Pocky: WOW! I never expected seven reviews, already! I want to thank all of you for the encouragement.

EXAMS! Did I scare you? Horrible packets, they are! 342 questions… on my science review alone! I won't be able to update as much… Sorry, readers. But, during winter break… Muwahahaha!

Oh… And I also really got into Fruits Basket. Such a cute manga! …Tohru and Kyo forever!

Oh, btw, tuathafaerie, I'm glad you like the doctors name. Maybe it was intended, maybe not…

-shifty glance-

Fred: It means she had no idea and wishes to have the knowledge of anime you have.


Soft streams of sun light danced upon the dusty wooden floors of the church. The small rays had passed through the elegant stained glass window, much to the annoyance of the night creature lingering at the church. He was to wait, only because he had went ahead of his friend. The vampire didn't have the patience to sit in the car, with the woman, who was sleeping wrapped in that same cloth provided at the morgue.

Now, you're wondering; how come our dear friend Hiei hasn't melted yet?

Obviously, it's still early in the morning, 10:26 to be exact. Hiei hasn't melted, nor evaporated into a pile of dust, nor given a howl of pain and died on the spot. You see humans tend to make their own assumptions on how to defeat their nightmares, such as werewolves, zombies, and vampires based on experiences. It's all-stereotypical and a bit annoying to the creatures, well, not the zombies, who don't really care. Why humans believe that light will kill vampires is a mystery to them, but hell, it's sure is funny watching a human scramble looking for a flashlight after seeing their fangs. But, anyway, back to Hiei. (Bear with me. I really hate this so far, I would consider re-writing it, but I don't have the time and you guys want updates…Sheesh!)

His black boots paced in firm lines on the wooden panels of the establishment, creating creaky noises to erupt from the floor and resound to the arched beams supporting the roof of the holy place. He ran a tan hand through his hair, anxiety filling his already hangover state of mind, caused by loss of sleep. This vampire was not meant for waiting, even for that woman. Well, she was a bit of an exception, with that thing inside of her. But, Hiei could already tell he would have rocky times with this girl, even if she hadn't spoken a word to him yet.

(With Kurama)

Sneaking out of the morgue had not been an easy task. Not at all. Especially after Hiei had so kindly deserted him with the last words of, "Hurry up". Such a generous vampire Hiei was. Kurama expected this though, he had known Hiei since he was twenty, and now he just had turned twenty-five. Their friendship was filled with incidents such as this. But, Kurama figured Hiei left because of the girl. Botan, or so the paper said.

Hiei was rough, a man that only wanted to get things done fast and in his own way. A no-nonsense man. Women certainly weren't on his agenda, for he found them to be annoying, helpless, useless and far too complicated for his taste. (Anyone every heard of Tasuki? Amon?) However, the vampire wasn't needed to escape with the woman. The priest would use his crafty logic and physical skills to leave the horrid place.

Red hair swayed against his shoulder as the clever holy man lifted the limp Botan off the steel table and slowly turned towards the fire exit. A mumble caused him to pause; emerald orbs fearfully glancing around only to calm down again when the lump of the man on the floor didn't stir. One again, he caustically made his way across the man and pried open the bleak painted door. With all the adrenaline, the poor man forgot about the alarm that sounded after the door opened.

"There's a fire with the bodies!"

"Damnit, someone get in there!"

A sigh came forth from the man before a whisper made it's way in the air, "Forgive me…" Then, Kurama's legs took full action as he sprinted away from the morgue, clutching Botan in his steady arms. His eyes squinted to glare into the parking lot and look for his blue car. (Thought it would be red?) Still gripping Botan, he nearly performed a 007 move to maneuver into the car and slam the keys into the ignition. The priest took a deep breath before gently setting the barely clothed woman onto the passenger seat.

'I wonder… How she'll take it…' The solemn thought wormed it's way in his mind. Mentally sighing, Kurama decided that Hiei's straight forward-ness would clear everything up for the confused girl.

(With Yusuke)

Any minute now… Any minute now… Yeah, any minute now Botan would burst through the door, as happy as ever, and ran up to her boss to give him a hug and repeatedly apologize for being late. Or, that's what the raven-haired man would think. To him, she wasn't dead. He had known Botan for years! She wasn't this weak! Nothing like this could kill her… How could a stupid car accident take her away from him and Keiko? How?

The office stuck a still silence when the call was received; papers ceased to rustles, coughs and sneezes were abrupt, and the other phones continued to ring. Yusuke ignored the soft voice on the other line, his full attention became focused on the thumping of his heart. A choke became caught in his throat while co-workers stared in shock. "Mr. Yusuke… I'm sorry…" The voice feel upon death ears.

Slowly, he placed the phone down on the receiver and slumped his way over to the exit of the office. Brushes of dark hair fell over his face as Yusuke turned to the secretary, who wore a teary mask. "Juri… I'm gonna take a walk… Please inform my wife…" The tan girl nodded and gulped before reaching down to dial her boss's home phone number. She could already imagine how the conversation would go with Keiko.

