Stranded Memories

Rating: PG-13 for language

Disclaimer: I own crap. They wouldn't even give me the bloody Lost poster at Disney, and that ruined my day. FOX owns all OC characters and OC related thingys… and ABC owns sobs all Lost related things… even my Charlie…

Summary: Little things can push people over the edge. That very thing happens to Seth Cohen, and he runs away (knowing that it worked before), but something happens sending him into a crashing situation. Lost/OC Crossover.

A/n: This is a story co-written by myself and my bestest friend ever Ali (orange-tide). She is going to write most of the stuff happening in Newport and I am going to write the stuff on the island. But I will write some of the Newport stuff too. Hopefully this one will get off the ground.

Ali: Sorry I was reading a song. What? Oh… If Kim ever decides to write in this story…

Kim: Hey! I said I was sorry!

Ali: You never did! I kept asking for those stories and you never bring them! You are such a liar!

Kim: Geeze. It isn't my fault that I became a Lost freak and have major writing block and have issues finishing any story I start. looks at people in disbelief that they are still reading this pointless author's note Why don't you skip this and read… good!


"Eenie Meenie Miney MO!"


Zack and Summer broke up! Finally! I couldn't stand watching them kiss and be all cute. Give me a break! Ducky is gone. Ducky? God, who nicknames someone Ducky? Lame! Oh crap. Summer did that. She's not lame. But the idea of Ducky sure is.

Now Summer and I can be together! She walked into the Bait Shop earlier and she was crying. Quite cute actually, but that didn't matter. Summer really needed someone then. She said she let herself get too attached. They broke up over something stupid. Me. I just dissed myself. CRAP! She said that Zack thought that she was cheating on him with Me, and he found a new girl in Cabo.

So anyways, she came over today and I comforted her, and she kissed me on the cheek. It's a start. We're so getting back together. Except the one problem: Alex. We're still together. So again, I had two girls. Damn it. I always screw it up.

I tried to get myself refocused on the homework I was trying to do. What the hell? I knew this stuff, but I couldn't get my head around it. It was Physics, not that hard. Maybe Ryan would help me. I needed some serious help. So I got up and left the kitchen. I wondered if Ryan was still with Lindsay. I hadn't seen them together for quite a while.

The shades were drawn in the pool house. Maybe Ryan was with Lindsay. Oh well. I was going to break up the make-out session no matter what.

"Hey man, I need some help. Can you…" I stopped dead in my tracks. Ryan was making out with someone. And it wasn't Lindsay. "Summer?" I whispered in disbelief. No way. This was not fucking happening. "Ryan?" Both of them looked guilty.

"Seth! What are you doing here?" Summer asked.

"What are you doing here?" I screamed, pissed at both of them

"Uh…" she obviously didn't know how to answer. Go figure.

"You kissed me!" I said angrily. I couldn't believe that this was happening. Summer… and Ryan? What the hell?

"What?!" Ryan looked at Summer, who looked more guilty than ever.

"Just on the cheek!" She told Ryan, "Seth, I'm sorry. We weren't together. And… and… I don't know if we can be," Summer said to me.

"I can't believe this! You… and you? How the hell!?" I was so pissed off at Ryan. How the hell could he do this to me?

"Seth, calm down. It's okay," Ryan said, getting up and walking over towards me.

"Get the fuck away from me!" I yelled, pushing Ryan away. He tried to come near me again. Acting on instinct, I punched him as hard as I could. Summer shrieked. Who the hell cared? All those rumors about her being a slut or a whore, I never believed them. Now I did.

My punch knocked Ryan off his feet. Wow, I didn't know I could actually do that. Ryan got up, and I was ready. Ready to kill that son of a bitch. How dare he fucking date Summer! And not tell me, the nerve!

"Seth…" Ryan started, but I wouldn't let him. I punched him again.

"Seth!" Summer screamed at me. "Stop Seth! He's not to blame!" Summer then proceeded to get off the bed and walk towards me.

