The characters and places in this story belong to J.K. Rowling. I only own a 2 year old and a 2 month old.

Perhaps I can trade?

Chapter One - Final Goodbye

Saturday on Privet Drive was its usual flurry of activity. The whine of lawn mowers fill the humid air. #4 was no exception. A tall lanky young man with messy black hair pushed the heavy machine back and forth, in neat straight lines. As he had finished the last row, he looked forward to a glass of ice water and perhaps a cool shower. The shirt he was wearing looked hopelessly stretched out, and soaked from sweat, as though he had been swimming in it. Harry turned off the mower and returned it into the tidy garage, before climbing the patio steps that led into the kitchen of #4. Before his hand could turn the knob the door was pulled back, and a thin, tight lipped woman appeared, blocking the doorway.

" I hardly believe that you have already finished all you chores." The woman sneered.

" But Aunt Petunia," Harry said, "I've finished the mowing, both front and back."

Aunt Petunia glanced around the yard, searching for even one blade of grass to be out of place. Satisfied she grudgingly allowed him to step into the cool house. Harry walked over to the sink and grabbed the plastic cup the Aunt Petunia kept only for his use.

" Be sure to fill the ice tray when your done," Aunt Petunia growled," there was hardly any ice left for your uncle and Dudley last time."

" Yes ma'am." Harry said, softly. He had learned over the years of dealing with his Aunt that as long as she thought he was being polite, and demure, that she would usually refrain from punishing him with the loss of a meal or extra chores.

Aunt Petunia went back to snapping green beans at the counter, while peering through the kitchen window into her garden. The garden at #4 until recently was used merely as a flower bed to compete with the neighbors down the block. However, since Dudley's letters from the Smelting's nurse became more regular, and after seeing a few other homes on Privet drive sporting vegetable gardens, the Durselys decided that Dudley needed only the best home grown food on his plate. The garden at #4 was as neat and tidy as a proper garden should be, and no weed would dare attempt these beds for fear of Aunt Petunia's wrath.

" Tomorrow I want you to weed out the lettuce, and when your done I want you to finish picking the tomatoes and carrots." Aunt Petunia paused to think about what else needed to be done, but was distracted by the ring of the kitchen phone.

"Dursley residence, Petunia speaking." She answered sweetly. "Yes dear, of course not, bring them with you, I'll make something special. No darling, I'll get Dudley and run down to the market, no the boy can go outside and pick some vegetables for the dinner. See you then."

Aunt Petunia hung up the phone and said with a frown," I am taking Dudley to the store with me, we have guests coming for dinner so while we're gone, I expect you to dig up some potatoes, and pick more beans for tonight, and get 2 heads of lettuce and a few cucumbers. Don't laze about when your done either, I want the potatoes and carrots peeled so when i get back I can add them to a roast."

Aunt Petunia glared once for good measure before removing her apron and calling up the stairs for her Dudders to get dressed for the market. Within fifteen minutes Harry was alone at #4 for the first time since coming home from school.


Harry rubbed the dirt off his hands before checking his watch. " Great," he muttered, "they'll be back any minute." Harry suddenly went still and glanced out of the corner of his eye and over his left shoulder. It felt as though someone was hiding between the house and garage, watching him. He patted his stomach absently to make sure his wand was still tucked in to the waist of his jeans. After feeling the familiar bulk, Harry shifted slightly and glanced over his right shoulder. Either whatever is spying on him was moving, or something else had moved between #4 and #6. Harry reached over and picked up the pail of veggies, pretending not to have noticed something but carrying the pail in front of him to hide his hand reaching for his wand.

Then Harry heard the sound he was dreading, the familiar pop of a wizard apparating. Years of Quidditch skills came into play, and CONSTANT VIGILANCE sprang through his head, Better to look dumb than dead, he thought, and Harry sprang to the side landing behind an evergreen bush with his wand drawn.

Peering around the bush Harry ducked again as a dark cloaked man shouted, "STUPEFY!"

Harry had felt the sizzle of the spell just over his head before aiming at the man and casting his own spell."EXPELLIARMUS!"

Harry saw the man's wand fly onto the patio and before stopping to think called, "ACCIO WAND!" The wand flew into Harry's waiting hand and he snapped it in half, almost leering at the man. " You are the best Voldemort could send?" The man's partner chose this moment to attack, yelling, "CRUCIO!" But Harry had anticipated this and shouted,"PROTEGO!"

The man's spell bounced off Harry's shield charm and struck the 1st man in the side. When he began to scream, his partner released the curse and in a panic apparated away. Harry quickly bound the second man and stunned him before he could struggle to get away. Harry ducked behind a chair when he hear two more pops, before relaxing when he saw 'Mad Eye' Moody, and Remus Lupin appear.

" Harry, you all right?" called Lupin.

" Never better Professor." Harry replied with a grin.

Moody walked over to Harry's prisoner and removed the white mask to see Goyle, lying passed out from the stunning spell. " Hmm," he muttered, "This was probably an initiation prank." Moody rolled up the young man's sleeve and found a raw looking mark on his left forearm.

"Harry, we're going to take him now and try to find out how he found you." Remus frowned a bit while he was speaking. "We'll have someone come back to keep an eye out in the mean time, Dumbledore will need to know that Privet drive isn't safe anymore. Do you think you'll be ok?"

"Sure Professor, but if I don't get these vegetables inside I think I'll have more to worry about from my Aunt then some Death Eaters."

Moody barked hoarsely with laughter and even Remus chuckled before pointing at the bucket and shooting a spell to peel and clean everything in the bucket.

