Double Date

Chapter Two

Scheris' beautiful blue eyes scanned the area for the correct restaurant as her eyebrows knitted in frustration. She took a quick glance towards her date; he was calmly gliding the steering wheel in his hands making a quick turn at Shinjuku. "Ahhhh, this is no way to start a date. Twenty minutes wasted just to find the silly restaurant." she berated mentally as she felt the urge to knock her head against the window. "What in the world possessed me not to write it down...Ryuho...he probably..." the girl sighed as she felt her chest contract.

The emerald haired man looked at his partner with concern from the corner of his eye as she cleared her throat, depression scribbled all over her visage. "Ne, Ryuho...sorry." she blurted out as she huddled deeper into her seat. The Ryuu heir faintly raised his brow as he slowed the vehicle down, due to the changing of lights until it came to a red and he lightly pressed on the break pedal.

"Sorry? Sorry, for what?" he questioned genuinely as he continued to stare forwards his face nonchalant and calm as usual. The girl blinked in surprise and tilted her head so she could see his face.

"Is he serious or just trying to act naive...due to his upbringing perhaps." the fifteen year old concluded as she shook her stiff soldiers. "Well if I had just written the address of the restaurant down we wouldn't have spent twenty…three minutes trying to look for the place...which we still haven't found." the female youth added with a sigh as she tapped the heel of her left foot against the tidy floor of the car.

The man blinked as the light shifted into a dark green and he pressed lightly on the gas pedal an uncomfortable silence filling the air until. "But that's alright." Ryuho began as the girl looked at him with wide eyes. "I don't mind since I'm with you, we are partners and I'm used to being with you. We've been on missions much worse." the seventeen year old concluded as he took another turn.

"Ehhhhh." Scheris muttered as she leant back further in her chair, "He's hopeless." she thought as she couldn't contain the wry grin on her face as she gazed at him with affection. "But he did make me feel better." she admitted to herself as she yawned and crossed her arm behind her head. "You're right we have been a lot of missions together pretty much since I joined Ho..." the girl trailed off as she saw an oval looking building medium size with a fancy sign that read 'Noches Solas' in cursive. "Noches Solas doesn't that mean...Ryuho it's over there, the Lonely Nights' restaurant." she exclaimed as she pointed her hand to the left.

"Finally, it looks like this night is picking up." the girl laughed as the car went on a steady course towards Lonely Nights.


"AAAhhhhhh!" Mimori shrieked as Cougar took another wicked turn and slammed his foot on the gas pedal, swinging the steering wheel madly to the right. The ebony haired girl's screams were droned out by the driver's cackling within the neon pink altered car. "Cou...Cougar-san." she began from behind her soiled handkerchief as her eyes widened as he sped past a red light on a collision course with two stunned pedestrians. "Cougar-san, look out!" she thundered removing the fabric from her mouth.

"Huuuhhh." the man purred contently, his face calm as light reflected off his hot pink glasses. With a grin he looked at his date and increased the speed, a meter or two away from the pedestrians as the vehicle made a sort of churning nose and the matter of cracked cement was added onto the car. "Heh, let's go!" the redhead screamed along with his partner as two metal bars were added to the vehicle and Radical Good Speed was able to launch into the air jumping over the pedestrians and landing messily a few meters away.

The researcher's ears perked to the sound of rubber tires popping yet the car continued to move without a decrease in speed. "His Alter...its...its impressi..." the girl was about to comment until she felt her stomach swoon as the speed increased, "Its diabolical." the girl stated as she closed her eyes blocking out the image of swirling colours. Cou...Cougar-san. " the Kiryu heiress choked as she cracked one eye over to the driver, "Must you drive so fast?" she questioned softly as she closed her eye.

Straight cringed as his body seemed to have convulsed for a second. "Do I have to drive so fast! " he repeated in a high pitched voice as if truly struggling for the answer as his foot moved off the gas and the altered car began to slow down. The eighteen year old sniffed as she felt her stomach settle and opened her eyes to look at her date with concern. "Do I have to drive so fast." the twenty-one year old said with a growl as a wry smirked snaked crookedly on his lips.

