sixteen. I started having violent mood swings. I know my friends, and their families were worried about me. That wasn't enough. I wanted a family of my own to worry about me.

Some people would say I had a family. If you knew who they were talking about, you would know how wrong they were. There was one man who was the closest thing to a father I'd ever had. Then, suddenly, he was gone.

It was hard for me to accept his death on top of my parents' death. I felt like I wouldn't, and couldn't be happy again. It was the worst feeling in the world.

That's when I vowed that I would get back the beast responsible for all of this. I couldn't let him get away with murdering my parents and then murdering their best friend and the only man who was ever like a father to me. That I can remember anyway.

Some people may have complained about life not being fair and not doing anything about it. I was never the type to sit still though. I always had to be doing something.

I suppose that's why I was on the Quidditch team. I was fast, and had great reflexes. People would say I was just like my father. That was nice, but it cut me deeper than anyone even knew.

Some people even told me that they knew my parents would be proud of me. That hurt even more. It was hard for me to deal with all this pain. People seemed upset when I would lose my temper, but no one connected it with everything I had gone through.

People used to tell me how strong I was, and that was the worst. No one could see the pain I was hiding. In a way, I was glad for it. I also used to wish that someone would see.

I eventually became a hermit, and live alone now. I couldn't deal with everyone. Everyone knows my face. I got rid of the most infamous villain in the wizarding world or any other, but I was famous before that.

If only people could know what happened to the famous Harry Potter, I think they would be more careful about what they do. Who they hurt. Who they love. No one wants to end up like me.

A/N: Just a short little…thing. I just got inspiration and followed it through. I don't care if no one understands it. This is partly for one of my friends, who bugged me once about my obsession with Draco and Hermione. I LOVE YOU MORE THAN DRACO, KAY!!! Anyway, this is from Harry's POV, in case you guys didn't pick that up. I wasn't trying to make it obvious, which is why I didn't name names. So…review, if you want. You're not required to, of course. This is only a one-shot, by the way. So don't expect there to be anymore of it. Anyway, thanks guys. Your support is awesome!!