Now, here he was, taking a grieving walk in the tree-cluttered path located near the office. Fist slammed in his suit pockets, frown plastered on his face and small sniffles sounded out from him. The rain clouds had moved from the sky, leaving an indigo gloss sky. The sidewalks and roads remained moist; littered with a few raindrops here and there. The man paid no heed to the gloomy weather and let his head remained bowed to glare holes in the ground he walked on.

A sinister shadow clung to a branch while watching the distressed Yusuke; it snickered, and formed a small strategy in its mind before swooping closer to the man. Alarmed chocolate eyes quickly glanced up to face the maroon eyes of the blur, which crackled with an evil aura. "A sad spirit is easier to control…" The shadow's voice was annoyingly high and cracked, which turned Yusuke's expression from depression to literally pissed-off. He lifted up a fist to strike the creature, the thought of survival on his mind.

He knew what these things were. Not exactly, but Yusuke knew what they did to people. After nights of extensive research with the 'deceased' Botan, both reporter and boss came to revelations that the police wouldn't reveal. Basically, these things attacked you, killed you or sucked your blood dry, causing the speculations of vampire to arise. No one knew where the creatures emerged from, what they wanted, or who sent them. However, the attacks were minimal, and easy to avoid as long as you stayed inside.

Soon after the punch was thrown, the shadow dodged it and let out a sneering laugh. "You're just as weak as the girl!" It cried, causing Yusuke's eyes to widen while another punch was swung. Was this the thing that killed his best friend? This!?

'I won't stand for it… I'll avenge her…' Fire blazed in the man's while the shadow held a goofy smirk.

"You think this is funny?"

The shadow stayed levitated in the air for a moment, pausing to answer. "You humans think you're so strong spirited. It always ends up the same… You lose…"

Nothing moved in the secluded area for the moment. For the moment Yusuke was deemed to be possessed. The trees didn't sway with the cool breeze; the birds and other such creatures remained silent while his once sad eyes gained a mischievous glint. His memories of the loving wife worrying about him at home were gone, along with those about his supposedly dead friend. Feelings and emotions left Yusuke that day the shadow took over.

Smirking, the now marooned eyed man stride down the street humming, "….I know that most of all I sense compassion's wield into strangers wherever I go... thank you for waking me up! Heh heh…"

(With Hiei)

Frustrated, that was the state the vampire held in his mind. If there was one thing he absolutely hated, besides women, it was waiting. Even worse, was that he was in a church for crying out loud! Like cats, churches seemed to give him a small tingly feeling. An annoying tingle snagging at the smallest corner of his mind. To his species, it wasn't a bad situation to be placed it. The man had some bad experiences in churches.

"Kurama, damnit, where are you?" His ragged yell gained no response from the empty church. Nothing creaked, nothing cracked. Sighing, for the umpteenth time, he ran a hand through his gravity defying hair, loose strands fell helplessly down to the wooden ground. (Bad habit…) The silvery strings stood out when placed on the dusty ground of the church, obviously the bright sun was to be blamed. Muttering, Hiei pulled his cloak further over his head, cursing the sun and a certain priest.

Maybe by karma, or perhaps Hiei had just been granted a wish, whichever the cause, the next thing Hiei heard was the church door opening to reveal a weary Kurama and white bundle caught in his arms. The vampire rolled his eyes, only to squint them later due to the sun, and stalk his way over to the doors, firmly shutting them. "How did it go?" He asked, his crimson eyes completely avoiding the woman sleeping in his friend's arms.

"Good. Just started a fire alarm and panicked a slew of morgue workers… But, other than that, she seems to be fine. Just sleeping."

"Hn." That was Hiei's satisfied answer. Whenever the night creature asked a question and heard a respectable or pleasing answer, the "hn" was his trademark.

Kurama nodded slightly, and walked over to the rows of benches placed on the church. He figured that the poor girl needed to rest, especially after being brought back to life. Also, they couldn't explain all this too her when she was still tired, when there was the chance that she wouldn't believe them or just scream her head off. Either way, it might end up with Hiei scaring her off…

Hiei's eyes became directed towards the blue haired woman when Kurama set her down on the old bench, disapproval sparked in his red eyes. The priest kneeled over next to Botan, and in a generous manner, he swept the hair away from her eyes and softly sigh. "Hiei, why do you distrust women?"

The answer didn't come for a few moments. The vampire sat there, taking all the responses he could gather in his mind, while at the same time thinking of a way to sarcastically deliver them. Finally, one met his standards. With a knowing smirk, he established eye contact with the other man, ignoring the woman's soft breathing.

"Kurama. How could you trust something that bleeds for a week and doesn't die?"


Pocky: Alright… Who's gonna kill me for that comment?! I've heard it before and thought it would be funny for Hiei to say it..