God Bless Us Everyone (We're Gonna Need It!)

Later that Christmas afternoon the holiday festivities were still in full swing despite the fact that practically no one got any sleep the night before. Rogue was sitting by the kitchen window having some coffee when Scott and Jean walked in. "Well we sent The Blind Master's date back," Scott told her.

"I altered her memory to make her think she came by car," Jean explained. "Not exactly a difficult task. So what's going on outside?"

"They're having a fruitcake flinging contest," Rogue pointed.

"A what?" Scott looked outside.

"You heard me," Rogue told him. "They're using everything from golf clubs to catapults. Forge is the most creative. He made some kind of bazooka." She pointed outside.


"Whoa!" Scott gasped. "Look how far that thing went! Right out over the ocean!"

"Well that's not such a bad thing considering it was on fire," Jean said. "So why aren't you out there?"

"WHOO HAHAHAHA!" They heard the Misfits laughing.

"That's why," Rogue rolled her eyes.

"Still laughing about Mystique huh?" Scott asked her.

"Oh yeah," Rogue moaned. "To be fair I can't really blame them. She treated them like dirt, so it's only natural that they enjoy seeing what kind of mud hole she's gotten herself into."

"Come on," Jean took her arm. "There's some kind of Christmas parade on TV. It might take your mind off things."

"I doubt it," Rogue moaned as she was led into the living room. Many X-Men were in there along with Roadblock and Jinx. "So what kind of parade is this?"

"One of those big Hollywood ones," Jubilee said. "Hey there's Congressman Shore!"

"I can't believe that Shore actually kept his office," Kitty shook her head.

"Well there were a variety of factors that ensured his reelection," Hank said. "His position on health care, his voting record, his backing of higher pension plans for police officers…"

"The fact that half the people in his district were affected in some way by Stryker Sunday," Roadblock added.

Rogue said cynically. "And his main opponent ended up in jail on a hit and run as well as drug charges the day before the election!"

"Yes well," Hank sighed. "That didn't hurt either."

"Would you believe the drunk still ended up getting 44 percent of the vote?" Rogue asked.

"Yeah I do," Logan grunted. "Thank God I'm Canadian!"

"Come on now," Xavier said. "A mutant congressman is a good thing. At least we now have a voice in government."

"For how long?" Scott sighed.

"Let's not worry about that now," Jean hugged him. "Today let's just think about how lucky we are to be together with the people we love."

"PARTY TIME!" Shipwreck ran by wearing a bed sheet toga over his clothes. "TOGA! TOGA!"

"Not to mention the Misfits…" Jean sighed.

Ororo staggered in looking very hung over. "Could somebody please point me in the direction of that lunatic Shipwreck so I can kill him?" She hissed. "Very slowly and painfully!"

"Hey 'Ro," Logan grinned. "Glad to see you're finally up."

"I don't exactly remember everything that happened last night," Ororo sat down rather ungracefully. "But I do know that Shipwreck is responsible for me being in pain."

"Well not completely," Remy said. "You were the one who let yourself get plastered."

"Note to self, kill Remy after Shipwreck," Ororo glared at him. "What are you doing, Professor?"

"Oh just reading some Christmas cards," Xavier sighed.

"Any of them not say Drop Dead?" Kitty asked.

"Some of them," Xavier said. "This is a nice one from the NRA. It seems with all the publicity we've generated gun sales are up 120 percent and fewer people are talking about gun registration."

"Oh look another autographed picture of Charlton Heston," Jean sighed. "Any others?"

Xavier looked. "Well we have some nice cards from the local Construction Company thanking us for all the business. Same for the package store crediting us for all the alcohol sales. A card from X-Factor…"

"Oh they've finally settled on that name huh," Logan said.

"Anything from…" Hank began.

"Nothing from Alison, Hank," Xavier sighed. "Oh here's a nice card from…"

"From who?" Ororo asked.

Xavier looked at Ororo. "Uh, never mind. Nobody important."

"Let me see that," Ororo took it. "DRACULA? HE SENT A CHRISTMAS CARD?"

"Oh boy…" Scott winced.

"THAT LOUSY NO GOOD…#!!!" Ororo jumped up and swore.

"Woah, that's not very Christmasy," Jubilee blinked.

"What is going on?" Peter walked to them yawning. "I got in late and slept in for a while. And I awoke to Avalanche pelting fruitcake at my window."

"Oh just the usual holiday cheer around here," Scott sighed.