"YESSSSSSSSS!" Cougar cried releasing all his pent up adrenaline on the gas pedal as Radical good Speed tore down the streets breaking down matter from sidewalks and passing buildings as they were added onto the wheels, bumpers and other parts of the vehicle. "Hahahahahah, Bbbbbbrrrravo! Isn't this fun, MINORI-SANNNNNNN!" the Alter Capabilist belted out as the girl madly shook her head mumbling a haste "Mimori, desu." from behind her handkerchief.

The researcher cracked open her eyes once more ignoring the buzz of the overheated engines and the insane laughter coming from the Alter User as her eyes focused on the blurred surroundings they were licking past at incredible speed. The Kiryu woman focused her eyes on an annoying building they had passed before, it caught her attention a few minutes ago for they had passed it for a total of seven times, as she tried to get a better look its sign. "That's it, Noches Solas. " the girl cried mentally as she turned to her date and removed the fabric c from her mouth. "Cougar-san, stop the car the restaurant is just to the right." the ebony haired woman said as the driver tilted his head and followed her directions quickly stopping the car with a loud jerk.

"So it is." the twenty one year old observed as he tuned out the incessant honking of other crashed vehicles piled behind Radical Good Speed not to mention the heaps of debris and chucks of destroyed asphalt. "See we got here in one piece, Mino..." the redhead trailed off as he saw the woman of his affection unconscious in her seat. "Aaaaah, poor thing must have fainted due to so much pleasure...but as a man, can I truly ignore the sultry scene of a beautiful woman asleep next to me." Cougar questioned desperately to himself as he leaned towards Mimori; her painted lips looking very appealing. "No, no as a man I cannot pass up this opportunity...I must perform mouth to mouth resuscitation." the Alter user whispered as he puckered his lips.

"Ehhhhhhh!" Mimori shouted covering half of her face with her arms. "I'm fine...I'm fine, there is really no need for such a dire procedure." the researcher pleaded as she took a long look at the restaurant and how they were currently a few blocks away from it. "You know what Cougar-san, I think I need some exercise, walking from here is fine with me." she stated as the eighteen year old straightened her hair and got out of the car with a swift thud!

The redhead blinked his eyes at the rapid departure of his date, so fast he was mildly impressed. Cougar grinned as he watched the back of the girl walking away from him as he stepped out of the car with a grand flourish of his arms and allowed the vehicle to be dematerialized and simply faded away in a shatter of matter. With a few steps he caught up with the researcher and gently prodded her on the shoulder.

The ebony haired woman looked at him with raised eyebrows as he gave her a short mock bow and once again offered her his arm. The researcher blinked and shook her head as she grudgingly took his arm and walked peacefully to the restaurant doors.


"Our reservation is under Scheris Adjani." the blue haired girl repeated to the middle aged waitress before her and her date. The worker of Noches Solas raised her beady eyes from her thin glasses and fixed the fifteen year old with a mild look and continued to flip through a black book sluggishly. The female Alter User gritted her teeth and cast a quick glance at her bored date that seemed to be occupying himself by staring out the glass doors, as if unconsciously waiting for something. The Alter Capabilist of Eternal Devote cringed, "Come on just find the name already." she screamed mentally, "Anou, Nee-san how about you try looking at tonight's reservations that might help."

The waitress blinked and narrowed her black eyes at the girl and sniffed haughtily. "Why thank you, I was just about to do that." she responded with a slight edge to her voice as she flipped the leafs of the book and scanned the page, "Oh, here you are...I suppose I'll lead you to your table now." she slurred as she placed the book down on the hostess podium and began walking ahead. Scheris shivered as she narrowed her eyes at the waitress muttering a single word under mouth.

Ryuho's ears perked to the muffled phrase as he turned to his friend with concern. "Did you say something, Scheris?" he question genuinely as he began to follow the waitress further into the restaurant. The girl froze as she blinked her blue eyes in surprise.

"I said itch..." the girl said quickly as the waitress stopped in her tracks and fixed Scheris with a cold glare "...because my shoulder is itchy." The fifteen year old laughed shakily as she lightly dug at her supposed irritated skin. The waitress rolled her eyes at the girl garbed in the cocktail dress. "Oh, do you have an itch too, Nee-san?" the female Alter User inquired impishly as the employee raised her nose in the air and continued walking forward muttering a curt, 'This way please.'