"Get away!" I pushed her hard, harder than I should have. She fell to the ground, almost hitting her head.

"Don't push her!" Ryan started towards me. And this time, he didn't wait for me, he punched. Damn, he hit hard. I mean, holy shit!

"Stop it you guys!" Summer was crying. I didn't care. I went at Ryan again. I was going to kill him, and if I couldn't kill him, I was going to hurt him so he wished he was dead. I really was, nothing could stop me. But someone did. From behind me, I was grabbed and yanked off of Ryan.

"Seth… stop…" My dad. Shit. I stopped trying to get Ryan. Everyone had quieted down. I turned around to see my dad, looking more pissed than I had ever seen him before… ever.

"What the hell is going on here?" Sandy shouted at us.

"I'm leaving." I didn't want to be here and I headed to get out. This was too much for me to handle. I walked out, not even saying goodbye. Why the hell should I? None of them deserved a goodbye.

"Seth, come back!" dad called to me, but I ignored him. I was leaving. Flying the coop. I heard everyone call to me, but why should I go back? They didn't appreciate me.

I took the keys off of the kitchen counter. My mom was about to come in, and I slammed the door.

I tried to remain casual as I walked to the car so she wouldn't think that anything was wrong, but I couldn't hide the anger on my face.

"Seth, what's wrong?" she asked, being concerned as she always was.

"Nothing," I lied horribly, getting into the driver's side of the car and putting the key in the ignition. I turned it and the engine turned over. If she said something, I didn't hear her because I stepped on the gas.

I drove away from the house. Maybe I wouldn't come back for a while. I could stay with Alex. I'm sure she wouldn't mind.

Ten minutes later, I walked into the Bait Shop. It was empty. Nice. I needed peace and quiet. To think. To plan how to make Ryan's life a living hell.

No one was in the front. Therefore, Alex had to be in the back. That was fine with me. She'd make it all better. And to think that a half an hour ago I wanted to break up with her. Why should I? I can't believe that I ever even wanted to date 'Summer-the-Slut.'

So I went into the store room, and guess who I find? Yes, Alex. But Miss Alex wasn't alone. She was with… Marissa? Rather, she was making out with Marissa.

"Alex?" I asked, not believing that his was happening. I really had the Cohen knack for coming in at the perfectly wrong time.

"Seth?" She stared at me, as did Marissa. What the hell was going on in this world? It was as if the whole fucking world turned around and wanted to torture me. "What are you doing here?" She hadn't expected me. Of course she didn't. No one expects me any more.

"Umm… coming to see my girlfriend!?!" I shouted at her, and she was surprised. I never yelled at her, or even around her before.

"Oh," Alex looked down.

"How could you?" I asked, really wanting an answer. I would've hit Marissa, but I didn't feel like hitting a girl, and I had already pushed Summer, that was bad enough. Plus, there was the simple fact that my fist hurt like hell.

"I'm sorry," Alex apologized. That was complete and utter bull shit!

"No you're not. I'll see you around sometime." I said angrily, turning to leave the Bait Shop, but I stopped to glare at the two, but I had a comment to direct at Marissa. "And I thought you wouldn't join the incestrial shit that's been going on." Without another word, I left. Both girls cheated on me. Well, one did and one sorta did. God, life was fucked up. What did I do to deserve this? What shift in the cosmos made this happen? I guess now I had to go home. Wonderful. Just where I wanted to be.

Slowly, I drove back home, ready to collapse in bed and hate life. I quietly opened the door and walked in. I heard my parents bickering. Something was putting them on the edge lately too.

"I can't believe you are still going to defend him! After what he's done!" My mom screamed. Who did what? Me?

"I have to! Yes, he did something wrong. But you told me to go looking around for stuff, so I did. You have to deal with this honey. He betrayed you, and you have a sister," dad said. I didn't betray mom. So it wasn't me. That was a relief.