" Take care Harry, and We'll be back later once the Order decides what we need to do."

Grinning to himself Harry made his way back into the kitchen.


Two night later Harry was beginning to get concerned. He still hadn't heard back from the Order about what would happen now that Privet Drive was no longer safe, and even the Ministry had not owled him about his use of magic since he was still an underage wizard. Harry rubbed his scar even though it wasn't hurting him at that moment. He felt like it was his 5th year again when he was kept in the dark about everything that was going on. A flutter of feathers drew his attention back toward Hedwig. " What's wrong girl?" Harry glanced around to see what was bothering her before seeing another owl sitting on his window sill. A tawny owl sat there looking arrogantly at Harry's room. Harry's room, while not as painfully clean as the rest of #4, was still neater than most boys rooms. Harry removed the message from the owl and it quickly flew off eager to return to its own roost. Inside the envelope was a letter written by Professor Lupin.

Dear Harry,

The Order has decided that you are no longer safe on Privet Drive
and should be moved to a different location. Several members will
arrive and travel with you to your new location. Please have all
your things packed and be ready to leave prior to their arrival
tomorrow at 5p.m. You will be traveling by Muggle auto and will
then take a portkey the rest of the trip. Please inform your Aunt and
Uncle of the situation, and inform them that they will be dressed as
muggles so as to not bring attention to ourselves.

Harry since this is your 7th year you may want to grab everything
that you wish to keep. After this year is over you will no longer be
required to move back at the end of your term.


Remus Lupin

Harry stared at this letter feeling completely shocked. He would never have to endure Dudley and his gang again. No more freak comments or being made to do all the chores. No more skimpy meals. He was free of the Dursley prison. It was a long time before sleep finally came to Harry.

The next morning bright and early Harry joined the Dursleys for breakfast. Aunt Petunia glared at him, sure that he must have done something since he seemed too happy. Finally Uncle Vernon put down the paper and frowned at him." Boy what's gotten in to you now? Not some of that magical mumble jumble they teach you at school I hope."

" No sir," Harry replied, " I received word from one of my professors that they would be picking me up sir. They will be here by 5 this evening and will be coming by car dressed like mug... umm normally so not to draw attention to themselves."

Harry noticed the brief look of sadness in his Aunt's eyes before Uncle Vernon carried on.

"Hmmph," said Uncle Vernon sitting back in his chair, " I suppose this means we don't need to bother with picking you up next year, right boy?"

"No sir, I graduate from school this year." Harry glanced down at his plate before looking up at his Aunt in surprise. Aunt Petunia had pat his shoulder and gave it a soft shake.

"Harry go upstairs while I talk to your Uncle for a moment." Aunt Petunia said a bit softly, in a tone she usually reserved for his cousin.

Harry looked at both of them before running upstairs and starting on his packing. After about 20 minutes Aunt Petunia looked in his room and entered his room. "We need to talk before you leave." She said with a worried frown. " You need to know that when you were placed on our doorstep and we agreed to take you in, that we read the letter your teacher had sent with you." Aunt Petunia sat down on Harry's bed before continuing. " I knew enough from your mom to know that you were given to me because I was her sister. While I've been very clear that I did not agree to her choice of lifestyle she was still my sister and you were her only child. If your staying with me has been what has kept you alive all these years then I'm glad. If, when you finish your... education you need a place to temporarily stay, then I've spoken to your Uncle and we will allow you to stay here until you can move on to wherever you need to go."

Harry sat there for a moment trying to take all of this in, before touching his Aunt's hands and looking her in the eye. "Thank you Aunt Petunia, would you like me to umm write you and let you know how things are going?"

Aunt Petunia patted his hand awkwardly and said with a hint of a smile," That would be nice Harry, but could you use the regular post, I hate owls."

Harry laughed at this and nodded before Aunt Petunia walked out of the room only pausing at his doorway to say, " Stay safe Harry, and be happy."


At 5 o'clock sharp a dark gray sedan pulled up with tinted windows and two men emerged from within. Harry could see that one was Professor Lupin, but was surprised that the driver had been Professor Snape. Uncle Vernon opened the door and helped Harry put his trunk and bag into the back of the trunk. Harry took Hedwig's cage off the front stoop and put it into the back seat before straightening up. Aunt Petunia gave Harry a brief hug and walked back to the front porch before turning to watch him go.

Harry slide into the back seat and looked at his companions. Remus was wearing a new looking Weasley jumper in a rich golden brown, his slacks looked a bit faded and seemed to have recently been mended. Over this he wore a grey rain jacket and Harry was sure his wand was holstered there. Meanwhile Snape wore a black turtleneck shirt under a black sportcoat. His dress slacks were also black and Harry began to wonder if maybe colors turned black when they touched this man.

" All set Harry?" Remus asked.

"Yes sir." Harry spoke quietly.

" We need to get to London to pick up our portkey. Perhaps you would like to fasten your safety contraption so we may leave, unless you are above such displays of self preservation." Snape said with a bit of a sneer.

Harry clicked the seatbelt with a grimace, it was going to be a long drive to London with this man.


The drive was quiet and uneventful, and by dusk Professor Snape pulled in front of a small motel. Thetwo men removed all of Harry's belongings from the car and Professor Snape looked around carefully before he shrunk the car and placed it in his pocket. Lupin also glanced around before shrinking Harry's trunk.

Once everything was stowed away and Hedwig's cage was being held tightly by Harry, Professor Snape picked up a room key and held it out to the others. Harry felt the painful lurch near his navel and he was suddenly standing on Grimmauld Place.