"Chew on that." Scheris thought as she stuck her tongue out at the woman deciding not to blow her a juicy raspberry. The girl's ears twitched the smooth tone of laughter and she glanced over towards the emerald haired man who had his hand covering his mouth as he chuckled softly at the previous scene he witnessed. The Alter Capabilist's eyes widened as she watched her laughing partner is interest, her heart swelling so much she thought it may just burst.

Ryuho, noticing he was being watched blinked and cleared his throat as he regained his cool composure, "Shall we or we'll lose track of the waitress." he suggested as he walked after the employee of the restaurant. The girl in the white cocktail dress silently nodded her head as the spell was broken yet not completely gone as she decided to take in the sights of the restaurant instead of her partner.

Noches Solas was quite a unique restaurant with its black floor so finely polished you could see yourself and its ceiling had sloshed looking pictures of men and woman whirling around in what seemed some sort of festive dance. On the walls of the restaurants were pretty fans and pictures of scenery and former and current stars of the world many thespians and even a few singers. The worker tapped her foot in impatience waiting for the two dinners to catch up.

Their station was a quaint oval shaped table with white flower pattern on the top donned with a violet candle stuck between two ghastly looking plastic flowers. "Here's your table and menus." she breathed as she placed the two booklets onto the table and flicked her hand towards two black doors to the right. "Over there, is the dance floor Wednesday is karaoke night and Friday is ladies night. And to the left is the bar." she announced chewing a bit on her lip as she pointed to her nametag. "By the way my name is, Ino, and with any luck I won't be serving you." the waitress declared as she turned on her and marched primly away.

Scheris raised a rouge brow as she placed her hand on her chin in contemplation. The blue haired girl made a small vow to mark that girl's performance quite rudely with their rate our service cards. The female Alter User gave a small snort of laugh as she turned to see her date pulling a chair open for her. The girl blinked as a small blush scribbled against her cheekbones, the male of the party nodded his head as the girl quickly took her seat and felt the chair being gently pushed towards the table. "Ahhh, the subtle differences of having a true gentleman as a date." she commented mentally as Ryuho, took the seat opposite to her.

The emerald haired man quickly found his napkin and placed it casually on his lap, his social class becoming very apparent as his partner clumsily mimicked his movements. As the Alter User of Eternal Devote went to pick up her menu her eyes finally caught the picture on the wall adjacent to their cozy little table. The seventeen year old flinched as he heard the girl emit a shrill shriek. "Scheris, what's wrong?" he inquired concern in his voice.

The fifteen year old clasped her hands together a big goofy grin on her face as her pretty aquamarine eyes sparkled"'s...Big Bowie." Adjani cried with joy as she looked adoringly up at the picture of the tan Adonis of pop music. The Alter User of Zetsuei blinked and looked questionably up at the picture as he noticed the messy scrawl of letters in smelly black ink on the lower right of the picture.

Ryuho, blinked and angled his head to look at his partner questionably as he set his menu down, "I never knew you were Big Bowie, fan" he admitted as the girl madly shook her head assuring her allegiance to the Bowie fandom.

"Of course, I've been a fan for years. I even remember when he came to the Lost Ground for one of his tours. I really wanted to see him, but I was living on the outer side of the city, and he never came back." the blue haired girl said with a small sigh as she picked up her fork and examined it. After a pregnant pause the girl puffed her cheeks and stared cutely at the Ryuu heir. "So tell me Ryuho, who are your favourite artist, could you perhaps be a Big Bowie fan yourself?"


"So what do you think, Minori-san?" Cougar questioned as he and his date walked through the front doors and into the warm restaurant. The girl blinked her eyes and rewarded Cougar with a shake of the head as she casually unhooked her arm from his.