"You still shouldn't keep going for this. I'm your wife. It's betraying!" Mom complained. Wait, what?

"You told me to do this! I'm in it now, I can't get out!" This conversation was getting way too deep.

"So what are you saying?" I was practically frozen, barely even breathing, just listening to them.

"I can't be your husband…" NO! This wasn't happening. This couldn't be happening. Talk about shit just getting worse and worse.

"You want a divorce?"

"Maybe…" I stopped listening. Oh God, this can't fucking be happening. I have to get out. Really out. I had to leave this stupid place. It was like hell on Earth.

I shoved some stuff in my bag. I couldn't take it anymore, this place WAS hell on Earth, and I just need to get away, just for a little bit. With a quick check on the internet, I discovered that Oceanic had the cheapest and most often flights. I didn't know where to go. Orlando, Tokyo, Sydney, Bermuda, Yucatan… so I pointed at the computer screen, "Eenie, meenie, miney, mo…" my finger was on Bermuda. I quick looked up tickets, and saw that all the ones that left any time soon, were full. Damn

I went back to the main page and did it again. "Eenie, meenie, miney, mo…" my finger was now on Sydney. Sydney was far enough away. And there were tickets, for a flight that left in… four hours. Using the credit card that my father finally put my name on, I got tickets and got a boarding pass printed out. I was all ready.

Quietly, I walked back down to the kitchen to sneak out the front door, but not before grabbing the credit card that was sitting there. I had never used it before, but now I was glad that mom and dad decided to put me on it. It was a lifesaver at the moment.

The house was eerily silent and I could hear my footsteps echo, so I went as swiftly as possible and headed out to the car, turned the key and the engine turned over. It was loud, and I flinched. I had to get out of there quick. So I stepped on the gas, just as I saw the door to the house open.


It was a pretty long drive to LAX, but it was the only place I could go to get away from Newport, get away from California, get away from this hell that I must had done something to deserve. I brushed away the few stray tears that felt the effects of gravity and ran down my face. I had to do this. No more cheating Summer, no more Ryan, no more parents fighting, no more of the Cooper-Nichol-Cohen incestrial love circle.

I parked the car on a street, I didn't care where I parked it. I don't even think I locked the door. I parked not too far away from the airport, and started walking quite quickly. I heard my cell phone ring in the bag. I pulled it out and it was my mom. I turned the phone off.


I made it to the airport in a not very long amount of time, and went to where I knew flights were cheap. Oceanic Airlines. I looked on the departure board. The one to Sydney was on time.

I walked up to the counter. "How may I help you?" the lady asked.

"I order tickets not too long ago. Seth Cohen, flight 852, non-stop to Sydney?"

There was a brief pause, before she looked up and smiled. "Hello Mr. Cohen, I just need to see a photo I.D."

Without any pause I pulled out my school I.D. "Thank you Mr. Cohen, your flight leaves out of Gate E15. Thank you for flying with Oceanic Air."

I was in. I was going to Sydney. Nothing could get me there, across the Pacific Ocean. I was safe there, no Summer, no Ryan, no Alex, no parents, just me. The thought never worried me one bit.


I made it through the safety things, and thank god for the passport I had, or I wouldn't have been able to go, and now I sat on the plane, looking out of the window. I was doing it. No one had caught me. My cell phone remained off in the bag I stored above my head.

I could feel my self relaxing as the plane backed out of the gate. I didn't pay attention through the entire presentation of the safety things. I didn't care. Now to formulate how to make Ryan's life a living hell, and Alex's too now. I could do that.

The words, "And thank you for choosing Oceanic…" entered into my head as I felt the plane gaining speed.

Within moments we were in the air. And I sat there, looking out the window. Goodbye Newport. Goodbye sucky fucked up old life. Hello Sydney.


A/n: Well? I know it was a bit odd, but it should get better as time moves on. Please tell us what you think. :D