Summery: Ingrid and Fillmore have been going out for quite some time, things seem perfect till Ingrid meet her fathers new girlfriend who starts becoming abusive to Ingrid, Ingrid falls into a depression and pulls away from Fillmore, will he be able to save her and get her to stand against the abuse.

A/N: This story takes place when they are in high school, they been dating several years now and are a very happy couple. Just thought you'd like to know.

Prick me and I Bleed

Act 1: Promise Ring

Ingrid and Fillmore were walking home after school, it was early autumn and the leaves were turning bright colors of orange, yellow and red. They entered into the park which was their usual shortcut home. They walk alone the stone path and come to the wishing well that they pass everyday. Fillmore stops in front of it and gazes into the water.

"What ya stop for?" asked Ingrid

His hand went into his pocket and he pulled out two coins.

He smiled turning to her and handed her a penny.

"Make a wish," he said

She laughed closing her eyes and tossed the penny behind her back and into the fountain.

It landed with a soft clunk and another one was followed after.

Fillmore turned to her. "What did you wish for?" he asked

She smiled "If I tell you then it won't come true."

He laughed "You want to know what I wish for?"

"Sure," she said sitting down on the fountain's edge.

She smiled sitting down next to her and pulled a small box out of his pocket he opened the box and inside as a ring with a silver band and a sapphire stone in the center (the stone is her birth stone and its made up because I don't know when she was born).

"I wished that you and I would be together forever."

Ingrid gasped

Ingrid this is my promise to you that no matter what I will always be there for you and we will always be together it our special promise ring."

She smiled "I know where always going to be together, because I love you."

He smiled "I love you too."

Fillmore leaned in and kissed Ingrid, they stayed like that for some time until she pulled away.

"Well," she asked "Are you going to give that too me?"

He laughed "Oops here," she took the ring box and pulled out the ring and he placed it on her left hand.

She smiled again giving him another kiss and they walked hand and hand to Ingrid's house.

Alright everyone this is the end of chapter 1, I hope you liked it, Please review and I'll update ASAP!