"Mimori, desu." the raven haired girl corrected under her breathes as her liquor eyes drank in the environment of Noches Solas. "It is a lovely restaurant though, a little on tacky side..." the girl commented as she saw sombrero hanging on the wall which striked her odd knowing that sombreros were more Mexican than Spanish, "...but a very lovely restaurant, Cougar-san, you made a great choice." The ebony haired woman commented as she took a whiff of the air and smelt the scent of chorizos grilling on a skillet.

"A compliment instead of a lecture, this is my lucky day, Minorrriiii-san." the redhead crowed as he decided to take off his glasses and stare impishly at the eighteen year old. The Kiryu heiress raised her index finger and opened her mouth but quickly shut it as her stomach emitted a snappy grumble. The Alter Capabilist smiled as Mimori allowed her hand to drop and a flush to stain her entire face. "There, there, Minori-san." he stated patting her lightly on the shoulder. "How about we get some food and get this date on the go." he instructed as he lead her towards the podium to wear a very chic looking fiery haired woman was now standing.

The waitress raised her finely manicured hand as Mimori could see the light bounce of her sharp painted nails which matched the colour of her full pink lips. "Chiwa, Cougar-kun!" the woman announced as she tilted her head to the side. Straight waved at the employee as she ran her fingers through her hair much more redder and wilder than Cougars.

"Good evenin' D.J-san." The Alter User of Radical Good Speed cheered as he pushed Mimori a bit in front of him. The former child genius didn't know what to think as the woman seemed to be even taller than Cougar or probably close to his height since she was wearing a pair of stubby heels. "So D.J. how hav..."the twenty-one year old stopped his talking as the red-haired woman ignored him and raised a brow turning her gaze to the man's date.

"Cougar-kun, who is this friend of yours" she questioned as she came closer to the Kiryu heiress and leant her face so their noses practically touched. The Hold researcher made a small noise from the back of her throat hoping this was not a jealous ex-girlfriend getting the wrong idea. "What a face, she's cute." D.J. commented as she grasped Mimori's chin and moved her head from side to side in an inspecting manner.

"Anou..." the black haired researcher blurted out as she backed up and shook the taller woman off her. The eighteen year old looked at Cougar for help who merely shrugged and waved his hand at her. "Ah-my-name-is Mimori-Kiryu-pleased-to meet-if-your-Cougar-san's-ex-please-don't-get the wrong idea-this-isn't-really-a-date." the girl declared at a fast pace making even Cougar flush with pride and excitement

The worker of Noches Solas blinked and looked at Mimori, then Cougar and laughed showing off her canine teeth. "You thought Cougar-kun and I...were lovers." she laughed as she walked towards the raven haired woman placing an arm around her shoulder. "Listen, Mimori-chan, I would be much more interested on taking you out to dinner than him, hun." D.J. admitted as Mimori turned to see Cougar if he was offended but looked very at ease, trying to suppress a chuckle. The researcher raised a brow slightly confused until D.J. smirked at her and Mimori made a quick 'oh' with her mouth. "Don't worry hun, I don't bite."

"Alright, D.J.-san that's enough." the man clapped as he guided Mimori away from the other woman, "I didn't help grant you access to the city so you can hit on my date, so just lead us to our table." Cougar berated with a sly grin as he idly watched the changing expressions of horror on the raven haired girl's already pale face. The red haired woman shrugged her shoulders and cracked her knuckles as she passed between the couple her hand slipping awfully close to Mimori's side. The Kiryu heiress squeaked as D.J. passed her and sashayed deeper into the restaurant.

"Cou...Cougar-san, I think she just grabbed my..." Mimori trailed off as the Alter User grinned impishly and nodded his head agreeing with whatever she thought D.J. did, she most likely did it. The eighteen year old shook her head and cleared her throat trying her hardest to regain her composure. "Hmph, let's go shall we, Cougar-san." she announced in a strict voice as she marched after the waitress.

The employee of Noches Solas directed the workers of Holy towards a small table adjacent to a series of hazy windows. Table cloth was a milky white and in the middle there was a petite flamenco doll with a fluffy red dress holding a small purple candle. "Here are your menus, and since Cougar-kun knows this place like the back of his hand I think he can explain where things are. I'll see you two later for your orders." D.J. explained as she focused her heated gaze on Mimori and then stalked off to another table with a small wave.

