All I Never Wanted

Part 1

Andy Campbell shuffled out of her office to the admit desk were Lana and Lu were. It was only eleven in the morning, and she felt like she had been there all day. Peter walked past the desk stuffing his face with food.

"Ugh," she moaned, placing her hand on her stomach as a queasy feeling hit her. Lu looked up at her out of the corner of her eye.

"You alright, Andy?" Lu asked, placing her hand on her shoulder.

"Yeah, I think I just have a bug or something," she replied, writing something in a chart. When she got the same feeling again, she looked back to see Peter standing behind her. "That's it. Riggs, what are you eating?"

"Fried chicken," he said, taking another big bite.

"Oh," she said, turning back to the paperwork. Just then, a light bulb went off in her head, and she turned back to him. "Did you say fried chicken?"
"Yeah. Why?" Peter asked.

"Oh my god," Andy whispered, throwing down her pen and heading back to her office. Lana, Peter and Lu all looked at each other. Lu put down the chart she was holding and walked to Andy's office. She found her looking at her calendar with a pale look on her face.

"Andy?" Lu asked. Andy looked like she had just seen a ghost.

"Lu, would you close the door, please?" she asked in a quiet tone.

Closing the door, Lu replied, "Okay, now I know something is up. You never call me Lu except in front of your kids."

"Lu, I think I'm pregnant." Andy voice cracked as she made her admission.

"What?" But how….."

"Les," Andy answered, cutting Lu off. She sighed a huge sigh and plopped down in her chair.

"When?" Lu asked, sitting down in the chair facing Andy's desk.

"Remember when he flew here with the girls?" Lu nodded and Andy continued. "Well, it's a long story, but we were wrapping gifts together and he told me he's been in therapy and gone to anger management meetings, and then I asked him to stay fro Christmas, and one thing led to another…….." Andy trailed off, not wanting to go into any more detail.

"Well what makes you think you're pregnant?"

"I haven't been myself. I've been extra tired. I'm three weeks late." Andy paused and then chuckled. "But what really set me off was the fried chicken." Lu gave her a quizzical look. "With Jessie and Lizzy both, even the smell of fried chicken made me queasy." They shared a laugh, which seemed to Calm Andy. But her smile vanished when she remembered the situation she was in.

Seeing this, Lu suggested, "Let me check you out, Andy. Let's be sure before you worry." Andy looked at her partner with the faintest hint of tears in her eyes, and after a few seconds, nodded.

A few hours later, Andy was still waiting for the results of the test. She had tried to busy herself with her patients, but her nerves coupled with the way she felt physically were not making it easy. As she led one of her patients out of her office, she was met by Lu.

"Did you get the results?" Andy asked Lu.

"Yeah," she answered, walking into the office. Following Lu and closing the door, Andy turned to her.

"Alright, Delgado, let me have it." Andy crossed her arms, trying to act tough.

"You're pregnant, Andy," Lu said, quietly. Andy looked up to the ceiling to hide the tears forming in her eyes.

"Great. Now what? I mean, I love kids, Lu. You know I do. But Les and I are divorced. What kind of life will that be for a baby?" Andy covered her face with her hands as she fought back the tears.

"Andy……" whispered Lu as she tried to hug her. Andy resisted and fought off her comfort at first, ever the brave soldier. But after a few seconds, she gave in to her friend and hugged back, crying on her shoulder.