"Hey wait a minute," Kitty said. "We didn't see you in Atlantic City."

"Atlantic City? Why would I be in Atlantic City?" Peter was puzzled.

"Cause we were all there tracking down…" Kurt began.

"Never mind Kurt," Ororo interrupted him. "It's not that important!"

"Tell that to Donald Trump," Scott remarked. "But how did you not know what was going on Pete?"

"Yeah where were you?" Remy asked.

"Uh, I don't have to answer that do I?" Peter gulped.

"Colossus…What exactly did you do?" Xavier looked at him.

"Let us just say that some of our enemies have another reason to hate us," Peter sighed. "And my sister and the demons had a very good time doing it."

"I don't think I want to know exactly what happened but I'm surprised at you Peter," Xavier frowned. "I thought you knew better than that."

"My sister is a 15 year old mutant Sorceress Queen of Limbo with more power than ten demon lords and the Olsen twins combined," Peter looked at him. "You tell her no!"

"You…have a point," Xavier grimaced.

"So who exactly did you guys 'visit'?" Scott folded his arms.

"Senator Kelly," Peter told him. "Mayor Chandler, Duncan, the FOH…"

"Oh boy…" Hank winced.

"The Purists, Stryker and Creed…" Peter continued.

"Oh dear," Hank winced again.

"Ms. March…We got her fired from her job."

"Again?" Scott asked. "What did you…? No I don't want to know! Anyone else?"

"Magneto and Emma Frost," Peter said. "Then the demons wanted to go caroling around Bayville some more but by then I decided to call it a night and…Well you get the picture."

"Well you were busy," Hank said.

"Yeah well we kind of took care of Cobra," Scott admitted. "And Donald Trump. Looks like that's pretty much everybody!"

" $! !" Doop whistled as he floated in wearing a Santa hat.

"No here comes everybody!" Logan groaned as a host of familiar figures entered the mansion.

"Ho! Ho! Ho!" Benny Barumpbump walked in with a Santa hat on.

"Oh no, no, no…" Dr. Strange sighed.

"Why do we have to come here today?" Mr. Sefton snapped.

"Because your mother is an uptight lunatic!" Margali snapped.

"This from a witch?" Mr. Sefton asked.

"Sorceress Dad!" Amanda snapped. "Now you both promised to behave today so shut it! Don't make me call the marriage counselor again! You know I'll do it! I have his number on speed dial!"

"And to think I gave up paperwork for this," Nick Fury moaned.

"Christmas has definitely changed since I was a kid," Captain America sighed.

"Never fear the Joes are here!" Hawk called out with several other Joes.

"All right!" Todd called out as he, the other Misfits and everyone else from out back came inside. "Now this is what I call a party!"

"Not quite," Scarlet wheeled in another guest in a strange wheelchair. "We've got one more guest for the holidays."

"Foresight?" Jean blinked. It was indeed Larry. He was in a special chair with a mechanical helmet on his head.

"Larry!" Angelica cheered. "You're back!" She gave him a hug.

"Yes this chair enables me some movement," Larry said. "And helps shield thoughts from me. I'd like to return to the Misfits, if that is acceptable."

"Are you kidding? We'll take anybody," Todd said. Althea elbowed him. "Ow! What? I meant it as a good thing!"

Jubilee got up. "Larry…Merry Christmas."

"You forgive me?" Larry asked.

"Your dad brainwashed you," Jubilee said. "Besides the other Misfits have done a lot worse to us!"

"Uh, guys where are your fire extinguishers?" Pietro zipped in. "Never mind! Come on Toad I have a job that's perfect for your slime!" He grabbed him and ran back out.

"I rest my case," Jubilee moaned.

WHOOSH! Everyone ducked at Captain America's shield zoomed over their heads.

"You just had to try that trick inside the mansion didn't you Rodgers?" Fury shouted. "DOOP DON'T EAT THAT!"


"The Christmas tree fell down again," Alex said. "Right on top of Mr. Sefton."

"VROOM! VROOM!" Barney and Claudius zoomed by on toy fire engines.


"Spyder get off the ceiling!" Jean snapped. "And you babies stop trying to run over the cat!"


"Wavedancer! Your stupid alcoholic parrot is out of control again!" Scott snapped.

"Yeah well your dragon is outside setting some of the decorations on fire!" Althea pointed out the window.

"Oh yes…" Xavier sighed. "So he is…"

"I can't wait until the Holidays are over," Logan sighed. "Then we can finally relax!"

Happy Holidays Everyone!