The twenty-one year old smiled and lifted his finger to speak but stopped as Mimori beat him to it. "Cougar-san would you mind if I freshened up a bit. After that drive I think I need a bit of grooming." The girl insisted already spotting the lavatories to the side.

The redhead man nodded his head but with a sly grin he responded, "To me my dear Minori-san, your beautiful enough already." the Alter User goaded with a bow as the woman froze on the spot and fixed him with a calculating look she developed ever since a child.

"Mimori, desu, but that wasn't too bad, definitely some extra points for that one." the researcher joked. "But how long have you been waiting to say that line?" she inquired as her date mouthed a quick 'ten minutes'. Mimori chuckled and continued on her way to the washroom as Cougar sat down sloppily in his chair and begin to poke around his spotless ceramic plate, swirled with mixed colours of blue, with his fork. D.J. came clucking by with a few brisk strides as she easily balanced a large tray in her right hand.

She looked at the redhead man and with a perplexed face as she ushered a comment. "She left already don't tell me your charm is starting to wear off. Do you think I have a shot with her?" the fiery mane woman crowed as she ignored the customers behind her calling for their meal.

The speedy Alter User piped up and set the woman with a slight crossed look. "My dear D.J. my lady merely went to the facilities. No woman could resist my charm, a fast and devishly handsome fellow such as myself, please." Cougar bragged as the female fixed him with an incredulous look and guffawed softly. "I won you over didn't I, well at least part of you anyway, since you chase skirts as well, but beggars can't be choosers." the twenty-one year old shrugged as D.J. puffed her cheeks and opened her mouth to speak, but swiftly Cougar stepped in cutting her off, his visage more serious, losing its usual grin.

"As for having a chance with Minori-san, get in line. She already has someone she is madly in love with and by the looks of it, the fool may not realize it but he loves her too, much more than he'd like to admit." the man finished quietly as he hung his head a shadow shielding his eyes. D.J. flipped her wild hair as she gawked at her unusually quiet friend as he raised his hand into a fist. "HAAA!" Cougar cheered, "I just loooove, love triangles, but wait with Scheris it should be a love square. Keh. Keh. BRAVVOOO!" the Alter Capabilist of Radical Good Speed saluted with grandeur, leaning back in his chair knocking into the chair of a very annoyed diner.

The waitress huffed slightly shaking her head as she stared at Mimori's empty seat longingly. "Ah, she was pretty cute too, those eyes were adorable. Hard to choose who's cuter though, I just saw this perky blue haired girl come in with this icy looking wanker, he wasn't too bad himself though. However, Ino-chin, says she has a big mouth...but her lips are too sweet." The employee of Noches Solas cooed switching the tray to her left hand.

The red haired man nearly fell out of his seat, with suspicion written across his face"Did you say an icy man with, a blue haired girl that has a big mouth?" he questioned as the woman nodded her head stiffly.


"I'm not particularly, a Big Bowie fan or an idolizer of modern music, I was mainly influenced by my parents to listen and practice the classical arts." the emerald haired man explained while Scheris frowned slightly, "...But I suppose his latest song, Temptation, was it had an intriguing beat." Ryuho commented noticing his date's expression brighten.

The girl nodded her head as she brushed a rebel lock of hair from her face. "Alright then, who are your favourite composers?" the girl in the cocktail dressed asked playfully as she rewarded her partner with a very charming wink.

The Ryuu heir blinked and placed his hand on his chin in thought as his ruby eyes flinched when he found his response, "The usuals Beethoven, Bach, Chopin all have equal benefits but I personally enjoy the works of Pyotr Il'yich Tchaikovsky, mother used to take me to see many ballets like Swan lake and the Nutcracker." the eighteen year old coughed averting his gaze unable view to the girl's speechless face.

"That...that was the first time he ever talked about his family life, especially his mother. I wonder what type of woman she was?" the fifteen year old pondered as she snapped out of her reverie and smiled cheerfully at the boy. "The Nutcracker was that the play with the talking mice and toys?" she asked as the male youth nodded his head, the girl gave a sheepish. "You know I never really got that story, I remember readingthebook but it seemed so...weird" Scheris explained sloppily as Ryuho's eyes widened slightly.

"How odd, their tastes are quite similar, Mimori didn't care for the play much either." the man contemplated as he lightly shook his head and focused on the beautiful woman before him.

"...but then again, I guess I did like the Nutcracker...and-what's-her-names scenes together, her and her prince charming." the fifteen year old breathed as she placed her elbows onto the table and balanced her chin on her hand. "I always did have a soft spot for stories that had princesses and their princes coming to rescue them on their white horse." the female Alter User finished placing her gaze on her partner through hooded eyes. "Ne, Ryuho..."

The fifteen year old ceased her rambling as their waitress humbly graced them with her presence. "Ahem" she coughed as her face seemed to have the expression of the words Yeah-I'm-back written on it. "Now, are you two ready to order: drinks, appetizers, main course." Ino listed testily ready for a reply when suddenly she and the customers jumped to a rather peculiar noise.


The worker of Noches Solas blinked her black eyes from behind her round frames and curiously looked around the restaurant for the origin of the odd sound, but then she merely shook her head and turned to gaze expectantly at her two wards. Ryuho caught Scheris' eye and nodded knowing very well they didn't even open their menus. "Were still deciding but I'd like a glass of red wine, please." he said a statement that was polite but tinkered on the edge of a barked order.

The female Alter User grinned"And I'll have a Shirley Temple." the blue girl cheered as a thought struck her mind, her aquamarine orbs widening. "Oooh, and maybe a few breadsticks for an appetizer...if you don't mind Ryuho." Scheris stated as she turned to her date and saw him casually shake his head and with that the girl turned back to the waitress.

Ino scribbled languidly against the small notebook in her hand and stared down at the two customers. "Coming right up." she informed as she turned on her heel and stalked away, not intending to come back for at least ten minutes. "She should consider herself lucky that I don't spit in her drink." the waitress muttered under her breath

Scheris rolled her cupid lips together making a small smack! noise as she smoothly got up from her seat. "Ryuho, I'm just going to run to the bathroom for a bit." she explained as she dashed off without a word emitting from the green haired man. "Don't eat all the breadsticks." Adjani teased as she gave him a backwards wave and continued towards the direction of the washrooms.

"I can't believe it. Except for that snotty waitress this evening is going perfect." the Holy officer concluded marching confidently to the lavatory faintly aware of the complementing looks of the male population she was receiving. The girl couldn't contain her smirk. "These men do have good taste." she breathed as she pushed open the bathroom door and suddenly her mouth went dry and stomach felt as it had dropped to her feet. The Alter user quickly backed out and leant against the wall.

"It''s...her...she's here. Why, why of all places is she, here. If Ryuho sees her, no doubt he'll go rushing to her side. It's not fair..." Scheris whispered to herself as the sight as the image of Mimori Kiryu mildly washing her hands was now imprinted in the back of her mind. "I'd better get out of here I don't need her see..." the girl trailed off as she heard the downy squeal of a door being pushed open.

"Ahhh...she's gonna see me...ehhhh."

The heiress to the Kiryu fortune brushed her raven locks from her eyes and blinked furiously as she stepped out of the bathroom. "I could've sworn I just saw someone right here...but its liked they were simply whisked away." the researcher observed as an idea crossed her mind.

"Don't tell me he was spying on not even Cougar-san is that perverted, but more importantly if he was here who was that with him"

Author's Lovely Note: Yeah, I finally update after...I ain't too sure how long but it was too long. I thought this fic would be wrapped up in this chapter but hell I'm just scratching the iceburg and I already have two Scryed ficscrawling out my head one of them issuper cliche in anime genres especially if the characters are teenagers and the other is a post scryed fic which is making me shiver because I have a few interesting ideas. Ah well I atleast want to finish Double Date before I hit any serious Scryed fics. Oh if anyone asks who is Big Bowie "I have no clue" I just started buyin the Scryed manga(kind of like it and hate it)and apparently a little fact about Scheris is that she's a Big Bowie fan. Ah well you guys know the drill, throw down the government and make me your ruler or read and review whichever is fine. Bye-bi.